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Дамы и господа, настало время дополнить глоссарий терминами. Ваша помощь тут необходима, иначе можно свихнуться тут всё переводить)
<br>Минимум машинного перевода, максимум вашей любви <3
<br>План таков:
*Один человек берет на себя перевод одной/нескольких БУКВ со всеми терминами/аббревиатурами (ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО смотрим на готовый частичный перевод:[[Glossary_of_player_terms/ru|Словарь игровых терминов]], ибо лишнюю работу выполнять не нужно. Если там перевод устарел, тогда нужно будет заменить)
*Переведенный текст вставляем туда, где был изначально английский вариант (не начинаем сразу распределять по буквам, иначе можем запутаться)
*После завершения перевода выбранных терминов смотрим, что переводят другие. Выбираем следующие БУКВЫ и переводим дальше)
*После перевода всего текста и начнем сортировку
*После проверки можно будет уже и впихнуть наш труд на созданную страницу с терминами
Вроде всё)
*'''DrotEroNoxt:''' F
Дополнительно: проверка C,D,E
*'''AsterLak:''' C,D
*'''Goomba2024:''' H
= General terminology =
== # ==
; 2ez
: Аббревиатура для "слишком легко" (too easy).
{{Anchor|3 starred}}
; 3 звезды (3 starred)
: Достигнуты все цели задания в [[ConTracker/ru|КонТрекере]], а не одна/две (за каждую цель игрок получает по звезде).
; {{Anchor|3CP|4CP|5CP}} 3CP / 4CP / 5CP
: Является сокращением для "3-control point", "4-control point" или "5-control point". Является отсылкой к картам режима [[Control Point (game mode)/ru|Захват контрольных точек (игровой режим)]], которые имею 3, 4 и 5 контрольных точек соответственно.
; 6-2/6 2
: Термин, означающий выпадение минимально возможного количества предметов при завершении тура [[Tour of Duty/ru#Доступные командировки|Операция «Два города»]] (считается наихудшим результатом).
== A ==
; {{Anchor|Achievement server / achievement map|Achievement server|Achievement map}} Achievement server / achievement map
:Сервер или карта, предназначенная для того, чтобы помочь игрокам выполнить [[Achievements/ru|достижения]], не отвлекая просьбами о помощи других игроков в обычной игре. Данные карты позволяют игрокам практиковать навыки или просто общаться, не мешая играть другим (см.  [[#Griefing|griefing]]). Общие особенности серверов включают в себя::
:* Короткое время возрождения и близкое расположение [[Spawn/ru|мест возрождения]] команд друг к другу, что способствует непрерывному бою.​
:* Комнаты для интерактивов/общения.
:* Автоматизация процесса [[#Leveling|Leveling]]​ или получения достижений путём добавления [[Bots/ru|ботов]] или перемещения АФК-игроков в места для убийств​.​
:* Головоломки, лабиринты, потайные двери и секретные комнаты для развлечения игроков.​
:* Специализированные зоны для конкретных ​развлекательных мероприятий, таких как [[#Boxing|boxing]], футбол и [[#Pyro tennis|Pyro tennis]].
: Синоним: [[#Idle server|idle server]].
: См. также [[#Trading server|Trading server]]
; {{Anchor|Airshot / aerial|Airshot|Aerial}} Эйршот (Airshot / aerial)
:: ''См. также [[Aerial/ru|Воздушный выстрел]]''
: Попадание по противнику, находящемуся в воздухе, обычно следует за [[juggling/ru|жонглированием]] или ракетным прыжком противника.
; AD / AD-инг
: Техника, при которой игрок выполняет [[#Juke|Juke]], что значительно затрудняет по нему попадание (используются клавиши A и D).
; ADS / ADS-инг
: Акроним для "Стрельба через оптический прицел" (Aiming down sights); в TF2 применимо к [[Sniper/ru|снайперу]], смотрящего в прицел.
;Add Up
: Команда в чате MGE сервера для вызова кого-либо на дуэль.
: Сокращение слов «'''A'''way '''F'''rom '''K'''eyboard» (отошёл от клавиатуры). Употребляется, когда долгий период времени игрок стоит на месте не двигаясь, что зачастую приводит к отключению от сервера или перемещению в Наблюдатели, или занимается [[idling/ru|идлингом]]
; Агр/Агро (Aggro/Agro)
: Сокращение от "агрессивный" (aggressive). Термин используется к противнику с ИИ (к примеру [[Robots/ru|робот]]), который атакует одного игрока (как вариант: "Я заагрил робота-скаута").
; Эйрбласт (Airblast)
:: ''См. также [[Compression blast/ru|Выстрел сжатым воздухом]].''
; {{Anchor|Alt|Alternate account}} Альтернативный аккаунт/Альт (Alternate account / alt)
: Обычно относится ко второй учетной записи Steam, которую можно использовать для различных целей, например для сокрытия личности.
; Амбо (Amby)
: Может обозначать
:* Оружие [[Ambassador/ru|Амбассадор]].
:* Термин для [[Spy/ru|шпиона]], часто использующего Амбассадор в качестве основного оружия при игре, если не постоянно.
; Пункт Ампутации (Amputation Station)
: [[Medic/ru|Медик]] стоит на месте, совершая насмешку с [[Amputator/ru|Ампутатором]].
;[[Anger/ru|Яростный]] снайпер (Anger Sniper)
: Термин для снайпера, который носит одноимённый аксессуара (Ярость) и пытается играть, как трайхард (убивает дружелюбных игроков, использует насмешки просле каждого убийста, пишет в чат гадости, стараясь кого-нибудь унизить). Зачастую использует [[AWPer Hand/ru|Слонобой]] или Снайперскую винтовку [[Botkiller/ru|ботоубийцы]].
; AoE
: Аббревиатура для «область действия» (area of effect). Относится к оружию, которое может нанести урон нескольким игрокам, постройкам или другим объектам по области (например [[Soldier/ru#Primary|ракетомёты]] [[Soldier/ru|солдата]] и [[Demoman#Primary|гранатомёты]] [[Demoman/ru|подрывника]]).
; Австралий (Aussie)
: Является сокращением "[[Australium weapons/ru|Оружие из австралия]]".
; {{Anchor|Autobalance}} Автобаланс (Autobalance)
:: ''См. также [[Team balance/ru|Баланс команд]]''
: Относится к случайному переходу игрока из одной команды в другую из-за того, что сервер посчитал команды несбалансированными.
; Тушение (Axtinguish)
: Убийство/тушение [[Axtinguisher/ru|Огнетопором]] горящего противника.
== B ==
; Обратный захват (Backcapping)
:: ''См. также [[Backcapping/ru|Обратный захват]]''
: Захват контрольной точки противника в то время, когда вражеская команда пытается захватить следующую точку (последующие контрольные точки захватываются медленнее).
; Байт/Байтить (Bait/Baiting)
: Термин подразумевает собой обман противника, в следствие которого враг начинает атаковать или преследовать кого-то, в то время как товарищ по команде подкрадывается к противнику и убивает его. Приманкой могут послужить шпион или поджигатель, что прячутся за углами и внезапно атакуют. Можно приманить врага к источнику урона: к турели инженера или липкую ловушку [[Demoman/ru|подрывника]].
; Испечённый удар в спину (Bakestaybed)
: Забавный каламбур, обозначающий «удар в спину». Придуман одним из создателей контента по ''TF2'' — Jerma985.
; {{Anchor|Battle Engie|Battle Engineer}} Баттл инженер/Боевой инженер (Battle Engie / Battle Engineer)
: Агрессивная игра за [[Engineer/ru|инженера]] на передовой, которая заключается в постройке [[Sentry Gun/ru|турелей]] в неожиданных местах и частом использовании основного оружия для атаки. Игрок зачастую использует [[Gunslinger/ru|Оружейник]] для быстрого возведения [[Sentry_Gun/ru#Mini|мини-турели]] (или же [[Jag/ru|Острозуб]].
; Баттл медик/Боевой медик (Battle Med / Battle Medic)
: Агрессивная игра за [[Medic/ru|медика]] на передовой, которая заключается в попытке кого-нибудь убить, забывая про лечение союзников. Основным оружием данного подкласса является [[Blutsauger/ru|Кровопийца]], а оружием ближнего боя — [[Solemn Vow/ru|Священная клятва]]. Как враги, так и союзники смотрят на боевых медиков с отвращением, так как от [[Classes/ru#Support|класса поддержки]] ожидают соответственно поддержку команды.
; Луч (Beam)
: Может означать:
:* Исцеляющий луч [[Medi Gun/ru|Лечебной пушки]] медика.
:* Луч НЛО на карте [[Watergate/ru|Watergate]]. Диктор говорит: [[Media:Temp inbeam own.mp3|"Мы в луче!"]], когда товарищ по команде входит в луч НЛО, чтобы выполнить задачу карты. Данная фраза является синонимом этой карты.
; Берд (Berd)
: Данный термин применим к игрокам, использующих в качестве аксессуара одну из «[[Bird/ru#Bird head|птичьих голов]]». Широко распространён в анимация, созданных в Gmod или SFM.
; {{Anchor|Bhopping / bunny hopping|Bhopping}} Баннихоп (Bhopping / bunny hopping)
: Может означать:
:* Техника прыжка/стрейфа в воздухе, увеличивающая скорость (незначительно в ''Team Fortress 2'').
:* Приседание на очень короткое время для смещения обзора, что не влияет на скорость движения.
:* Приседание сразу после прыжка для достижения большего расстояния или высоты. Часто используется для [[Jumping/ru|прыжков на ракете]], [[Jumping#Basic sticky jump|прыжков на липучках]] и других разновидностей взрывных прыжков.
:* Многократные прыжки для избежания урона от взрывов по земле, а также могут помешать прицеливанию противнику по вам.
:* Прыжок в нужный момент при ударе о землю для нарушения игровой механики. Часто используется солдатом с Землекопом, поскольку Баннихоп позволяет нарушить игровую механику, тем самым давая игроку нанести критический урон, даже если он не сразу попал в цель.
; Бинд (Bind)
: Представляет собой привязку текста к конкретной клавише, при нажатии которой текст отправляется в чат (необходимо ввести в консоль команду: <code>bind "клавиша" "ваш текст"</code>, где в "клавиша" нужно вписать конкретную букву на латинице (на английском языке), а в "ваш текст" — непосредственно ваш текст (на любом языке). Кавычки обязательны!
:: ''См. также [[Scripting/ru|Написание скриптов]].''
; Бёрб (Birb)
: Забавный каламбур, обозначающий '''Птица''' (см. ниже). Применимо, в частности, для пулеметчика, использующего аксессуар [[Chicken Kiev/ru|Цыпленок по-киевски]], который ведет себя дружелюбно или глупо.
; Птица (Bird)
: Может означать:
:* Любой аксессуар, добавляющий птицу к модели игрока (например [[Archimedes/ru|Архимед]] или [[Ein/ru|Эйн]].
:* [[Holiday/ru|Хеллоуинский аксессуар]], заменяющий голову наёмника на птичью (например [[Medimedes/ru|Медимед]] или [[Eingineer/ru|Эйнженер]].
; Парящий разведчик (Bird Scout)
: Применимо к разведчику, использующего своё разнообразное оружие для дополнительных прыжков.
; Бодишут (Bodyshot)
: Попадание из Снайперской винтовки в тело противника, а не в голову.
:: ''См. также: [[Headshot/ru|Выстрел в голову]]''
; Бодишуттер (Bodyshotter)
: Может означать:
:* [[Sniper/ru|Снайпера]], предпочитающего стрелять в тело противника, а не в голову.
:* Снайпера, использующего [[Machina/ru|Махину]], которая наносит при полной зарядке дополнительный урон (Махина и бодишут являются почти синонимами).
; Похититель тел (Bodysnatched)
: Термин относится к оружию [[Your Eternal Reward/ru|Вечный покой]]. При убийстве противника данным оружием вы мгновенно примите облик жертвы, а команда противника даже об этом не узнает. Является отсылкой к фильму: [[w:ru:Вторжение похитителей тел (фильм, 1956)|Вторжение похитителей тел]].
; Бомба (Bomb)
: Может означать:
:* Синоним для [[Payload/ru|вагонетки]].
:* Взрывающиеся [[projectile/ru|снаряды]], по типу [[Stickybomb Launcher/ru||бомб-липучек]] или [[Rocket Launcher/ru|ракет]].
:* Обстрел во время [[Jumping/ru|прыжка на ракете]]/[[Jumping/ru|бомб-липучек]] группу вражеской команды.
:* Робота, несущего взрывчатку в режиме [[Mann vs Machine/ru|Манн против машин]].
:* Неигрового персонажа/аксессуар — [[Bombinomicon/ru|Бомбиномикон]].
; Бонк (Bonk / Bonk!)
: Может означать:
:* Сокращение для [[Bonk! Atomic Punch/ru|Бонк! Атомный залп]].
:* Термин используется при [[Stun/ru|оглушении]] противника [[Sandman/ru|Дрёмой]] (До [[Jungle Inferno Update/ru|Обновления «Пламенные джунгли»]]).
; Бонусные утки (Bonus ducks)
: [[Media:Sf14 merasmus minigame duckhunt bonusducks 01.wav|Знаменитая реплика]] [[Merasmus/ru|Маразмуса]], происносимая им всякий раз, когда игрок подбирает редкую "[[Duck Journal/ru|Бонусную утку]]", добавленнную в [[End of the Line Update/ru|Обновлении «End of the Line»]]. Она часто используется во время любых событий, связанных с Маразмусом, таких как [[Carnival of Carnage/ru|Carnival of Carnage]].
; {{Anchor|Bowman}} Лучник (Bowman)
: Может означать:
:* Термин, относящийся к [[Sniper/ru|снайперу]], использующего в качестве основного оружия [[Huntsman/ru|Охотника]] или [[Fortified Compound/ru|Укрепленный составной лук]].
:* Одна из разновидностей [[Sniper Robot/ru|робо-снайпера]] в режиме [[Mann vs Machine/ru|Манн против машин]].
; Бокс-спай/Шпион в коробке (Box Spy / Box Trot Spy / box crab)
: Игрок, играющий за шпиона, использующий насмешку [[Box Trot/ru|Короботрот]] для стратегического перемещения по полю битвы или маскировки с объектами окружающей среды. Особо умелые шпионы способны доползти до контрольной точки и захватить её.
; Бокс (Boxing​​)
:​ Битва пулемётчиков в рукопашном бою.​
; Бафф (Buff)
: Может означать:
:* Усиление команды от [[Soldier/ru|солдата]] путём активации знамени: [[Buff Banner/ru|Вдохновляющее знамя]], [[Battalion's Backup/ru|Поддержка батальона]] или [[Concheror/ru|Завоеватель]].
:* [[overheal/ru|Сверхлечение]] от [[Medic/ru|Медика]].
:* Сленг, означающие усиление оружие после обновления игры. Антоним: "[[#Nerf|nerf]]".
:: ''См. также: [[W:ru:Игровой баланс|Бафф]] на Википедии''
; Буллинг (Bully / Bullying)
: Игровая терминология, обозначающая игрока, использующего разнообразные источники отбрасывания, чтобы мешать вражеским игрокам, обычно, но не всегда, без намерения убить их.
:* Для этого часто используется сжатый воздух поджигателя и отталкивание [[Shortstop/ru|Прерывателя]]/[[Force-A-Nature/ru|Неумолимой силы]] скаута.
; Нож для масла (Butterknife)
: Может означать:
:* Термин, относящийся к убийству игрока [[Knife/ru|Ножом]], но не [[backstab/ru|ударом в спину]].
:* Хаотичные удары Ножом по телу противника.
:* Битва шпионов 1 на 1 на ножах (наносят удары по телу противника, а не в его спину).
; Кусторез (Bushwhack)
: Термин, относящийся к убийству игрока, облитого Банкате, [[Bushwacka/ru|Кустоломом]].
== C ==
; C9
: Может относиться к:
:* Термин, при котором команда покидает полезную нагрузку или контрольную точку в последние минуты матча, позволяя другой команде выиграть из-за ограничения или истечения времени. Происходит от команды [[w:Cloud9/Cloud9]], допустившей эту ошибку во время соревновательного матча Overwatch.
:* Сокращение от необычного эффекта  [[Unusual#Series 3|Cloud 9]]
; Кабер (Caber)
: Сокращение от [[Ullapool Caber]].
; Средневековый рыцарь (Caberknight)
: Средневековый рыцарь, использующий оружие Ullapool Caber, который нацеливается на большие толпы вражеских игроков в надежде нанести критический удар с помощью [[charging/ru|атаки]].
; Кемпинг (Camping)
:  Использование тактики ожидания врагов, в удобной позиции, нападая только тогда, когда противник окажется в определенном месте. Обычно кемпер ожидает противников в одной и той же позиции и всегда возвращается к ней, после каждого убийства.
:* Положительный момент: Некоторые классы специально используют "кемперный" аспект в своей игре, например, пулеметчик остается на точке, подрывник ждет в липкой ловушке или, особенно, снайпер занимает выгодную позицию, специально предназначенную для этой цели на карте (называемую '''лагерем''').
:* Отрицательный момент: ''Чрезмерное ожидание'' в позиции, которая особенно выгодна для игрока, но мало полезна для команды (в отличие от [[#Бездействие|Idling]]) ''или'' использование непреднамеренной позиции, которая явно ставит всю вражескую команду в крайне невыгодное положение в ущерб игре, особенно [[#Spawn camping|Спаун кемпинг]].
: Этот термин не относится к таким действиям, как временное укрытие в углу на короткое время, защита [[инженером]] своих [[#Engineer nest|зданий]] или активная [[засада]].
; Пушка (Cannon)
: Сокращение от [[#Loose Cannon|Пушка без лафета]].
; Прыжки с пушкой (Cannon Jumping)
: Действие, заключающееся в использовании замедленного выстрела пушечного ядра из [[#Loose Cannon|пушки без лафета]] для выполнения взрывного прыжка на большие расстояния.
; Пушечный рыцарь (Cannon Knight)
: Разновидность [[#Hybrid Knight|гибридного рыцаря]], который использует [[#Loose Cannon|пушку без лафета]], в основном, для выполнения воздушного удара после [[#Cannon jumping|прыжка с пушкой]].
; Шапка (Cap)
: Относится к выполнению задачи, такой как захват [[control point (objective)|контрольной точки]], возвращение вражеского [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|дипломата]] на свою базу или перемещение [[Payload#cart|вагонетки]]
{{Anchor|Carry Scout}}
; Нести разведчика (Carry Scout)
: Разведчик, использующий [[Crit-a-Cola/ru|Крит-а-колу]].
; Керринг (Carrying)
: Когда игрок или группа игроков вносят значительно больший вклад в достижение игровой цели, чем их товарищи по команде.
; Колпачок на цепочке (Chaincap)
: Захват следующей точки происходит сразу после захвата предыдущей точки.
; Чайнсап (Chainsap)
: Может относиться к:
:* Размещение [[Sapper/ru|жучка]] на нескольких постройках одновременно.
:* Быстрая замена жучков на одной постройке, не позволяющая [[Engineer/ru|инженеру]] отремонтировать его.
; Чайнстаб (Chainstab)
: Убивайте многочисленных ничего не подозревающих врагов в быстрой последовательности с помощью [[backstab/ru|удара в спину]] любого из видов оружия ближнего боя [[Spy/ru|шпиона]].
; Чизинг (Cheesing)
: Completing a Contract Objective or an Achievement by easier means other than intended through playing to game objecives, whether by exploiting particular Achievement or Contract mechanics (e.g., repeately dropping and picking up one soul in Player Destruction, tanking damage by falling or drowning) or cooperating with a [[#FriendlyAnchor|Friendly]] player on the other team. Выполнение контрактной задачи или достижения более простыми способами, отличными от запланированных, путем игры в соответствии с игровыми целями, будь то использование определенного достижения или контрактной механики (например, многократное выпадение и подбор одной души при уничтожении игрока, уменьшение урона при падении или утоплении) или сотрудничество с [[#FriendlyAnchor|дружественным игроком]] игрок из другой команды.
; Чивментс / Чивес / Чивос / Ачивос (Chievements / Chieves / Cheevos / Achievos)
: Жаргонные термины, обозначающие "[[achievement/ru|достижения]]s".
; Чипсот (Chipshot)
: Стрельба издалека по вражескому игроку из дробовика или пистолета, наносящая небольшой урон.
; Чок (Choke)
: Испортить легкую игру, например, не суметь убить класс с низким уровнем здоровья при полном здоровье в бою 1 на 1.
: Не следует путать с [[#Chokepoint|Чекпоинтом]]
; Чокпоинт (или чок) (Chokepoint (or choke))
: An area that is relatively narrow, forcing players to group up to pass through; particularly a such a location with no effective [[#Flank|flank]]. This makes it easier to defend by using weapons that damage in an [[#AoE|area of effect]].
; Circle strafe
{{Main|Strafing#Circle strafing|l1=Circle strafing}}
: The act of moving around an opponent while keeping the crosshair locked on and attacking.
; Civilian
: May refer to:
:* The act of exploiting certain glitches to make the player go into the [[reference pose]].
:* The [[Civilian (Classic)|Civilian]] class from ''[[Team Fortress Classic]]'' that remains unused in ''Team Fortress 2''.
; Clutch
: May refer to:
:* A crucial moment related to winning or losing a match.
:* The ability to perform under pressure.
: Not to be confused with [[#Crutch|Crutch]].
; Collateral
: Using the [[Machina]] to kill two or more enemies with a single fully-charged shot.
; Collector
: May refer to:
:* A player who collects a large number of one type of item.
:* An item of the [[Collector's]] quality.
; Combat Class
: A class whose health and firepower is greater in proportion to its mobility, often found at the front lines. Classes include the Soldier, Demoman, and Heavy.
; Combo
: May refer to:
:* A general term for a Medic and his [[Medic buddy]]. Can be used in specific context;  i.e. a "Heavy Combo" is used to indicate a Medic healing a Heavy.
:* A series of attacks that take advantage of the fast weapon switch capability of the [[Degreaser]], [[Reserve Shooter]], or [[Panic Attack]]. For example, a Pyro may use the Degreaser to ignite an enemy, then take advantage of its fast holster time to quickly switch to the Flare Gun to finish them with a [[Critical Hit]].
; Comp
: Short for "[[competitive play]]".
; Cornerstab
{{Main|Backstab#Backstabbing techniques|l1=Backstab}}
: A form of [[#Trickstab|trickstabbing]] by waiting around a corner to [[backstab]] an enemy as a [[Spy]]. One method of doing this is by "baiting" the enemy into following him and then waiting around a corner.
; CP
: Acronym for "[[control point (objective)|control point]]".
; Cratering
: Dying from [[fall damage]], either by being accelerated into the ground by an explosive or simply falling from a great height.
{{Anchor|Crate depression|Crate Depression|Crate Depression of 2019|Crate depression of 2019}}
; Crate Depression (of 2019)
: A name given to a small period of time in 2019 where a bug caused certain crates to guarantee an Unusual quality item, causing the prices of certain Unusual cosmetics to plummet. The name is a play on [[w:Great Depression|Great Depression]], a real-life economic depression.
; Crit
: Short for "[[Critical hits|critical hit]]".
{{Anchor|Crit Heal}}
; Crit Heal
: Refers to Medi Gun or [[Amputator]] healing at the [[Healing#Healing and ÜberCharge rates|two to three times increased healing rates]] that happen when the target has not received damage for at least 10 to 15 seconds, respectively.
: Old fan nickname for the [[Half-Zatoichi]] before the Critical hit chance was removed in the Tough Break Update.
: A portmanteau of [[Critical Hit|Crit]] and [[Rocket Launcher|Rocket]].
{{Anchor|Crumpkin kill}}
; Crumpkin kill
: A kill scored while under the effect of a crit-boost from a [[Halloween pumpkin]] pickup. (from contraction of crit-pumpkin)
; Crutch
; A word used to describe a weapon that helps a bad player, but hinders a good player.
: A derogatory term for a weapon that compensates for a player's lack of skill.
: Not to be confused with [[#Clutch|Clutch]].
{{Anchor|Custom map}}
; Custom map
: A map that has been made by a member of the ''TF2'' community but has not been officially added to the game.
; Deathmatch/DM
: May refer to:
:* An unofficial term for [[Arena]] Mode.
:* A player that focuses more on obtaining kills rather than the objective.
:* A map that has a difficult-to-capture objective and hence encourages killing without working towards the objective. An example would be [[Hightower]].
; Demo
: May refer to:
:* A [[Help:Recording demos|demo recording]].
:* The [[Demoman]].
; Democrab
: A Demoman that imitates the movement of a crab by crouch-walking with the [[Conscientious Objector]] or other [[Saxxy]] reskins. The term derives from the community fad [[Community Fads#Spycrab|Spycrab]], which also requires the user to crouch walk while holding a specific weapon. The reason the Demoman looks like a crab is due to another arm glitch involving the specific use of the Saxxy or a reskin.
; Demoknight
: May refer to:
:* A Demoman typically wielding the [[Chargin' Targe]], [[Tide Turner]] or [[Splendid Screen]]. Variations of the term usually refer to their other equipped weapons. Demoknights wielding the [[Bottle]] may be referred to as "Bottleknights", whereas Demoknights wielding the [[Sticky Jumper]] may be referred to as "Jumperknights" or "Rocketknights".
:: ''See also [[Community Demoman strategy#Demoknight|Community Demoknight strategy]].''
:* In [[Mann vs. Machine]], a [[Demoman Robot|robot Demoman]] variant that uses the Chargin' Targe and Eyelander.
; Demonstration Man
: Slang for the Demoman, used in a silly fashion. Derives from the word "demonstration", which becomes "demo" when shortened.
; Demopan
: A Demoman carrying the [[Frying Pan]], [[Bounty Hat]], [[Chargin' Targe]], and [[Dangeresque, Too?]], referring to a [[Community Fads#Demopan|popular community fad]].
; Demospam
: Derogatory term used to describe a Demoman who spams his [[Grenade Launcher]] or [[Stickybomb Launcher]] without aiming.
; Derping
: Silly behavior that could include repeated taunting or antics for their own sake;  potentially a form of [[#Griefing|griefing]] if performed during combat or excessively during [[Setup time]].
: Acronym for the [[Direct Hit]].
; Direct Miss
: Fan name for the Direct Hit, which lacks a large splash radius and requires precise aim. Inexperienced players using this weapon will often miss their shots.
; Direct Shit
: Slang term for the Direct Hit.
; Dom/Doms
: Abbreviation of [[Domination]](s).
; Donk
: May refer to:
:* The Double Donk that occurs with the [[Loose Cannon]].
:* A Demoman that uses the [[Sticky Jumper]] and the [[Loose Cannon]].
; DR
: Acronym for the [[Dead Ringer]] weapon for the [[Spy]]. In some contexts, it could be used as a signal that an enemy Spy equipped with the Dead Ringer is nearby.
; Dr. Enforcicle
: A label for a Spy player who uses the Dead Ringer, [[Enforcer]], and the [[Spy-cicle]] together. The term is a portmanteau of the latter two weapons, with the Dead Ringer's common abbreviation "[[#DR|DR]]" used at the beginning.
; Drop
: May refer to:
:* Any [[item]] given to a player by the [[item drop system]].
:* The failure of a Medic to deploy an [[ÜberCharge]] before dying, despite being fully charged.
== E ==
; Эджинг (Edging)
: Борьба со статичной целью путем выхода из укрытия, стрельбы, а затем обратного ухода в укрытие. Эта тактика особенно эффективна против турелей, поскольку их низкая скорость поворота пушек не даёт им быстро открыть ответный огонь, что даёт возможность несколько раз выстрелить в край хитбокса построек.
; Энжи/Инж (Engie / Engi / Engy)
: Сокращение для  "[[Engineer/ru|инженер]]".
; Резкий (Edgy/Edgelord)
: Термин обычно относится к игрокам, которые носят тёмные или окрашенные в чёрный цвет [[cosmetic items/ru|аксессуары]] (к примеру [[Anger/ru|Ярость]] [[Sniper/ru|снайпера]], покрашенная в тёмный цвет).
{{Anchor|Engineer nest}}
; Гнездо инженера (Engineer nest)
: Термин, описывающий место, где расположены несколько [[Buildings/ru|построек]] [[Engineer/ru|инженера]].
; Инженеринг (Engi"nearing")
: Термин, описывающий умение оружия [[Rescue Ranger/ru|Спасатель]].
: Аббревиатура для [[End of the Line Update/ru|обновления «End of the Line»]].
; Изи (EZ/ez)
: Аббревиатура для "легко" (обычно используется в сочетании с "GG").
== F ==
; F2P
: May refer to:
:* An acronym for "Free-2-Play" (Free-to-play), used to describe new players who do not possess a [[Premium account]].
:* A derogatory term referring to a player lacking skill, based on the generalization of non-Premium players being less skilled at the game.
:* Abbreviation for the [[Team Fortress 2 is Free to Play|Free to Play]] update.
:* Anything that can be obtained without becoming a Premium player, such as the [[Ghostly Gibus]] and [[Pyrovision Goggles]].
::: ''See also: [[W:Free-to-play|Free-to-play]] on Wikipedia and [[#P2P|P2P]]''
{{Anchor|Facestab|Face Stab|Face stab}}
; Facestab
: A Spy's [[knife]] attack that registers as a [[backstab]] despite appearing to hit their opponent's front due to [[lag compensation]].
:: ''See also: [[Backstab#Issues|Backstab issues]]''
; FAN / FaN
: Acronym for the [[Force-A-Nature]] weapon for the [[Scout]].
; Farming
: The act of obtaining something with less time commitment or in-game contribution than was originally intended (from the misconception that farmers do nothing but wait for their crops to grow). May refer to:
:* Obtaining achievements through [[#Achievement server|achievement servers]] or in ways outside of regular gameplay.
:* Using [[idling]] or other methods to obtain [[cosmetics]] or [[weapons]] via the [[item drop system]].
:* Rapidly ranking up a [[Strange]] weapon in specific servers or maps that are designed to do so, also referred to as "[[#Leveling|leveling]]".
::: ''See also: [[#Idler|Idler]]''
; {{Anchor|Fat Scout}} Fat Scout
: Refers to a [[Heavy]] who primarily uses either the [[Shotgun]], [[Family Business]], or [[Panic Attack]] rather than his primary weapon. He may also frequently equip the [[Gloves of Running Urgently]] or [[Eviction Notice]].
; [[vdc:Field of View|Field of View]] / FOV
: A term to describe how much a player can see onscreen at a time.
; Flag
: Synonym for the [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|Intelligence]] in [[Capture the Flag]] maps.
; Flank
: Refers to any particular alternate route that can bypass enemies. These are often lengthy and out of the way or require [[jumping]] or swimming. Examples of flanks include the waterways in [[Well (Control Point)]], the back routes through the [[Badwater Basin#Checkpoint B|Lobby]] on Badwater Basin, or [[Badwater Basin#Final Checkpoint|Spiral Straircase]] also on Badwater Basin.
; Flare punch
: A term to describe the act of a Pyro manipulating flame particles to use the [[Flare Gun]] (usually paired with the [[Degreaser]]) to crit an enemy Pyro in the short time span that they are on fire.
; Flyro
: A Pyro using the [[Thermal Thruster]].
; Flash(ing)
: The technique of quickly switching to and them from a patient when using ÜberCharge to give them the effects temporarily.
; FoW
: Acronym for the [[Fan O'War]].
; Frag
: Synonym for "kill", often used when the player killed has been [[Gibs|gibbed]].
; Frag video
: Refers to a video that records a player's kills in the game.
{{Anchor|Friendly / friendlies}}
; Friendly / friendlies (also peaceful)
: May refer to:
:* The act of not fighting. "Friendly" can either be a verb or a noun, where "friendlies" is the plural of the noun. Players may do so out of boredom, frustration due to being on the losing team, or to propose a stalemate. To counteract how overly-friendly behavior stops legitimate games, some servers have a plugin called "Friendly Mode", which turns users into ghosts that cannot harm or be harmed. Common examples of friendly behavior include:
:** Crouching while walking.
:** Using [[voice commands]] in a humorous way (such as using the "No" voice command to respond to "The Sniper is a Spy!" or repeatedly using the "Help!" voice command as the Heavy).
:** Giving [[Sandvich]]es or other edibles to enemies as a Heavy.
:** Starting a group or two-player [[Taunts#Special taunts|taunt]], such as the [[Conga]] or [[Flippin' Awesome]].
:* A teammate.
== G ==
; Garden/Gardened
: To kill an enemy with a Critical hit from the [[Market Gardener]]. Term can also be used in a joking sense to describe an instance where another player launches themselves and delivers a finishing blow with any melee weapon upon landing.
; Gayle
: A portmanteau of "Gay" and "Hale" primarily used to describe Death Run Activators who grief or use map glitches for an unfair advantage. Often used humorously to describe an Activator who wins a game before any players reach the end.
; Get Down Mr. President
: A humorous phrase used to describe an accidental kill caused by a player (usually unintentionally) taking a would-be fatal attack, often a headshot or backstab, in the place of the attacker's intended target, dying while the intended target survives and potentially escapes.
; GG/gg
: Good game, sometimes from a moral or sportsmanship standpoint rather than winning/losing.
:Good half. Used when switching teams on maps that are composed of more than one round.
; GJ/gj
: Good job, used often at the end of a game in a manner similar to GG.
; GR/gr
: May refer to:
:* Good round. Used when the match is composed of more than one round (like Stopwatch matches on A\D and Payload maps, or "First to X" matches).
:* "Get rekt".
; Gibus
: May refer to:
:* A shortened version of either the [[Ghostly Gibus]], [[Ghastly Gibus]], [[Ghastlier Gibus]], or [[Ghastlierest Gibus]], often associated with novice players or players without a premium account due to the fact that obtaining one of these hats is easy and possible without obtaining a premium account.
:* A player wearing one of the aforementioned hats.
; Gibusvision
: May refer to:
:* A slang term for wearing a combination of a [[#Gibus|Gibus]] hat and the [[Pyrovision Goggles]]. As with the term "Gibus", this is associated with novice or non-premium players.
:* A term for a player, usually a Sniper, that wears both the Gibus and Pyrovision Goggles, and has very poor awareness. These players rarely notice their surroundings.
; Googly Eyes
: Slang for the [[Sight for Sore Eyes]].
;  Goomba Stomp / Goomba stomp
: '''Goomba stomp''': Killing another player by jumping on their head with the [[Mantreads]] or [[Thermal Thruster]].
: '''Goomba Stomp''': A server mod that allows players to kill enemies by simply jumping on their heads, even without the use of specific weapons.
:: The name is a reference to the [[W:Goomba|Goomba]] enemy from [[W:Nintendo|Nintendo]]'s [[W:Mario (franchise)|''Mario'' video game franchise]].
; Gottam
: A slang term deriving from the Engineer voice command line "[[Media:Engineer moveup01.wav|Gotta move that gear up!]]"
; Griefing
: Deliberately causing annoyance to players on the server, either to one's own team or the opposing team. Oftentimes, griefing involves the use of map or weapon exploits.
; Grinding
: May refer to:
:* Working continuously on the actions for a specific achievement or [[Contracts|Contract Objective]], particularly those that must be repeated several times or require a great number of attempts (from the concept that grinding is a slow but steady way to shape metal). Since the action might not be the best for some tactical situations, a few may consider it [[#Idler|idling]]<!-- A grinding player might be kicked or criticized for idling. --> in some situations.  As opposed to [[#Farming|farming]], the player is actively in a game with other players and is usually contributing in some way to the objectives, if indirectly.
:* Repeatedly damaging one's self to speed building of [[ÜberCharge]] by a companion Medic, particularly referred to as '''self-damage grinding'''.
; Grocket
: [[Grordbort's rockets]], crash-landed rockets that appeared on a few maps for some months in 2011.
; Groundstalling
: A term to describe the act of airblasting an enemy into the ground, which the game still counts as mid-air, and mini-critting them with the [[Reserve Shooter]].
:: This is outdated as of the [[Jungle Inferno Update]], which no longer allows the weapon to mini-crit players launched into the air by the Pyro's airblast.
: Acronym for the [[Gloves of Running Urgently]].
; Gunshot bride
: A highly exaggerated term for a well-aimed [[#Airshot / aerial|airshot]]. Originates from a video named [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzG_syyvWgc&nohtml5=False 300% skilled airshot], where a Soldier lands a slow-motion airshot on a Demoman while Pendulum's [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04QpInkz9so&nohtml5=False Propane Nightmares] plays in the background.
; Gunspy
: A label for a [[Spy]] who uses his secondary weapon more than his melee weapon.
; G. [name of item]
:An item of the [[Genuine]] quality.
== H ==
;  Читерство / читер / читы (Hacking / hacker / hacks)
: '''Читерство (Hacking)''': Метод использования посторонних программ для незаслуженного преимущества над другими игроками.
: '''Читер (Hacker)''': Игрок использующий читы.
: '''Читы (Hacks)''': Посторонняя программа позволяющая игроку получить незаслуженное преимущество над другими игроками.
; Хейл
: Может означать:
:* [[Saxton Hale|Сакстон Хейл]]
:* Босс в [[VS Saxton Hale Mode (custom mode)|Против Сакстона Хейла (модификация)]], где боссом может быть [[Community fads|Брутальный снайпер]], [[Horseless Headless Horsemann|Пеший Всадник без головы]], [[community fads|Вагинер]], или Сакстон Хейл.
:* Так же может относиться к Активатору в модификации [[Death Run]].
; Хало-кост (Halo-caust)
: Сленговый термин, использующийся для отсылки к обновлению [[September_2,_2009_Patch|2 сентября 2009 года]], когда Valve наказали игроков которые использовали посторонние программы для "[[Idling|идлинга]]". Как результат, некоторые сервера (в основном владельцы которых не получили [[Cheater's Lament|Нимб праведника]]) стали унижать игроков владеющие данным аксессуаром, доходя до того, что владельцы серверов стали добавлять на свой сервер модификации, делающие Нимб праведника в форме различных оскорблений. Данный термин получил свое название путём соединения двух слов - Halo (так как Нимб праведника имеет форму кольца) и caust, делая при этом отсылку на [[wikipedia:Holocaust|Холокост]].
; {{Anchor|Health Soldier}} Health Soldier
: Солдат, снаряжение которого состоит из оружия которое лечит его, такие как [[Black Box|Черный ящик]] и [[Concheror|Завоеватель]].
: Аббревиатура для [[Horseless Headless Horsemann|Пешего всадника без головы]] ('''H'''orseless '''H'''eadless '''H'''orsemann).
{{Anchor|HHH Axe / HHHH}}
; HHH Axe / HHHH
: Аббревиатура для [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker|Секиры Пешего всадника без головы]] ('''H'''orseless '''H'''eadless '''H'''orsemann's '''H'''eadtaker). Синоним: [[#UHHHH|UHHHH]].
; Хуви (Hoovy)
: [[#Friendly / friendlies|Дружелюбный]] пулемётчик. [[Sandvich|Бутерброд]] является популярным оружием второго слота у Хуви, поскольку они часто бросают его как соратникам так и врагам, чтобы пополнить их здоровье.
: Сленговый термин для [[Heavy|пулемётчика]].
; Huddah
: Упрощенный перевод одной из фраз поджигателя.
; Гибрид Рыцарь (Hybrid Knight)
: Рыцарь-подрывник который чаще всего использует [[Grenade Launcher|Гранатомёт]], поскольку щиты дают временные криты (мини-криты с [[Tide Turner|Верным штурвалом) во время рывка.
== I ==
{{Anchor|Idle server}}
;  Idle server / idle map
: A server or map dedicated to hosting [[Idling]] players, but with less emphasis on Achievements (Example: [[Achievement Idle]]). ''See also [[#Achievement server|Achievement server]] or [[#Leveling|Leveling server]].''
; Idler/Idling
: May refer to:
:* On an active game server (especially in [[Casual Mode]]), someone who is otherwise not participating in the game, but is not particularity bothering anyone, possibly indicated by staying in [[#Spawn|spawn]], staying far from the action, grinding Achievements or [[Contracts]], or having a very low [[Scoreboard|score]]. Such behavior is often stated as grounds for [[Voting|vote kicks]].
:** Similar activities done on [[#Idle server|Idling]], [[#Trading server|Trading]], [[#Leveling|Leveling]], or [[#Achievement server|Achievement servers]].
:* Someone who is present on the server but is deliberately not playing the game for a long period of time to earn items via the [[item drop system]]. ''Main article: [[Idling]]''.
:** Someone who uses external idling programs or uses Idling or Achievement servers for the same purpose.
; Instakill
: A kill achieved in a single hit with the player being killed having full health. Examples include a charged [[headshot]] a [[Backstab]] or an environmental kill, such as being hit by a [[Train]] or being caught in the [[Payload]] cart's explosion at the end of a round.
; {{Botignore|Intel}}
: Abbreviation for the [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|Intelligence]] in [[Capture the Flag]] maps.
; Invuln
: A term for [[ÜberCharge]]. Synomyms: "[[#Über|Über]]" and "[[#Charge|charge]]".
== J ==
; Jar
: Short for [[Jarate]].
; Jarate chop
: A hit with the [[Bushwacka]] after covering an enemy in Jarate.
; Juggling
: Refers to the use of weapons to temporarily suspend enemies in the air.
; Juke/Juking
: Rapidly pressing movement buttons in an unpredictable way in order to make it harder for the enemy to hit the player.
; Jump map
{{Main|Jump maps}}
: A map designed for practicing jumping skills for the Soldier, Demoman, and Scout.
; Jumper
: Refers to either the [[Rocket Jumper]], [[Sticky Jumper]], or [[B.A.S.E. Jumper]].
== K ==
; Katana
: Alternative term for the [[Half-Zatoichi]].
; K/D and K/A/D
: Acronym for "Kill-Death Ratio" and "Kill Assist Death Ratio". May be expressed as a ratio (27:7) or a decimal number (1.75 KDR). [[Medic]]s will often present their KDR as a ratio of [[assist]]s to deaths, as kills are not usually accumulated in conventional Medic play.
; {{Botignore|KGB}}
: Acronym for the [[Killing Gloves of Boxing]].
; Kick
: May refer to:
:* The act of [[voting|votekicking]] a player in the hopes of kicking them out of a server, or if an administrator is present on a community server, immediately kicking.
:* A shorthand version of the [[Kazotsky Kick]].
; Killbind
: Players who commit suicide by using the <code>'''kill'''</code> or <code>'''explode'''</code> command on console, players who do so usually have it bound to a specific key on the keyboard.
; Knockback
: The movement of a player, caused by an outside source. Often associated with weapons such as the [[Force-A-Nature]].
: See [[Knock back]].
; Kritz
: Slang for the [[ÜberCharge]] of the [[Kritzkrieg]], or being subjected to one.
; KS/ks
:An abbreviation for [[Killstreak]]. Could refer to killstreak effects, killstreak kits, or gaining a killstreak in-game.
; K Then/K
: Short for "Okay then"/"Okay". A sarcastic acknowledgement after experiencing some random or luck-based event, in a "so that happened" way. Common examples are Crit kills, unintentional kills, facestabs, kills with the Mantreads, and [[Machina|collateral kills]].
== L ==
; Lag
{{Main|Lag compensation}}
: The effect experienced by players who display erratic movement due to high latency.
:: ''See also: [[W:Lag|Lag]] on Wikipedia''
; Last
: Short for the last control point. On [[Control Point (game mode)|Control Point]] or [[Payload]] maps, it refers to the last control point or cart checkpoint that the attackers have to capture to win the game.
; Leapstab
{{Main|Backstab#Backstabbing techniques|l1=Backstab}}
: A form of [[#Trickstab|trickstabbing]] by jumping from an elevated position and [[backstab]]bing an enemy upon or before landing on the ground as the [[Spy]].
; Leveling server
:A server primarily for players to rapidly increase the levels​ of​ [[Strange]] items​.​
; Lft
: Abbreviation of "looking for team"; often added after a player's name to advertise that they are interested in joining a [[Competitive Play|competitive]] team.
{{Anchor|Lime Scout|Lime}}
; Lime Scout
: Term for a Scout with cosmetics painted The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime, acting as a Tryhard. Like an Anger Sniper, they are usually depicted as killing friendlies, using rude binds, and taunting after most kills.
; Lucksman
: A term used for the [[Huntsman]], referring to the ease of getting kills with this weapon, only having to rely on "luck", due to the arrows' large [[hitbox]]es.
== M ==
; Mann Up
: Short for the [[Mann Up Mode]] in [[Mann vs. Machine]].
; Mini / Mini-Sentry
: Short for "[[Sentry Gun#Combat Mini-Sentry Gun|Combat Mini-Sentry Gun]]".
; Main
: A class which a player mostly plays or only plays in any given match.
; Masking
: Used to cancel a [[response]] cue of some abilities (e.g. Medic's "Übercharge ready!" when charge reaches 100% or Pyro's yell when activating [[Phlogistinator]]'s "Mmmph") with [[voice commands]].
{{Anchor|Matador stab}}
; Matador stab
{{Main|Backstab#Backstabbing techniques|l1=Backstab}}
: A form of [[#Trickstab|trickstabbing]] by tricking an enemy to follow the player and then quickly strafing to the side to [[#Sidestab|sidestab]] them.
; Marked
: Used to signal teammates that an enemy has been hit by the [[Fan O'War]].
; Market Garden
: See [[Glossary of player terms#G|Garden / Gardened]]
; Meat
: Refers to either the [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich]] or the [[Ham Shank]].
{{Anchor|Meat turret}}
; Meat {{botignore|turret}}/Meat {{botignore|sentry}}
: A Heavy that defends a Dispenser with more or less continuous revolution, frequently Spy Checking, and shooting incoming Rockets and destroying {{botignore|Stickies}}.
{{Anchor|Meatshot|Meat shot}}
; Meatshot
: When all or most of the bullets fired from weapons with large spreads, such as the [[Shotgun]] or [[Scattergun]], hit the target, thereby doing massive damage.
; Medic buddy
{{Main|Medic buddy}}
: A Medic's [[#Pocket|Pocket]].
; Medic Girlfriend
: A term used for a player's pocket Medic who will never leave their side, even if there's someone else who needs healing directly in front of them. They might also have the "No" voice command bound to their WASD keys and the player they are healing is usually referred to as their "boyfriend", most commonly a Soldier.
; Meem
: Slang for "MEDIC!"—often used in a silly fashion. It originated from the [[Community fads#MeeM|community fad]] which came from taking the Medic's "[[Media:Medic medic03.wav|MEDIC!]]" voice line, cutting off the second half, playing the first half, and then, immediately playing it backwards, causing it to replicate the word "meme".
; {{Anchor|Meme Spoon}} Meme Spoon
: Slang for [[Market Gardener]]
; Meta
: The most effective way to play the game competitively, deemed by the community. Usually refers to certain playstyles or weapon loadouts.
; Meta 6/meta team
: In the context of Mann vs. Machine, a team that is the same as the one shown in [[Mann vs. Machine (teaser)]] (Scout, Demo, Soldier, Heavy, Medic, Engie).
; MG
: Abbreviation for Market Garden or Market Gardener
; Mic/Mike
: A microphone, used for communication over [[voice chat]].
; Mic spam
: Originally described as the act of repeatedly playing sounds, music, or generally abusing the game's [[voice chat]] feature. It has since grown to include all manner of sound playing. Third party software is often used to accomplish this, including HLDJ, Virtual Audio Cable, and Manycam. Micspam can be considered either entertaining or [[griefing]], depending on the server.
: Positive aspects of mic spam may include:
:* Playing music for the server.
:* Playing comedic soundbites from TV shows, movies, standup acts, and more.
:* Playing appropriate sound files on specific occasions for humorous effect.
: Negative uses of mic spam may include:
:* Repeatedly playing the same audio file to annoy other players.
:* Playing sounds that are high in bass or volume and can potentially damage other players' speakers, headphones, or even hearing.
:* Periodically playing an irritating noise during a fraction of a second, making it very difficult for others to see who broadcasted the sound.
:* Creating noise by singing, blowing into the microphone, or simply talking incessantly to disrupt others.
:* Using voice modification software to manipulate one's voice to sound either extremely high pitched or robotic to disrupt others.
Other uses of mic spam may include:
:* Unintentionally caused by excessive background noise.
:* Attempting to voice chat with a broken or bad quality microphone.
; Mid
: Short for the middle control point. Used most commonly on five-point Control Point maps.
; Mmph
: May refer to:
:* A simplified translation of one of the Pyro's muffles.
:* The MMPH meter, a meter on the [[Phlogistinator]] that fills based on fire damage.
; MvM
: Short for [[Mann vs. Machine]].
== N ==
; Naked
: A player who does not wear any [[cosmetic item]]s.
; N1/n1
: Nice one.
; Nerf
: Slang for a weapon's attributes being made weaker for game balance. Antonym: "[[#Buff|buff]]".
:: ''See also: [[W:Balance (game design)#Nerf|Nerf]] on Wikipedia''
; Ninja
: May refer to:
:* A Spy wielding the [[Conniver's Kunai]].
:* Term for a player who sneakily "steals" something—generally, a [[Control point (objective)|capture point]].
:: ''See also: [[Back-capping]]''
; Ninjaneer
: May refer to:
:* An Engineer who tries to get behind enemy lines, then secretly builds a [[#Engineer nest|nest]] of Buildings to {{botignore|teleport}} teammates in and ambush the enemy from behind.
:* An Engineer who uses the [[Eureka Effect]] to escape from the front lines when in trouble. He may try to return to the enemy base via a hidden Teleporter Exit shortly afterwards.
::: ''See also: [[Team strategy#The Ninjaneer|Team strategy: The Ninjaneer]]''
; Noscope
: Shooting as a [[Sniper]] with a Sniper Rifle without zooming in. Commonly associated with the [[Classic]] due to its tendency to scope and get headshots without requiring the player to zoom in.
; Noob
: General gaming slang for an inexperienced or new player. "Noob" and its homophones are generally considered to be more offensive, denoting someone with a lack of skill attributable to a deeper level than simple inexperience.
; NS/ns
: Nice shot.
== O ==
; Observer Spy
: A Spy who wears the [[Shutterbug]], [[Upgrade]], [[Camera Beard]]. Often seen standing around the map holding the [[Red-Tape Recorder]], "observing" the battle.
: A [[Pyro achievements|Pyro Achievement]] achieved by [[Taunt#Taunt kills|taunt killing]] an enemy as the [[Pyro]].
{{Anchor|Official map}}
; Official map
: In the context of this Wiki, especially, a map that has been released into the game through a [[Patches|Patch]] made by [[Valve]], hence "official"; these include '''Valve maps''' developed by Valve and '''Community maps''' made by members of the ''TF2''. Again, for the purposes of this Wiki, official status is not lost by the map when withdrawn from the game in a later patch.
; OOF/oof
: Usually a response to something humorous happening in a game (i.e. a Soldier blowing himself up).  Most likely based on the original [[w:Roblox|Roblox]] [[w:Roblox#"Oof" sound effect|death sound effect]]
; OP
: General acronym for Overpowered, used both seriously and jokingly to describe a powerful weapon.
; Out of Bounds
: Term used to describe an exploit allowing the player to leave a map's normal boundaries.
== P ==
; P2P
: An acronym for "pay-to-play", used to describe a user with a [[Account types|premium]] account; often used jokingly to suggest that premium users have advantages over non-premium users.
:: ''See also: [[#F2P|F2P]]''
; Painis
: May refer to:
:* A slang term deriving from the Soldier voice command line "[[Media:Soldier jeers07.wav|Pain is weakness leaving the body!]]"
::*Painis Cupcake, a community-created character that came from the "[[Community fads#Painis|Painis]]" community fad.
:* The [[Original]], as it is positioned and shaped like a human penis.
; Peaceful
: See [[#Friendly / friendlies|Friendly / friendlies]].
; Phlog
: Short for [[Phlogistinator]].
; Phlogro / Phlog Pyro
: Pyro equipped with the Phlogistinator. ''See [[Community Pyro strategy#Weapon combinations|Phlogro strategy]].''
; Pimp Hat
: Slang term for the [[Hustler's Hallmark]] [[cosmetic]] for the [[Demoman]].
; Pipebomb / Pipes / Pills
: Alternate name for the projectiles fired by the [[Grenade Launcher]].
; Pipe Jesus
: Term used when referring to an extremely skilled player who can hit almost all of their pipes (Grenades)
; Piss
: Slang for [[Jarate]].
; Pissrifle / Pissgun
: Slang for the [[Sydney Sleeper]].
; {{Anchor|Piss Sniper|Piss Loadout}} Piss Sniper / Piss Loadout
: Sniper that uses the Sydney Sleeper and Jarate, and in most cases, the [[Bushwacka]].
; Pocket
: May refer to a player whose role is to focus support on a single teammate:
:* A player who is the [[Medic buddy|primary healing target]] of a Medic.
:* A [[Medic]] who primarily heals one particular ally.
:* A [[Pocket Pyro]] or [[#Pybro|Pybro]] who protects an Engineer.
; Point
: Short for [[Control point (objective)|Control Point]].
; Point and Click Adventure
: A derogatory term for [[Sniper]] that simplifies his playstyle to that of a point & click adventure game
; Pop
: A synonym for using an ÜberCharge, used to quickly communicate to one's teammates in the middle of a battle.
: Damaging an Über Medic robot in [[Mann vs. Machine]] so that it activates its ÜberCharge in the event that it cannot be killed outright.
; Pootis
: A slang term derived from the Heavy voice command "[[Media:Heavy needdispenser01.wav|Put Dispenser here!]]"
; PoV demo
: A [[Help:Recording demos|recorded demo]] that has been recorded from the player's point of view.
; Pro
: May refer to:
:* A term used when a skilled move has been executed.
:* An accomplished player, often one who specializes in [[competitive play]].
; Pub
: Stands for "Public" (short for public server) and may refer to:
:* Official servers run by Valve, accessible via [[Quickplay]] prior to the [[Meet Your Match Update]].
:* May also refer to official non-competitive servers run by Valve, now accessible via [[Casual Mode]].
; Pubbing
: Playing in Casual servers.
; Pub push
: When the atttacking team on [[Payload]] doesn't push the cart until [[Overtime]], usually succeeding in capturing the checkpoint.
; Pubstomp
: A practice in which one or more very experienced competitive players join a [[#Pub|pub]] with the intention of soundly defeating opposing team of less skilled players.
; Puff
: Slang for [[compression blast]].
; Puff'n'sting
: A technique whereby a Pyro lights an enemy on fire with the Degreaser, uses the [[compression blast]] to knock them into the air, and then takes advantage of the Degreaser's switch time to kill the opponent with their melee weapon. Switching to their secondary weapon to finish off opponent is instead known as a "Puff'n'Shoot".
; Pug
: The [[Pug Mug]] or [[Puggyback]].
:See also: [[#PUG|PUG]].
; Punish
: Taking advantage of an enemy's mistake
; Push
: May refer to:
:* The act of escorting the Payload cart.
:* An organized attack in which several players simultaneously move into enemy territory and attack in an attempt to overpower an enemy's defenses and complete an objective, such as capturing a control point or advancing the cart; often accompanied by an [[ÜberCharge]].
:* The CTF map [[Push]] from ''[[Team Fortress Classic]]''.
; PvE
: Player versus Environment
; Pybro
: A Pyro who helps friendly Engineers by [[Spy-checking|checking for Spies]], airblasting [[projectiles]] away from buildings, and removing [[Sapper]]s with the [[Homewrecker]], [[Maul]], or the [[Neon Annihilator]], as well as any Pyro playing mainly to protect other teammates. ''See [[Community Pyro strategy#Weapon combinations|Pybro strategy]].''
{{Anchor|Pyro tennis}}
; Pyro tennis
:A game played by Pyros on a tennis court (of sorts) where they air blast the [[:File:Prop Beachball bday.png|"Happy Birthday Team Fortress" beach ball]] back and forth over the net.
; Pyrocar
: Synonym of W+M1. The term was created after a player decided to play [[Pyro]] with a steering wheel peripheral, literally becoming a "Pyro car" [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfiOmo2jr6M&feature=related].
; Pyroshark
: A term used for Pyros who use the [[Neon Annihilator]] to attack enemies whilst underwater; often jokingly used as though the Pyro character is a literal shark. ''See [[Community Pyro strategy#Weapon combinations|Pyroshark strategy]].''
== Q ==
; QQ
: General gaming slang originating from ''[[W:Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness|Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness]]'', in which the keyboard key combination Alt + Q + Q would quit the game. Nowadays, it is interpreted as an emoticon with a pair of crying eyes. Often used in a degrading manner (e.g., "QQ more" ["Cry more"]).
; Quickscope
: Quickly zooming in and instantaneously headshotting with any of the Sniper's primary weapons that are capable of doing so.
== R ==
; Rage
:May refer to:
:* The "Rage" meter a [[Soldier]] builds up when using the [[Buff Banner]], [[Battalion's Backup]], or [[Concheror]].
:* The Knockback Rage ability the [[Heavy]] may buy as an upgrade in [[Mann vs. Machine]].
:* A player who is upset by what is happening in the game or the actions they may take because of their anger, e.g., [[Griefing]] or [[#Rage quit|rage quit]].
; Rage Heavy
: A term used for a player who uses the [[Heavy]] as a last ditch effort after a losing streak or bout of frustration, hoping to use his large firepower to gain kills easily.
:: Can also be used with other classes;  e.g., a player might '''Rage Pyro''' after suffering a streak of backstab deaths.
{{Anchor|Rage hacks}}
;Rage hacks
: The method of [[#Hacking / hacker / hacks|hacking]] with the intent to get as many kills and cause as much annoyance as possible, not trying to look [[#Legit hacks|legit]].
:: ''See also: [[Griefing]], [[#Legit hacks|Legit hacks]]''
; Rage Pyro
: A term for an enraged player who switches to Pyro, mostly due to an enemy who is dominating them and/or taunting at them.
{{Anchor|Rage quit}}
; Rage quit
: Leaving the game because of frustration or anger with the round or other players.
; Random crit
:Commonly used description to describe when a player receives a [[critical hit]] that is not caused by a specific attribute of a weapon. Can be used as an acknowledgement when a fight may be prematurely over between two players attempting to fight fairly.
: An abbreviation of "random deathmatch", describing a situation in which players on both teams focus on killing each other instead of fulfilling the match's objectives. Players engaged in a random deathmatch may go so far as to grief or votekick players who do attempt to meet the objectives. In game modes with no timer, such as [[Payload Race]], this can continue indefinitely.
; Reflect
: A term used when the [[compression blast]] is used to send enemy [[projectiles]] back towards the enemy team.
; Revving
:May refer to:
:* Spinning up the Heavy's primary weapon using the alternate-fire button.
:* The delay experienced when the Minigun spins up prior to shooting using the primary fire button.
: Abbreviation for "random number generation"; used to describe situations that are heavily dependent on luck such as random [[critical hit]]s or [[Rock, Paper, Scissors]].
; RNGesus
: Portmanteau of 'RNG' and 'Jesus' to either:
:* Personify RNG as an entity
:* Refer to a player that has a lot of luck, especially in reference to [[Random Crits]]
{{anchor|RTD|Roll The Dice}}
; RTD/Roll The Dice
: An unofficial server plugin that allows players to "roll the dice" using a command. Upon rolling the dice, players are granted some form of benefit or handicap, such as unlimited [[Critical hits|crits]] or being frozen in place for a short period of time.
; Roller
: A [[Grenade Launcher]] [[projectile]] that has bounced.
; RTV/Rock The Vote
: An unofficial server plugin that allows players to change the map if a certain number of players in a server uses the command.
; Rush
: The practice of attempting to complete an objective quickly with all the players of one team playing as the same class. A "Scout Rush" would make use of entirely Scouts.
:* See [[Rush]].
; Revengineer
: An Engineer who uses the [[Frontier Justice]] to fight after his Sentry Gun has been destroyed. They commonly use the [[Gunslinger]] due to the [[Combat Mini-Sentry]] being more expendable.
== S ==
; Salt / salty
: A term used to describe frustration or overreaction or a player who is frustrated or overreacting, respectively.
; Sap'n'stab
: Slang for a technique wherein a [[Spy]] lures an Engineer to a [[building]] by sapping it and then backstabs him as he returns to repair it.
; Scoot
: Slang term for [[Scout]], often used in a silly fashion.
; Scramble
: Refers to a [[Voting|vote]] to auto-rearrange both teams and restart the round for team balance. As of the [[Meet Your Match Update]], calling such a vote is no longer possible in Valve servers/Casual matches. Community servers may still allow such a vote, though sometimes it is done via alternate methods to the voting system the game comes with.
:: ''See also: [[#Autobalance|Autobalance]]''
; Script Kiddie
: Derogatory term for a player using third-party software to gain an unfair advantage.
; Scunt
: [[w:Portmanteau|Portmanteau]] of "Scout" and "cunt", usually used as a derogatory term to describe overly ambitious Scout mains or Scouts in general. See also; [[#Lime Scout|Lime Scout]].
; Second scoping
: A [[Sniper]] dueling technique that consists of waiting until the opposing Sniper scopes before scoping in yourself to [[headshot]] them while they adjust to the view.
; {{Botignore|Sentry}}
: Short for "[[Sentry Gun]]".
{{Anchor|Sentry nest}}
; Sentry nest
: A [[Sentry Gun]], [[Dispenser]], and possibly a [[Teleporter]] exit packed tightly together. Associated with turtling.
; SF
: [[Festive weapons]] of [[Strange]] quality (e.g. "SF Scattergun").
; Shield
: May refer to:
:* One of the three shield secondaries for Demoman: the [[Chargin' Targe]], the [[Splendid Screen]], or the [[Tide Turner]].
:* The [[Razorback]] or the [[Darwin's Danger Shield]], two [[Weapons#snipersecondary|secondary weapons]] for the [[Sniper]].
; Shpee
: Humorous slang term for a novice or inexperienced player playing as the Spy, often used as though the Spy character is a literal baby animal.
; Sidestab
{{Main|Backstab#Backstabbing techniques|l1=Backstab}}
: Backstabbing an enemy from their side, rather than from the back. The backstab angle is wide enough to allow for what appears to be a stab from the side.
; Situational
: A weapon or technique viewed only as useful in specific situations.
; Slay / Slaying
: The act of slaying a player via the Votemenu for stalling or unfair behavior.
; Slayle / Slayling
: The act of voteslaying the Activator in Death Run Mode for preventing fun. Portmanteau of "Slay" and "Gayle."
; Snoipah
: Humorous slang for the [[Sniper]].
; Solly
: Slang for the [[Soldier]].
; Spah
: Humorous slang term for a [[Spy]], derived from the [[Engineer]]'s pronunciation of the word "Spy" in his voice command lines, specifically, his sentry being sapped [[Media:Engineer autoattackedbyspy03.wav|voiceline]].
; Spam / Spamming
: May refer to:
:* The act of deliberately concentrating firepower within a particular area in an attempt to get kills or deter enemy players from entering an area.
:* Wanton firing of weapons such as the [[Grenade Launcher]] with little or no deliberate aim.
:* An unwanted abundance of something such as chat messages, a specific class, or a certain tactic.
:* Mic spamming, the playing of music or a sound through voice chat.
: See [[Griefing]].
; Spawn
: The area in which the player initially spawns or any area in which they [[respawn]].
{{Anchor|Spawn camping}}
; Spawn camping
: A situation in which one team manages to secure the area around the other team's spawn point. This results in the latter team being killed upon leaving spawn without coordination or significant firepower. This is often considered [[#Griefing|unsporting]] when done to excess.
: See [[#Camping|Camping]].
; Spec
: Abbreviation for the [[Team|spectate]] feature.
; Spelled
: Refers to an item that has a [[Halloween Spells|Halloween Spell]] tool applied to it.
: A portmanteau of [[Spy]] and noob.
;Spoon {{Anchor|Spoon}}
: A slang term for Soldier's shovels. See also [[#Meme Spoon|Meme Spoon]].
; Spray
: The custom decal that players can paint on most surfaces, such as walls or floors.
; Spycap
: A strategy where a Spy will lurk near a locked [[control point (objective)|control point]] to capture it as soon as it is unlocked before the enemy team has time to retreat from defending the previous point. This is usually performed at the final point of a map due to the accelerated [[control point timing]].
: See [[#Chaincap|Chaincap]].
; Spy checking / Spychecking
{{Main|Spy checking}}
: The procedure of firing at teammates to check if they are [[disguised]] enemy Spies and firing on open space to check for Cloaked Spies.
; Spycrab / Spycrabbing
: May refer to:
:* A Spy that imitates the movement of a crab by crouching and looking up while having the [[Disguise Kit]] equipped. It then became a popular [[community fads#Spycrab|fad]]. The Spy has a corresponding [[Spy taunts#PDA|taunt]] which rarely occurs when taunting with the Disguise Kit, a reference to the original movement.
:* A form of gambling in which participants are Spies and continuously taunt with the Disguise Kit. The rules may differ between groups; one example marks players who perform the "Spycrab" taunt as losers, continuing until only one person is left.
: May refer to:
:* [[w:Portmanteau|Portmanteau]] for a Spy disguised as a [[Engineer]].
:* A short-lived bug in which the Spy was able to build [[Dispensers]].
:: See also: [[#Ninjaneer|Ninjaneer]].
; Spyper
:May refer to:
:*[[w:Portmanteau|Portmanteau]] for a Spy disguised as a [[Sniper]].
:*A [[Spy]] using the [[Ambassador]].
; Spyro
:May refer to:
:* [[w:Portmanteau|Portmanteau]] for a Spy disguised as a [[Pyro]].
:* A Pyro player using the [[Backburner]].
; Squeaker
: Refers to a younger player who uses their microphone often, usually unintentionally annoying others with a higher-pitched voice.
; SR / ScoRes
: Acronym for the [[Demoman]]'s [[Scottish Resistance]].
; Stab'n'sap
: Slang for a technique whereby a [[Spy]] [[backstab]]s an [[Engineer]] from behind and then immediately switches to the [[Sapper]] and saps the Engineer's [[Sentry Gun]] before it turns to kill them.
; Stacking
:May refer to
:* One team is composed of players who work together or are more skilled than the other. The most common case is on a public server, having one team of skilled players against one that is less experienced or poorly organized.
:* Multiple players being the same class, most notably new players who play Spy or Sniper.
; Stairstab
{{Main|Backstab#Backstabbing techniques|l1=Backstab}}
: A form of [[#Trickstab|trickstabbing]] by jumping down a flight of stairs to land behind and [[backstab]] a chasing enemy as a [[Spy]]. One method for doing so is for the Spy to "bait" the victim into following him up a flight of stairs.
; Sticky / sticky
: Short for [[Stickybomb Launcher|Stickybombs]].
; Stickyspam
: The act of continuously firing Stickybombs into enemy lines and immediately detonating them, as opposed to setting up [[#Sticky trap|sticky traps]].
; Sticky trap
: The act of placing multiple Stickybombs in an area to detonate them upon an enemy unknowingly walking over them.
; Stomp
: See [[#Roll / Rolling / Rolled|Roll / Rolling / Rolled]].
; Subclass
: A specific set of weapons that drastically changes the way the class is played. Currently, the only subclass is the [[#Demoknight|Demoknight]]. <!-- The only existing subclass is Demoknight, the rest are categorized as playstyles.-->
; Surfing
: May refer to:
:* [[Surfing]], a mod that allows players to slant into walls (commonly referred to as ramps), causing them to accelerate rapidly and reach extremely high velocities.
:* Surfing knockback/Surfing damage, a technique in which a player uses the knockback of a weapon (E.g. a rocket or a close-range Shotgun hit) to strafe or gain speed while continuously jumping to get out of a disadvantageous situation.
; Survivability
: The likelihood of the survival of a player on the battlefield.
; S. [name of item]
: An item of the [[Strange]] quality.
== T ==
; Tank
: ''Noun'': A character with sufficient firepower ''and'' health (Heavy or Soldier) to draw enemy attention and attacks toward themselves to protect other teammates.
: ''Verb'': To absorb damage for the team.
; Tap
: Being near the [[Payload]] cart for a brief moment to prevent it from backing up, resetting the timer. Scouts or briefly [[Cloak|uncloaking]] Spies are the most practical for this task.
; Targe
: Short for the [[Chargin' Targe]].
; Tele
: Short for the [[Teleporter]].
; Telefrag
: [[w:Portmanteau|Portmanteau]] of teleport and [[wikipedia:Frag (video gaming)|frag]] – killing an opponent by teleporting into them when they are standing on a teleporter exit. The term comes from [[wikipedia:Id Software|id Software]]'s seminal first-person shooter ''[[w:Doom|Doom]]''.
: See [[Telefrag]].
; Tele-Trap
: Short for "teleporter trap".
: A Teleporter used as an early warning system for incoming enemies, as enemies tend to destroy buildings they come across.
: Patched Griefing tactic where a Teleporter Entrance was placed above an Exit, causing teammates arriving in the Exit to become stuck.
: Griefing tactic where a Teleporter leads to a dead-end/inescapable room only accessible via [[Exploits]].
: Griefing tactic where a teleporter leads to an [[Environmental death|environmental hazard]].
; Tickle fight
:​[[#Boxing|Boxing]] ​done ​with the [[Holiday Punch]]​ only,​ with the objective of making the other player perform the [[Schadenfreude]] ​taunt due to one of the weapon's positive attributes.
; Ticky Gun
:A term for a completely unloaded and harmless Sentry Gun. In a minigame associated with the term, a team of Wrench-restricted Engineers try to reload the "Ticky Gun" while a team of Pyros tries to repel them using only compression blasts. The game ends when the Engineers are able to reload the Sentry Gun, killing the surrounding Pyros.
; Tilt
: A slang term for players who get extremely frustrated during a game.
; Tour
: May refer to:
:* [[Tour of Duty]] [[missions]], played on a [[Mann Up]] server in the [[Mann vs. Machine]] gamemode.
:* The number of tours a player has played in Mann vs. Machine, which can be used to estimate their level of experience.
{{Anchor|Trading server}}
; Trading server / Trade map
: A server or map dedicated to attracting and hosting [[Idling]] players for the purposed of in-game [[Trading]], often featuring elements of [[#Achievement server|Achievement servers]] (examples: [[Trade Minecraft]], [[Trade Plaza]]).
; Trickstab
{{Main|Backstab#Backstabbing techniques|l1=Backstab}}
: Refers to when a player playing as the Spy takes advantage of the terrain to outmaneuver and backstab an enemy who is aware that they are a Spy. There are many different variations of the term, all meaning different things: "[[#Stairstab|stairstab]]", "[[#Cornerstab|cornerstab]]", "[[#Leapstab|leapstab]]", and "[[#Matador stab|matador stab]]".
; Trimp / Trimping
: A portmanteau of "Trick" and "Jump" (or "Jumping"). Refers to when a Demoman player uses a shield's charge to slide off ramps, gaining height and thus flying over large distances.
; Trolldemo
: Portmanteau of "Troll" and "Demo". Commonly refers to a Demoman using the the [[Sticky Jumper]] and the [[Ullapool Caber]] or any other melee to attack his enemies.
; Trolldier
: [[w:Portmanteau|Portmanteau]] of "Soldier" and "troll". Commonly refers to a Soldier seeking to fight with primarily the [[Market Gardener]]. They are usually found wielding the [[Rocket Jumper]] and/or [[Mantreads]].
; Tunnelvision
: A player who is is oblivious of anything to the side or behind them. As the name suggests, these players seem to be focused on what is ahead of them, rarely moving to the side and walking in straight lines.
; Turtling
: "Digging in" and employing extremely defensive tactics. May also refer to [[Engineer]] setting up a [[Sentry Gun]] and [[Dispenser]] next to each other, and then remaining in close proximity for a substantial period of time while constantly repairing the buildings.
;  Tryhard
:''(from [[w:Die Hard (film series)|Die Hard]])''
:* A derogatory term for a player perceived as taking the present [[Casual Mode|Casual]] or otherwise less-competitive game too seriously, possibly to the irritation of other players, perhaps through [[voice chat]] or [[Heads-up display#Bottom left corner|text chat]].
:* An aggressive player on a server where the other players have agreed to be [[#FriendlyAnchor|Friendly]] and are possibly socializing or cooperating on [[Achievements]] or [[Contracts]]. Antonym: "[[#Idler|Idler]]".
== U ==
; Über
: Short for "[[ÜberCharge]]". Synonyms: "[[#Charge|charge]]" and "[[#Invuln|invuln]]".
; Übered
: A player who is currently being ÜberCharged.
; Überchain
: A strategy where a Medic "[[Übercharge]]"s another Medic using the "[[Ubersaw]]". That Medic then collects Übercharge using the Ubersaw's advantages until the Übercharge ends. The Medic who wielded the Ubersaw then ÜberCharges the first Medic, repeating the cycle.
: An abbreviation for the Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker. Synonyms: "[[#Headtaker / HHHH Axe / HHHH|Headtaker]]".
== V ==
; Vac
: May refer to:
:* Abbreviation for the [[Valve Anti-Cheat|Valve's Anti-Cheat]] system.
:* An abbreviation for the [[Vaccinator]].
; Vacc / Vax
: Another abbreviation for the Vaccinator.
; Vanilla
: May refer to:
:* A [[loadout]] consisting entirely of [[Stock weapons]].
:* A server with no [[mods]] or plugins installed.
; Volvo
: Slang for [[Valve]], typically used in a silly fashion. Originates from the similar pronunciations of "[[W:Volvo|Volvo]]" and "Valve".
: Abbreviation of the [[Virtual Reality Headset]].
; V. [name of item]
: An item of the [[Vintage]] quality.
== W ==
; W+M1
: Literally, "forward (Default key {{key|W}}) and {{key|MOUSE1}}", a derogatory term referring to an aggressive player playing as the [[Pyro]] (or occasionally the [[Heavy]]), often connotative of a lack of skill. It refers to players who mindlessly rush (W) and fire their primary weapon (M1) without caring to flank or strategize with teammates. An example in action would be a Pyro who tries to charge the [[Phlogistinator]]'s "Mmmph" meter by charging into battle instead of using well-timed ambushes.
; W+M2
: Literally, "forward (Default key {{key|W}}) and {{key|MOUSE2}}", derived from "W+M1". The term is similarly used to refer to players playing as the Pyro and only using the compression blast ability to reflect projectiles or shove enemies around without using the primary fire attack of the primary weapon.
; Windmill(s)/Windmilled
: Refers to a [[Sniper Robot]]'s melee attack animation in which he swings his arm in a full circle like a windmill. When killed by one, it's often called "being windmilled". Used mostly, if not exclusively, in the MvM community.
; War Pig
: May refer to:
:* The Soldier cosmetic with the [[War Pig|same name]].
:* A player who often overestimates their own skill. This term is also associated with some weapons and other hats that these kind of players use.
; Warp / Warping
: An extreme form of [[Lag compensation]] in which a player seems to be teleporting from place to place due to extreme latency.
; Weapon heckling
: Using a class's repositioning abilities, such as the Scout's speed, to continuously force an opponent to use a disadvantageous weapon. For example, a Scout can maintain a safe distance from a Pyro, forcing the Pyro to equip the [[Shotgun]], which is then outdamaged by the [[Scattergun]] at close range.
; Wep
: Abbreviation for weapon, used in trading discussions.
; Whip
: Slang for the [[Disciplinary Action]].
: A verb referring to using the Disciplinary Action to boost the speed of you and a teammate.
; Wot/Wat/Wut
: Humorous slang for "what", commonly used when a player does something extremely unnatural or funny. An example would be if a charging Demoman kills a cloaked Spy unintentionally.
; WP/wp
: Abbreviation for 'Well Played', commonly expressed with the 'Good Game' abbreviation to create 'GGWP/ggwp'
; Wrenching / wrenched
: May refer to:
:* The act of repairing/upgrading a building with a [[Engineer#Melee|{{Botignore|wrench}}]].
:* The act of killing an enemy with a {{Botignore|wrench}}.
== Y ==
: Acronym for the [[Your Eternal Reward]] weapon for the [[Spy]].
== Z ==
; Za Hando
: Fan nickname for the [[Hot Hand]], referencing the character Okuyasu Nijimura's Stand called [https://jojowiki.com/The_Hand "The Hand"], from the fourth part of the manga and anime [[w:Diamond Is Unbreakable|JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable]].
= Competitive terminology =
: These are some of the terms which players use in [[Competitive play|competitive gameplay]].
; 4v4 / 4v4s / 4s
: Shorthand for a competitive format where there are only 4 players per team. All classes can be used, but there can only be one of each class at a time. Additionally, the [[Heavy]] and [[Medic]] are banned from being used at the same time. The standard line up tends to consist of a a [[Scout]], a [[Soldier]], a [[Demoman]], and a [[Medic]]. This format tends to promote more offclassing.
; 6v6 / 6v6s / 6s
: Shorthand for a standard competitive format where there are six players per team, commonly consisting of two [[Scouts]], a [[Soldier]] who stays with the [[Medic]] (referred to as a "[[#Pocket|Pocket]]"), a second Soldier that focuses on utilizing alternate routes to attack the enemy (referred to as a "[[#Roamer|Roamer]]"), one [[Demoman]], and one Medic.
== B ==
; Beef/beefing
: Refers to when a player makes an error while doing something requiring mechanical skill, especially when said player would normally succeed.
; Bombing
: Refers to when a player playing as the Soldier or Demoman rocket or sticky jumps above enemy players in order to shoot explosives down upon them.
== C ==
; Charge
: Short for "[[ÜberCharge]]." Synomyms: "[[#Über|Über]]" and "[[#Invuln|invuln]]."
; Comms
: Short for communication. This refers to players communicating to each other either by using the in-game text chat or through [[voice chat]], or more commonly an outside voice over IP (VoIP) program such as [http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ Mumble], [http://www.ventrilo.com/ Ventrilo], or [http://discordapp.com/ Discord].
; Destroyed
: Similar to "[[#Lit|lit]]", this term describes an enemy player who has taken a large amount of damage and has very low health.
; Dry push
: Describes when an attacking team rushes the defending team's last point without having an [[ÜberCharge]] ready. Usually attempted when the defending team also doesn't have an [[ÜberCharge]] and the attackers outnumber the defenders.
== E ==
: Acronym for European Team Fortress 2 League. It is the central hub of the European competitive ''TF2'' scene.
: See [http://www.etf2l.org/ ETF2L].
: Acronym for E-Sports Entertainment Association, a paid 6's league in North America. Generally, the highest skill players are in this league.
: See [http://play.esea.net/ ESEA].
== F ==
; Fat
: Used as a positive adjective to refer to an extraordinarily good event in competitive play. For example, a "fat rocket" would be a rocket that does a lot of damage
; Force/Force pop
: To damage a Medic or his heal target enough to urge a Medic to deploy his [[Übercharge]] in self-defense, rather than using it to push. The alternate form incorporates the usage of "pop" to refer to the usage of an Übercharge.
== G ==
; Generalist
: A class that is viable to play at most of the time or is part of the core of a team, being [[Scout]], [[Soldier]], [[Demoman]], and [[Medic]].
== H ==
; Have / Has
: Indicates that a team's Medic has a full [[ÜberCharge]] ready to deploy.
; Highlander / HL / 9s / 9v9 / 9vs9
: A competitive match type wherein the nine-player roster of each team consists of one of every class.
== L ==
{{Anchor|Legit hacks}}
; Legit hacks
: The act of using [[#Hacker / hacking / hacks|hacks]] to perform well in the game without being caught as being a hacker (ex. turning on aimbot for a quick moment, then turning it off.) Oftentimes, many players in popular competitive leagues have been "legit hacking" and have since been caught.
:: ''See also: [[#Rage hacks|Rage hacks]]''
; Lit
: To be low on health. Commonly used to point out enemy players that can be easily finished off, although priority friendly classes such as the Demoman or [[#Pocket|Pocket]] will use this term when calling for a Medic.
; Lobby
: A synonym for "pug" ("pick-up-game"), popularized by the website TF2Lobby. Since TF2Lobby is no longer active, lobbies are primarily organized and played on [http://www.tf2center.com TF2Center].
== O ==
; Offclassing
: A technique involving deviation from the standard competitive class roster, often to accomplish a specific objective or eliminate a specific enemy player.
== M ==
; Maincalling
: Coordinating and giving directions to your team. Mostly used in matches before pushing.
; Mixes
: A form of competitive play where a player is given an random, or improvised team and plays a comp format.
== P ==
: Acronym of "pick up game/group", which refers to a private game with team compositions determined by out-of-game communication (as opposed to a clan match or pub).
; Pick / picking / picked
: The act of focusing on and killing an enemy with minimal help.
== R ==
; Roamer
: Refers to the Soldier that watches flank routes.
{{Anchor|Roll / Rolling / Rolled}}
; Roll / Rolling / Rolled
: Figurative language describing a very fast completion of the game's objective after it begins, often in relation to a "crushing defeat".
; Rollout
: The specific path that a player takes on the way to the middle capture point. It is designed to get the player to that point as quickly as possible or to reach an advantageous position.
== S ==
; Scrim
: Short for "scrimmage." Refers to a practice match between two teams.
; Specialist
: A class that is picked for specifics situations, like stopping an [[Übercharge]] push or last point defenses, being [[Pyro]], [[Heavy]], [[Engineer]], [[Sniper]] and [[Spy]].
== U ==
: Acronym for [http://www.ugcleague.com/ United Gaming Clans]. It is a league that hosts competitive ''TF2'' tournaments.
= Trading terminology =
: These are some of the terms which players use when [[trading]].
== A ==
;  Adds
: Low-value items added to a trade with valuable items to make the trade offer more enticing. Synonym: "[[#Sweets|sweets]]."
== B ==
; B/O
: Abbreviation of "buyout", referring to the price a seller is aiming to sell their item for, usually in [[#Pure|pure]].
: Abbreviation for the Burning Flames [[Team Captain]], the most famous high-value Unusual item.
; Bill's
: Shorthand name for the [[Bill's Hat]].
; Bot
: Automated player accounts that complete trades by an order-type basis. Many websites like scrap.tf offer completely automated trading bots to [[#Scrapbanking|scrapbank]] or otherwise sell or buy items.
; BP
: Abbreviation for [[Backpack]]. Some servers have a !bp [[command]] that allow users to view inventories of others in-game.
; Buds
: Short for [[Earbuds]], a superannuated currency once valued more than [[#Key|keys]] due to the fact that ''Team Fortress 2'''s old trading system could only fit eight items at a time in each trading window.
== C ==
; C/O
: Abbreviation of Current Offers. Refers to a list of the current highest or "best" offers according to the seller.
; Clean
: Slang for items that are worth standard market price or higher due to certain factors that make them more appealing, such as
:* An item that is usable in crafting (see also: [[#Craftable|Craftable]]).
:* An item with no previous owners or [[#History|history]] of [[#Scam|scammers]].
:* An item that is obtained legitimately rather than through scamming or duplication.
; Craftable
: An item that is usable in crafting.
:: ''See also: [[#Uncraftable|Uncraftable]]''
== D ==
; Dirty
: Slang for items that are worth lower than market price for certain reasons, such as
:* An [[#Uncraftable|uncraftable]] item that can usually be obtainable through crafting. Such items may have been crafted with uncraftable materials (such as uncraftable Refined Metal) or bought from the Mann Co. Store before the {{Patch name|11|29|2012}}.
:* Expensive items such as [[Unusual]] cosmetics that have been possessed by a trader marked as a scammer or [[#Duplicated / duped|duplicated]] by Steam Support.
; Duplicated / duped
: "Duped" is short for "duplicated." Refers to an item that was literally copied by Steam Support because the player possessing it accidentally deleted it, lost it due to a glitch, or lost it via a [[#Scam|scam]]. Steam's newer policies state that Steam Support will no longer restore items after an accidental deletion, a glitch, or a scam, thus making duplicated items extinct aside from older items. Expensive duplicated items, such as Unusual cosmetics and items of the [[Collector's]] quality, are commonly valued at less than their market price. While duplicated items are no different in-game, it is possible to see that an item is duplicated by checking its [[#History|history]] on certain trading sites. Cheaper items are usually not valued at less than their market values, however.
== E ==
; Effect / Unusual effect
: Used to describe the [[particle effect]] of an Unusual cosmetic.
; Escrow
: A measure which prevents traders from obtaining their items until a set period of time after making a trade. Used in the trading community to describe whether they have activated [http://store.steampowered.com/mobile Steam Mobile Authenticator], as trades can be held up to two weeks if either party is deactivated. Generally used in a distasteful tone by the community due to the complications that may arise from waiting 15 days before obtaining the items involved in a trade. Synonym: "[[#Trade hold|trade hold]]."
== G ==
; Gen
: Short for "generation." Refers to [[Unusual]] effects found from standard [[Mann Co. Supply Crate]]s in order of their release: First generation effects can be unboxed from Crates #1 to #25, second generation from Crates #26 to #57, and so on. Generally, early generation effects are often the most expensive and sought after, while later generations are worth less.
: Abbreviation for the [[Golden Frying Pan]].
; Glitched
: An item that was obtained or modified by the use of a glitch. Certain items have been able to become painted, tradable, uncraftable, or other unique states when they were never intended to be. A glitched item is usually valued at a much higher price than its normal counterpart.
; GPan
: Abbreviation for the Golden Frying Pan.
== H ==
; Highball
: To propose a relatively higher-valued offer when trading items.
; History
: A term describing an item's previous owners. The history of an item can be inspected using certain trading websites and can determine whether it has been [[#Duplicated / duped|duplicated]]. Expensive items may be valued higher if they have a short history, and items with histories containing a trader marked as a scammer may be valued less.
: Abbreviation for the [[Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect]], a valuable cosmetic occasionally used in place of currency.
== I ==
;  ID
: A specific number generated for every item in ''TF2'', used to keep track of each item. It changes every time an item leaves an inventory or is modified (using a [[Name Tag]], [[Description Tag]], [[Paint Can]], [[Killstreak Kit]], or another item that can be used to modify another item).
: An ID given to an item when it is first created (e.g., crafted, purchased, or gifted). Unlike the item ID, this ID never changes and can be used to determine if an item has been [[#Duplicated / duped|duplicated]].
== K ==
; Key
: Short for a standard [[Mann Co. Supply Crate Key]], a currency in trading.
; KS / Spec KS / Pro KS
: Short for the [[Killstreak Kit|Killstreak]] quality of a special weapon, from the order of Killstreak, Specialized Killstreak, and Professional Killstreak.
== L ==
; Lowball / lowballer
: '''Lowball''': The act of proposing an offer at a lower value than the seller's asking price.
: '''Lowballer''': A person who lowballs. The term "lowballer" is also often used to describe players who attempt to sell regular [[Unique]] weapons for expensive items, which is a form of [[#Sharking / shark|sharking]].
== M ==
; Max's Head / Max Head / Max
: Abbreviation for the [[Max's Severed Head]], a valuable cosmetic occasionally used in place of currency.
== O ==
;  Offer
: Short for a trade offer received or sent through Steam.
; Overpay
: Paying more than the asking price for an item. Usually occurs when a buyer is offering items rather than [[#Pure|pure]] (raw currency, such as keys and metal). Usually, traders want a certain percentage added to the total value of the trade if the buyer pays in items rather than pure.
== P ==
; Pure
: Paying in raw trade currency, such as [[Mann Co. Supply Crate Key]]s or [[Crafting#Metal|metal]]. Most sellers prefer selling their items for pure, as it is easier and less time-consuming to buy other items they want with pure keys or metal, as opposed to having to resell the items gained from a trade for Keys or metal. Often, [[Australium weapons]] and common expensive cosmetics such as the [[Bill's Hat]], [[Max's Severed Head]], and [[Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect]] will suffice as an alternative to paying in Keys or metal, due to these cosmetics being expensive, common, and easy to resell.
== R ==
; Rec
: Short for [[Reclaimed Metal]].
:: ''See also: [[#Scrap|scrap]]''
; Ref
: Short for [[Refined Metal]].
:: ''See also: [[#Scrap|scrap]]''
; Robo-effect
: Unusual effects unboxed from a [[Robocrate]].
== S ==
{{Anchor|Scam / scammer / scamming}}
; '''Scam''' / [[Community trading tips#Trade Scamming|'''Scamming''']]: A fraudulent method to steal others' items.
; '''Scammer''': A person who performs a scam.
: An acronym for the [http://steamcommunity.com/market/ Steam Community Market].
; Scrap
: Short for [[Scrap Metal]].
:: ''See also: [[#Rec|Rec]] and [[#Ref|Ref]]''
; Scrapbanking
: Refers to the practice of trading two unwanted [[#Craftable|craftable]] weapons in exchange for one Scrap Metal, and vice-versa.
; Set
: A term to describe selling multiple items in a single, themed set. Each item may be named or have Unusual effects which match the motif of the set (such as an entirely white Scout cosmetic set with a Blizzardy Storm hat, to fit with a snowboarder motif). Oftentimes, this is used to quickly sell an entire valuable set instead of selling each item one at a time, although in most cases it takes significantly longer to sell as most buyers only want a single item or multiple items in the set.
; Sharking/shark
: '''Sharking''': A method of [[#Scam|scamming]] which involves lying about the value of items to obtain items at cheaper prices.
: '''Shark''': A person who performs sharking.
; Signed
: An item that was [[Gift Wrap]]ped or crafted by a player, thus including the name of the user in the description of the item. These "autographed" items are typically signed by influential figures in the ''Team Fortress 2'' community (such as famous YouTube content creators, traders, or players in competitive leagues) to raise the value of the item due to the demand of fans.
; Sparkle
: Used to describe rare tradable items with the [[Community Sparkle]] effect, such as a Community Sparkle Vintage [[Lugermorph]], some of which, although intended to be untradable, became tradable due to a [[Glitches|glitch]].
; Sweets
: Low-value items added to a trade with valuable items to make the trade offer more enticing, "sweetening" the deal. Synonym: "[[#Adds|adds]]."
== T ==
; TC
: An acronym for the [[Team Captain]] cosmetic.
; Theme
: Refers to [[Unusual]] cosmetics which supposedly have a fitting Unusual effect, to increase appeal and improve its selling price. Such examples include a Stormy Storm [[Hard Counter]] (an umbrella hat with rain) or an Aces High [[Hat of Cards]] (a playing card-themed hat),
:: ''See also: [[#Set|Set]]''
; Tier
: An unofficial classification of rank when considering the pairing of [[Unusual]] hats with their effects. Sought-after hats with expensive effects are considered high tier and sell for very high prices, with some considered "God Tier" due to their rarity and desirability (eg. Burning [[Team Captain]]), while the opposite is true for unpopular hats or effects (eg. Nuts and Bolts [[Dread Knot]]).
; Trader
: Refers to players who are heavily involved in ''Team Fortress 2'' trading.
{{Anchor|Trade hold}}
; Trade hold
: See [[#Escrow|Escrow]].
== U ==
; Uncraftable
: An item that is not usable in crafting. Uncraftable items are usually valued at more than the craftable versions since the uncraftable version of most items is rarer than the [[#Craftable|craftable]] version.
:: ''See also: [[#Craftable|Craftable]]''
; Unu / Unus
: Short for "Unusual", referring to an item of the Unusual item quality.

Latest revision as of 20:35, 12 December 2024