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「 | 俺に近寄んじゃねぇよ、アホチビ野郎!
聴く (英語)
— サムを怖がらせるデモマン
」 |
この帽子はチームカラーが付けられたSam & Maxのサムが着用する帽子となっています。
このアイテムはPoker Night 2内の実績Banjo Heroを解除する事で入手できます。
Poker Night 2
Update history
- The Bloodhound was added to the game.
2013年4月24日 [アイテムスキーマの更新]
- Made the Bloodhound giftable.
- The Bloodhound is no longer giftable.
- The Bloodhound was originally planned to be released as Sam's Hat, alongside マックスの噛みつき帽子, the Big Kill, and the Lugermorph, with the release of Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse. The hat was scrapped due to difficulty fitting the head of each class, yet the texture remained hidden in the game files.
- A Bloodhound is a type of dog often used by police, law enforcement and private investigators because of its extraordinarily keen sense of smell and tenacious tracking instinct. Sam is an anthropomorphic Irish Wolfhound, although he is commonly mistaken for a Bloodhound.
Promotional image of Sam wearing his hat and holding the Big Kill.