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[[File:Scoutjump.png|350px|right|A frolicking Scout.]]
[[File:Scoutjump.png|350px|right|A frolicking Scout.]]
'''跳躍'''是每個[[class/zh-hant|職業]]都能使用的基本動作。跳躍時最多能夠將玩家的位置提升 45 [[Hammer unit/zh-hant|HU單位]]的垂直高度。跳躍不只可以讓完家到達特定位置,還可用來縮短步行距離,甚至是閃躲砲火。Xbox 360版跳躍的[[default key/zh-hant|預設按鍵]]是 "''A''",PlayStation 3版跳躍的是"''X''",PC版則是空白鍵。
'''跳躍'''是每個[[class/zh-hant|職業]]都能使用的基本動作。跳躍時最多能夠將玩家的位置提升 45 [[Hammer unit/zh-hant|HU單位]]的垂直高度。跳躍不只可以讓玩家到達特定位置,還可用來縮短步行距離,甚至是閃躲砲火。Xbox 360版跳躍的[[default key/zh-hant|預設按鍵]]是 [[File:Xbox Button A.png|20px]],PlayStation 3版跳躍的是[[File:PS Button X.png|20px]],PC版則是{{Key|Space}}。
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[[Image:Triple jumping diagram.png|right|250px|thumb|使用[[Force-A-Nature/zh-hant|自然之力]]提升跳躍高度的方法。]]
[[Image:Triple jumping diagram.png|right|250px|thumb|使用[[Force-A-Nature/zh-hant|自然之力]]提升跳躍高度的方法。]]
[[Scout/zh-hant|偵查兵]]是可以使用雙重跳躍的職業。他還能配合[[Force-A-Nature/zh-hant|自然之力]],[[Boston Basher/zh-hant|波士頓狼牙棒]]或是[[Atomizer/zh-hant|原子棒]]使出各種不同的跳躍技巧。
[[Scout/zh-hant|偵察兵]]是可以使用雙重跳躍的職業。他還能配合[[Force-A-Nature/zh-hant|自然之力]],[[Boston Basher/zh-hant|波士頓狼牙棒]]或是[[Atomizer/zh-hant|原子棒]]使出各種不同的跳躍技巧。
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{{youtube tn|bm4e7ZgChSo|width=250|float=right}}
A rocket jump is any jump assisted by the explosive knock back of the [[Soldier]]'s own [[Rocket Launcher|rockets]].  A player can propel himself to great heights and distances, usually at the cost of some [[health]].  This technique is often used to reach unusual locations on the map, cover ground quickly, bypass barriers, and surprise foes. To assist with rocket jumps, the Soldier has 40% damage resistance against any rocket he fires that does not damage an enemy. [[Critical hits]] do not deal extra self-damage or extra knock back to the Soldier, so they will not propel him further.  Any rocket jumping Soldier will display burning, smoky boots until he lands.
火箭跳是利用 [[Soldier/zh-hant|火箭兵]][[Rocket Launcher/zh-hant|火箭]]爆炸產生的擊退力進行跳躍的技巧。玩家可以利用此方法達到一般跳躍所達不到的高度,當然,這會讓[[health/zh-hant|生命值]]受到一些損傷。此技巧通常用是用來跳到一些地圖上的高點、飛越障礙物、或是從空中突擊敵人時使用。在火箭跳時,玩家受到自己火箭的傷害會減少40%,就連利用[[Critical hits/zh-hant|爆擊]]的火箭進行火箭跳受到的傷害也不會改變,但相對的跳越高度也不受影響。在進行火箭跳時,玩家角色的靴子上會出現火焰的特效。
To execute a rocket jump, simultaneously jump and fire a rocket at the ground below. The angle of the shot and distance from the explosion will determine the velocity and height of the jump. Crouch-jumping before firing the rocket will launch the player significantly further. The sooner the explosion is made after jumping, the further and faster the Soldier will fly.
{{youtube tn|NU3PinjkouU|width=250|float=right}}
{{youtube tn|NU3PinjkouU|width=250|float=right}}
There are multiple variations on the basic rocket jump.  Most are regularly used on [[jump maps]], but they can also be used in a normal game to gain great speed or height.
這些是從基本火箭跳所延伸出來的進階技巧,它們通常用在[[jump maps/zh-hant|跳躍地圖]]中,但在一般遊戲中也可以使用這些技巧達到更高的跳躍高度。
* Faster rocket jumps can be made off a combination of a wall and ground.  Aim down at the corner where the wall intersects the ground, crouch-jump and fire.  These jumps tend to have a low angle and high velocity, and they often go further than regular jumps.
* 快速火箭跳移動可以朝著牆壁或用傾斜的角度地板發射火箭,然後在發射火箭同時跳蹲,雖然跳躍高度不高,但卻能飛行很遠的距離。
* Wall jumps can be made while in the air and against a wall. Continue to hold crouch and fire down below yourself on the wall. The explosion will produce a second jump. Rocket jumps and wall jumps can be chained together to gain great distance or height.
* 當你靠著牆壁進行垂直上升的火箭跳時,可以在跳到最高點時再次面向牆壁發射火箭並跳蹲,這些一來就可以達成二段火箭跳,只是第二次的跳躍高度不高。此種方法可以跳到非常高的地方,但前提是要有牆壁可以進行第二次的火箭跳。
* Pogo jumps are secondary rocket jumps made against the ground to increase your airtime.  The explosion should keep you airborne and potentially increase forward momentum.  Skipping is the high speed variant.  You must predict your location and sometimes aim ahead to ensure that the rocket lands directly beneath you, or you might fail and touch the ground. You must always be crouching during these jumps as failure to do so makes your jumps far less powerful.
* 彈簧跳躍(Pogo jumps)是一種使用朝牆壁發射火箭推進後,並再次朝地面發射另一枚火箭增加推進力和移動距離度技巧(可參考右方影片教學)。由於過程必須非常快速,所以你必須確保飛出去時火箭能夠準確打中你的腳底下。這很容易失敗,必須隨時保持跳蹲的狀態下來確保能夠飛行最大距離。
* Double rocket jumps require two rockets to detonate as you jump, and can only be performed on a few maps.  If you fire a rocket downwards and fall after it, you will eventually fall faster than your own shot.  After landing, you then rocket jump as your first shot strikes you.  The combined explosion sends you much further and higher than is otherwise possible.
* 雙重火箭跳需要同時用到兩枚火箭才能達成,只有少部分地圖才能使用。先在高處朝低處發射一枚火箭,此時玩家就往下跳到火箭所發射的低點位置(高度要夠,因為這樣落下的速度才會比火箭快),當到達地面時,算後另一枚火箭擊中地面爆炸的時間,並同時進行火箭跳,當然跳躍的高度比一般火箭跳更高。
* Flicking is rapidly turning around and firing the rocket mostly behind you. This can be combined with any other technique to fine tune the direction and power of a jump. An easier equivalent is to face backwards while you make your rocket jump. Always turn in the direction of your weapon. Doing this results in a faster and more precise jump, as projectiles in the Source engine are spawned at the end of the player's viewmodel, not in the center of their screen.
* 翻越火箭跳(Flick jumping)是先往後方傾斜一點的角度發射火箭進行高度不高的火箭跳,之後在落地同時再進行一次一般的火箭跳,此時就可以飛得又高又遠。[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_jFtaPFHF0 示範影片]
* Water jumping is using the [[water]] physics of the Source engine to gain extra momentum. Players that are in the process of surfacing in deep water receive a minor boost upwards; rocket jumping during this time (likely against a wall) will agument this force into a very strong jump. [[Well]] is the most likely place to find this kind of jump.
* 水中火箭跳是利用Source引擎模擬浮力加上火箭本身擊退力的特性進行跳躍。使用時,角色的身體必須上半身在水面上,下半身在水中(例如踩著[[Well/zh-hant|Well]]地圖上水管突出的部分),然後朝著底下的進行火箭跳(最好靠著牆壁),就可以產生非常強力的跳躍跳出水面並飛行很長的距離。[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lKQy2p6E4E 示範影片]
* No damage will be dealt to the Soldier when rocket jumping if he has the [[Rocket Jumper]] equipped, although he will still receive fall damage.
* 街友火箭跳 (Bazooka jumps) 是先用街友火箭筒做一次火箭跳,然後在半空中利用過度填充彈藥(街友火箭筒能力)產生爆炸而做出火箭跳。此方式可以使火箭兵不用靠牆或地就跳得又高又遠,不過必須注意血量。
* 當裝備[[Rocket Jumper/zh-hant|火箭跳躍者時]],不會受到火箭跳的傷害,但仍然會因落地而受到傷害。
{{youtube tn|j0k3MwSj-lQ|width=250|float=right}}
{{youtube tn|j0k3MwSj-lQ|width=250|float=right}}
A sticky jump is any jump assisted by the explosive knock back of the [[Demoman]]'s own [[Sticky Launcher|stickies]].  Compared to the Soldier's rocket jump, the Demoman pays more [[health]] but jumps much higher and further.  This technique is often used to reach unusual locations on the map, cover ground quickly, bypass barriers, and surprise foes.  To assist with sticky jumps, the Demoman has 25% damage resistance against any sticky he fires that does not damage an enemy.  Critical hits do not deal extra self-damage or extra knockback to the Demoman, so they will not propel him further.  Any sticky jumping player will display burning, smoky boots until he lands.
黏彈跳是利用[[Stickybomb Launcher/zh-hant|黏彈]]爆炸的擊退力進行跳躍的技巧。原理類似火箭跳,但是黏彈跳所受到的自我傷害比火箭跳還要多。這個技巧通常是用來跳到高處,飛過障礙物,空中突擊等。進行黏彈跳時,所受到的黏彈傷害會比平常減少 25%,而爆擊的黏彈也不會讓黏彈跳受到的傷害增加,相對的跳躍高度也不受影響。在黏彈跳躍時,玩家角色的腳底會出現火焰特效。
To execute a successful sticky jump, place a sticky bomb on the ground and wait for it to arm.  Jump over the sticky and detonate it.  Your distance from the sticky's wide explosive radius will determine height, velocity, and damage taken to a significant degree.  Crouch-jumping will cause the explosion to launch you significantly further.
{{youtube tn|wk0mFlqKjLg|width=250|float=right}}
{{youtube tn|wk0mFlqKjLg|width=250|float=right}}
Advanced sticky jumping techniques are similar to a Soldier's rocket jumping techniques, but the mechanics are somewhat different because of the sticky's arming period.
* Double sticky jumps begin by setting two stickies on the ground instead of one.  You'll lose vastly more health, but you'll jump much further and higher. It's best to only attempt this jump while a Medic [[overheal]]s you or [[ÜberCharge]]s you. In regular games, this is often used to leap across an entire section of the map.
* 雙重黏彈跳其實就只是在腳底下放至兩顆黏彈進行跳躍而已。 這樣可以跳的比一顆黏彈更高,但前提是必須有足夠的生命值。最好是在[[overheal/zh-hant|超量治療]][[ÜberCharge/zh-hant|無敵]]的狀態下進行。
{{youtube tn|DbnZeIliNEw|width=250|float=right}}
{{youtube tn|DbnZeIliNEw|width=250|float=right}}
* Triple sticky jumps use three stickies. They shouldn't be done without an overheal, ÜberCharge, or the extra health from an [[Eyelander]]. Because the player will often land with less than twenty health, their destination should either be very high up or have a Health Pack. No official maps are big enough to need this; a double sticky jump will get you to the same place with some health to spare.
* 多重黏彈跳躍顧名思義就是放置極多的黏彈進行跳躍,當然在沒有無敵的情況下使用必死無疑,但是卻能產生可怕的強大跳躍力。在官方地圖中沒有任何地方高到需要用此技巧才能跳上去,一般而言兩顆黏彈就綽綽有餘了。
* Like rocket jumps, more powerful sticky jumps can be made by launching the sticky at the intersection between a wall and the ground.  These jumps generally give you more speed and distance at the cost of some height.
* 跟火箭跳一樣,可以放置黏彈在牆壁上或不是正下方的地上進行黏彈跳,以跳躍的高度換取飛行距離和速度。
* Wall jumps can also be made with stickies.  Because of the arming delay, the Demoman must launch a sticky at the wall and rapidly detonate the sticky under his feet before the wall sticky arms.  Then he must detonate the wall sticky as he passes.  The height and distance gained from this technique is extreme.  It is possible but extremely difficult to chain further wall stickies together, but this can only be done on jump maps which heal you during your jumps.
* 也能跟火箭跳一樣利用牆壁跳到更高的地方。可利用剛射出的黏彈需延遲一段時間才能引爆的特性,在引爆第一顆黏彈跳起時,馬上射出第二顆接著引爆,完成牆壁跳躍的技巧。此技巧也可用在牆壁之間的連跳,但通常生命值是不足夠的,只能在跳躍地圖中進行。
* Pogoing is also possible with the Demoman.  To pogo, you must fire a new sticky at your destination and detonate the old one beneath you just before the second one arms.  You repeat this combination over and over to remain in the air.
* 彈簧跳(Pogo jumps)也能用黏彈來完成。先放一顆黏彈在你下面準備進行黏彈跳,當引爆並跳起的同時馬上發射第二顆,接著再引爆,就可完成彈簧跳。生命值足夠的話可以重複此動作一直飛在空中。
* Mid-air pogoing is also possible on a jump map.  You place one sticky below yourself, fire another sticky upwards or outwards, and then jump after the airborne sticky.  If done correctly, you will catch up to the sticky while it arms in mid-air, and you can detonate it for a further boost.
* 空中彈簧跳只能用在跳躍地圖中,一開始跟一般彈簧跳一樣,先進行一次普通的黏彈跳,接著引爆並同時往空中射出第二顆黏彈,跳躍速度夠快的話你的角色可以超過你所設出的那顆黏彈,飛到那顆黏彈上頭時接著再引爆。如果你的整個動作過程正確,第二次的引爆可以讓你飛的更高。
* No damage will be dealt to the Demoman when sticky jumping with the [[Sticky Jumper]] out, although he will still receive fall damage unless you shoot a sticky at where you will land and time it correctly.
* 使用[[Sticky Jumper/zh-hant|黏彈跳躍者]]時妳不會受到黏彈爆炸傷害,不過仍會受到摔落的傷害。
{{youtube tn|giZ2xytpYkU||width=250|align=right}}
{{youtube tn|giZ2xytpYkU||width=250|align=right}}
Much like rockets, stickies, and other explosives, a [[Demoman]]'s [[grenades|Grenade Launcher]] can be used to jump. The explosion has power and damage comparable to a rocket jump, but it's far more difficult to time and execute a good grenade jump.  These are rarely used in actual play, but they have a niche for Demomen wielding the [[Chargin' Targe]]. This form of jumping may also be preferable if you have stickies already placed and do not wish to detonate them to jump somewhere.
如同火箭和黏彈,[[Demoman/zh-hant|爆破兵]][[Grenade Launcher/zh-hant|榴彈]]也可以用來進行跳躍。爆炸產生的跳躍力可媲美火箭跳,但是跳躍時機比黏彈跳還難抓。一般而言通常不會在遊戲時使用,但對於裝備了[[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]]而無法使用黏彈的玩家,這是會一種不錯的跳躍技巧。另外,[[Ullapool Caber/zh-hant|阿勒浦木製手榴彈]]也可以進行跳躍,只要敲擊牆壁或地板就可以達到跳躍的效果。
The [[Ullapool Caber]] can also be used to grenade jump.You can grenade jump with the Caber by crouch-jumping while you strike the ground or a wall.
There are three rules of thumb for executing a good grenade jump.
* Fire straight down or against a wall or corner to control grenade positioning.  Firing it forward will make it very difficult to track, and it may explode before you've reached it.
* 將榴彈發射至角落,這樣可以控制好榴彈的位置不容易彈走,如果只是朝地板或直線發射,那麼在你跳上去之前榴彈就彈走並爆炸了。
* Crouch-jump over the grenade roughly two seconds after you fire it, absorbing as much of the explosion as possible.  Jump too early, too late, or without good timing and the jump will have little power or control.
* 通常在留彈發射後的兩秒內最好就衝上去進行跳蹲,不然太早或太晚都可能會影響跳躍力甚至是跳躍失敗。
* Vertical jumps require you to crouch-jump without any lateral motion.  Proper grenade placement will give you the forward momentum to bypass a high barrier.
* 要垂直跳躍只需要在榴彈正上方跳起即可,不需要按下額外的移動按鍵。
* 脫韁火炮過度蓄力所產生的爆炸也可進行榴彈跳。
To perfectly time a grenade jump, immediately reload after deploying the grenade and jump after the second audible click plays.  A visual clue is to watch the rings around the grenade, which pulse increasingly faster as it nears detonation.
{{youtube tn|KwMMClFTnsA|width=250|float=right|Rampsliding Demonstration}}
{{youtube tn|KwMMClFTnsA|width=250|float=right|衝上斜坡的示範}}
Rampsliding uses the charging ability of either the [[Chargin' Targe]] or [[Splendid Screen]] to propel the player off inclined surfaces.
使用[[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]][[Splendid Screen/zh-hant|輝煌戰盾]]這類盾牌武器快速衝上斜坡,就可以利用衝刺力飛起來。
* Approach the incline you wish to slide off of at full running speed. You must not be stationary.
* 必須要確保衝上斜坡時能維持最大速度,衝刺過程中,中間不能減速或有障礙物阻擋。
* Jump and charge at the base of the ramp simultaneously. The steeper the incline, the closer to the ramp's base you must be.
* 在斜坡最底部同時進行衝刺和跳躍的動作,如果斜坡很陡峭,那必須要從更接近斜面的地方開始。
* Simultaneously attack to cancel the charge and jump to go airborne when at the very top of the ramp.
* 衝到斜坡最高點的瞬間必須要進行攻擊取消衝刺。
* If timed correctly, you will preserve all forward momentum and fly through the air. Use the strafe keys and mouse to maneuver!
* 如果以上動作和時機都掌握正確,那麼你將能保有衝刺的推進力飛在空中。
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{{youtube tn|Ck91Hq23K7Y|width=250|float=right}}
There are two ways to [[Sentry gun|Sentry Gun]] rocket jump;
[[Sentry gun/zh-hant|步哨]]火箭跳有兩種方法:
* The easy method is to wrangle your level 3 Sentry and fire rockets at your feet while you crouch-jump.  Since the Engineer receives no self-damage resistance, he loses a great deal of health but flies very far.  Landing spots must be chosen carefully.
* 最簡單的方法就是手動遙控等級三的步哨,並在你跳蹲的同時朝腳底發射火箭。由於工程師並沒有火箭跳的傷害減免,所以會受到極大的自我傷害,因此著地時必須非常小心,否則會馬上摔死。
* The hard method allows the Engineer to jump and carry his Sentry with him.  You must fire the rockets, switch away from the Wrangler and pack-up the Sentry before the jump carries you out of range.
* 還有個比較困難的方法,可以在火箭跳的同時扛起自己的步哨。在發射火箭後,立刻把牧馬遙控器切換成其他武器,並在飛離可以搬起步哨的距離前按下右鍵搬起自己的步哨,整個過程必須非常快速。
[[Scripting]] can automate the hard method, but the technique can be learned manually.  While looking at your Sentry Gun, tap the following keys in rapid succession:  Crouch-jump and fire rockets simultaneously, switch to your last weapon, and then pack-up the Sentry Gun. If you want to avoid crouch-jumping, you can cut out that step by standing on your Sentry instead.
Using the hard method, you can rapidly relocate and redeploy your level 3 Sentry in unusual or aggressive locations.
Bullet jumps are more difficult than Sentry rocket jumps, but they can be performed with any Sentry and often do less damage to the Engineer.  The [[Gunslinger]]'s [[Mini-Sentry]] is especially useful for bullet jumping.  It deals even less damage and fires faster, giving more knock back for the jump.
The technique is deceptively simple. Stand on top of your Sentry Gun, aim in the direction you want to go, crouch-jump and fire.  Your bullets should propel you high into the air.  Most bullet jumps fail because you aim too low and fire the gun beneath you, or because the angle of the Sentry Gun's fire isn't pushing you up fast enough to overcome gravity.
If you have difficulty bullet jumping at angles, a simpler technique is deploy your Sentry beside the location you want to reach, stand on it, and fire almost straight up.  Once you are nearly at the height you desire, aim a touch in the direction you wish to go, and the last few bullets will nudge you horizontally at your target.
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{{youtube tn|FGwcM7ifWMo|width=250}}
The [[Pyro]] can take advantage of the knock back effect of reflected [[projectiles]]. By aiming the [[Compression Blast]] at his feet, a Pyro can redirect a Soldier's or Sentry Gun's rocket into a powerful rocket jump. Because the Pyro has no self-damage resistance, this jump generally sends the Pyro further and higher than a Soldier could manage, however this also means that the Pyro will take considerably more damage than a Soldier would in the same situation. Pyros can also jump with reflected grenades, though the reflecting force exerted by the compression blast in conjunction with the smaller window of time before the detonation make it very unlikely to use properly.
[[Pyro/zh-hant|火焰兵]]可以利用[[Compression Blast/zh-hant|壓縮氣爆]]反射火箭來進行跳躍。壓縮氣爆反射的方向是由準心描準的位置所決定的,因此可以抓好時機,將火箭兵的火箭或是步哨的火箭反射至腳底來進行跳躍。
{{youtube tn|Q8SVuQGuVV4|width=250}}
{{youtube tn|Q8SVuQGuVV4|width=250}}
The Pyro can use the explosive flares shot by the [[Detonator]] to gain additional jump height. However, due to low explosive power, a jump performed in this manner is less effective than other methods and is only somewhat more effective than regular jumps or crouch-jumps at jumping across gaps or clearing obstacles.
Moreover, this will consume a small part of your health.
While unlikely, it is possible to use opposing attacks to make jumps. For example, [[Bonk]] Scouts can use the knockback of a high-leveled [[Sentry Gun]] or a cluster of stickies to fly accross a map, while any class could feasibly jump a fair distance using an incoming enemy rocket or grenade. That said, attempting to make enemy-assisted jumps will often deal high damage and may result in being [[juggle]]d.
雖然不常用到,但這也是一種利用敵人砲火的力量進行跳躍的方法。舉例來說,[[Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hant|原子飲料]]效果下的偵察兵可以利用[[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|步哨]]開火的擊退力或是一整堆黏彈的爆炸力飛到地圖上極高的位置。當然,只要生命值允許,所有職業都可利用敵人砲火的擊退力進行跳躍。
{{youtube tn|tpeZLk7qJeY|width=250|float=right}}
{{youtube tn|tpeZLk7qJeY|width=250|float=right}}
A pumpkin jump uses [[pumpkin bomb|Pumpkin Bomb]]s to launch the player into the air.
南瓜跳顧名思義就是使用[[pumpkin bomb/zh-hant|南瓜炸彈]]進行跳躍的技巧。
* Lighter classes should stand far away and crouch-jump while shooting the pumpkin.
* 生命值少的職業最好站離南瓜炸彈遠一點,並在打爆它時馬上跳蹲。
* Heavier classes can stand beside the pumpkin and fire for a larger boost. A [[Heavy]] can jump further than a Demoman's sticky jump for roughly half his health.
* 生命值多的職業可以站的離南瓜炸彈近一點,越近爆炸的推進力越強。[[Heavy/zh-hant|重裝兵]]用此種方法甚至可以跳的比黏彈跳躍的爆破兵高,只不過生命值會減少一大半。
* The [[Chargin' Targe]] reduces damage done by pumpkin explosions.
* [[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]]的抗爆炸效果也適用於南瓜炸彈。
== 已被消除的跳法 ==
== 不能跳躍的狀態 ==
There are certain states a player can be in that prevent them from jumping;
* Drawing an arrow while wielding the [[Huntsman]] as a Sniper.
* 正在[[Huntsman/zh-hant|拉弓]]的狙擊手。
* While spinning a Minigun as a Heavy.
* 旋轉機槍中的重裝兵。
* Taunting.
* 嘲諷。
* Crouching.
* 蹲下。
* While [[stun]]ned.
* [[stun/zh-hant|暈眩]]狀態。
* There is something above the player. (If the mentioned object doesn't allow a full jump, the player will jump and stop and fall when the model reaches the object.)
* 頭頂上方有東西擋住時。
* They are underwater.
* 水中。
* They are in the air (with the exception of the Scout's [[#Double jump|Double jump]]).
* 在空中(除了偵察兵可以進行雙重跳躍)。
* They have already performed a [[#Double jump|double]], triple jump, quad jump, or [[Force-A-Nature|force jump]].
* [[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝刺]]狀態下的爆破兵。
* While charging with the [[Chargin' Targe]] or [[Splendid Screen]] as a Demoman.
These jumps have been patched out of the game, but they once allowed players to perform unusual and unintended behavior.
Prior to the [[December 31, 2007 Patch]], Syringe Gun needles pushed friendly players a small amount. With enough Medics, a player could be launched very high on a wave of needles.
在{{Patch name|12|31|2007}}之前,注射槍有後座力效果,能使玩家利用後坐力提升跳躍高度,而且只要針筒彈藥足夠,可以達到非常驚人的高度。
Prior to the [[October 31, 2007 Patch]], you could jump repeatedly to preserve forward momentum.  Rocket jumping, airstrafing, and other techniques could be used to increase that momentum, allowing players to move far faster than intended.
在{{Patch name|10|31|2007}}之前,你可以連續不斷跳躍進行加速移動,而且還可以利用火箭跳之類的擊退力來增加跳躍速度。
== 相關成就 ==
== 相關成就 ==
Line 212: Line 213:
== 更新歷程 ==
== 更新歷程 ==
'''[[October 31, 2007 Patch]]'''
'''{{Patch name|10|31|2007}}'''
* Added anti-bunny hopping code
* 新增關閉兔子跳的指令。
'''[[November 20, 2007 Patch]]'''
'''{{Patch name|11|20|2007}}'''
* Fixed jump/taunt exploit
* 修正嘲諷時能跳躍的漏洞。
'''[[December 31, 2007 Patch]]'''
'''{{Patch name|12|31|2007}}'''
* Fixed Syringegun projectiles sometimes pushing players high up into the air, allowing them to reach bad map locations
* 修正可以用注射槍的後座力跳躍的漏洞。
'''[[April 1, 2008 Patch]]'''
'''{{Patch name|4|1|2008}}'''
* Fixed crouch-jump exploit that allowed players to get outside of the world
* 修正有些情況使用跳蹲會跳出地圖之外的問題。
'''[[December 11, 2008 Patch]]'''
'''{{Patch name|12|11|2008}}'''
* Added smoke to the feet of a [[Rocket jumping#Rocket jump|rocket jumping]] [[Soldier]]
* 在進行火箭跳時,[[Soldier/zh-hant|火箭兵]]腳底下會出現火焰特效。
'''[[June 3, 2011 Patch]]'''
'''{{Patch name|6|3|2011}}'''
* Added new community contributed response rules for Scout's double jump.
* 新增社群自製雙重跳躍時的語音回應。
== 參見 ==
== 參見 ==
* [[Crouching]]
* [[Crouching/zh-hant|蹲下]]
* [[Jump maps]]
* [[Jump maps/zh-hant|跳躍地圖]]
== 相關連結 ==
== 相關連結 ==
* [http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Team_Fortress_2_Mapper%27s_Reference Valve Developer Wiki: Team Fortress 2 Mapper's Reference] compares the heights that can be achieved by various jumping methods
* [[vdc:Team_Fortress_2_Mapper's_Reference|Team Fortress 2 Mapper's Reference]] compares the heights that can be achieved by various jumping methods

Latest revision as of 23:18, 3 March 2022

A frolicking Scout.

跳躍是每個職業都能使用的基本動作。跳躍時最多能夠將玩家的位置提升 45 HU單位的垂直高度。跳躍不只可以讓玩家到達特定位置,還可用來縮短步行距離,甚至是閃躲砲火。Xbox 360版跳躍的預設按鍵Xbox Button A.png,PlayStation 3版跳躍的是PS Button X.png,PC版則是Space














裝備原子棒時玩家可以使用三重跳躍。此能力可以讓玩家跳到以往連雙重跳躍都跳不到的位置。另外,跟雙重跳躍不同 ,三重跳躍的軌跡是紫色的。




使用原子能量飲料時會呈現無敵狀態,此時可以藉助敵方步哨槍開火時的擊退效果來讓偵察兵跳到極高的位置。 跳躍高度會隨敵方步哨槍的等級火力有所不同。





火箭跳是利用 火箭兵火箭爆炸產生的擊退力進行跳躍的技巧。玩家可以利用此方法達到一般跳躍所達不到的高度,當然,這會讓生命值受到一些損傷。此技巧通常用是用來跳到一些地圖上的高點、飛越障礙物、或是從空中突擊敵人時使用。在火箭跳時,玩家受到自己火箭的傷害會減少40%,就連利用爆擊的火箭進行火箭跳受到的傷害也不會改變,但相對的跳越高度也不受影響。在進行火箭跳時,玩家角色的靴子上會出現火焰的特效。




  • 快速火箭跳移動可以朝著牆壁或用傾斜的角度地板發射火箭,然後在發射火箭同時跳蹲,雖然跳躍高度不高,但卻能飛行很遠的距離。
  • 當你靠著牆壁進行垂直上升的火箭跳時,可以在跳到最高點時再次面向牆壁發射火箭並跳蹲,這些一來就可以達成二段火箭跳,只是第二次的跳躍高度不高。此種方法可以跳到非常高的地方,但前提是要有牆壁可以進行第二次的火箭跳。
  • 彈簧跳躍(Pogo jumps)是一種使用朝牆壁發射火箭推進後,並再次朝地面發射另一枚火箭增加推進力和移動距離度技巧(可參考右方影片教學)。由於過程必須非常快速,所以你必須確保飛出去時火箭能夠準確打中你的腳底下。這很容易失敗,必須隨時保持跳蹲的狀態下來確保能夠飛行最大距離。
  • 雙重火箭跳需要同時用到兩枚火箭才能達成,只有少部分地圖才能使用。先在高處朝低處發射一枚火箭,此時玩家就往下跳到火箭所發射的低點位置(高度要夠,因為這樣落下的速度才會比火箭快),當到達地面時,算後另一枚火箭擊中地面爆炸的時間,並同時進行火箭跳,當然跳躍的高度比一般火箭跳更高。
  • 翻越火箭跳(Flick jumping)是先往後方傾斜一點的角度發射火箭進行高度不高的火箭跳,之後在落地同時再進行一次一般的火箭跳,此時就可以飛得又高又遠。示範影片
  • 水中火箭跳是利用Source引擎模擬浮力加上火箭本身擊退力的特性進行跳躍。使用時,角色的身體必須上半身在水面上,下半身在水中(例如踩著Well地圖上水管突出的部分),然後朝著底下的進行火箭跳(最好靠著牆壁),就可以產生非常強力的跳躍跳出水面並飛行很長的距離。示範影片
  • 街友火箭跳 (Bazooka jumps) 是先用街友火箭筒做一次火箭跳,然後在半空中利用過度填充彈藥(街友火箭筒能力)產生爆炸而做出火箭跳。此方式可以使火箭兵不用靠牆或地就跳得又高又遠,不過必須注意血量。
  • 當裝備火箭跳躍者時,不會受到火箭跳的傷害,但仍然會因落地而受到傷害。



黏彈跳是利用黏彈爆炸的擊退力進行跳躍的技巧。原理類似火箭跳,但是黏彈跳所受到的自我傷害比火箭跳還要多。這個技巧通常是用來跳到高處,飛過障礙物,空中突擊等。進行黏彈跳時,所受到的黏彈傷害會比平常減少 25%,而爆擊的黏彈也不會讓黏彈跳受到的傷害增加,相對的跳躍高度也不受影響。在黏彈跳躍時,玩家角色的腳底會出現火焰特效。




  • 雙重黏彈跳其實就只是在腳底下放至兩顆黏彈進行跳躍而已。 這樣可以跳的比一顆黏彈更高,但前提是必須有足夠的生命值。最好是在超量治療無敵的狀態下進行。
  • 多重黏彈跳躍顧名思義就是放置極多的黏彈進行跳躍,當然在沒有無敵的情況下使用必死無疑,但是卻能產生可怕的強大跳躍力。在官方地圖中沒有任何地方高到需要用此技巧才能跳上去,一般而言兩顆黏彈就綽綽有餘了。
  • 跟火箭跳一樣,可以放置黏彈在牆壁上或不是正下方的地上進行黏彈跳,以跳躍的高度換取飛行距離和速度。
  • 也能跟火箭跳一樣利用牆壁跳到更高的地方。可利用剛射出的黏彈需延遲一段時間才能引爆的特性,在引爆第一顆黏彈跳起時,馬上射出第二顆接著引爆,完成牆壁跳躍的技巧。此技巧也可用在牆壁之間的連跳,但通常生命值是不足夠的,只能在跳躍地圖中進行。
  • 彈簧跳(Pogo jumps)也能用黏彈來完成。先放一顆黏彈在你下面準備進行黏彈跳,當引爆並跳起的同時馬上發射第二顆,接著再引爆,就可完成彈簧跳。生命值足夠的話可以重複此動作一直飛在空中。
  • 空中彈簧跳只能用在跳躍地圖中,一開始跟一般彈簧跳一樣,先進行一次普通的黏彈跳,接著引爆並同時往空中射出第二顆黏彈,跳躍速度夠快的話你的角色可以超過你所設出的那顆黏彈,飛到那顆黏彈上頭時接著再引爆。如果你的整個動作過程正確,第二次的引爆可以讓你飛的更高。
  • 使用黏彈跳躍者時妳不會受到黏彈爆炸傷害,不過仍會受到摔落的傷害。




  • 將榴彈發射至角落,這樣可以控制好榴彈的位置不容易彈走,如果只是朝地板或直線發射,那麼在你跳上去之前榴彈就彈走並爆炸了。
  • 通常在留彈發射後的兩秒內最好就衝上去進行跳蹲,不然太早或太晚都可能會影響跳躍力甚至是跳躍失敗。
  • 要垂直跳躍只需要在榴彈正上方跳起即可,不需要按下額外的移動按鍵。
  • 脫韁火炮過度蓄力所產生的爆炸也可進行榴彈跳。





  • 必須要確保衝上斜坡時能維持最大速度,衝刺過程中,中間不能減速或有障礙物阻擋。
  • 在斜坡最底部同時進行衝刺和跳躍的動作,如果斜坡很陡峭,那必須要從更接近斜面的地方開始。
  • 衝到斜坡最高點的瞬間必須要進行攻擊取消衝刺。
  • 如果以上動作和時機都掌握正確,那麼你將能保有衝刺的推進力飛在空中。




  • 最簡單的方法就是手動遙控等級三的步哨,並在你跳蹲的同時朝腳底發射火箭。由於工程師並沒有火箭跳的傷害減免,所以會受到極大的自我傷害,因此著地時必須非常小心,否則會馬上摔死。
  • 還有個比較困難的方法,可以在火箭跳的同時扛起自己的步哨。在發射火箭後,立刻把牧馬遙控器切換成其他武器,並在飛離可以搬起步哨的距離前按下右鍵搬起自己的步哨,整個過程必須非常快速。








火焰兵可以利用壓縮氣爆反射火箭來進行跳躍。壓縮氣爆反射的方向是由準心描準的位置所決定的,因此可以抓好時機,將火箭兵的火箭或是步哨的火箭反射至腳底來進行跳躍。 由於火焰兵並沒有像火箭兵進行火箭跳那樣的爆炸傷害減免,所以進行這種跳躍時會受到較大的傷害,因此必須謹慎斟酌使用。當然也可以用反射後的榴彈進行跳躍,但是由於爆炸時間較難抓,所以通常並不會使用。


火焰兵可以用爆破信號槍的爆炸進行跳躍。然而,由於爆炸的擊退力跟火箭榴彈相比非常小,因此只能跳到比一般跳躍稍微高一點的高度,頂多能飛過一些較矮的障礙物而已。 當然,跳躍時也會使你受到一些傷害。





  • 生命值少的職業最好站離南瓜炸彈遠一點,並在打爆它時馬上跳蹲。
  • 生命值多的職業可以站的離南瓜炸彈近一點,越近爆炸的推進力越強。重裝兵用此種方法甚至可以跳的比黏彈跳躍的爆破兵高,只不過生命值會減少一大半。
  • 衝擊刺盾的抗爆炸效果也適用於南瓜炸彈。





  • 正在拉弓的狙擊手。
  • 旋轉機槍中的重裝兵。
  • 嘲諷。
  • 蹲下。
  • 暈眩狀態。
  • 頭頂上方有東西擋住時。
  • 水中。
  • 在空中(除了偵察兵可以進行雙重跳躍)。
  • 衝刺狀態下的爆破兵。








Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵

使出 1000 次二連跳

二連跳時殺掉 20 名玩家。

Leaderboard class soldier.png 火箭兵

使出火箭跳並在著地前殺死 2 名敵人。

使用直擊火箭殺死 10 名在空中的敵人。



Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵


Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破兵

以一次黏彈跳殺死 2 名敵人。



Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵

使用格林機槍殺死空中 10 名敵人。

Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙擊手




  • 新增關閉兔子跳的指令。


  • 修正嘲諷時能跳躍的漏洞。


  • 修正可以用注射槍的後座力跳躍的漏洞。


  • 修正有些情況使用跳蹲會跳出地圖之外的問題。


  • 在進行火箭跳時,火箭兵腳底下會出現火焰特效。


  • 新增社群自製雙重跳躍時的語音回應。

