DrotEroNoxt Wiki page

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Talk Contributions Sandbox Steam
Talk Contributions Sandbox Steam
Basic information
Native language: Russian, English
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Medic, Pyro, Heavy
Contact information
Discord: DrotEroNoxt#5749


My nickname is DrotEroNoxt.

If you have questions or need to translate something, you can write to me here or on steam.

Useful pages (RU)


Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

TheRilonh Wikichievement unlocked!
За активное участие в переводе и обновлении русских статей.
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

GrampaSwood Wikichievement unlocked!
Incredibly fast work with updating templates.
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Team fortress classic.png

Team Fortress, Too
Contribute to the Team Fortress section of the Wiki.

Jestie Wikichievement unlocked!
For your contributions to the TF Classic language pages.


Slimychievement Author Notes
Tf soldier duty bound.png

The Mann of Honor
Do you like Slimy's edits? No? Then you will NOT earn this Slimychievement!

Slimyboi500 Hee Hee
Tf demoman operation high dive.png

I Know Everything!
Complete Slimy's Ultamite TF2 Quiz.

Slimyboi500 funni russian mann

TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
en-0 This user has no knowledge of English (or understands it with considerable difficulty).
ru-0 Этот участник не владеет русским языком (или с трудом его понимает).
User Monte GreenWiki.gif This user likes to see this wiki turning green.
Crystal xeyes.png This user is afraid of red links.
Medictarget.png This user is a MeeM.