Difference between revisions of "Total War: SHOGUN 2/ja"

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(You should probably check the links for validity.)
m (Remove deprecated steam parameters)
(5 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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| ''{{w|Total War: Shogun 2|Total War: SHOGUN 2}}'' - {{w|ja:メインページ|Wikipedia}} (英語)
| [[w:ja:トータルウォー:ショーグン2|トータルウォー:ショーグン2]] - [[w:ja:メインページ|Wikipedia]]
| [http://www.totalwar.com/shogun2/ ''Total War: SHOGUN 2'' 公式サイト (英語)]
| [http://totalwar.wikia.com/ Total War Wiki] {{lang icon|en}}
| [http://store.steampowered.com/app/34330/?l=japanese ''Total War: SHOGUN 2''] - [http://store.steampowered.com/ Steam]
| [http://www.totalwar.com/shogun2/ Total War: SHOGUN 2 公式サイト] {{lang icon|en}}
| get-on-steam = yes
  | steam-app = 34330
{{Promo nav}}
'''『トータルウォー:ショーグン2(''Total War: SHOGUN 2'')』''' は[[w:The Creative Assembly|The Creative Assembly]]{{lang icon|en}}開発、[[w:ja:セガ|セガ]]販売のストラテジーゲームです。
== {{common string|See also}} ==
* [[Total War Master Collection/ja|Total War Master Collection]]
* {{item link|Menpo}}
* {{item link|Shogun Pack}}
* {{item link|Concheror}}
* {{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}
* {{item link|Fan O'War}}
* {{item link|Half-Zatoichi}}
* {{item link|Dread Knot}}
* {{item link|Geisha Boy}}
* {{item link|Noh Mercy}}
* {{item link|Samur-Eye}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Koto}}
{{Promo nav|nocat=y}}

Latest revision as of 03:58, 14 May 2021

『トータルウォー:ショーグン2(Total War: SHOGUN 2)』The Creative Assembly(英語)開発、セガ販売のストラテジーゲームです。
