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This documentation is for version v0001 of GetSchema.
'''Main article about [[WebAPI]].'''
== URL ==
== URL ==
{{notice|type=style|image=Team Fortress 2.png|imagewidth=35px|contents='''Note for Team Fortress 2''': This endpoint has been <span style="color: red">deprecated</span>. Please refer to [[WebAPI/GetSchemaItems]] and [[WebAPI/GetSchemaOverview]].}}
See the [[WebAPI#appids|ID list]] for a valid ID.
<nowiki>https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_<ID>/GetSchema/v0001/?key=<API key></nowiki>
See the [[WebAPI#appids|ID list]] for a valid ID. You can get an API key [https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey here].
== Method-specific Parameters ==
== Method-specific Parameters ==
; language
; {{API optional|language}} (string)
:The [[Wikipedia:List of ISO 639-1 codes|ISO639-1 language code]] for the language all localized strings should be returned in. Not all strings have been translated to every language. If a language does not have a string, the English string will be returned instead. If this parameter is omitted the string token will be returned for the strings.
: The [[Wikipedia:List of ISO 639-1 codes|ISO639-1 language code]] for the language all localized strings should be returned in. Not all strings have been translated to every language. If a language does not have a string, the English string will be returned instead. If this parameter is omitted the string token will be returned for the strings.
Supported languages for TF2 are:
* Danish (da, da_DK)
* Dutch (nl, nl_NL)
* English (en, en_US)
* Finnish (fi, fi_FI)
* French (fr, fr_FR)
* German (de, de_DE)
* Hungarian (hu, hu_HU)
* Italian (it, it_IT)
* Japanese (ja, ja_JP)
* Korean (ko, ko_KR)
* Norwegian (no, no_NO)
* Polish (pl, pl_PL)
* Portuguese (pt, pt_PT)
* Brazillian Portuguese (pt_BR)
* Romanian (ro, ro_RO)
* Russian (ru, ru_RU)
* Simplified Chinese (zh, zh_CN)
* Spanish (es, es_ES)
* Swedish (sv, sv_SE)
* Traditional Chinese (zh2, zh_TW)
* Turkish (tr, tr_TR)
== Status codes ==
*'''<tt>1</tt>''': The normal code. Should always be returned.
== Result Data ==
== Result Data ==
; items_game_url: A string containing the URL to the full item schema as used by the game.
; qualities: An object containing the numeric values corresponding to each "quality" an item can have:
:;status: The status of the request, should always be 1.
:; normal (''0'' - ''[[Normal]]''): Set on [[stock items]]
:; items_game_url: A string containing the URL to the full item schema as used by the game.
:; rarity1 (''1'' - ''[[Genuine]]''): Set on items acquired for a promotional event (for example, [[Sun-On-A-Stick]] and [[Sharpened Volcano Fragment]]).
:; qualities: An object containing the numeric values corresponding to each "quality" an item can have:
:; rarity2 (''2''): Unused
::; normal (''0'' - ''[[Normal]]''): Set on [[stock items]].
:; vintage (''3'' - ''[[Vintage]]''): Set on items that were owned before certain updates and promotions.
::; rarity1 (''1'' - ''[[Genuine]]''): Set on items acquired for a promotional event (for example, [[Sun-On-A-Stick]] and [[Sharpened Volcano Fragment]]).
:; rarity3 (''4''): Unused
::; rarity2 (''2''): Unused
:; rarity4 (''5'' - ''[[Unusual]]''): Set on items with an effect attached or that were gained from a Halloween event.
::; vintage (''3'' - ''[[Vintage]]''): Set on items that were owned before certain updates and promotions.
:; unique (''6'' - ''[[Unique]]''): Set on the most common items including those found via drops and crafting.
::; rarity3 (''4''): Unused
:; community (''7'' - ''[[Community (quality)|Community]]''): Set on items granted to community contributors.
::; rarity4 (''5'' - ''[[Unusual]]''): Set on items with an effect attached or that were gained from a Halloween event.
:; developer (''8'' - ''[[Valve (quality)|Valve]]''): Set on items owned by Valve staff members.
::; unique (''6'' - ''[[Unique]]''): Set on the most common items including those found via drops and crafting.
:; selfmade (''9'' - ''[[Self-Made]]''): Set on items owned by 3rd-party content creators.
::; community (''7'' - ''[[Community (quality)|Community]]''): Set on items granted to community contributors.
:; customized (''10'' - ''Customized''): Unused
::; developer (''8'' - ''[[Valve (quality)|Valve]]''): Set on items owned by Valve staff members.
:; strange (''11'' - ''[[Strange]]''): Set on ranked items.
::; selfmade (''9'' - ''[[Self-Made]]''): Set on items owned by 3rd-party content creators.
:; completed (''12'' - ''Completed''): Unused
::; customized (''10'' - ''Customized''): Unused
:; haunted (''13'' - ''[[Haunted]]''): Set on [[Halloween 2011]] items.
::; strange (''11'' - ''[[Strange]]''): Set on ranked items.
; qualityNames: If the language argument is specified this object is included in the output. It includes the translations of the internal quality names to the specified language.
::; completed (''12'' - ''Completed''): Unused
; items: An object containing a list of associative arrays.
::; haunted (''13'' - ''[[Haunted]]''): Set on [[Halloween]] items.
:;name: A string that defines the item in the items_game.txt
::; collectors (''14'' - ''[[Collector's]]''): Set on [[Collector's]] items.
:;defindex: The item's unique index, used to refer to instances of the item in GetPlayerItems.
::; paintkitweapon (''15'' - ''[[Decorated Weapon]]''): Set on [[Decorated]] items.
:;item_class: The item's class in game (ie. what you would use as the argument to "equip" in the console to equip it).
:; qualityNames: If the language argument is specified this object is included in the output. It includes the translations of the internal quality names to the specified language.
:;item_type_name: The tokenized string that describes the item's class (eg. "<tt>#TF_Wearable_Shield</tt>" for the [[Chargin' Targe]] and the [[Razorback]]). If the language argument is specified the string for that language will be returned instead of the token.
:; originNames: A list of objects describing an item's origin.
:;item_name: The tokenized string for the item's name (eg. "<tt>#TF_Spy_Camera_Beard</tt>" for the [[Camera Beard]]). If the language argument is specified the string for that language will be returned instead of the token.
::; origin: An integer identifying the origin. See [[../GetPlayerItems#origin|GetPlayerItems]].
:;item_description ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': The tokenized string for the item's description if it has one. If a language is specified this will be the localized description string.
::; name: The localized name of the origin.
:;proper_name: A boolean value indicating the item requires "The" to be prefixed to it's name. Ignored if language is not English.
:; items: A list of item objects.
:;item_slot: A string indicating what loadout slot the item can be equipped to.
::;name: A string that defines the item in the items_game.txt
::;''primary'': Primary slot items (including "Slot Token - Primary")
::;defindex: The item's unique index, used to refer to instances of the item in GetPlayerItems.
::;''secondary'': Secondary slot items (including "Slot Token - Secondary")
::;item_class: The item's class in game (ie. what you would use as the argument to "equip" in the console to equip it).
::;''melee'': Melee slot items (including "Slot Token - Melee")
::;item_type_name: The tokenized string that describes the item's class (eg. "<tt>#TF_Wearable_Shield</tt>" for the [[Chargin' Targe]] and the [[Razorback]]). If the language argument is specified the string for that language will be returned instead of the token.
::;''head'': Hats and "Slot Token - Head"
::;item_name: The tokenized string for the item's name (eg. "<tt>#TF_Spy_Camera_Beard</tt>" for the [[Camera Beard]]). If the language argument is specified the string for that language will be returned instead of the token.
::;''misc'': Misc slot items such as medals
::;{{API optional|item_description}}: The tokenized string for the item's description if it has one. If a language is specified this will be the localized description string.
::;''pda'': The Engineer's Build PDA, the Spy's Disguise Kit, and "Slot Token - PDA"
::;proper_name: A boolean value indicating the item requires "The" to be prefixed to it's name. Ignored if language is not English.
::;''pda2'': The Engineer's Destroy PDA, the Spy's [[Invisibility Watch]], the [[Cloak and Dagger]], the [[Dead Ringer]], and "Slot Token - PDA2"
::;item_slot: A string indicating what loadout slot the item can be equipped to.
::;''building'': "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER" (an unused copy of the Engineer's Build PDA) and the unused "Slot Token - Building"
:::;''primary'': Primary slot items (including "Slot Token - Primary")
::;''grenade'': The unused "Slot Token - Grenade"
:::;''secondary'': Secondary slot items (including "Slot Token - Secondary")
::;''action'': Gifts and the Duel minigame
:::;''melee'': Melee slot items (including "Slot Token - Melee")
:;item_quality: The item's default quality value. See description of "<tt>qualities</tt>" above.
:::;''head'': Hats and "Slot Token - Head"
:;image_inventory: The image to display, as an escaped-slash ("\/") path to the material, without the extension
:::;''misc'': Misc slot items such as medals
:;image_url: The URL of the small (128x128) backpack icon for the relevant item. Will be an empty string if none is available.
:::;''pda'': The Engineer's Build PDA, the Spy's Disguise Kit, and "Slot Token - PDA"
:;image_url_large: The URL of the large (512x512) backpack image for the relevant item. Will be an empty string if none is available.
:::;''pda2'': The Engineer's Destroy PDA, the Spy's [[Invisibility Watch]], the [[Cloak and Dagger]], the [[Dead Ringer]], and "Slot Token - PDA2"
:;drop_type ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': A string indicating how an item will detach (if it does) from the player upon death. This is only relevant to cosmetic items (for example, the drop type of the [[Le Party Phantom]] would be ''none'' and the mask will stay attached to the Spy's face upon death. The [[Fancy Fedora]] would have a drop type of ''drop'' and will fall from the Spy's head.)
:::;''building'': "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER" (an unused copy of the Engineer's Build PDA) and the unused "Slot Token - Building"
::;''none'': The item does not detach.
:::;''grenade'': The unused "Slot Token - Grenade"
::;''drop'': The item detaches.
:::;''action'': Gifts and the Duel minigame
:;item_set ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': Used to look up the set the item is part of in item_sets.
::;item_quality: The item's default quality value. See description of "<tt>qualities</tt>" above.
:;holiday_restriction ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': A string indicating the holiday on which the item can be used, if not present the item is available all year.
::;image_inventory: The image to display, as an escaped-slash ("\/") path to the material, without the extension
::;''halloween'': [[Halloween]]
::;image_url: The URL of the small (128x128) backpack icon for the relevant item. Will be an empty string if none is available.
:;model_player: The model to display for the item, using a path similar to the above but with an ".mdl" extension, or null if the object has no model.
::;image_url_large: The URL of the large (512x512) backpack image for the relevant item. Will be an empty string if none is available.
:;min_ilevel: The minimum level of the item in the schema. See [[#Level Ranges|notes]]
::;{{API optional|drop_type}}: A string indicating how an item will detach (if it does) from the player upon death. This is only relevant to cosmetic items (for example, the drop type of the [[Le Party Phantom]] would be ''none'' and the mask will stay attached to the Spy's face upon death. The [[Fancy Fedora]] would have a drop type of ''drop'' and will fall from the Spy's head.)
:;max_ilevel: The maximum level of the item in the schema. See [[#Level Ranges|notes]]
:::;''none'': The item does not detach.
:;craft_class ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': The type of the item from the crafting system's point of view. If this field is not present the item cannot be crafted by the random crafting recipes. This will be weapon, hat, craft_bar, or craft_token.
:::;''drop'': The item detaches.
:;craft_material_type ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': Currently identical to craft_class.
::;{{API optional|item_set}}: Used to look up the set the item is part of in item_sets.
:;capabilities ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': An associative array that lists various capabilities of the item, including how it can be interacted with.
::;{{API optional|holiday_restriction}}: A string indicating the holiday on which the item can be used, if not present the item is available all year.
::;can_craft_mark: The item will have the crafter's name attached to it.
:::;''halloween_or_fullmoon'': [[Holiday#Halloween|Halloween or Full Moon Events]]
::;nameable: [[Tags]] can be used on the item.
:::;''halloween'': [[Holiday#Halloween|Halloween]] - Currently only used on [[Eerie Crates]]
::;can_gift_wrap: The item can be [[gift wrap]]ped.
:::;''christmas'': [[Holiday#Smissmas|Smissmas]] - Currently only used on [[Noise_Maker#Australian_Christmas_2011|Winter Holiday Noisemakers]]
::;paintable: The item can be [[paint]]ed.
:::;''birthday'': [[Holiday#TF_Birthday|Birthday]] - Currently only used on [[Noise_Maker#Team_Fortress_Birthday|TF Birthday Noisemakers]]
::;can_craft_count: The item can be marked as a numbered craft.
::;model_player: The model to display for the item, using a path similar to the above but with an ".mdl" extension, or null if the object has no model.
::;decodable: The item can be opened with a key (this possibly refers to an abandoned predecessor of the crate system).
::;min_ilevel: The minimum level of the item in the schema. See [[#Level Ranges|notes]]
::;usable: The item is an Action item.
::;max_ilevel: The maximum level of the item in the schema. See [[#Level Ranges|notes]]
::;usable_gc: May mark items that can be used from within the backpack and do not need to be assigned a loadout slot.
::;{{API optional|craft_class}}: The type of the item from the crafting system's point of view. If this field is not present the item cannot be crafted by the random crafting recipes. If it is not empty it will be weapon, hat, craft_bar, haunted_hat, tool, supply_crate, or craft_token.
::;usable_out_of_game: May mark items that can be activated while the user is not in-game.
::;{{API optional|craft_material_type}}: Similar to craft_class, except this determines if it can be used in certain crafting recipes. An item can be used in random recipes without being able to be crafted by random recipes and visa-versa.
:;tool ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': If the item is a tool this will contain certain meta-data such as it's type, purpose, or string for use in the client UI.
::;{{API optional|capabilities}}: An object describing various capabilities of the item, including how it can be interacted with.
:;used_by_classes ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': The list of classes that can use this item. If this field is not present all classes can use the item.
:::;can_craft_mark: The item will have the crafter's name attached to it.
:;per_class_loadout_slots ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': An associative array that describes class specific loadout slots for the item if applicable.
:::;nameable: [[Tags]] can be used on the item.
:;{{anchor|styles}} styles ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': If the item has changeable styles, an object containing an array of
:::;can_gift_wrap: The item can be [[gift wrap]]ped.
::;name: The style's name.
:::;paintable: The item can be [[paint]]ed.
:;attributes ''(<span style="color: red">Optional</span>)'': If the item has effects normally associated with it, an object containing an array of
:::;can_craft_count: The item can be marked as a numbered craft.
::;name: The attribute's <tt>name</tt> value ''(see below)''
:::;decodable: The item can be opened with a key (this possibly refers to an abandoned predecessor of the crate system).
::;class: The attribute's <tt>attribute_class</tt> value ''(see below)''
:::;usable: The item is an Action item.
::;value: The "value" of that attribute as a "%0.6f" formatted number: 1 (or 0) for boolean attributes (such as the [[Razorback]]'s backstab blocking), or the multiplier for percentage-based attributes (such as 0.300000 for the [[Direct Hit]]'s 30% blast radius, or 1.800000 for its 180% projectile speed)
:::;usable_gc: May mark items that can be used from within the backpack and do not need to be assigned a loadout slot.
;attributes: An object containing an array of
:::;usable_out_of_game: May mark items that can be activated while the user is not in-game.
:;name: A name describing the attribute (eg. "<tt>damage bonus</tt>" for damage increases found on weapons such as the [[Scotsman's Skullcutter]], or "<tt>scattergun has knockback</tt>" for the [[Force-A-Nature]]'s knockback)
::;{{API optional|tool}}: If the item is a tool this will contain certain meta-data such as it's type, purpose, or string for use in the client UI.
:;defindex: The attribute's unique index, possibly used to refer to unique instances of the item with these attributes in [[../GetPlayerItems|GetPlayerItems]].
::;{{API optional|used_by_classes}}: The list of classes that can use this item. If this field is not present all classes can use the item.
:;attribute_class: an underscore-based name for the attribute (eg. "<tt>mult_dmg</tt>" for the attribute whose <tt>name</tt> is "<tt>damage bonus</tt>")
::;{{API optional|per_class_loadout_slots}}: An object that describes class specific loadout slots for the item if applicable.
:;minvalue: The minimum value allowed for this attribute. See [[#Attribute_Min_and_Max_Values|notes]]
::;{{anchor|styles}} styles ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': If the item has changeable styles, an object containing an array of
:;maxvalue: The maximum value allowed for this attribute. See [[#Attribute_Min_and_Max_Values|notes]]
:::;name: The style's name.
:;description_string ''(<span style="color: red">Optional</span>)'': The tokenized string that describes the attribute. See [[#Attribute Descriptions|notes]]
::;{{API optional|attributes}}: If the item has effects normally associated with it, an object containing an array of
:;description_format ''(<span style="color: red">Optional</span>)'': A string describing how to format the value for a description. See [[#Attribute Descriptions|notes]]
:::;name: The attribute's <tt>name</tt> value ''(see below)''
::;''value_is_percentage'': For values that translate into percentages and are represented by that percentage (eg. changes to the blast radius)
:::;class: The attribute's <tt>attribute_class</tt> value ''(see below)''
::;''value_is_inverted_percentage'': For values that translate into percentages and are represented by the difference in that percentage from 100% (eg. changes to the fire rate)
:::;value: The "value" of that attribute as a "%0.6f" formatted number: 1 (or 0) for boolean attributes (such as the [[Razorback]]'s backstab blocking), or the multiplier for percentage-based attributes (such as 0.300000 for the [[Direct Hit]]'s 30% blast radius, or 1.800000 for its 180% projectile speed)
::;''value_is_additive'': For values that are a specific number (eg. max health bonuses and bleed durations) and boolean attributes (such as [[The Sandman]]'s ability to knock out balls)
:;attributes: An object containing an array of
::;''value_is_additive_percentage'': For values that add to an existing percentage (e.g. The Ubersaw adding 25% charge every hit)
::;name: A name describing the attribute (eg. "<tt>damage bonus</tt>" for damage increases found on weapons such as the [[Scotsman's Skullcutter]], or "<tt>scattergun has knockback</tt>" for the [[Force-A-Nature]]'s knockback)
::;''value_is_date'': For values that are a unix timestamp
::;defindex: The attribute's unique index, used to refer to unique instances of the item with these attributes in [[../GetPlayerItems|GetPlayerItems]].
::;''value_is_particle_index'': For values that are a particle effect type. See [[#Particle_Index_Type|notes]]
::;attribute_class: an underscore-based name for the attribute (eg. "<tt>mult_dmg</tt>" for the attribute whose <tt>name</tt> is "<tt>damage bonus</tt>")
::;''value_is_account_id'': For values that are a Steam account ID. See [[#Account_ID_Type|notes]]
::;minvalue: The minimum value allowed for this attribute. See [[#Attribute_Min_and_Max_Values|notes]]
::;''value_is_or'': Possibly for values that get applied if a condition is true (e.g. player is on fire)
::;maxvalue: The maximum value allowed for this attribute. See [[#Attribute_Min_and_Max_Values|notes]]
::;''value_is_item_def'': For values that are an item ID (a defindex value in the schema)
::;{{API optional|description_string}}: The tokenized string that describes the attribute. See [[#Attribute Descriptions|notes]]
:;effect_type: A string describing the type of effect the attribute has.
::;{{API optional|description_format}}: A string describing how to format the value for a description. See [[#Attribute Descriptions|notes]]
::;''positive'': The effect is outright beneficial to the user (displayed in blue text in the item description window)
:::;''value_is_percentage'': For values that translate into percentages and are represented by that percentage (eg. changes to the blast radius)
::;''negative'': The effect is punitive to the user (red text)
:::;''value_is_inverted_percentage'': For values that translate into percentages and are represented by the difference in that percentage from 100% (eg. changes to the fire rate)
::;''neutral'': The effect is more tangential to the normal behavior (eg. the [[Kritzkrieg]]'s ÜberCharge being critical hits rather than invulnerability) (white text).
:::;''value_is_additive'': For values that are a specific number (eg. max health bonuses and bleed durations) and boolean attributes (such as [[The Sandman]]'s ability to knock out balls)
:;hidden: A boolean that indicates if the attribute's description should be hidden from user view.
:::;''value_is_additive_percentage'': For values that add to an existing percentage (e.g. The Ubersaw adding 25% charge every hit)
:;stored_as_integer: A boolean that indicates whether or not the value of the attribute is stored as an integer (opposed to a float).
:::;''value_is_date'': For values that are a unix timestamp
;item_sets: A list of associative arrays containing item set definitions.
:::;''value_is_particle_index'': For values that are a particle effect type. See [[#Particle_Index_Type|notes]]
:;item_set: The internal name of the set used for look ups.
:::;''value_is_account_id'': For values that are a Steam account ID. See [[#Account_ID_Type|notes]]
:;name: The localized set name.
:::;''value_is_or'': Possibly for values that get applied if a condition is true (e.g. player is on fire)
:;items: A list of localized item names identifying the items contained in the set.
:::;''value_is_item_def'': For values that are an item ID (a defindex value in the schema)
:;attributes ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': A list of associative arrays that describe special attributes granted by equipping a complete set. Layout is identical to to item attributes.
::;effect_type: A string describing the type of effect the attribute has.
;attribute_controlled_attached_particles: An object containing a list of associative arrays that describe the defined particle effects.
:::;''positive'': The effect is outright beneficial to the user (displayed in blue text in the item description window)
:;system: The name of the particle system.
:::;''negative'': The effect is punitive to the user (red text)
:;id: The effect's ID, referred to by the attached particle effect attribute.
:::;''neutral'': The effect is more tangential to the normal behavior (eg. the [[Kritzkrieg]]'s ÜberCharge being critical hits rather than invulnerability) (white text).
:;attach_to_rootbone: A boolean that indicates whether or not the effect is attached to the "root" bone. That is the bone of the item with no parent bones used for rotation and animation calculations.  
::;hidden: A boolean that indicates if the attribute's description should be hidden from user view.
:;attachment ''(<span style="color: red;">Optional</span>)'': A string indicating where the effect is attached.
::;stored_as_integer: A boolean that indicates whether or not the value of the attribute is stored as an integer (opposed to a float).
:;name: The localized name of the effect.
:;item_sets: A list of objects containing item set definitions.
;kill_eater_ranks: An object containing a list of associative arrays that describe weapon ranks.
::;item_set: The internal name of the set used for look ups.
:;name: The localized name of the rank.
::;name: The localized set name.
:;level: The "level" of the rank, this is different from the item's level field and should be treated as such.
::;{{API optional|store_bundle}}: The localized set name as it appears in the store.
:;required_score: The number of kills the weapon must have less than for this rank to apply.
::;items: A list of localized item names identifying the items contained in the set.
::;{{API optional|attributes}}: A list of objects that describe special attributes granted by equipping a complete set. Layout is identical to to item attributes.
:;attribute_controlled_attached_particles: An object containing a list of objects that describe the defined particle effects.
::;system: The name of the particle system.
::;id: The effect's ID, referred to by the attached particle effect attribute.
::;attach_to_rootbone: A boolean that indicates whether or not the effect is attached to the "root" bone. That is the bone of the item with no parent bones used for rotation and animation calculations.  
::;{{API optional|attachment}}: A string indicating where the effect is attached.
::;name: The localized name of the effect.
:;item_levels: A list of objects that describe ranks for kill eater items.
::;name: The name of the rank set that the ranks are for.
::;levels: A list of objects describing requirements and levels of each rank.
:::;level: The rank's level.
:::;required_score: The required kill eater score to level up the rank to the next one.
:::;name: The rank/prefix name.
:;kill_eater_score_types: An object containing a list of objects describing suffixes to use after a kill eater value in an attribute display line.
::;type: An integer matching the one found in '''kill eater score type''' attributes. Use this to determine the string to use as a suffix.
::;type_name: A localized suffix.
== Notes ==
== Notes ==
Line 169: Line 161:
; Steam Community ID
; Steam Community ID
: Add 1197960265728 to this value and prefix the string representation of the result with "7656" for a 64 bit Steam Community ID
: Add 76561197960265728 to this value for the 64 bit Steam Community ID
: Divide this value by 2 for a STEAM_0 ID value
: Divide this value by 2 for a STEAM_0 ID value
Line 184: Line 176:
In the localized description string there are "%s1" tokens, these are to be replaced with the appropriately formatted value generated with the format type and attribute values.
In the localized description string there are "%s1" tokens, these are to be replaced with the appropriately formatted value generated with the format type and attribute values.

Latest revision as of 16:23, 13 May 2024

Main article about WebAPI.


https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_<ID>/GetSchema/v0001/?key=<API key>

See the ID list for a valid ID. You can get an API key here.

Method-specific Parameters

language (Optional) (string)
The ISO639-1 language code for the language all localized strings should be returned in. Not all strings have been translated to every language. If a language does not have a string, the English string will be returned instead. If this parameter is omitted the string token will be returned for the strings.

Result Data

The status of the request, should always be 1.
A string containing the URL to the full item schema as used by the game.
An object containing the numeric values corresponding to each "quality" an item can have:
normal (0 - Normal)
Set on stock items.
rarity1 (1 - Genuine)
Set on items acquired for a promotional event (for example, Sun-On-A-Stick and Sharpened Volcano Fragment).
rarity2 (2)
vintage (3 - Vintage)
Set on items that were owned before certain updates and promotions.
rarity3 (4)
rarity4 (5 - Unusual)
Set on items with an effect attached or that were gained from a Halloween event.
unique (6 - Unique)
Set on the most common items including those found via drops and crafting.
community (7 - Community)
Set on items granted to community contributors.
developer (8 - Valve)
Set on items owned by Valve staff members.
selfmade (9 - Self-Made)
Set on items owned by 3rd-party content creators.
customized (10 - Customized)
strange (11 - Strange)
Set on ranked items.
completed (12 - Completed)
haunted (13 - Haunted)
Set on Halloween items.
collectors (14 - Collector's)
Set on Collector's items.
paintkitweapon (15 - Decorated Weapon)
Set on Decorated items.
If the language argument is specified this object is included in the output. It includes the translations of the internal quality names to the specified language.
A list of objects describing an item's origin.
An integer identifying the origin. See GetPlayerItems.
The localized name of the origin.
A list of item objects.
A string that defines the item in the items_game.txt
The item's unique index, used to refer to instances of the item in GetPlayerItems.
The item's class in game (ie. what you would use as the argument to "equip" in the console to equip it).
The tokenized string that describes the item's class (eg. "#TF_Wearable_Shield" for the Chargin' Targe and the Razorback). If the language argument is specified the string for that language will be returned instead of the token.
The tokenized string for the item's name (eg. "#TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" for the Camera Beard). If the language argument is specified the string for that language will be returned instead of the token.
item_description (Optional)
The tokenized string for the item's description if it has one. If a language is specified this will be the localized description string.
A boolean value indicating the item requires "The" to be prefixed to it's name. Ignored if language is not English.
A string indicating what loadout slot the item can be equipped to.
Primary slot items (including "Slot Token - Primary")
Secondary slot items (including "Slot Token - Secondary")
Melee slot items (including "Slot Token - Melee")
Hats and "Slot Token - Head"
Misc slot items such as medals
The Engineer's Build PDA, the Spy's Disguise Kit, and "Slot Token - PDA"
The Engineer's Destroy PDA, the Spy's Invisibility Watch, the Cloak and Dagger, the Dead Ringer, and "Slot Token - PDA2"
"TF_WEAPON_BUILDER" (an unused copy of the Engineer's Build PDA) and the unused "Slot Token - Building"
The unused "Slot Token - Grenade"
Gifts and the Duel minigame
The item's default quality value. See description of "qualities" above.
The image to display, as an escaped-slash ("\/") path to the material, without the extension
The URL of the small (128x128) backpack icon for the relevant item. Will be an empty string if none is available.
The URL of the large (512x512) backpack image for the relevant item. Will be an empty string if none is available.
drop_type (Optional)
A string indicating how an item will detach (if it does) from the player upon death. This is only relevant to cosmetic items (for example, the drop type of the Le Party Phantom would be none and the mask will stay attached to the Spy's face upon death. The Fancy Fedora would have a drop type of drop and will fall from the Spy's head.)
The item does not detach.
The item detaches.
item_set (Optional)
Used to look up the set the item is part of in item_sets.
holiday_restriction (Optional)
A string indicating the holiday on which the item can be used, if not present the item is available all year.
Halloween or Full Moon Events
Halloween - Currently only used on Eerie Crates
Smissmas - Currently only used on Winter Holiday Noisemakers
Birthday - Currently only used on TF Birthday Noisemakers
The model to display for the item, using a path similar to the above but with an ".mdl" extension, or null if the object has no model.
The minimum level of the item in the schema. See notes
The maximum level of the item in the schema. See notes
craft_class (Optional)
The type of the item from the crafting system's point of view. If this field is not present the item cannot be crafted by the random crafting recipes. If it is not empty it will be weapon, hat, craft_bar, haunted_hat, tool, supply_crate, or craft_token.
craft_material_type (Optional)
Similar to craft_class, except this determines if it can be used in certain crafting recipes. An item can be used in random recipes without being able to be crafted by random recipes and visa-versa.
capabilities (Optional)
An object describing various capabilities of the item, including how it can be interacted with.
The item will have the crafter's name attached to it.
Tags can be used on the item.
The item can be gift wrapped.
The item can be painted.
The item can be marked as a numbered craft.
The item can be opened with a key (this possibly refers to an abandoned predecessor of the crate system).
The item is an Action item.
May mark items that can be used from within the backpack and do not need to be assigned a loadout slot.
May mark items that can be activated while the user is not in-game.
tool (Optional)
If the item is a tool this will contain certain meta-data such as it's type, purpose, or string for use in the client UI.
used_by_classes (Optional)
The list of classes that can use this item. If this field is not present all classes can use the item.
per_class_loadout_slots (Optional)
An object that describes class specific loadout slots for the item if applicable.
styles (Optional)
If the item has changeable styles, an object containing an array of
The style's name.
attributes (Optional)
If the item has effects normally associated with it, an object containing an array of
The attribute's name value (see below)
The attribute's attribute_class value (see below)
The "value" of that attribute as a "%0.6f" formatted number: 1 (or 0) for boolean attributes (such as the Razorback's backstab blocking), or the multiplier for percentage-based attributes (such as 0.300000 for the Direct Hit's 30% blast radius, or 1.800000 for its 180% projectile speed)
An object containing an array of
A name describing the attribute (eg. "damage bonus" for damage increases found on weapons such as the Scotsman's Skullcutter, or "scattergun has knockback" for the Force-A-Nature's knockback)
The attribute's unique index, used to refer to unique instances of the item with these attributes in GetPlayerItems.
an underscore-based name for the attribute (eg. "mult_dmg" for the attribute whose name is "damage bonus")
The minimum value allowed for this attribute. See notes
The maximum value allowed for this attribute. See notes
description_string (Optional)
The tokenized string that describes the attribute. See notes
description_format (Optional)
A string describing how to format the value for a description. See notes
For values that translate into percentages and are represented by that percentage (eg. changes to the blast radius)
For values that translate into percentages and are represented by the difference in that percentage from 100% (eg. changes to the fire rate)
For values that are a specific number (eg. max health bonuses and bleed durations) and boolean attributes (such as The Sandman's ability to knock out balls)
For values that add to an existing percentage (e.g. The Ubersaw adding 25% charge every hit)
For values that are a unix timestamp
For values that are a particle effect type. See notes
For values that are a Steam account ID. See notes
Possibly for values that get applied if a condition is true (e.g. player is on fire)
For values that are an item ID (a defindex value in the schema)
A string describing the type of effect the attribute has.
The effect is outright beneficial to the user (displayed in blue text in the item description window)
The effect is punitive to the user (red text)
The effect is more tangential to the normal behavior (eg. the Kritzkrieg's ÜberCharge being critical hits rather than invulnerability) (white text).
A boolean that indicates if the attribute's description should be hidden from user view.
A boolean that indicates whether or not the value of the attribute is stored as an integer (opposed to a float).
A list of objects containing item set definitions.
The internal name of the set used for look ups.
The localized set name.
store_bundle (Optional)
The localized set name as it appears in the store.
A list of localized item names identifying the items contained in the set.
attributes (Optional)
A list of objects that describe special attributes granted by equipping a complete set. Layout is identical to to item attributes.
An object containing a list of objects that describe the defined particle effects.
The name of the particle system.
The effect's ID, referred to by the attached particle effect attribute.
A boolean that indicates whether or not the effect is attached to the "root" bone. That is the bone of the item with no parent bones used for rotation and animation calculations.
attachment (Optional)
A string indicating where the effect is attached.
The localized name of the effect.
A list of objects that describe ranks for kill eater items.
The name of the rank set that the ranks are for.
A list of objects describing requirements and levels of each rank.
The rank's level.
The required kill eater score to level up the rank to the next one.
The rank/prefix name.
An object containing a list of objects describing suffixes to use after a kill eater value in an attribute display line.
An integer matching the one found in kill eater score type attributes. Use this to determine the string to use as a suffix.
A localized suffix.


HTTP Headers

GetSchema responses will contain the Last-Modified header for use in caching and as a date for use in requests containing the If-Modified-Since header. This also applies to the client schema linked to by items_game_url.

Normal Weapons

The first 32 items listed describe the original class weapons, with an extraneous "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER" at defindex 28, which has the icon of the Engineer's Destroy PDA but the model of the Build PDA, and a "TF_WEAPON_FLAREGUN" at defindex 31, which uses "#TF_Weapon_Flaregun" for both item_name and item_type_name (where the normal "Unique Achievement Flaregun" uses "#TF_Unique_Achievement_Flaregun" for the item_name) and the pistol for the model. Every weapon in the first 32's name is its item_class in all caps.

Both Engineer PDAs and the Spy PDA use "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" for both their item_type_name and their item_name.

Attribute Min and Max Values

Values found on items are not guaranteed to fall within this range: for instance, "attach particle effect" lists "0.000000" as both its minvalue and maxvalue, but non-zero values are used to specify what particle effect to attach.

Particle Index Type

This type was introduced with the Polycount Update. It is to be used as an index to retrieve the particle effect name/description string.

Account ID Type

There are two formats of IDs that can be extracted from this.

Steam Community ID
Add 76561197960265728 to this value for the 64 bit Steam Community ID
Divide this value by 2 for a STEAM_0 ID value

Image Permissions

You are welcome to use the backpack images provided by image_url and image_url_large directly or to copy the files to your own server.

Level Ranges

If min_ilevel and max_ilevel are the same if the item does not have a random level.

Attribute Descriptions

If the attribute is unused or there is no applicable description_string and description_format will be unset. If there is a language specified this will be the localized description string instead of the token.

In the localized description string there are "%s1" tokens, these are to be replaced with the appropriately formatted value generated with the format type and attribute values.