Difference between revisions of "Template:Crate series/51"

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Line 11: Line 11:
* The 0.52% is just a guess, based on 99% / 189items
* The 0.52% is just a guess, based on 99% / 189items
</noinclude>{{Crate series table
</noinclude>{{Crate series table huge
| series = 51
| series = 51
| drops = yes
| drops = yes

Revision as of 00:12, 28 October 2012

Note: I (sarysa) generated this with a program I wrote pretty quickly.

It's technically correct, but there are a number of problems, some that I don't feel authorized to fix, like:

  • The base template only supports 21 items, not 189. (and I don't feel authorized to fix this, though it'd be simple enough)
  • Most of these items don't appear to be in a template format needed for series crate display. (and that'll be a lot of work, not sure how to automate)
  • It seems that "strange = no" is not being recognized.
  • Oh, and the "exceedingly rare item" is actually specified on the crate as a "HALLOWEEN" item.

Other notes:

  • Since it's so ridiculously huge, collapsed = yes should not be changed.
  • The 0.52% is just a guess, based on 99% / 189items

Also, the raw text for this item is as follows:

Eerie Crate

Team Fortress 2
Holiday Restriction: Halloween
Crate Series #51
This crate's contents are unknown and only
Eerie Keys fit the lock.

A sinister presence lurks within.

After 11/08/2012 this crate will disappear.
This crate contains one of the following items:
Sir Hootsalot
Master Mind
The Rump-o'-Lantern
The Scarecrow
The Crone's Dome
The Executioner
The Bonedolier
The Plutonidome
The Spooky Shoes
The Spooky Sleeves
The Zipperface
The Boo Balloon
The Unknown Monkeynaut
The Grand Duchess Tutu
The Grand Duchess Fairy Wings
The Grand Duchess Tiara
The Dead Little Buddy
The Exorcizor
The Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return)
The Wraith Wrap
The Coffin Kit
The Bat Outta Hell
Demoman's Fro
Mining Light
Football Helmet
Prussian Pickelhaube
Pyro's Beanie
Batter's Helmet
Trophy Belt
Soldier's Stash
Fancy Fedora
Texas Ten Gallon
Engineer's Cap
Officer's Ushanka
Tough Guy's Toque
Stainless Pot
Tyrant's Helm
Glengarry Bonnet
Vintage Tyrolean
Respectless Rubber Glove
Otolaryngologist's Mirror
Brigade Helm
Bonk Helm
Ye Olde Baker Boy
Backbiter's Billycock
Professional's Panama
Master's Yellow Belt
Scotsman's Stove Pipe
Towering Pillar of Hats
Noble Amassment of Hats
Modest Pile of Hat
The Hound Dog
Hustler's Hallmark
Magistrate's Mullet
Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
Triboniophorus Tyrannus
Killer's Kabuto
Shooter's Sola Topi
Whoopee Cap
Ze Goggles
Tippler's Tricorne
Frenchman's Beret
Bloke's Bucket Hat
Vintage Merryweather
Sergeant's Drill Hat
Gentleman's Gatsby
The Heavy Duty Rag
Pugilist's Protector
Old Guadalajara
Napper's Respite
Bombing Run
Chieftain's Challenge
Stout Shako
Dr's Dapper Topper
Handyman's Handle
Hard Counter
Sober Stuntman
Carouser's Capotain
Magnificent Mongolian
Larrikin Robin
Blighted Beak
Pyromancer's Mask
Prancer's Pride
Détective Noir
Madame Dixie
Buckaroos Hat
German Gonzila
Flipped Trilby
Coupe D'isaster
Le Party Phantom
Industrial Festivizer
Exquisite Rack
Defiant Spartan
A Rather Festive Tree
Prince Tavish's Crown
Rimmed Raincatcher
The Dread Knot
The Samur-Eye
The Geisha Boy
Charmer's Chapeau
Honcho's Headgear
Private Eye
Medic's Mountain Cap
Big Country
Grimm Hatte
Connoisseur's Cap
Villain's Veil
Large Luchadore
Western Wear
The Team Captain
Hottie's Hoodie
Doctor's Sack
Ol' Geezer
Crocleather Slouch
Furious Fukaamigasa
The Dead Cone
Brain Bucket
The Hetman's Headpiece
The Janissary Ketche
The Conjurer's Cowl
The Attendant
Familiar Fez
Grenadier's Softcap
Ol' Snaggletooth
The Milkman
The Big Chief
Scotch Bonnet
Berliner's Bucket Helm
Desert Marauder
Sultan's Ceremonial
Jumper's Jeepcap
The Capo's Capper
Armored Authority
Bonk Boy
Cosa Nostra Cap
Copper's Hard Top
Tam O' Shanter
Stately Steel Toe
Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet
The Dragonborn Helmet
The Anger
The Nanobalaclava
The Company Man
The Mask of the Shaman
The El Jefe
Your Worst Nightmare
The One-Man Army
The Counterfeit Billycock
The Outdoorsman
The Tavish DeGroot Experience
The Pencil Pusher
The Buccaneer's Bicorne
The Salty Dog
The Little Buddy
The Gym Rat
The Hot Dogger
The Birdcage
The Surgeon's Stahlhelm
The Backwards Ballcap
The Swagman's Swatter
The Flamboyant Flamenco
The Virtual Reality Headset
The Hat With No Name
The Hermes
The Head Warmer
The Big Elfin Deal
The Brown Bomber
The Bubble Pipe
The Brainiac Hairpiece
The Killer Exclusive
The Lucky Shot
The Conquistador
The Waxy Wayfinder
The Fruit Shoot
The Front Runner
The Gentleman's Ushanka
Liquidator's Lid
The Fed-Fightin' Fedora
The Helmet Without a Home
The Human Cannonball
The Crone's Dome
The Executioner
The Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return)
The Wraith Wrap
The Coffin Kit
or an Exceedingly Rare Halloween-Themed Special Item!
(Halloween-themed items are only available if opened during the Halloween event.)
This item will expire on Friday, November 09, 2012 (6:00:00).