Difference between revisions of "Template:Storepreviouslypurchasable"

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({{item name|Summer Sun Bundle}})
(46 intermediate revisions by 21 users not shown)
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=== {{lang
=== {{common string|Halloween}} ===
  | ar = هالويين
{{See also|Halloween{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|Halloween}}}}
  | de = Halloween
  | en = Halloween
  | es = Halloween
  | fi = Halloween
  | fr = Halloween
  | it = Halloween
  | ja = ハロウィーン
  | ko = 할로윈
  | pl = Halloween
  | pt-br = Halloween
  | ro = Halloween
  | ru = Хеллоуин
  | sv = Halloween
  | zh-hant = 萬聖節
  }} ===
  | en = All items in the Halloween category are available for purchase during Anniversary Halloween Event.
   | ar = كل الأيتمز في صفحة الهالويين متوافرة فقط للشراء من 8 نوفمبر 2010 ، ولن تكون متوافرة بعد ذلك
   | ar = كل الأيتمز في صفحة الهالويين متوافرة فقط للشراء من 8 نوفمبر 2010 ، ولن تكون متوافرة بعد ذلك
   | de = Alle Gegenstände in der Halloween Kategorie standen nur bis zum 08.11.2010 zum Kauf zur Verfügung. Sie werden nicht wieder zu kaufen sein.
  | da = Alle genstande i Halloween kategorien kan købes under Halloween begivenheder.
  | en = All items in the Halloween category were only available for purchase up to November 8th, 2010. They will not be available again.
   | de = Alle Gegenstände in der Halloween-Kategorie stehen im jährlichen Halloween-Event zum Kauf bereit.
   | es = Todos los objetos de la categoría Halloween solo estaban disponibles para compra hasta el 8 de Noviembre de 2010. No volverán a estar disponibles.
   | es = Todos los objetos de la categoría Halloween solo estaban disponibles para comprar hasta el 8 de noviembre de 2010. No volverán a estar disponibles.
   | fi = Kaikki tavarat Halloween kategoriassa olivat ainoastaan ostettavissa marraskuun 8. 2010 saakka. Ne eivät tule saataviksi enää.
   | fi = Kaikki tavarat Halloween kategoriassa olivat ainoastaan ostettavissa marraskuun 8. 2010 saakka. Ne eivät tule saataviksi enää.
   | fr = Tous ces objets ne pouvaient être achetables que durant l'évènement d'Halloween de 2010, ils ne seront plus disponibles plus tard.
   | fr = Tous les objets de cette ne sont disponibles à l'achat que durant l'événement d'Halloween.
   | it = Tutti gli oggetti di Halloween erano disponibili fino all'8 Novembre 2010. Non saranno più dispnibili
   | it = Tutti gli oggetti di Halloween erano disponibili fino all'8 Novembre 2010. Non saranno più dispnibili
   | ja = ハロウィーンのカテゴリ内のすべての項目は2010年11月8日までの購入に対してのみ利用可能でした。彼らは再び使用することはできません。
   | ja = ハロウィーンのカテゴリ内のすべての項目は2010年11月8日までの購入に対してのみ利用可能でした。彼らは再び使用することはできません。
   | ko = All items in the Halloween category were only available for purchase up to November 8th, 2010. They will not be available again.
   | ko = All items in the Halloween category are available for purchase during Anniversary Halloween Event.
  | no = Alle gjenstandene i Halloween kategorien er tiljengelig å kjøpe under Halloween-begivenheten
   | pl = Wszystkie przedmioty w kategorii Halloween były możliwe do kupienia do 8 listopada 2010 roku. Nie będą ponownie dostępne.
   | pl = Wszystkie przedmioty w kategorii Halloween były możliwe do kupienia do 8 listopada 2010 roku. Nie będą ponownie dostępne.
   | pt-br = Todos os itens na categoria de Halloween só estiveram disponíveis para compra até 8 de Novembro de 2010. Eles não estarão disponíveis novamente.
   | pt-br = Todos os itens na categoria de Dia das Bruxas só estiveram disponíveis para compra até 8 de novembro de 2010.
   | ro = Toate obiectele din categoria Halloween au fost disponibile pentru achiziționare până la 8 noiembrie, 2010. Ele nu vor fi disponibile din nou.
   | ro = Toate obiectele din categoria Halloween au fost disponibile pentru achiziționare până la 8 noiembrie, 2010. Ele nu vor fi disponibile din nou.
   | ru = Все хеллоуинские товары были доступны для покупки до 8 ноября 2010.
   | ru = Все хеллоуинские товары доступны для покупки каждый год, во время особого обновления.
   | sv = Alla föremål i denna kategori var bara tillgängliga att köpa fram till november 8, 2010. De kommer inte att vara tillgängliga igen.
   | sv = Alla föremål i denna kategori var bara tillgängliga att köpa fram till november 8, 2010. De kommer inte att vara tillgängliga igen.
   | zh-hant = 這些物品只有在萬聖節期間才可購買到。
   | zh-hant = 所有跟萬聖節有關的物品,只有在萬聖節期間才可購買到。
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
==== {{Item name|Bundles}} ====
{| class="wikitable collapsible" width="100%" style="text-align:center;"
{{Store row noprice|Noise Maker Bundle|Curse-a-Nature|Tin Soldier|Infernal Imp|Highland Hound|FrankenHeavy}}
{{Store row noprice|Brundle Bundle|Mad Doktor|Camper Van Helsing|Invisible Rogue|Halloween 2011 Costume Bundle of Bundles}}
==== {{Item name|Bundle contents}} ====
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
{{Store row|Noise Maker - Banshee|Noise Maker - Black Cat|Noise Maker - Crazy Laugh|Noise Maker - Gremlin}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Noise Maker Bundle}}
{{Store row|Noise Maker - Stabby|Noise Maker - Werewolf|Noise Maker - Witch|Noise Maker Bundle}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Curse-a-Nature}}
{{Store row|Spine-Chilling Skull|Voodoo Juju}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Tin Soldier}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Infernal Imp}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Highland Hound}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|FrankenHeavy}}
|- style="font-size:0.9em;"
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Banshee}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Black Cat}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Crazy Laugh}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Gremlin}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Stabby}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Werewolf}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Witch}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Wrap Battler}}
* {{item link|B-ankh!}}
* {{item link|Futankhamun}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Idiot Box}}
* {{item link|Steel Pipes}}
* {{item link|Shoestring Budget}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Blazing Bull}}
* {{item link|Fallen Angel}}
* {{item link|Tail from the Crypt}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Hair of the Dog}}
* {{item link|Scottish Snarl}}
* {{item link|Pickled Paws}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Can Opener}}
* {{item link|Soviet Stitch-Up}}
* {{item link|Steel-Toed Stompers}}
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Brundle Bundle}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Mad Doktor}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Camper Van Helsing}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Invisible Rogue}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|Halloween 2011 Costume Bundle of Bundles}}
|- style="font-size:0.9em;"
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Buzz Killer}}
* {{item link|Frontier Flyboy}}
* {{item link|Legend of Bugfoot}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Einstein}}
* {{item link|Dr. Gogglestache}}
* {{item link|Emerald Jarate}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Holy Hunter}}
* {{item link|Silver Bullets}}
* {{item link|Garlic Flank Stake}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Under Cover}}
* {{item link|Griffin's Gog}}
* {{item link|Intangible Ascot}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Curse-a-Nature}}
* {{item link|Tin Soldier}}
* {{item link|Infernal Imp}}
* {{item link|Highland Hound}}
* {{item link|FrankenHeavy}}
* {{item link|Brundle Bundle}}
* {{item link|Mad Doktor}}
* {{item link|Camper Van Helsing}}
* {{item link|Invisible Rogue}}
=== {{lang
  | en = Australian Christmas
  | fr = Noël Australien
  | pl = Australijskie Święta
  | pt-br = Australian Christmas
  | ru = Австралийское рождество
  | zh-hant = 澳大利亞聖誕系列
==== {{lang
  | en = Other items
  | cs = Ostatní předměty
  | da = Andre genstande
  | de = Andere Gegenstände
  | es = Otros objetos
  | fr = Autres objets
  | nl = Overige voorwerpen
  | no = Andre gjenstander
  | pt-br= Outros itens
  | ru = Прочие предметы
  | zh-hant = 其他的物品
}} ====
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row noprice|Noise Maker - Banshee|Noise Maker - Black Cat|Noise Maker - Crazy Laugh|Noise Maker - Gremlin|Noise Maker - Stabby|Noise Maker - Werewolf}}
{{Store row noprice|Noise Maker - Witch|Spine-Chilling Skull|Voodoo Juju|Spine-Chilling Skull 2011}}
=== {{common string|Australian Christmas}} ===
{{See also|Australian Christmas{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|Australian Christmas}}}}
   | en = This item was sold from December 17, 2010 to December 31, 2010.
   | en = This item was sold from December 17, 2010 to December 31, 2010.
  | cs = Tento předmět byl k zakoupení od 17. prosince 2010 do 31. prosince 2010.
  | da = Denne genstand blev solgt fra den 17 december 2010 til den 31 december 2010.
  | de = Dieser Gegenstand wurde vom 17. Dezember 2010 bis zum 31. Dezember 2010 verkauft.
  | es = Este objeto fue vendido del 17 al 31 de diciembre de 2010.
   | fr = Cet objet été vendu entre le 17 et le 31 décembre 2010.
   | fr = Cet objet été vendu entre le 17 et le 31 décembre 2010.
  | nl = Dit voorwerp werd verkocht van 17 december 2010 tot 31 december 2010
  | no = Denne gjenstanden ble solgt fra 17 Desember, 2010 til 31 Desember, 2010.
   | pl = Przedmiot ten był sprzedawany od 17 grudnia 2010 do 31 grudnia 2010.
   | pl = Przedmiot ten był sprzedawany od 17 grudnia 2010 do 31 grudnia 2010.
   | pt-br= Esse item foi vendido de 17 de Dezembro de 2010 a 31 de Dezembro de 2010.
   | pt-br = Este item esteve à venda de 17 a 31 de dezembro de 2010.
   | ru = Эту вещь можно было купить с 17 декабря 2010 года по 31 декабря 2010 года.
   | ru = Этот предмет можно было купить с 17 декабря 2010 года по 31 декабря 2010 года.
   | zh-hant = 這些物品只在2010年12月17日到2010年12月31日之間販售。
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row noprice|Festive Winter Crate Key}}
{{Store row|Festive Winter Crate Key|||}}
=== {{lang
=== {{common string|Shogun Pack}} ===
  | ar = مجموعة الشوجون
{{See also|Shogun Pack{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|Shogun Pack}}}}
  | de = Shogun Pack
  | en = Shogun Pack
  | es = Paquete Shogún
  | fi = Shogun-paketti
  | fr = Le Pack Shogun
  | it = Shogun Pack
  | ja = ショーグンパック
  | ko = 쇼군 팩
  | pl = Zestaw Szoguna
  | pt-br = Pacote Shogun
  | ro = Shogun Pack
  | ru = Набор «Сёгун»
  | sv = Shogun Pack
  | zh-hant = 將軍包
   | en = This item was sold from March 10, 2011 to March 23, 2011.
   | en = This item was sold from March 10, 2011 to March 23, 2011.
  | cs = Tento předmět byl k zakoupení od 10. března 2011 do 23. března 2011.
  | da = Denne genstand blev solgt fra den 10 marts 2011 til den 23 marts 2011.
  | de = Dieser Gegenstand wurde vom 10. März 2011 bis zum 23. März 2011 verkauft.
  | es = Este objeto fue vendido del 10 al 23 de marzo de 2011.
   | fr = Cet objet été vendu entre le 10 mars et le 23 mars 2011.
   | fr = Cet objet été vendu entre le 10 mars et le 23 mars 2011.
  | nl = Dit voorwerp werd verkocht van 10 maart 2011 tot 23 maart 2011.
  | no = Denne gjenstanden ble solgt fra 10 Mars, 2011 til 23 Mars, 2011.
   | pl = Przedmiot ten był sprzedawany od 10 marca 2011 do 23 marca 2011.
   | pl = Przedmiot ten był sprzedawany od 10 marca 2011 do 23 marca 2011.
   | pt-br = Esse item foi vendido de 10 de Março de 2011 a 23 de Março de 2011.
   | pt-br = Este item esteve à venda de 10 a 23 de março de 2011.
   | ru = Эти товары были доступны для покупки с 10 Марта, 2011 по 23 Марта, 2011.
   | ru = Эти товары были доступны для покупки с 10 Марта, 2011 по 23 Марта, 2011.
   | zh-hant = 這物品只在2011年3月10日到2011年3月23日之間販售。
   | zh-hant = 這物品只在2011年3月10日到2011年3月23日之間販售。
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row|Noise Maker - Koto|||}}
{{Store row noprice|Noise Maker - Koto|}}
==={{item name|Japan Charity Bundle}}===
=== {{Common string|Japan Charity Bundle}} ===
{{See also| Japan Charity Bundle{{if lang}}|l1={{item name|Japan Charity Bundle}}}}
{{See also|Japan Charity Bundle{{if lang}}|l1={{common string|Japan Charity Bundle}}}}
   | en = These items were sold from March 23, 2011 through April 6, 2011
   | en = These items were sold from March 23, 2011 through April 6, 2011.
  | cs = Tyto předměty byly k zakoupení od 23. března 2011 do 6. dubna 2011.
  | da = Denne genstand blev solgt fra den 23 marts 2011 til den 6 april 2011.
  | de = Diese Gegenstände wurden vom 23. März 2011 bis zum 06. April 2011 verkauft.
  | es = Este objeto fue vendido del 23 de marzo al 6 de abril de 2011.
   | fr = Ces objets furent vendus entre le 23 mars et le 6 avril 2011.
   | fr = Ces objets furent vendus entre le 23 mars et le 6 avril 2011.
  | nl = Dit voorwerp werd verkocht van 23 maart 2011 tot 6 april 2011.
  | no = Disse gjenstandene ble solgt fra 23 Mars, 2011 til 6 April, 2011.
   | pl = Przedmioty te były sprzedawane od 23 marca 2011 do 6 kwietnia 2011.
   | pl = Przedmioty te były sprzedawane od 23 marca 2011 do 6 kwietnia 2011.
   | pt-br = Esses itens foram vendidos de 23 de Março de 2011 até 6 de Abril de 2011.
   | pt-br = Estes itens estiveram à venda 23 de março de 2010 a 6 de abril de 2011.
   | ru = Эти товары были доступны для покупки с 23 Марта, 2011 по 6 Апреля, 2011.
   | ru = Эти товары были доступны для покупки с 23 Марта, 2011 по 6 Апреля, 2011.
   | zh-hant = 這些物品只在2011年3月23日到2011年4月6日之間販售。
   | zh-hant = 這些物品只在2011年3月23日到2011年4月6日之間販售。
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row|Japan Charity Bundle|Humanitarian's Hachimaki|Benefactor's Kanmuri|Magnanimous Monarch}}
{{Store row noprice|Japan Charity Bundle|Humanitarian's Hachimaki|Benefactor's Kanmuri|Magnanimous Monarch|Noise Maker - Bell|Noise Maker - Gong}}
{{Store row|Noise Maker - Bell||}}
==== {{lang
==== {{Item name|Bundle contents}} ====
  | ar = مجموعة الباندل
  | en = Bundle contents
  | it = Contenuti del pacchetto
  | es = Contenido de los Packs
  | fr = Contenu des Packs
  | pl = Zawartość zestawów
  | pt-br = Conteúdo dos Pacotes
  | ru = Наборы предметов
  | zh-hant = 組合包內容
  }} ====
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="25%"
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="25%"
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|japan charity bundle}}
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|japan charity bundle}}
|- style="font-size:0.9em;"
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Humanitarian's Hachimaki}}
* {{item link|Benefactor's Kanmuri}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Bell}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Gong}}
*[[Humanitarian's Hachimaki{{if lang}}|{{item name|Humanitarian's Hachimaki}}]]
*[[Benefactor's Kanmuri{{if lang}}|{{item name|Benefactor's Kanmuri}}]]
*[[Noise Maker{{if lang}}|{{item name|Noise Maker - Bell}}]]
*[[Noise Maker{{if lang}}|{{item name|Noise Maker - Gong}}]]
=== {{lang
=== {{Common string|Über Update}} ===
  | de = Pakete
{{See also|Über Update{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|Über Update}}}}
  | ar = الحزم
  | en = Bundles
  | it = Pacchetti
  | es = Packs
  | fi = Pakkaukset
  | fr = Pack
  | ja = バンドル
  | ko = 묶음상품
  | pl = Zestawy
  | pt-br = Pacotes
  | ro = Pachete
  | ru = Наборы
  | sv = Buntar
  | zh-hant = 組合包
  | it = Pacchetti
  }} ===
   | en = These bundles were removed from the store on June 23, 2011 for the [[Über Update]].
   | en = These bundles were removed from the store on June 23, 2011 for the [[Über Update]].
  | cs = Tyto balíčky byly odstraněny z obchodu 23. června 2011 v [[Über Update/cs|Über Update]].
  | da = Disse pakker blev fjernet fra butikken den 23 juni 2011 for [[Über Update/da|Über-opdateringen]]
  | de = Diese Pakete wurden wegen dem [[Über Update/de|Über Update]] am 23. Juni 2011 aus dem Shop entfernt.
  | es = Estos lotes fueron retirados de la tienda el 23 de junio de 2011 por la {{update link|Über Update}}.
   | fr = Ces lots furent retirés du magasin le 23 juin 2011 lors de l'[[Über Update/fr|Über Mise à Jour]].
   | fr = Ces lots furent retirés du magasin le 23 juin 2011 lors de l'[[Über Update/fr|Über Mise à Jour]].
  | nl = Deze voorwerpen werden verwijderd van de winkel op 23 juni 2011 voor de [[Über Update/nl|Über Update]].
  | no = Disse pakkene ble fjernet fra butikken den 23 juni, 2011 for [[Über Update/no|Über-oppdateringen]]
   | pl = Te zestawy zostały usunięte ze sklepu 23 czerwca 2011 dla [[Über Update/pl|Überowej Aktualizacji]].
   | pl = Te zestawy zostały usunięte ze sklepu 23 czerwca 2011 dla [[Über Update/pl|Überowej Aktualizacji]].
   | pt-br = Esses pacotes foram removidos da loja em 23 de Julho de 2011 na [[Über Update/pt-br|Atualização Über]].
   | pt-br = Estes pacotes foram removidos da loja em 23 de julho de 2011 na {{update link|Über Update}}.
   | ru = Эти наборы были убраны из магазина 23 июля 2011 года для [[Über Update/pl|Убер-обновления]].
   | ru = Эти наборы были убраны из магазина 23 июля 2011 года, во время [[Über Update/ru|Убер-обновления]].
   | zh-hant = 這些組合包在2011年6月23日的[[Über Update/zh-hant|超能更新]]時從商店被移除掉。
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row|Polycount Pack|The Croc-o-Style Kit|The Gas Jockey's Gear|The Saharan Spy|no-link-1=yes}}
{{Store row noprice|Polycount Pack|The Croc-o-Style Kit|The Gas Jockey's Gear|The Saharan Spy|The Special Delivery|The Tank Buster}}
{{Store row|The Special Delivery|The Tank Buster|The Medieval Medic|The Expert's Ordnance}}
{{Store row noprice|The Medieval Medic|The Expert's Ordnance|The Hibernating Bear|Winter Update Pack|A Bargaining Manne's Bundle of Bargains|Box of Fancy Hats}}
{{Store row|The Hibernating Bear|Winter Update Pack|A Bargaining Manne's Bundle of Bargains|Box of Fancy Hats|no-link-2=yes|no-link-3=yes|no-link-4=yes}}
{{Store row noprice|Pile of Nasty Weapons|The Emperor's Assortment}}
{{Store row|Pile of Nasty Weapons|The Emperor's Assortment|}}
==== {{lang
===={{Anchor|Content}} {{Item name|Bundle contents}} ====
  | ar = مجموعة الباندل
  | en = Bundle contents
  | it = Contenuti del pacchetto
  | es = Contenido de los Packs
  | fr = Contenu des Packs
  | pl = Zawartość zestawów
  | pt-br = Conteúdo dos Pacotes
  | ru = Наборы предметов
  | zh-hant = 組合包內容
  }} ====
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|polycount pack}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|polycount pack}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the croc-o-style kit}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the croc-o-style kit}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the gas jockey's gear}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the gas jockey's gear}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the saharan spy}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the saharan spy}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the special delivery}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the tank buster}}
*[[Degreaser{{if lang}}|{{item name|degreaser}}]]
|- style="font-size:0.9em;"
*[[Powerjack{{if lang}}|{{item name|powerjack}}]]
| valign="top" |
*[[Attendant{{if lang}}|{{item name|attendant}}]]
* {{item link|Degreaser}}
*[[L'Etranger{{if lang}}|{{item name|l'etranger}}]]
* {{item link|Powerjack}}
*[[Your Eternal Reward{{if lang}}|{{item name|your eternal reward}}]]
* {{item link|Attendant}}
*[[Familiar Fez{{if lang}}|{{item name|familiar fez}}]]
* {{item link|L'Etranger}}
*[[Black Box{{if lang}}|{{item name|black box}}]]
* {{item link|Your Eternal Reward}}
*[[Battalion's Backup{{if lang}}|{{item name|battalion's backup}}]]
* {{item link|Familiar Fez}}
*[[Grenadier's Softcap{{if lang}}|{{item name|grenadier's softcap}}]]
* {{item link|Black Box}}
*[[Sydney Sleeper{{if lang}}|{{item name|sydney sleeper}}]]
* {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}
*[[Darwin's Danger Shield{{if lang}}|{{item name|darwin's danger shield}}]]
* {{item link|Grenadier's Softcap}}
*[[Bushwacka{{if lang}}|{{item name|bushwacka}}]]
* {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}}
*[[Ol' Snaggletooth{{if lang}}|{{item name|ol' snaggletooth}}]]
* {{item link|Darwin's Danger Shield}}
*[[Shortstop{{if lang}}|{{item name|shortstop}}]]
* {{item link|Bushwacka}}
*[[Mad Milk{{if lang}}|{{item name|mad milk}}]]
* {{item link|Ol' Snaggletooth}}
*[[Holy Mackerel{{if lang}}|{{item name|holy mackerel}}]]
* {{item link|Shortstop}}
*[[Milkman{{if lang}}|{{item name|milkman}}]]
* {{item link|Mad Milk}}
* {{item link|Holy Mackerel}}
*[[Sydney Sleeper{{if lang}}|{{item name|sydney sleeper}}]]
* {{item link|Milkman}}
*[[Darwin's Danger Shield{{if lang}}|{{item name|darwin's danger shield}}]]
| valign="top" |
*[[Bushwacka{{if lang}}|{{item name|bushwacka}}]]
* {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}}
*[[Ol' Snaggletooth{{if lang}}|{{item name|ol' snaggletooth}}]]
* {{item link|Darwin's Danger Shield}}
* {{item link|Bushwacka}}
*[[Degreaser{{if lang}}|{{item name|degreaser}}]]
* {{item link|Ol' Snaggletooth}}
*[[Powerjack{{if lang}}|{{item name|powerjack}}]]
| valign="top" |
*[[Attendant{{if lang}}|{{item name|attendant}}]]
* {{item link|Degreaser}}
* {{item link|Powerjack}}
*[[L'Etranger{{if lang}}|{{item name|l'etranger}}]]
* {{item link|Attendant}}
*[[Your Eternal Reward{{if lang}}|{{item name|your eternal reward}}]]
| valign="top" |
*[[Familiar Fez{{if lang}}|{{item name|familiar fez}}]]
* {{item link|L'Etranger}}
* {{item link|Your Eternal Reward}}
* {{item link|Familiar Fez}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Shortstop}}
* {{item link|Mad Milk}}
* {{item link|Holy Mackerel}}
* {{item link|Milkman}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Black Box}}
* {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}
* {{item link|Grenadier's Softcap}}
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the medieval medic}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the special delivery}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the expert's ordnance}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the tank buster}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the hibernating bear}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the medieval medic}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|winter update pack}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the expert's ordnance}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|a bargaining manne's bundle of bargains}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|box of fancy hats}}
|- style="font-size:0.9em;"
*[[Shortstop{{if lang}}|{{item name|shortstop}}]]
| valign="top" |
*[[Mad Milk{{if lang}}|{{item name|mad milk}}]]
* {{item link|Amputator}}
*[[Holy Mackerel{{if lang}}|{{item name|holy mackerel}}]]
* {{item link|Crusader's Crossbow}}
*[[Milkman{{if lang}}|{{item name|milkman}}]]
* {{item link|Berliner's Bucket Helm}}
| valign="top" |
*[[Black Box{{if lang}}|{{item name|black box}}]]
* {{item link|Loch-n-Load}}
*[[Battalion's Backup{{if lang}}|{{item name|battalion's backup}}]]
* {{item link|Ullapool Caber}}
*[[Grenadier's Softcap{{if lang}}|{{item name|grenadier's softcap}}]]
* {{item link|Scotch Bonnet}}
| valign="top" |
*[[Amputator{{if lang}}|{{item name|amputator}}]]
* {{item link|Brass Beast}}
*[[Crusader's Crossbow{{if lang}}|{{item name|crusader's crossbow}}]]
* {{item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
*[[Berliner's Bucket Helm{{if lang}}|{{item name|berliner's bucket helm}}]]
* {{item link|Warrior's Spirit}}
* {{item link|Big Chief}}
*[[Loch-n-Load{{if lang}}|{{item name|loch-n-load}}]]
| valign="top" |
*[[Ullapool Caber{{if lang}}|{{item name|ullapool caber}}]]
* {{item link|Amputator}}
*[[Scotch Bonnet{{if lang}}|{{item name|scotch bonnet}}]]
* {{item link|Crusader's Crossbow}}
* {{item link|Berliner's Bucket Helm}}
* {{item link|Brass Beast}}
* {{item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
* {{item link|Warrior's Spirit}}
* {{item link|Big Chief}}
* {{item link|Loch-n-Load}}
* {{item link|Ullapool Caber}}
* {{item link|Scotch Bonnet}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Degreaser}}
* {{item link|Powerjack}}
* {{item link|Attendant}}
* {{item link|L'Etranger}}
* {{item link|Your Eternal Reward}}
* {{item link|Familiar Fez}}
* {{item link|Black Box}}
* {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}
* {{item link|Grenadier's Softcap}}
* {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}}
* {{item link|Darwin's Danger Shield}}
* {{item link|Bushwacka}}
* {{item link|Ol' Snaggletooth}}
* {{item link|Shortstop}}
* {{item link|Mad Milk}}
* {{item link|Holy Mackerel}}
* {{item link|Milkman}}
* {{item link|Amputator}}
* {{item link|Crusader's Crossbow}}
* {{item link|Berliner's Bucket Helm}}
* {{item link|Brass Beast}}
* {{item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
* {{item link|Warrior's Spirit}}
* {{item link|Big Chief}}
* {{item link|Loch-n-Load}}
* {{item link|Ullapool Caber}}
* {{item link|Scotch Bonnet}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Coupe D'isaster}}
* {{item link|Flipped Trilby}}
* {{item link|German Gonzila}}
* {{item link|Buckaroos Hat}}
* {{item link|Madame Dixie}}
* {{item link|Detective Noir}}
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the hibernating bear}}
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|pile of nasty weapons}}
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|winter update pack}}
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="16%" | {{item name|the emperor's assortment}}
! class="header"  style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|a bargaining manne's bundle of bargains}}
|- style="font-size:0.9em;"
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|box of fancy hats}}
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Boston Basher}}
* {{item link|Back Scratcher}}
*[[Brass Beast{{if lang}}|{{item name|brass beast}}]]
* {{item link|Claidheamh Mòr}}
*[[Buffalo Steak Sandvich{{if lang}}|{{item name|buffalo steak sandvich}}]]
* {{item link|Fists of Steel}}
*[[Warrior's Spirit{{if lang}}|{{item name|warrior's spirit}}]]
| valign="top" |
*[[Big Chief{{if lang}}|{{item name|big chief}}]]
* {{item link|Fan O'War}}
* {{item link|Concheror}}
*[[Amputator{{if lang}}|{{item name|amputator}}]]
* {{item link|Half-Zatoichi}}
*[[Crusader's Crossbow{{if lang}}|{{item name|crusader's crossbow}}]]
* {{item link|Samur-Eye}}
*[[Berliner's Bucket Helm{{if lang}}|{{item name|berliner's bucket helm}}]]
* {{item link|Dread Knot}}
*[[Brass Beast{{if lang}}|{{item name|brass beast}}]]
* {{item link|Geisha Boy}}
*[[Buffalo Steak Sandvich{{if lang}}|{{item name|buffalo steak sandvich}}]]
* {{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}
*[[Warrior's Spirit{{if lang}}|{{item name|warrior's spirit}}]]
* {{item link|Noh Mercy}}
*[[Big Chief{{if lang}}|{{item name|big chief}}]]
*[[Loch-n-Load{{if lang}}|{{item name|loch-n-load}}]]
*[[Ullapool Caber{{if lang}}|{{item name|ullapool caber}}]]
==={{item name|Summer Sun Bundle}}===
*[[Scotch Bonnet{{if lang}}|{{item name|scotch bonnet}}]]
{{See also|Summer Camp Sale{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|summer camp sale}}}}
*[[Degreaser{{if lang}}|{{item name|degreaser}}]]
  | en = These items were sold from July 1, 2011 through July 11, 2011.
*[[Powerjack{{if lang}}|{{item name|powerjack}}]]
  | cs = Tyto předměty byly k zakoupení od 1. července 2011 do 11. července 2011.
*[[Attendant{{if lang}}|{{item name|attendant}}]]
  | da = Disse genstande blev solgt fra den 1 juli 2011 til den 11 juli 2011.
*[[L'Etranger{{if lang}}|{{item name|l'etranger}}]]
  | de = Diese Gegenstände wurden vom 01. Juli 2011 bis zum 11. Juli 2011 verkauft.
*[[Your Eternal Reward{{if lang}}|{{item name|your eternal reward}}]]
  | es = Estos objetos fueron vendidos del 1 al 11 de julio de 2011.
*[[Familiar Fez{{if lang}}|{{item name|familiar fez}}]]
  | fr = Ces objets étaient en vente entre le 1er et le 11 juillet 2011.
*[[Black Box{{if lang}}|{{item name|black box}}]]
  | nl = Deze voorwerpen werden verkocht van 1 juli 2011 tot 11 juli 2011.
*[[Battalion's Backup{{if lang}}|{{item name|battalion's backup}}]]
  | no = Disse gjenstandene ble solgt fra 1 Juli, 2011 til 11 Juli 2011.
*[[Grenadier's Softcap{{if lang}}|{{item name|grenadier's softcap}}]]
  | pl = Przedmioty te były sprzedawane od 1 lipca 2011 do 11 lipca 2011.
*[[Sydney Sleeper{{if lang}}|{{item name|sydney sleeper}}]]
  | pt-br = Este item esteve à venda de 1º a 11 de julho de 2011.
*[[Darwin's Danger Shield{{if lang}}|{{item name|darwin's danger shield}}]]
  | ru = Эти предметы продавались в период с 1 по 11 июля 2011.
*[[Bushwacka{{if lang}}|{{item name|bushwacka}}]]
  | zh-hant = 這些物品只在2011年7月1日到2011年7月11日之間販售。
*[[Ol' Snaggletooth{{if lang}}|{{item name|ol' snaggletooth}}]]
*[[Shortstop{{if lang}}|{{item name|shortstop}}]]
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
*[[Mad Milk{{if lang}}|{{item name|mad milk}}]]
{{Store row noprice|Summer Sun Bundle|Lucky No. 42|Flip-Flops|Summer Hat|Noise Maker - Fireworks|Refreshing Summer Cooler Key}}
*[[Holy Mackerel{{if lang}}|{{item name|holy mackerel}}]]
*[[Milkman{{if lang}}|{{item name|milkman}}]]
*[[Amputator{{if lang}}|{{item name|amputator}}]]
*[[Crusader's Crossbow{{if lang}}|{{item name|crusader's crossbow}}]]
*[[Berliner's Bucket Helm{{if lang}}|{{item name|berliner's bucket helm}}]]
*[[Brass Beast{{if lang}}|{{item name|brass beast}}]]
*[[Buffalo Steak Sandvich{{if lang}}|{{item name|buffalo steak sandvich}}]]
*[[Warrior's Spirit{{if lang}}|{{item name|warrior's spirit}}]]
*[[Big Chief{{if lang}}|{{item name|big chief}}]]
*[[Loch-n-Load{{if lang}}|{{item name|loch-n-load}}]]
*[[Ullapool Caber{{if lang}}|{{item name|ullapool caber}}]]
*[[Scotch Bonnet{{if lang}}|{{item name|scotch bonnet}}]]
*[[Coupe D'isaster{{if lang}}|{{item name|coupe d'isaster}}]]
*[[Flipped Trilby{{if lang}}|{{item name|flipped trilby}}]]
*[[German Gonzila{{if lang}}|{{item name|german gonzila}}]]
*[[Buckaroos Hat{{if lang}}|{{item name|buckaroos hat}}]]
*[[Madame Dixie{{if lang}}|{{item name|madame dixie}}]]
*[[Detective Noir{{if lang}}|{{item name|detective noir}}]]
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
==== {{Item name|Bundle contents}} ====
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="25%"
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|pile of nasty weapons}}
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|summer sun bundle}}
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|the emperor's assortment}}
|- style="font-size:0.9em;"
| valign="top" |
* {{item link|Lucky No. 42}}
* {{item link|Flip-Flops}}
* {{item link|Summer Hat}}
* {{item link|Noise Maker - Fireworks}}
*[[Boston Basher{{if lang}}|{{item name|boston basher}}]]
*[[Back Scratcher{{if lang}}|{{item name|back scratcher}}]]
*[[Claidheamh Mòr{{if lang}}|{{item name|claidheamh mòr}}]]
*[[Fists of Steel{{if lang}}|{{item name|fists of steel}}]]
*[[Fan O'War{{if lang}}|{{item name|Fan O'War}}]]
*[[Concheror{{if lang}}|{{item name|Concheror}}]]
*[[Half-Zatoichi{{if lang}}|{{item name|Half-Zatoichi}}]]
*[[Samur-Eye{{if lang}}|{{item name|Samur-Eye}}]]
*[[Dread Knot{{if lang}}|{{item name|Dread Knot}}]]
*[[Geisha Boy{{if lang}}|{{item name|Geisha Boy}}]]
*[[Conniver's Kunai{{if lang}}|{{item name|Conniver's Kunai}}]]
*[[Noh Mercy{{if lang}}|{{item name|Noh Mercy}}]]
==={{item name|Summer Sun Bundle}}===
=== {{Common string|Australian Christmas 2011}} ===
{{See also|Summer Camp Sale{{if lang}}|l1={{common strings|summer camp sale}}}}
{{See also|Australian Christmas 2011{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|Australian Christmas 2011}}}}
  | en = These items were sold from December 15, 2011 to January 4, 2012.
  | cs = Tyto předměty byly k zakoupení od 15. prosince 2011 do 4. ledna 2012.
  | da = Disse genstande blev solgt fra den 15 december 2011 til den 4 januar 2012.
  | de = Diese Gegenstände wurden vom 15. Dezember 2011 bis zum 04. Januar 2012 verkauft.
  | es = Estos objetos fueron vendidos del 15 de diciembre de 2011 al 4 de enero de 2012.
  | fr = Ces objets étaient en vente entre le 15 décembre et le 4 janvier 2012.
  | nl = Deze voorwerpen werden verkocht van 15 december 2011 tot 4 januari 2012.
  | no = Disse gjenstandene ble solgt fra 15 Desember, 2011 til 4 januar, 2012.
  | pt-br = Este item esteve à venda de 15 de dezembro de 2011 a 4 de janeiro de 2012.
  | ru = Эти предметы можно было купить с 15 декабря 2011 года по 4 января 2012 года.
  | zh-hant = 這些物品只在2011年12月15日到2012年1月4日之間販售。
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row noprice|Naughty Winter Crate Key|Nice Winter Crate Key}}
=== {{Common string|Pyromania Update}} ===
{{See also|Pyromania Update{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|Pyromania Update}}}}
   | en = These items were sold from July 1, 2011 through July 11, 2011
   | en = This item was sold from June 27, 2012 through July 11, 2012.
   | fr = Ces objets étaient en vente entre le 1er et le 11 juillet 2011
  | cs = Tento předmět byl k zakoupení od 27. června 2012 do 11. července 2012.
   | pl = Przedmioty te były sprzedawane od 1 lipca 2011 do 11 lipca 2011.
  | de = Dieser Gegenstand wurde vom 27. Juni 2012 bis zum 11. Juli 2012 verkauft.
   | pt-br = Esses itens foram vendidos de de Julho de 2011 até 11 de Julho de 2011.
  | es = Este objeto fue vendido del 27 de junio al 11 de julio de 2012.
   | ru = Эти предметы продавались в период с 1 по 11 июля 2011.
   | fr = Cet objet était en vente entre le 27 juin et le 11 juillet 2012.
  | nl = Dit voorwerp werd verkocht van 27 juni 2012 tot 11 juli 2012.
   | no = Denne gjenstanden ble solgt fra 27 Juni, 2012 til 11 Juli, 2012.
   | pt-br = Este item esteve à venda de 27 de junho de 2012 a 11 de julho de 2012.
   | ru = Эти предметы продавались в период с 27 июня 2012 по 11 июля 2012.
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row noprice|Scorched Key}}
=== {{Item name|Fall Key}} ===
{{See also|Mann Co. Supply Crate{{if lang}}#48|l1={{Item name|Fall Crate}}}}
  | en = This item was sold from September 6, 2012 through September 21, 2012.
  | cs = Tento předmět byl k zakoupení od September 6. září 2012 do 21. září 2012.
  | de = Dieser Gegenstand wurde vom 06. September 2012 bis zum 21. September 2012 verkauft.
  | es = Este objeto fue vendido del 6 al 21 de septiembre de 2012.
  | fr = Cet objet était en vente entre les 6 et 21 septembre 2012.
  | no = Denne gjenstanden ble solgt fra 6 September, 2012 til 21 September, 2012.
  | pt-br = Este item esteve à venda de 6 a 21 de setembro de 2012.
  | ru = Эти предметы продавались в период с 6 сентября 2012 по 21 сентября 2012.
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row|Summer Sun Bundle|Lucky No. 42|Flip-Flops|Summer Hat}}
{{Store row noprice|Fall Key}}
{{Store row|Noise Maker - Fireworks|Refreshing Summer Cooler Key||}}
==== {{lang
=== {{Common string|Spectral Halloween Special}} ===
  | ar = مجموعة الباندل
{{See also|Spectral Halloween Special{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|Spectral Halloween Special}}}}
   | en = Bundle contents
   | it = Contenuti del pacchetto
   | en = This item was sold from October 26, 2012 through November 8, 2012.
   | es = Contenido de los Packs
   | de = Dieser Gegenstand wurde vom 26. Oktober 2012 bis zum 8. November 2012 verkauft.
   | fr = Contenu des Packs
   | es = Este objeto fue vendido del 26 de octubre al 8 de noviembre de 2012.
   | pl = Zawartość zestawów
   | fr = Cet objet était en vente entre le 26 octobre et le 8 novembre 2012.
   | pt-br = Conteúdo do Pacote
   | no = Denne gjenstanden ble solgt fra 26 Oktober, 2012 til 8 November, 2012.
   | ru = Наборы предметов
   | pt-br = Este item esteve à venda de 26 de outubro de 2012 a 8 de novembro de 2012.
  | zh-hant = 組合包內容
   | ru = Эти предметы продавались в период с 26 октября 2012 по 28 ноября 2012.
  }} ====
{| class="wikitable grid collapsible collapsed" width="25%"
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
! class="header" style="background: #ffdead; font-size:90%;" width="25%" | {{item name|summer sun bundle}}
{{Store row noprice|Eerie Key}}
=== {{Common string|Mecha Update}} ===
{{See also|Mecha Update{{if lang}}|l1={{Common string|Mecha Update}}}}
  | en = These items were sold from December 20, 2012 to January 4, 2013.
  | cs = Tyto předměty byly k zakoupení od 20. prosince 2012 do 4. ledna 2013.
  | da = Disse genstande blev solgt fra den 20 december 2012 til den 4 januar 2013.
  | de = Diese Gegenstände wurden vom 20. Dezember 2012 bis zum 04. Januar 2013 verkauft.
  | es = Estos objetos fueron vendidos del 20 de diciembre de 2012 al 4 de enero de 2013.
  | fr = Ces objets étaient en vente entre le 20 décembre 2012 et le 4 janvier 2013.
  | nl = Deze voorwerpen werden verkocht van 20 december 2012 tot 4 januari 2013.
  | no = Disse gjenstandene ble solgt fra 20 Desember, 2012 til 4 Januar, 2012.
  | pt-br = Este item esteve à venda de 20 de dezembro de 2012 a 4 de janeiro de 2013.
  | ru = Эти предметы можно было купить с 20 декабря 2012 года по 4 января 2013 года.
  | zh-hant = 這些物品只在2012年12月20日到2013年1月4日之間販售。
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row noprice|Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012|Nice Winter Crate Key 2012}}
*[[Lucky No. 42{{if lang}}|{{item name|Lucky No. 42}}]]
*[[Flip-Flops{{if lang}}|{{item name|Flip-Flops}}]]
*[[Summer Hat{{if lang}}|{{item name|Summer Hat}}]]
*[[Noise Maker{{if lang}}|{{item name|Noise Maker - Fireworks}}]]
=== {{lang
  | en = Retired items
  | de = Ausgemusterte Gegenstände
  | es = Objetos retirados
  | fr = Objets retirés
  | no = Pensjonerte gjenstander
  | pt-br = Itens retirados
  | ru = Отмененные предметы
}} ===
  | en = These items were retired by Valve and are not available via the Mann Co. Store anymore.
  | de = Diese Gegenstände wurden von Valve ausgemustert und sind im Shop nicht länger erhältlich.
  | es = Estos objetos fueron retirados por Valve y ya no están disponibles en la tienda Mann Co.
  | fr = Ces objets ont été retirés par Valve et ne sont plus disponibles via le magasin.
  | no = Disse gjenstandene ble pensjonert av Valve og er ikke tiljengelig lenger via Mann Co. Butikken
  | pt-br = Estes itens foram retirados pela Valve e não estão disponíveis na Loja Mann Co. atualmente.
  | ru = Эти предметы были отменены Valve и они больше недоступны для покупки в магазине.
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%; width: 100%"
{{Store row noprice|Batter's Helmet|Soldier's Stash|Pyro's Beanie|Demoman's Fro|Football Helmet|Mining Light}}
{{Store row noprice|Prussian Pickelhaube|Trophy Belt|Fancy Fedora}}
|}<noinclude>{{Doc begin}}
{{Translation switching|en, de, es, fr, no, pt-br, ru}}

Latest revision as of 13:36, 2 September 2024


See also: Halloween

All items in the Halloween category are available for purchase during Anniversary Halloween Event.


Item icon Noise Maker Bundle.png Item icon Curse-a-Nature.png Item icon Tin Soldier.png Item icon Infernal Imp.png Item icon Highland Hound.png Item icon FrankenHeavy.png
Noise Maker Bundle The Curse-a-Nature The Tin Soldier The Infernal Imp The Highland Hound The FrankenHeavy
Item icon Brundle Bundle.png Item icon Mad Doktor.png Item icon Camper Van Helsing.png Item icon Invisible Rogue.png Item icon Halloween 2011 Costume Bundle of Bundles.png  
The Brundle Bundle The Mad Doktor The Camper Van Helsing The Invisible Rogue Halloween 2011 Costume Bundle of Bundles

Bundle contents

Other items

Item icon Noise Maker - Banshee.png Item icon Noise Maker - Black Cat.png Item icon Noise Maker - Crazy Laugh.png Item icon Noise Maker - Gremlin.png Item icon Noise Maker - Stabby.png Item icon Noise Maker - Werewolf.png
Noise Maker - Banshee Noise Maker - Black Cat Noise Maker - Crazy Laugh Noise Maker - Gremlin Noise Maker - Stabby Noise Maker - Werewolf
Item icon Noise Maker - Witch.png Item icon Spine-Chilling Skull.png Item icon Voodoo Juju.png Item icon Spine-Chilling Skull 2011.png  
Noise Maker - Witch Spine-Chilling Skull Voodoo Juju Spine-Chilling Skull 2011

Australian Christmas

See also: Australian Christmas

This item was sold from December 17, 2010 to December 31, 2010.

Item icon Festive Winter Crate Key.png  
Festive Winter Crate Key

Shogun Pack

See also: Shogun Pack

This item was sold from March 10, 2011 to March 23, 2011.

Item icon Noise Maker - Koto.png  
Noise Maker - Koto

Japan Charity Bundle

See also: Japan Charity Bundle

These items were sold from March 23, 2011 through April 6, 2011.

Item icon Japan Charity Bundle.png Item icon Humanitarian's Hachimaki.png Item icon Benefactor's Kanmuri.png Item icon Magnanimous Monarch.png Item icon Noise Maker - Bell.png Item icon Noise Maker - Gong.png
Japan Charity Bundle Humanitarian's Hachimaki Benefactor's Kanmuri Magnanimous Monarch Noise Maker - Bell Noise Maker - Gong

Bundle contents

Über Update

See also: Über Update

These bundles were removed from the store on June 23, 2011 for the Über Update.

Item icon Polycount Pack.png Item icon The Croc-o-Style Kit.png Item icon The Gas Jockey's Gear.png Item icon The Saharan Spy.png Item icon The Special Delivery.png Item icon The Tank Buster.png
Polycount Pack The Croc-o-Style Kit The Gas Jockey's Gear The Saharan Spy The Special Delivery The Tank Buster
Item icon The Medieval Medic.png Item icon The Expert's Ordnance.png Item icon The Hibernating Bear.png Item icon Winter Update Pack.png Item icon A Bargaining Manne's Bundle of Bargains.png Item icon Box of Fancy Hats.png
The Medieval Medic The Expert's Ordnance The Hibernating Bear Winter Update Pack A Bargaining Manne's Bundle of Bargains Box of Fancy Hats
Item icon Pile of Nasty Weapons.png Item icon The Emperor's Assortment.png  
Pile of Nasty Weapons The Emperor's Assortment

Bundle contents

Summer Sun Bundle

See also: Summer Camp Sale

These items were sold from July 1, 2011 through July 11, 2011.

Item icon Summer Sun Bundle.png Item icon Lucky No. 42.png Item icon Flip-Flops.png Item icon Summer Hat.png Item icon Noise Maker - Fireworks.png Item icon Refreshing Summer Cooler Key.png
Summer Sun Bundle Lucky No. 42 Flip-Flops Summer Hat Noise Maker - Fireworks Refreshing Summer Cooler Key

Bundle contents

Australian Christmas 2011

See also: Australian Christmas 2011

These items were sold from December 15, 2011 to January 4, 2012.

Item icon Naughty Winter Crate Key.png Item icon Nice Winter Crate Key.png  
Naughty Winter Crate Key Nice Winter Crate Key

Pyromania Update

See also: Pyromania Update

This item was sold from June 27, 2012 through July 11, 2012.

Item icon Scorched Key.png  
Scorched Key

Fall Key

See also: Fall Crate

This item was sold from September 6, 2012 through September 21, 2012.

Item icon Fall Key.png  
Fall Key

Spectral Halloween Special

See also: Spectral Halloween Special

This item was sold from October 26, 2012 through November 8, 2012.

Item icon Eerie Key.png  
Eerie Key

Mecha Update

See also: Mecha Update

These items were sold from December 20, 2012 to January 4, 2013.

Item icon Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012.png Item icon Nice Winter Crate Key 2012.png  
Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012 Nice Winter Crate Key 2012

Retired items

These items were retired by Valve and are not available via the Mann Co. Store anymore.

Item icon Batter's Helmet.png Item icon Soldier's Stash.png Item icon Pyro's Beanie.png Item icon Demoman's Fro.png Item icon Football Helmet.png Item icon Mining Light.png
Batter's Helmet Soldier's Stash Pyro's Beanie Demoman's Fro Football Helmet Mining Light
Item icon Prussian Pickelhaube.png Item icon Trophy Belt.png Item icon Fancy Fedora.png  
Prussian Pickelhaube Trophy Belt Fancy Fedora

Documentation for Storepreviouslypurchasable