Difference between revisions of "List of maps/ro"

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== Tipuri de hărți ==
== Tipuri de hărți ==
{{main|List of game modes}}
{{main|List of game modes}}
{| class="wikitable grid"
{| class="wikitable grid" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center;"
|- style="height: 20px;"
! class="header" | Tip
! class="header" | Tip
! class="header" | Prefix
! class="header" | Prefix
Line 14: Line 14:
| [[Capture the Flag/ro|Capturează Steagul]]
| [[Capture the Flag/ro|Capturează Steagul]]
| ctf_
| {{code|ctf_}}
| ''Lansare''
| ''Lansare''
| 5
| 5
| [[Control Point/ro|Punct de Control]] (Standard)
| [[Control Point/ro|Punct de Control]] (Standard)
| cp_
| {{code|cp_}}
| ''Lansare''
| ''Lansare''
| 8
| 8
| [[Control Point/ro|Punct de control]] (Atac/Defensivă)
| [[Control Point/ro|Punct de control]] (Atac/Defensivă)
| cp_
| {{code|cp_}}
| ''Lansare''
| ''Lansare''
| 9
| 9
| [[Territorial Control/ro|Control Teritorial]]
| [[Territorial Control/ro|Control Teritorial]]
| tc_
| {{code|tc_}}
| ''Lansare''
| ''Lansare''
| 1
| 1
| [[Payload/ro|Încărcătura]]
| [[Payload/ro|Încărcătura]]
| pl_
| {{code|pl_}}
| [[April 29, 2008 Patch/ro|29 Aprilie 2008]]
| [[April 29, 2008 Patch/ro|29 Aprilie 2008]]
| 6
| 6
| [[Arena/ro|Arena]]
| [[Arena/ro|Arena]]
| arena_
| {{code|arena_}}
| [[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| [[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| 9
| 9
| [[Payload/ro#Cursă Payload|Cursa de Încărcături]]
| [[Payload/ro#Cursă Payload|Cursa de Încărcături]]
| plr_
| {{code|plr_}}
| [[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| [[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| 3
| 3
| [[King of the Hill/ro|Regele Dealului]]
| [[King of the Hill/ro|Regele Dealului]]
| koth_
| {{code|koth_}}
| [[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| [[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| 6
| 6
| [[Training/ro|Antrenament]]
| [[Training/ro|Antrenament]]
| tr_
| {{code|tr_}}
| [[June 10, 2010 Patch/ro|10 Iunie 2010]]
| [[June 10, 2010 Patch/ro|10 Iunie 2010]]
| 2
| 2
Line 80: Line 80:
! class="header" | Decor
! class="header" | Decor
| <h3 style="display:none">Caputrează Steagul</h3>{{anchor|CTF|ctf|Ctf}} [[File:Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png|100px|link=2fort]]
| <h3 style="display:none">Capture the Flag</h3>{{anchor|CTF|ctf|Ctf}} [[File:Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png|150px|link=2fort]]
| '''[[2Fort/ro|2Fort]]'''
| '''[[2Fort/ro|2Fort]]'''
| Caputrează Steagul
| Caputrează Steagul
| ctf_2fort
| {{code|ctf_2fort}}
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Teren de fermă
| Teren de fermă
| [[File:CTF DoubleCross RedBase.png|100px|link=Double Cross]]
| [[File:CTF DoubleCross RedBase.png|150px|link=Double Cross]]
| '''[[Double Cross/ro|Double Cross]]'''
| '''[[Double Cross/ro|Double Cross]]'''
| Caputrează Steagul
| Caputrează Steagul
| ctf_doublecross
| {{code|ctf_doublecross}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-12-17</span>[[December 17, 2009 Patch/ro|17 Decembrie 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-12-17</span>[[December 17, 2009 Patch/ro|17 Decembrie 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin / Industrial
| Alpin / Industrial
| [[File:CTF Sawmill Center.png|100px|link=Sawmill (Caputrează Steagul)]]
| [[File:CTF Sawmill Center.png|150px|link=Sawmill (Capturează Steagul)]]
| '''[[Sawmill (Capture the Flag)/ro|Sawmill]]'''
| '''[[Sawmill (Capture the Flag)/ro|Sawmill]]'''
| Caputrează Steagul
| Caputrează Steagul
| ctf_sawmill
| {{code|ctf_sawmill}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| [[File:CTF Turbine Center.png |100px|link=Turbine]]
| [[File:CTF Turbine Center.png |150px|link=Turbine]]
| '''''[[Turbine/ro|Turbine]]'''''
| '''''[[Turbine/ro|Turbine]]'''''
| Caputrează Steagul
| Caputrează Steagul
| ctf_turbine
| {{code|ctf_turbine}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-06-19</span>[[June 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 Iunie 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-06-19</span>[[June 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 Iunie 2008]]
| [http://www.gamebanana.com/members/260401 Flobster]
| [http://www.gamebanana.com/members/260401 Flobster]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| [[File:Ctfwell04.png|100px|link=Well (Caputrează Steagul)]]
| [[File:Ctfwell04.png|150px|link=Well (Capturează Steagul)]]
| '''[[Well (Capture the Flag)/ro|Well]]'''
| '''[[Well (Capture the Flag)/ro|Well]]'''
| Caputrează Steagul
| Caputrează Steagul
| ctf_well
| {{code|ctf_well}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-01-25</span>[[January 25, 2008 Patch/ro|25 Ianuarie 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-01-25</span>[[January 25, 2008 Patch/ro|25 Ianuarie 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| <h3 style="display:none">Control Point</h3>{{anchor|CP|cp|Control point}} [[File:5gorge1.png|100px|link=5Gorge]]
| <h3 style="display:none">Control Point</h3>{{anchor|CP|cp|Control point}} [[File:5gorge1.png|150px|link=5Gorge]]
| '''[[5Gorge/ro|5Gorge]]'''
| '''[[5Gorge/ro|5Gorge]]'''
| Punct de control
| Punct de control
| cp_5gorge
| {{code|cp_5gorge}}
| <span style="display:none">2011-01-19</span>[[January 19, 2011 Patch/ro|19 Ianuarie 2011]]  
| <span style="display:none">2011-01-19</span>[[January 19, 2011 Patch/ro|19 Ianuarie 2011]]  
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| <h3 style="display:none">Control Point</h3>{{anchor|CP|cp|Control point}} [[File:CP Badlands Central point.PNG|100px|link=Badlands]]
| <h3 style="display:none">Control Point</h3>{{anchor|CP|cp|Control point}} [[File:CP Badlands Central point.PNG|150px|link=Badlands]]
| '''[[Badlands/ro|Badlands]]'''
| '''[[Badlands/ro|Badlands]]'''
| Punct de control
| Punct de control
| cp_badlands
| {{code|cp_badlands}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-02-14</span>[[February 14, 2008 Patch/ro|14 Februarie 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-02-14</span>[[February 14, 2008 Patch/ro|14 Februarie 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Coldfront5.png|100px|link=Coldfront]]
| [[File:Coldfront5.png|150px|link=Coldfront]]
| '''''[[Coldfront/ro|Coldfront]]'''''
| '''''[[Coldfront/ro|Coldfront]]'''''
| Punct de control
| Punct de control
| cp_coldfront
| {{code|cp_coldfront}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-07-08</span>[[July 8, 2010 Patch/ro|8 Iulie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-07-08</span>[[July 8, 2010 Patch/ro|8 Iulie 2010]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/icaruswong Eric "Icarus" Wong] ([[User:Icarus]])<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/selentic David "Selentic" Simon] <br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/thevoidskull Aeon "Void" Bollig]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/icaruswong Eric "Icarus" Wong] ([[User:Icarus]])<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/selentic David "Selentic" Simon] <br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/thevoidskull Aeon "Void" Bollig]
| Alpin / Zăpadă
| Alpin / Zăpadă
| [[File:Fastlane1.png|100px|link=Fastlane]]
| [[File:fastlane1.png|150px|link=Fastlane]]
| '''''[[Fastlane/ro|Fastlane]]'''''
| '''''[[Fastlane/ro|Fastlane]]'''''
| Punct de control
| Punct de control
| cp_fastlane
| {{code|cp_fastlane}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-06-19</span>[[June 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 Iunie 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-06-19</span>[[June 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 Iunie 2008]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/skdr Arttu "SK" Mäki]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/skdr Arttu "SK" Mäki]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:freight1.png|100px|link=Freight]]
| [[File:freight1.png|150px|link=Freight]]
| '''''[[Freight/ro|Freight]]'''''
| '''''[[Freight/ro|Freight]]'''''
| Punct de control
| Punct de control
| cp_freight_final1
| {{code|cp_freight_final1}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-04-28</span>[[April 28, 2010 Patch/ro|28 Aprilie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-04-28</span>[[April 28, 2010 Patch/ro|28 Aprilie 2010]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fishbus Jamie "Fishbus" Manson]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fishbus Jamie "Fishbus" Manson]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:TF2 Granary Map.jpg|100px|link=Granary]]
| [[File:TF2 Granary Map.jpg|150px|link=Granary]]
| '''[[Granary/ro|Granary]]'''
| '''[[Granary/ro|Granary]]'''
| Punct de control
| Punct de control
| cp_granary
| {{code|cp_granary}}
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Teren de fermă
| Teren de fermă
| [[File:TF2 Well Map.jpg|100px|link=Well]]
| [[File:TF2 Well Map.jpg|150px|link=Well]]
| '''[[Well/ro|Well]]'''
| '''[[Well/ro|Well]]'''
| Punct de control
| Punct de control
| cp_well
| {{code|cp_well}}
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| [[File:CP_Yukon_overview.png|100px|link=Yukon]]
| [[File:CP_Yukon_overview.png|150px|link=Yukon]]
| '''''[[Yukon/ro|Yukon]]'''''
| '''''[[Yukon/ro|Yukon]]'''''
| Punct de control
| Punct de control
| cp_yukon_final
| {{code|cp_yukon_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| {{steamid|id|mangycarface|Patrick "MangyCarface" Mulholland}}<br />{{steamid|id|Acegikmo|Joachim "Acegikmo" Holmér}}
| {{steamid|id|mangycarface|Patrick "MangyCarface" Mulholland}}<br />{{steamid|id|Acegikmo|Joachim "Acegikmo" Holmér}}
| Alpin
| Alpin
| <h4 style="display:none">Attack/Defend</h4> [[File:Degroot Keep Castle.png|100px|link=Degroot Keep]]
| <h4 style="display:none">Attack/Defend</h4> [[File:Degroot Keep Castle.png|150px|link=DeGroot Keep]]
| '''[[Degroot Keep/ro|Degroot Keep]]'''
| '''[[Degroot Keep/ro|Degroot Keep]]'''
| Atac/Defensivă ([[Medieval Mode/ro|Medieval]])
| Atac/Defensivă ([[Medieval Mode/ro|Medieval]])
| cp_degrootkeep
| {{code|cp_degrootkeep}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-12-17</span>[[December 17, 2010 Patch/ro|17 Decembrie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-12-17</span>[[December 17, 2010 Patch/ro|17 Decembrie 2010]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Medieval
| Medieval
| [[File:TF2 Dustbowl Map.jpg|100px|link=Dustbowl]]
| [[File:TF2 Dustbowl Map.jpg|150px|link=Dustbowl]]
| '''[[Dustbowl/ro|Dustbowl]]'''
| '''[[Dustbowl/ro|Dustbowl]]'''
| Atac/Defensivă
| Atac/Defensivă
| cp_dustbowl
| {{code|cp_dustbowl}}
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Egypt 01.jpg|100px|link=Egypt]]
| [[File:Egypt 01.jpg|150px|link=Egypt]]
| '''''[[Egypt/ro|Egypt]]'''''
| '''''[[Egypt/ro|Egypt]]'''''
| Atac/Defensivă
| Atac/Defensivă
| cp_egypt_final
| {{code|cp_egypt_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2009 Patch/ro|24 Februarie 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2009 Patch/ro|24 Februarie 2009]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| Egiptean
| Egiptean
| [[File:Cp gorge.jpg|100px|link=Gorge]]
| [[File:Cp gorge.jpg|150px|link=Gorge]]
| '''[[Gorge/ro|Gorge]]'''
| '''[[Gorge/ro|Gorge]]'''
| Atac/Defensivă
| Atac/Defensivă
| cp_gorge
| {{code|cp_gorge}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-12-17</span>[[December 17, 2009 Patch/ro|17 Decembrie 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-12-17</span>[[December 17, 2009 Patch/ro|17 Decembrie 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| [[File:Tf2 gravelpit.jpg|100px|link=Gravel Pit]]
| [[File:Tf2 gravelpit.jpg|150px|link=Gravel Pit]]
| '''[[Gravel Pit/ro|Gravel Pit]]'''
| '''[[Gravel Pit/ro|Gravel Pit]]'''
| Atac/Defensivă
| Atac/Defensivă
| cp_gravelpit
| {{code|cp_gravelpit}}
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| [[File:Junct 01.jpg|100px|link=Junction]]
| [[File:Junct 01.jpg|150px|link=Junction]]
| '''''[[Junction/ro|Junction]]'''''
| '''''[[Junction/ro|Junction]]'''''
| Atac/Defensivă
| Atac/Defensivă
| cp_junction_final
| {{code|cp_junction_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2009 Patch/ro|24 Februarie 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2009 Patch/ro|24 Februarie 2009]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| Spytech
| Spytech
| [[File:Mann manor event.jpg|100px|link=Manor]]
| [[File:Mann manor event.jpg|150px|link=Manor]]
| '''''[[Mann Manor/ro|Mann Manor]]'''''
| '''''[[Mann Manor/ro|Mann Manor]]'''''
| Atac/Defensivă
| Atac/Defensivă
| cp_manor_event
| {{code|cp_manor_event}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-10-27</span>[[October 27, 2010 Patch/ro|27 Octombrie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-10-27</span>[[October 27, 2010 Patch/ro|27 Octombrie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">Valv_</span>[[Valve/ro|Valve]]<br>{{steamid|id|Y_M|Tim "YM" Johnson}}<br>{{steamid|id|Emeriastone|Alex "Rexy" Kreeger}}
| <span style="display:none">Valv_</span>[[Valve/ro|Valve]]<br>{{steamid|id|Y_M|Tim "YM" Johnson}}<br>{{steamid|id|Emeriastone|Alex "Rexy" Kreeger}}
| Halloween
| Halloween
|[[File:Art Pass Winner 3DNJ.jpg|100px|link=mountainlab]]
|[[File:Art Pass Winner 3DNJ.jpg|150px|link=mountainlab]]
| '''''[[Mountain Lab/ro|Mountain Lab]]'''''
| '''''[[Mountain Lab/ro|Mountain Lab]]'''''
| Atac/Defensivă
| Atac/Defensivă
| cp_mountainlab
| {{code|cp_mountainlab}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-10-27</span>[[October 27, 2010 Patch/ro|27 Octombrie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-10-27</span>[[October 27, 2010 Patch/ro|27 Octombrie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">Valv_</span>[[Valve/ro|Valve]]<br>{{steamid|id|3Dnj|Valentin "3DNJ" Levillain}}
| <span style="display:none">Valv_</span>[[Valve/ro|Valve]]<br>{{steamid|id|3Dnj|Valentin "3DNJ" Levillain}}
| Alpin
| Alpin
| [[File:01 cpSteel 2.jpg|100px|link=Steel]]
| [[File:01 cpSteel 2.jpg|150px|link=Steel]]
| '''''[[Steel/ro|Steel]]'''''
| '''''[[Steel/ro|Steel]]'''''
| Atac/Defensivă
| Atac/Defensivă
| cp_steel
| {{code|cp_steel}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fishbus Jamie "Fishbus" Manson]<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/irishtaxidriver Irish Taxi Driver]<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/FLOOR_MASTER FLOOR_MASTER]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Fishbus Jamie "Fishbus" Manson]<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/irishtaxidriver Irish Taxi Driver]<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/FLOOR_MASTER FLOOR_MASTER]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| <h3 style="display:none">Territorial Control</h3>{{anchor|TC|tc|Territorial control}} [[File:TF2 Hydro Map.jpg|100px|link=Hydro]]
| <h3 style="display:none">Territorial Control</h3>{{anchor|TC|tc|Territorial control}} [[File:TF2 Hydro Map.jpg|150px|link=Hydro]]
| '''[[Hydro/ro|Hydro]]'''
| '''[[Hydro/ro|Hydro]]'''
| Control Teritorial
| Control Teritorial
| tc_hydro
| {{code|tc_hydro}}
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| <span style="display:none">2007-10-10</span>''Lansare''
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| <h3 style="display:none">Payload</h3>{{anchor|PL|pl|payload}} [[File:Plbadwater.jpg|100px|link=Badwater Basin]]
| <h3 style="display:none">Payload</h3>{{anchor|PL|pl|payload}} [[File:Plbadwater.jpg|150px|link=Badwater Basin]]
| '''[[Badwater Basin/ro|Badwater Basin]]'''
| '''[[Badwater Basin/ro|Badwater Basin]]'''
| Încărcătura
| Încărcătura
| pl_badwater
| {{code|pl_badwater}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Goldrush.jpg|100px|link=Gold Rush]]
| [[File:Goldrush.jpg|150px|link=Gold Rush]]
| '''[[Gold Rush/ro|Gold Rush]]'''
| '''[[Gold Rush/ro|Gold Rush]]'''
| Încărcătura
| Încărcătura
| pl_goldrush
| {{code|pl_goldrush}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-04-29</span>[[April 29, 2008 Patch/ro|29 August 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-04-29</span>[[April 29, 2008 Patch/ro|29 August 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Plhoodoo.jpg|100px|link=Hoodoo]]
| [[File:Plhoodoo.jpg|150px|link=Hoodoo]]
| '''''[[Hoodoo/ro|Hoodoo]]'''''
| '''''[[Hoodoo/ro|Hoodoo]]'''''
| Încărcătura
| Încărcătura
| pl_hoodoo_final
| {{code|pl_hoodoo_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-05-21</span>[[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-05-21</span>[[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Y_M Tim "YM" Johnson]<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/snipergen Jeroen "Snipergen" Dessaux]<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/nineaxis Wade "Nineaxis" Fabry] ([[User:Nineaxis]])<br>Drew "Oxy" Fletcher
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Y_M Tim "YM" Johnson]<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/snipergen Jeroen "Snipergen" Dessaux]<br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/nineaxis Wade "Nineaxis" Fabry] ([[User:Nineaxis]])<br>Drew "Oxy" Fletcher
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:PL Thunder Mountain.png|100px|link=Thunder Mountain]]
| [[File:PL Thunder Mountain.png|150px|link=Thunder Mountain]]
| '''[[Thunder Mountain/ro|Thunder Mountain]]'''
| '''[[Thunder Mountain/ro|Thunder Mountain]]'''
| Încărcătura
| Încărcătura
| pl_thundermountain
| {{code|pl_thundermountain}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-07-08</span>[[July 8, 2010 Patch/ro|8 Iulie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-07-08</span>[[July 8, 2010 Patch/ro|8 Iulie 2010]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| [[File:Engineer Update Upward.png|100px|link=Upward]]
| [[File:Engineer Update Upward.png|150px|link=Upward]]
| '''[[Upward/ro|Upward]]'''
| '''[[Upward/ro|Upward]]'''
| Încărcătura
| Încărcătura
| pl_upward
| {{code|pl_upward}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-07-08</span>[[July 8, 2010 Patch/ro|8 Iulie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-07-08</span>[[July 8, 2010 Patch/ro|8 Iulie 2010]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Pl_frontier.jpg|100px|link=Frontier]]
| [[File:Pl_frontier.jpg|150px|link=Frontier]]
| '''''[[Frontier/ro|Frontier]]'''''
| '''''[[Frontier/ro|Frontier]]'''''
| Încărcătura
| Încărcătura
| pl_frontier_final
| {{code|pl_frontier_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2011-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2011 Patch|February 24, 2011]]
| <span style="display:none">2011-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2011 Patch|February 24, 2011]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/mangyCarface Patrick "MangyCarface" Mulholland]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/mangyCarface Patrick "MangyCarface" Mulholland]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| <h4 style="display:none">Payload Race</h4>{{anchor|PLR|plr|Payload race}} [[File:Pipeline.jpg|100px|link=Pipeline]]
| <h4 style="display:none">Payload Race</h4>{{anchor|PLR|plr|Payload race}} [[File:Pipeline.jpg|150px|link=Pipeline]]
| '''[[Pipeline/ro|Pipeline]]'''
| '''[[Pipeline/ro|Pipeline]]'''
| Cursa de Încărcături
| Cursa de Încărcături
| plr_pipeline
| {{code|plr_pipeline}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-05-21</span>[[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-05-21</span>[[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| [[File:Hightower.png|100px|link=Hightower]]
| [[File:Hightower.png|150px|link=Hightower]]
| '''[[Hightower/ro|Hightower]]'''
| '''[[Hightower/ro|Hightower]]'''
| Cursa de Încărcături
| Cursa de Încărcături
| plr_hightower
| {{code|plr_hightower}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-07-08</span>[[July 8, 2010 Patch/ro|8 Iulie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-07-08</span>[[July 8, 2010 Patch/ro|8 Iulie 2010]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Nightfall stage2.png|100px|link=Nightfall]]
| [[File:Nightfall stage2.png|150px|link=Nightfall]]
| '''''[[Nightfall/ro|Nightfall]]'''''
| '''''[[Nightfall/ro|Nightfall]]'''''
| Cursa de Încărcături
| Cursa de Încărcături
| plr_nightfall_final
| {{code|plr_nightfall_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2011-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2011 Patch|February 24, 2011]]
| <span style="display:none">2011-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2011 Patch|February 24, 2011]]
| [[User:Psy|Aaron "Psy" Garcia]]
| [[User:Psy|Aaron "Psy" Garcia]]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| <h3 style="display:none">Arena</h3>{{anchor|arena}} [[File:Arenabadlands.jpg|100px|link=Badlands (Arena)]]
| <h3 style="display:none">Arena</h3>{{anchor|arena}} [[File:Arenabadlands.jpg|150px|link=Badlands (Arena)]]
| '''[[Badlands (Arena)/ro|Badlands]]'''
| '''[[Badlands (Arena)/ro|Badlands]]'''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_badlands
| {{code|arena_badlands}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Arenagranary.jpg|100px|link=Granary (Arena)]]
| [[File:Arenagranary.jpg|150px|link=Granary (Arena)]]
| '''[[Granary (Arena)/ro|Granary]]'''
| '''[[Granary (Arena)/ro|Granary]]'''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_granary
| {{code|arena_granary}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Teren de fermă
| Teren de fermă
| [[File:Arenalumberyard.jpg|100px|link=Lumberyard]]
| [[File:Arenalumberyard.jpg|150px|link=Lumberyard]]
| '''[[Lumberyard/ro|Lumberyard]]'''
| '''[[Lumberyard/ro|Lumberyard]]'''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_lumberyard
| {{code|arena_lumberyard}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| [[File:Arenanucleus.jpg|100px|link=Nucleus]]
| [[File:Arenanucleus.jpg|150px|link=Nucleus]]
| '''[[Nucleus/ro|Nucleus]]'''
| '''[[Nucleus/ro|Nucleus]]'''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_nucleus
| {{code|arena_nucleus}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-05-21</span>[[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-05-21</span>[[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Spytech
| Spytech
| [[File:Offblast 01.jpg|100px|link=Offblast]]
| [[File:Offblast 01.jpg|150px|link=Offblast]]
| '''''[[Offblast/ro|Offblast]]'''''
| '''''[[Offblast/ro|Offblast]]'''''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_offblast_final
| {{code|arena_offblast_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| Magnar "insta" Jenssen  
| Magnar "insta" Jenssen  
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Arenaravine.jpg|100px|link=Ravine]]
| [[File:Arenaravine.jpg|150px|link=Ravine]]
| '''[[Ravine/ro|Ravine]]'''
| '''[[Ravine/ro|Ravine]]'''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_ravine
| {{code|arena_ravine}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Sawmill.PNG|100px|link=Sawmill]]
| [[File:Sawmill.PNG|150px|link=Sawmill]]
| '''[[Sawmill/ro|Sawmill]]'''
| '''[[Sawmill/ro|Sawmill]]'''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_sawmill
| {{code|arena_sawmill}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-05-21</span>[[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-05-21</span>[[May 21, 2009 Patch/ro|21 Mai 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| [[File:Watch 01.jpg|100px|link=Watchtower]]
| [[File:Watch 01.jpg|150px|link=Watchtower]]
| '''''[[Watchtower/ro|Watchtower]]'''''
| '''''[[Watchtower/ro|Watchtower]]'''''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_watchtower
| {{code|arena_watchtower}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2009 Patch/ro|24 Februarie 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2009 Patch/ro|24 Februarie 2009]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/JoshuaC Joshua "JoshuaC" Shiflet]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/JoshuaC Joshua "JoshuaC" Shiflet]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| [[File:Tg arenawell.jpg|100px|link=Well (Arena)]]
| [[File:Tg arenawell.jpg|150px|link=Well (Arena)]]
| '''[[Well (Arena)/ro|Well]]'''
| '''[[Well (Arena)/ro|Well]]'''
| Arena
| Arena
| arena_well
| {{code|arena_well}}
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| <span style="display:none">2008-08-19</span>[[August 19, 2008 Patch/ro|19 August 2008]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| <h3 style="display:none">King of the Hill</h3>{{anchor|KOTH|KotH|KoTH|King of the hill|}} [[File:Koth harvest both.png|100px|link=Harvest]]
| <h3 style="display:none">King of the Hill</h3>{{anchor|KOTH|KotH|KoTH|King of the hill|}} [[File:Koth harvest both.png|150px|link=Harvest]]
| '''''[[Harvest/ro|Harvest]]'''''
| '''''[[Harvest/ro|Harvest]]'''''
| Regele Dealului
| Regele Dealului
| koth_harvest_final
| {{code|koth_harvest_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-10-29</span>[[October 29, 2009 Patch/ro|29 Octombrie 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-10-29</span>[[October 29, 2009 Patch/ro|29 Octombrie 2009]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| Teren de fermă
| Teren de fermă
| [[File:Koth harvest both.png|100px|link=Harvest Event]]
| [[File:Koth harvest both.png|150px|link=Harvest Event]]
| '''''[[Harvest Event/ro|Harvest Event]]'''''
| '''''[[Harvest Event/ro|Harvest Event]]'''''
| Regele Dealului
| Regele Dealului
| koth_harvest_event
| {{code|koth_harvest_event}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-10-29</span>[[October 29, 2009 Patch/ro|29 Octombrie 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-10-29</span>[[October 29, 2009 Patch/ro|29 Octombrie 2009]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| Halloween
| Halloween
| [[File:Nucleus.PNG|100px|link=Nucleus (King of the Hill)]]
| [[File:Nucleus.PNG|150px|link=Nucleus (King of the Hill)]]
| '''[[Nucleus (King of the Hill)/ro|Nucleus]]'''
| '''[[Nucleus (King of the Hill)/ro|Nucleus]]'''
| Regele Dealului
| Regele Dealului
| koth_nucleus
| {{code|koth_nucleus}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Spytech
| Spytech
| [[File:Kothsawmill.jpg|100px|link=Sawmill (King of the Hill)]]
| [[File:Kothsawmill.jpg|150px|link=Sawmill (King of the Hill)]]
| '''[[Sawmill (King of the Hill)/ro|Sawmill]]'''
| '''[[Sawmill (King of the Hill)/ro|Sawmill]]'''
| Regele Dealului
| Regele Dealului
| koth_sawmill
| {{code|koth_sawmill}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin
| Alpin
| [[File:Viaduct 01.jpg|100px|link=Viaduct]]
| [[File:Viaduct 01.jpg|150px|link=Viaduct]]
| '''[[Viaduct/ro|Viaduct]]'''
| '''[[Viaduct/ro|Viaduct]]'''
| Regele Dealului
| Regele Dealului
| koth_viaduct
| {{code|koth_viaduct}}
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| <span style="display:none">2009-08-13</span>[[August 13, 2009 Patch/ro|13 August 2009]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Alpin / Zăpadă
| Alpin / Zăpadă
| [[File:Koth_lakeside.jpg|100px|link=Lakeside]]
| [[File:Koth_lakeside.jpg|150px|link=Lakeside]]
| '''''[[Lakeside/ro|Lakeside]]'''''
| '''''[[Lakeside/ro|Lakeside]]'''''
| Regele Dealului
| Regele Dealului
| koth_lakeside_final
| {{code|koth_lakeside_final}}
| <span style="display:none">2011-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2011 Patch|February 24, 2011]]
| <span style="display:none">2011-02-24</span>[[February 24, 2011 Patch|February 24, 2011]]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/3Dnj Valentin "3DNJ" Levillain]
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/3Dnj Valentin "3DNJ" Levillain]
| Egiptean
| Egiptean
| <h3 style="display:none">Training</h3>{{anchor|TR|tr}} [[File:Tr dustbowl0003.jpg|100px|link=Dustbowl (Training)]]
| <h3 style="display:none">Training</h3>{{anchor|TR|tr}} [[File:Tr dustbowl0003.jpg|150px|link=Dustbowl (Training)]]
| [[Dustbowl (Training)/ro|Dustbowl]]
| [[Dustbowl (Training)/ro|Dustbowl]]
| Antrenament
| Antrenament
| tr_dustbowl
| {{code|tr_dustbowl}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-06-10</span>[[June 10, 2010 Patch/ro|10 Iunie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-06-10</span>[[June 10, 2010 Patch/ro|10 Iunie 2010]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Deșert
| Deșert
| [[File:Map TR Training.png|100px|link=Target]]
| [[File:Map TR Training.png|150px|link=Target]]
| [[Target/ro|Target]]
| [[Target/ro|Target]]
| Antrenament
| Antrenament
| tr_target
| {{code|tr_target}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-06-10</span>[[June 10, 2010 Patch/ro|10 Iunie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-06-10</span>[[June 10, 2010 Patch/ro|10 Iunie 2010]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| Industrial
| Industrial
| [[File:Item test.jpg|100px|link=Item Test]]
| [[File:Item test.jpg|150px|link=Item Test]]
| [[Item Test/ro|Item Test]]
| [[Item Test/ro|Item Test]]
| Test
| Test
| item_test
| {{code|item_test}}
| <span style="display:none">2010-12-17</span>[[December 17, 2010 Patch/ro|17 Decembrie 2010]]
| <span style="display:none">2010-12-17</span>[[December 17, 2010 Patch/ro|17 Decembrie 2010]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]
| [[Valve/ro|Valve]]

Revision as of 00:08, 6 April 2011

Hărțile sunt setări ale Team Fortress 2 care setează locul unde are loc acțiunea. După universul jocului, aceste locații sunt zone ale prominenței pentru companiile rivale RED și BLU. Precum pământul și alte proprietăți omportante nu pot fi câștigate legal, cei 9 mercenari sunt angajați de fiecare companie să ia pământul forțându-i să completeze o serie de obiective.

Inițial, când jocul a fost lansat existau doar trei moduri de joc (CP, CTF, TC) împărțite pe șase hărți (Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Well, 2Fort, Hydro). În orice caz, cu atât de multe actualizări majore, jocul s-a extins la 46 de hărți oficiale, cu diferite moduri de joc noi adăugate. Multe din aceste hărți au fost create de membrii ai comunități și au fost selectate de Valve să apară în joc mulțumită calității excepționale a acestora; hărțile făcute de comunitate fiind identificate cu un font italic.

Tipuri de hărți

Articol principal: List of game modes
Tip Prefix Data adăugării Număr de hărți
Capturează Steagul ctf_ Lansare 5
Punct de Control (Standard) cp_ Lansare 8
Punct de control (Atac/Defensivă) cp_ Lansare 9
Control Teritorial tc_ Lansare 1
Încărcătura pl_ 29 Aprilie 2008 6
Arena arena_ 19 August 2008 9
Cursa de Încărcături plr_ 21 Mai 2009 3
Regele Dealului koth_ 13 August 2009 6
Antrenament tr_ 10 Iunie 2010 2
Medieval 17 Decembrie 2010 1
Test 17 Decembrie 2010 1


Hartă Tipul hărții Numele fișierului Data la care a fost adăugată Dezvoltatori Decor

Capture the Flag

Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png
2Fort Caputrează Steagul ctf_2fort 2007-10-10Lansare Valve Teren de fermă
CTF DoubleCross RedBase.png Double Cross Caputrează Steagul ctf_doublecross 2009-12-1717 Decembrie 2009 Valve Alpin / Industrial
CTF Sawmill Center.png Sawmill Caputrează Steagul ctf_sawmill 2009-08-1313 August 2009 Valve Alpin
CTF Turbine Center.png Turbine Caputrează Steagul ctf_turbine 2008-06-1919 Iunie 2008 Flobster Industrial
Ctfwell04.png Well Caputrează Steagul ctf_well 2008-01-2525 Ianuarie 2008 Valve Industrial

Control Point

5Gorge Punct de control cp_5gorge 2011-01-1919 Ianuarie 2011 Valve Alpin

Control Point

CP Badlands Central point.PNG
Badlands Punct de control cp_badlands 2008-02-1414 Februarie 2008 Valve Deșert
Coldfront5.png Coldfront Punct de control cp_coldfront 2010-07-088 Iulie 2010 Eric "Icarus" Wong (User:Icarus)
David "Selentic" Simon
Aeon "Void" Bollig
Alpin / Zăpadă
Fastlane1.png Fastlane Punct de control cp_fastlane 2008-06-1919 Iunie 2008 Arttu "SK" Mäki Deșert
Freight1.png Freight Punct de control cp_freight_final1 2010-04-2828 Aprilie 2010 Jamie "Fishbus" Manson Deșert
TF2 Granary Map.jpg Granary Punct de control cp_granary 2007-10-10Lansare Valve Teren de fermă
TF2 Well Map.jpg Well Punct de control cp_well 2007-10-10Lansare Valve Industrial
CP Yukon overview.png Yukon Punct de control cp_yukon_final 2009-08-1313 August 2009 Patrick "MangyCarface" Mulholland
Joachim "Acegikmo" Holmér


Degroot Keep Castle.png
Degroot Keep Atac/Defensivă (Medieval) cp_degrootkeep 2010-12-1717 Decembrie 2010 Valve Medieval
TF2 Dustbowl Map.jpg Dustbowl Atac/Defensivă cp_dustbowl 2007-10-10Lansare Valve Deșert
Egypt 01.jpg Egypt Atac/Defensivă cp_egypt_final 2009-02-2424 Februarie 2009 Sean "Heyo" Cutino Egiptean
Cp gorge.jpg Gorge Atac/Defensivă cp_gorge 2009-12-1717 Decembrie 2009 Valve Alpin
Tf2 gravelpit.jpg Gravel Pit Atac/Defensivă cp_gravelpit 2007-10-10Lansare Valve Industrial
Junct 01.jpg Junction Atac/Defensivă cp_junction_final 2009-02-2424 Februarie 2009 Sean "Heyo" Cutino Spytech
Mann manor event.jpg Mann Manor Atac/Defensivă cp_manor_event 2010-10-2727 Octombrie 2010 Valv_Valve
Tim "YM" Johnson
Alex "Rexy" Kreeger
Art Pass Winner 3DNJ.jpg Mountain Lab Atac/Defensivă cp_mountainlab 2010-10-2727 Octombrie 2010 Valv_Valve
Valentin "3DNJ" Levillain
Steel Main.png Steel Atac/Defensivă cp_steel 2008-08-1919 August 2008 Jamie "Fishbus" Manson
Irish Taxi Driver

Territorial Control

TF2 Hydro Map.jpg
Hydro Control Teritorial tc_hydro 2007-10-10Lansare Valve Industrial


Badwater Basin Încărcătura pl_badwater 2008-08-1919 August 2008 Valve Deșert
Goldrush.jpg Gold Rush Încărcătura pl_goldrush 2008-04-2929 August 2008 Valve Deșert
150px Hoodoo Încărcătura pl_hoodoo_final 2009-05-2121 Mai 2009 Tim "YM" Johnson
Jeroen "Snipergen" Dessaux
Wade "Nineaxis" Fabry (User:Nineaxis)
Drew "Oxy" Fletcher
PL Thunder Mountain.png Thunder Mountain Încărcătura pl_thundermountain 2010-07-088 Iulie 2010 Valve Alpin
Engineer Update Upward.png Upward Încărcătura pl_upward 2010-07-088 Iulie 2010 Valve Deșert
Pl frontier.jpg Frontier Încărcătura pl_frontier_final 2011-02-24February 24, 2011 Patrick "MangyCarface" Mulholland Alpin

Payload Race

Pipeline Cursa de Încărcături plr_pipeline 2009-05-2121 Mai 2009 Valve Industrial
Hightower.png Hightower Cursa de Încărcături plr_hightower 2010-07-088 Iulie 2010 Valve Deșert
Nightfall stage2.png Nightfall Cursa de Încărcături plr_nightfall_final 2011-02-24February 24, 2011 Aaron "Psy" Garcia Alpin


Badlands Arena arena_badlands 2008-08-1919 August 2008 Valve Deșert
Arenagranary.jpg Granary Arena arena_granary 2008-08-1919 August 2008 Valve Teren de fermă
Arenalumberyard.jpg Lumberyard Arena arena_lumberyard 2008-08-1919 August 2008 Valve Alpin
150px Nucleus Arena arena_nucleus 2009-05-2121 Mai 2009 Valve Spytech
Offblast 01.jpg Offblast Arena arena_offblast_final 2009-08-1313 August 2009 Magnar "insta" Jenssen Deșert
Arenaravine.jpg Ravine Arena arena_ravine 2008-08-1919 August 2008 Valve Deșert
Sawmill.PNG Sawmill Arena arena_sawmill 2009-05-2121 Mai 2009 Valve Alpin
Watch 01.jpg Watchtower Arena arena_watchtower 2009-02-2424 Februarie 2009 Joshua "JoshuaC" Shiflet Alpin
Tg arenawell.jpg Well Arena arena_well 2008-08-1919 August 2008 Valve Industrial

King of the Hill

Koth harvest both.png
Harvest Regele Dealului koth_harvest_final 2009-10-2929 Octombrie 2009 Sean "Heyo" Cutino Teren de fermă
Koth harvest both.png Harvest Event Regele Dealului koth_harvest_event 2009-10-2929 Octombrie 2009 Sean "Heyo" Cutino Halloween
Nucleus.PNG Nucleus Regele Dealului koth_nucleus 2009-08-1313 August 2009 Valve Spytech
Environmental death Saw Blades.png Sawmill Regele Dealului koth_sawmill 2009-08-1313 August 2009 Valve Alpin
Viaduct 01.jpg Viaduct Regele Dealului koth_viaduct 2009-08-1313 August 2009 Valve Alpin / Zăpadă
Koth lakeside.jpg Lakeside Regele Dealului koth_lakeside_final 2011-02-24February 24, 2011 Valentin "3DNJ" Levillain Egiptean


Dustbowl Antrenament tr_dustbowl 2010-06-1010 Iunie 2010 Valve Deșert
Map TR Training.png Target Antrenament tr_target 2010-06-1010 Iunie 2010 Valve Industrial
Item test.jpg Item Test Test item_test 2010-12-1717 Decembrie 2010 Valve Industrial

Hărți custom

Vezi Hărți custom.

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