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The Steam Web API is documented at http://steamcommunity.com/dev and http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_Web_API. The mapping of the API data to each data format is described on the latter.
== Contributing ==
This page documents the web API calls that allow you to retrieve information from the item system in Team Fortress 2.
If you would like to help in writing API documentation there is a tool available [https://github.com/Lagg/steam-swissapiknife here] (requires python) that can generate skeleton documentation pages
that match the style guidelines and can be easily copied and pasted.
Calls to the TF2 Web API require a valid Steam Web API key to function. You can get your own API Key [http://www.steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey here]. Each example URL will only work after replacing "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" with your API key.
Otherwise be sure to follow the existing structure and format of the documentation to keep things consistent.
=== Common arguments ===
== Common elements ==
All TF2 methods take the following arguments:
=== Parameters ===
*'''key''': Your Steam Web API key. Without this, the server will return a 403 Forbidden HTTP status.
Most WebAPI methods take the following arguments in their URL:
*'''format''' ''(optional)'': The format to return the data in ("'''json'''" for JSON, "'''xml'''" for XML, or "'''vdf'''" for VDF). The structure of the data for each format is described at
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_Web_API#Formats. If no format is specified, the data will be returned with the default of JSON.
=== Common result structure ===
;key: Your Steam Web API key. Without this, the server will return an HTTP 403 (forbidden) error. A key can be generated [http://www.steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey here].
;{{API optional|format}}: The file format to return output in.
:;<code>json</code> (default): The [https://www.json.org/json-en.html JavaScript Object Notation] format
:;<code>xml</code>: Standard XML
:;<code>vdf</code>: [[WebAPI/VDF|Valve Data Format]]
;{{API optional|language}}
:The [[w:List of ISO 639-1 codes|ISO639-1 language code]] for the language all tokenized strings should be returned in. Not all strings have been translated to every language. If a language does not have a string, the English string will be returned instead.  If this parameter is omitted the string token will be returned for the strings.
All TF2 methods return a "result" object containing a status code (at '''"status"''') and either the data requested or a status message explaining why the data was not returned (at '''"statusDetail"''').
=== Terminology ===
== GetSchema (v0001) ==
A "tokenized string" refers to a string containing "<code>#</code>"-prefixed tokens that are replaced with the equivalent string in the game's VDF for the chosen language. For instance, "<code>TF_Weapon_Jar</code>" is defined as "<code>[[Jarate|Jar Based Karate]]</code>" in tf/resource/tf_english.txt (as found in "team fortress 2 content.gcf").
This method returns the item schema for the current build of Team Fortress 2. It takes no additional parameters.
== Methods ==
=== General interfaces ===
Example URL: http://api.steampowered.com/ITFItems_440/GetSchema/v0001/?key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&format=json
;ISteamApps: Methods relating to Steam Apps in general.
:;[[WebAPI/GetAppList|GetAppList]]: Full list of every publicly facing program in the store/library.
:;[[WebAPI/GetServersAtAddress|GetServersAtAddress]]: Shows all steam-compatible servers related to a IPv4 Address.
:;[[WebAPI/UpToDateCheck|UpToDateCheck]]: Check if a given app version is the most current available.
==== Status codes ====
;ISteamEconomy: Methods relating to games' store's assets.
:;[[WebAPI/GetAssetClassInfo|GetAssetClassInfo]]: Asset metadata
:;[[WebAPI/GetAssetPrices|GetAssetPrices]]: Prices of items in the economy.
*'''1''': The normal code. Should always be returned.
;ISteamNews: Methods relating to Steam News.
:;[[WebAPI/GetNewsForApp|GetNewsForApp]]: News feed for various games
==== Result data ====
;ISteamRemoteStorage: Methods relating to stored files.
:;[[WebAPI/GetUGCFileDetails|GetUGCFileDetails]]: UGC file size, local filename, and URL.
*'''"qualities"''': An object containing the numeric values corresponding to each "quality" an item can have (excluding three entries for the standard Medic weapons between the standard weapons and the unlockable weapons, which have the unlisted quality of 255):
;ISteamUser: Methods relating to Steam users.
**'''"normal"''' ''(0)'': In the list of items returned by GetSchema, all of the standard inherent basic class weapons have this listed as their quality.
:;[[WebAPI/GetFriendList|GetFriendList]]: User friend list
**'''"common"''' ''(1)'': In the list of items returned by GetSchema, no items have this listed as their quality.
:;[[WebAPI/GetPlayerBans|GetPlayerBans]]: Player ban/probation status
**'''"rare"''' ''(2)'': In the list of items returned by GetSchema, no items have this listed as their quality.
:;[[WebAPI/GetPlayerSummaries|GetPlayerSummaries]]: User profile data
**'''"unique"''' ''(3)'': In the list of items returned by GetSchema, all findable items have this listed as their quality.
:;[[WebAPI/GetUserGroupList|GetUserGroupList]]: Lists Group ID(s) linked with 64 bit ID
**'''"community"''' ''(7)'': In the list of items returned by GetSchema, no items have this as listed their quality.
:;[[WebAPI/ResolveVanityURL|ResolveVanityURL]]: Resolve vanity URL parts to a 64 bit ID.
**'''"developer"''' ''(8)'': In GetPlayerItems, Valve items (a special kind of item with special properties belonging only to Valve employees) have this as their quality. In the list of items returned by GetSchema, no items have this as listed their quality.
**'''"selfmade"''' ''(9)'': In the list of items returned by GetSchema, no items have this as listed their quality.
*'''"items"''': An object containing an array of '''"item"''':
**'''"name"''': A string describing the item (eg. "Unique Achievement Feign Watch" for the [[Dead Ringer]]).
**'''"defindex"''': The item's unique index, used to refer to instances of the item in GetPlayerItems.
**'''"item_class"''': The item's class in game (ie. what you would use as the argument to "equip" in the console to equip it).
**'''"item_type_name"''': The string containing pound-prefixed tokens for the string in TF2's language files that describes the item's class (ie. "#TF_Wearable_Shield" for the [[Chargin' Targe]]).
**'''"item_name"''': The string containing pound-prefixed tokens for the item's name in TF2's language files (ie. "#TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" for the [[Camera Beard]]).
**'''"item_slot"''': A string describing what loadout slot the item corresponds to:
***''"primary"'' for primary slot items
***''"secondary"'' for secondary slot items
***''"melee"'' for melee slot items
***''"head"'' for hats
***''"misc"'' for misc slot items such as medals
***''"Engineer"'' for crafting items such as tokens and metal
***''"grenade"'' - currently unknown
**'''"item_quality"''': See description of "quality" above
**'''"image_inventory"''': The image to display, as an escaped-slash ("\/") path to the material, without the extension
**'''"model_player"''': The model to display for the item, using a path similar to the above but with an ".mdf" extension, or null if the object has no model.
**'''"attributes"''' ''(Optional)'': If the item has gameplay effects, an object containing an array of '''"attribute"''':
***'''"name"''': The attribute's "name" value ''(see below)''
***'''"class"''': The attribute's "attribute_class" value ''(see below)''
***'''"value"''': The "value" of that attribute as a "%0.6f" formatted number: 1 (or 0) for boolean attributes (such as the [[Razorback]]'s backstab blocking), or the multiplier for percentage-based attributes (such as 0.300000 for the [[Direct Hit]]'s 30% blast radius, or 1.800000 for its 180% projectile speed)
*'''"attributes"''': An object containing an array of '''"attribute"''':
**'''"name"''': A name describing the attribute (eg. "damage bonus" for damage increases found on weapons such as the [[Scotsman's Skullcutter]], or "scattergun has knockback" for the [[Force-A-Nature]]'s knockback)
**'''"defindex"''': The attribute's unique index, possibly used to refer to unique instances of the item with these attributes in GetPlayerItems.
**'''"attribute_class"''': an underscore-based name for the attribute (eg. "mult_dmg" for "damage bonus")
**'''"minvalue"''': The minimum value allowed for this attribute.
**'''"maxvalue"''': The maximum value allowed for this attribute.
**'''"description_format"''': A token
**'''"effect_type"''': "''positive''" if the effect is outright beneficial to the user (displayed in blue text in the item description window), "''negative''" if the effect is punitive to the user (red text), or "''neutral''" if the effect is more tangential to the normal behavior (eg. the [[Kritzkrieg]]'s ubercharge being critical hits rather than invulnerability) (white text).
==== Further information ====
;ISteamUserStats: Methods relating to User stats.
:;[[WebAPI/GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp|GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp]]: Statistics showing how much of the player base have unlocked various achievements.
:;[[WebAPI/GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers|GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers]]: Returns the current number of players for an app.
:;[[WebAPI/GetPlayerAchievements|GetPlayerAchievements]]: Game achievements
The first 32 items listed describe the original class weapons, with the name being the symbolic token for that weapon. The next 3 (defindex 32-35) describe abortive attempts at the original Medic unlockables, with the names being "Level 1 X" (where X is the name of the original item), and the original's art files defined (although the saw lists the Ubersaw's icon).
;IPlayerService: Methods relating to a Steam user's games.
== GetPlayerItems (v0001) ==
;ISteamWebAPIUtil: Methods relating to the WebAPI itself.
:;[[WebAPI/GetServerInfo|GetServerInfo]]: Returns WebAPI server time & checks server status.
:;[[WebAPI/GetSupportedAPIList|GetSupportedAPIList]]: Lists all available WebAPI interfaces.
The GetPlayerItems call returns a the items for a specific player.
=== Game specific interfaces ===
==== Generic ====
;IEconItems_<ID>: Methods relating to in-game items for supported games.
:;[[WebAPI/GetPlayerItems|GetPlayerItems]]: Lists items in a player's backpack.
:;[[WebAPI/GetSchema|GetSchema]]: Information about the items in a supporting game.
:;[[WebAPI/GetSchemaURL|GetSchemaURL]]: Returns a URL for the games' item_game.txt file.
:;[[WebAPI/GetStoreMetadata|GetStoreMetadata]]: Information about the game's store.
:;[[WebAPI/GetStoreStatus|GetStoreStatus]]: The game's store status.
The player is specified with their Steam ID number, as the "SteamID" value in the URL arguments. This is also known as a "SteamID64" value, which one can retrieve either through an OpenID transaction, or by going to the person's steam community page XML feed manually, such as http://steamcommunity.com/id/robinwalker?xml=1. The SteamID64 value is the value listed inside the <steamID64> tags (in the XML feed) and should be something like 76561197960435530.
;IGCVersion_<ID>: TODO.
:;[[WebAPI/GetClientVersion|GetClientVersion]]: TODO
:;[[WebAPI/GetClusterVersion|GetClusterVersion]]: TODO
:;[[WebAPI/GetServerVersion|GetServerVersion]]: TODO
Example URL: http://api.steampowered.com/ITFItems_440/GetPlayerItems/v0001/?key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&SteamID=76561197960435530 (returns the items in Robin Walker's inventory)
;ITFPromos_<ID>: TODO.
:;[[WebAPI/GetItemID|GetItemID]]: TODO
:;[[WebAPI/GrantItem|GrantItem]]: TODO
=== Status codes ===
==== Dota 2 ====
;IDOTA2Match_<ID>: Methods relating to Dota 2 matches.
:;[[WebAPI/GetLeagueListing|GetLeagueListing]]: Information about DotaTV-supported leagues.
:;[[WebAPI/GetLiveLeagueGames|GetLiveLeagueGames]]: A list of in-progress league matches, as well as details of that match as it unfolds.
:;[[WebAPI/GetMatchDetails|GetMatchDetails]]: Information about a particular match.
:;[[WebAPI/GetMatchHistory|GetMatchHistory]]: A list of matches, filterable by various parameters.
:;[[WebAPI/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum|GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum]]: A list of matches ordered by their sequence num.
:;[[WebAPI/GetScheduledLeagueGames|GetScheduledLeagueGames]]: A list of scheduled league games coming up.
:;[[WebAPI/GetTeamInfoByTeamID|GetTeamInfoByTeamID]]: A list of all the teams set up in-game.
:;[[WebAPI/GetTournamentPlayerStats|GetTournamentPlayerStats]]: Stats about a particular player within a tournament.
:;[[WebAPI/GetTopLiveGame|GetTopLiveGame]]: TODO
*'''1''': OK. Data returned as specified below.
;IEconDOTA2_<ID>: Methods relating to the Dota2 economy.
*'''8''' ("SteamID parameter was missing"): The "steamID" parameter of the URL was not included, or if present was not a valid SteamID64 value.
:;[[WebAPI/GetGameItems|GetGameItems]]: Dota 2 In-game items
*'''15''' ("Permission denied"): The player's profile is set to Private.
:;[[WebAPI/GetItemIconPath|GetItemIconPath]]: TODO
:;[[WebAPI/GetHeroes|GetHeroes]]: A list of heroes within Dota 2.
:;[[WebAPI/GetRarities|GetRarities]]: Dota 2 item rarity list.
:;[[WebAPI/GetTournamentPrizePool|GetTournamentPrizePool]]: The current prizepool for specific tournaments.
:;[[WebAPI/GetEventStatsForAccount|GetEventStatsForAccount]]: TODO
=== Result layout ===
;IDOTA2MatchStats_<ID>: TODO.
:;[[WebAPI/GetRealtimeStats|GetRealtimeStats]]: TODO
A list of the player's items is returned, as follows:  
;IDOTA2Fantasy_<ID>: Methods relating to the Dota 2 fantasy team system.
:;[[WebAPI/GetFantasyPlayerStats|GetFantasyPlayerStats]]: TODO
:;[[WebAPI/GetPlayerOfficialInfo|GetPlayerOfficialInfo]]: TODO
*"'''items'''": An object containing an array of "'''item'''":
;IDOTA2StreamSystem_<ID>: Methods relating to the Dota 2 streaming system.
**"'''id'''": The unique ID of the specific item.
:;[[WebAPI/GetBroadcasterInfo|GetBroadcasterInfo]]: TODO
=== Inventory Token ===
;IDOTA2Teams_<ID>: Methods relating to Dota 2 teams.
:;[[WebAPI/GetTeamInfo|GetTeamInfo]]: TODO
The inventory token is a combination of class loadout flags and position in the player's backpack. This unsigned 32 bit number is split into two two-byte words. The high word contains flags for each class. A 1 bit in a class's slot indicates that the items is equipped in the appropriate loadout slot for that class. The low word contains the backback position with 0 being the upper left slot, 1 the second slot from the left on the top row, etc. Here it is visually:
;IDOTA2AutomatedTourney_<ID>: TODO
:;[[WebAPI/GetActiveTournamentList|GetActiveTournamentList]]: TODO
;IDOTA2Ticket_<ID>: TODO
:;[[WebAPI/SetSteamAccountPurchased|SetSteamAccountPurchased]]: TODO
:;[[WebAPI/SteamAccountValidForEvent|SteamAccountValidForEvent]]: TODO
  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Always 1
==== Portal 2 ====
  │ ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────── Unused
;IPortal2Leaderboards_<ID>: Methods relating to Portal 2 Leaderboards.
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────── Engineer
:;[[WebAPI/GetBucketizedData|GetBucketizedData]]: TODO
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────── Spy
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────── Pyro
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────── Heavy
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────── Medic
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────── Demoman
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────── Soldier
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─────────────────────────────────── Sniper
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────── Scout
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─ Backpack Position
  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
=== Other undocumented interfaces ===
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1  Equipped Pyro item
;ISteamGameServerAccount: TODO
                                                                      in backback slot 9
;ISteamOAuth2: TODO
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1  Unequipped item
;ISteamUserAuth: TODO
                                                                      in backback slot 41
;ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth: TODO
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0  Equipped by Pyro and Engy
                                                                      in backback slot 42
In C++ the backpack position and equip status could be determined from an inventory token with these functions:
== Notes ==
#define CLASS_SCOUT    0
=== List of IDs ===
#define CLASS_SNIPER    1
#define CLASS_SOLDIER  2
#define CLASS_DEMOMAN  3
''For a complete list, see [[WebAPI/GetAppList|GetAppList]].''
#define CLASS_MEDIC    4
;240: Counter-Strike: Source
#define CLASS_HEAVY    5
;260: Counter-Strike: Source Beta
#define CLASS_PYRO      6
;440: Team Fortress 2
#define CLASS_SPY      7
;520: Team Fortress 2 Beta
;570: Dota 2
;620: Portal 2
uint32 ExtractBackpackPosition( uint32 unInventoryToken )
;710: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Beta Dev
;730: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    return unInventoryToken & 0xFFFF;
;816: Dota 2 Private Beta
;841: Portal 2 Beta
;205790: Dota 2 (Beta) Test
bool IsEquippedForClass( uint32 unInventoryToken, uint32 unClass )
=== Methods Requiring a 64-bit User ID ===
    return 0 != unInventoryToken & ( 1 << ( unClass + 16 ) );
Most API requests that take an ID parameter require a 64 bit ID, if one is not readily available a vanity URL part can be resolved via [[WebAPI/ResolveVanityURL|ResolveVanityURL]].
Similarly, in PHP (assuming $class is a numeric matching the defines above)
== Implementations ==
function is_equipped_for_class($class,$inventory_token)
<!-- Please only add notable implementations to this section. If you have another one to add put it in the Implementations subpage. -->
* [https://github.com/koraktor/steam-condenser Steam Condenser] Ruby, PHP, and Java library.
return ($inventory_token & 0x80000000) && ($inventory_token & (0x00010000 << $class));
* [https://github.com/Lagg/steamodd Steamodd] Python library, used by OPTF2.
* [[WebAPI/Implementations|More]]
function extract_backpack_position($inventory_token)
== See also ==
return $inventory_token & 0x0000FF;
* [[Talk:WebAPI/Feedback|Feedback]] for requests, suggestions, and issues.
[[Category:WebAPI| ]]

Latest revision as of 19:40, 3 June 2023


If you would like to help in writing API documentation there is a tool available here (requires python) that can generate skeleton documentation pages that match the style guidelines and can be easily copied and pasted.

Otherwise be sure to follow the existing structure and format of the documentation to keep things consistent.

Common elements


Most WebAPI methods take the following arguments in their URL:

Your Steam Web API key. Without this, the server will return an HTTP 403 (forbidden) error. A key can be generated here.
format (Optional)
The file format to return output in.
json (default)
The JavaScript Object Notation format
Standard XML
Valve Data Format
language (Optional)
The ISO639-1 language code for the language all tokenized strings should be returned in. Not all strings have been translated to every language. If a language does not have a string, the English string will be returned instead. If this parameter is omitted the string token will be returned for the strings.


A "tokenized string" refers to a string containing "#"-prefixed tokens that are replaced with the equivalent string in the game's VDF for the chosen language. For instance, "TF_Weapon_Jar" is defined as "Jar Based Karate" in tf/resource/tf_english.txt (as found in "team fortress 2 content.gcf").


General interfaces

Methods relating to Steam Apps in general.
Full list of every publicly facing program in the store/library.
Shows all steam-compatible servers related to a IPv4 Address.
Check if a given app version is the most current available.
Methods relating to games' store's assets.
Asset metadata
Prices of items in the economy.
Methods relating to Steam News.
News feed for various games
Methods relating to stored files.
UGC file size, local filename, and URL.
Methods relating to Steam users.
User friend list
Player ban/probation status
User profile data
Lists Group ID(s) linked with 64 bit ID
Resolve vanity URL parts to a 64 bit ID.
Methods relating to User stats.
Statistics showing how much of the player base have unlocked various achievements.
Returns the current number of players for an app.
Game achievements
Methods relating to a Steam user's games.
Methods relating to the WebAPI itself.
Returns WebAPI server time & checks server status.
Lists all available WebAPI interfaces.

Game specific interfaces


Methods relating to in-game items for supported games.
Lists items in a player's backpack.
Information about the items in a supporting game.
Returns a URL for the games' item_game.txt file.
Information about the game's store.
The game's store status.

Dota 2

Methods relating to Dota 2 matches.
Information about DotaTV-supported leagues.
A list of in-progress league matches, as well as details of that match as it unfolds.
Information about a particular match.
A list of matches, filterable by various parameters.
A list of matches ordered by their sequence num.
A list of scheduled league games coming up.
A list of all the teams set up in-game.
Stats about a particular player within a tournament.
Methods relating to the Dota2 economy.
Dota 2 In-game items
A list of heroes within Dota 2.
Dota 2 item rarity list.
The current prizepool for specific tournaments.
Methods relating to the Dota 2 fantasy team system.
Methods relating to the Dota 2 streaming system.
Methods relating to Dota 2 teams.

Portal 2

Methods relating to Portal 2 Leaderboards.

Other undocumented interfaces



List of IDs

For a complete list, see GetAppList.

Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Source Beta
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 Beta
Dota 2
Portal 2
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Beta Dev
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Dota 2 Private Beta
Portal 2 Beta
Dota 2 (Beta) Test

Methods Requiring a 64-bit User ID

Most API requests that take an ID parameter require a 64 bit ID, if one is not readily available a vanity URL part can be resolved via ResolveVanityURL.


See also

  • Feedback for requests, suggestions, and issues.