Difference between revisions of "July 30, 2014 Patch/pl"

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(Created page with "{{trans}} {{Patch layout | before = {{Patch name|7|25|2014}} | dzień = 30 | Miesiąc = Lipiec | Rok = 2014 | after = | source-title = Team...")
m (Auto: patchLayoutFilter (Review RC#1764633))
Line 2: Line 2:
{{Patch layout
{{Patch layout
| before      = {{Patch name|7|25|2014}}
| before      = {{Patch name|7|25|2014}}
| dzień        = 30
| day          = 30
| Miesiąc      = Lipiec
| month        = july
| Rok          = 2014
| year        = 2014
| after        =  
| after        =  
| source-title = Team Fortress 2 Update Released
| source-title = Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Line 48: Line 48:
=== Notes ===
=== Notes ===
<references />
<references />
| dzień        = 30
| miesiąc      = Lipiec
| rok          = 2014

Revision as of 19:00, 2 August 2014

Źródło: Team Fortress 2 Update Released (angielski)

Lista zmian

Team Fortress 2

  • Dodano nowy startup music track dla Data Ważnosci.
  • Naprawiono pociski spowodowane teleporter wyjściem do detonacji.
  • Naprawiono Łowce nie strzelał po naładowaniu w powietrzu i wylądowaniu na ziemi cl_autoreload(Automatyczne ładowanie).
  • Naprawiono drużyna blokowała usuwanie sapera używając burzyciela, Maul/pl, i Neonowego Niszczyciela.
  • Naprawiono bug z Gorącymi Rękawicami Uciekiniera zaznaczenie śmiercią trwało 5 sekund zamiast 3.[1]
  • Naprawiono bug related to orphaned marked for death particles.
  • Zaktualizowano ID celu było zakrywane przez Drwine.
  • Zaktualizowano Bolt Boy posiadał dwa Style tak jak Nonk Boy.
  • Zaktualizowano Region Założenia dla Bonk Boy i Bolt Boy.
  • Zaktualizowano materiały dla Złowieszczego Balonu.
  • Zaktualizowano pl_cactuscanyon.
    • Dodano 3 poziom.
    • Ograniczono Red oflankowanie blisko klifu, Bazy Blu na poziomie 1.
    • Dodano Apteczki i Amunnicje inside underpass by Blu spawn in stage 1.
    • Adjusted spawn times in stage 2.
    • Adjusted health and ammo packs.
  • Updated rd_asteroid.
    • Mode changes
      • Updated HUD layout.
      • Fixed a bug that would prevent players from picking up the reactor core.
      • Teams will now spawn 70% faster if their C robots are dead.[2]
    • Map changes
      • Fixed unbalanced ammo kits in Blu base near the vault.
      • Added flashing light in the vault that will activate when a player is stealing points.
      • Added larger one way glass windows to spawn exit doors.
      • Added small ammo pack to top of the stairs at the cave exit.
      • Shortened length of pipes in vents that require players to crouch.
      • Increased track length for A robots. This is to provide more angles of attack.
      • Extended flat area near left spawn exit for Engineers to build teleporters.
      • Lowered the health for the A robots from 500 to 300.
      • Fixed a bug where the power supply would not disable the flashing alarms when it was captured.

Undocumented changes

  • Updated the backpack icon of the Boo Balloon.
  • Fixed another item clipping bug.
  • items_game.txt, the items database and misc data file, is now in a new VPK file called tf2_scripts.vpk.


  1. zastosowano tez w Bread Bite/pl
  2. Actually a per robot group setting in each map.

Zmienione pliki

Uwaga: poniższa lista zmian jest wygenerowana na podstawie różnicy pomiędzy dwiema rewizjami gry.
Zmiany w rewizji
Modified: tf/gameinfo.txt
Modified: tf/steam.inf
Renamed: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt -> tf/tf2_scripts_dir.vpk/scripts/items/items_game.txt
Renamed: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/models/player/items/all_class/hwn_pet_balloon.vtf -> tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/models/player/items/all_class/hwn_pet_balloon_s1.vtf
Modified: bin/AdminServer.dll
Modified: bin/FileSystemOpenDialog.dll
Modified: bin/FileSystem_Stdio.dll
Modified: bin/GameUI.dll
Modified: bin/MaterialSystem.dll
Modified: bin/ServerBrowser.dll
Modified: bin/SoundEmitterSystem.dll
Modified: bin/StudioRender.dll
Modified: bin/bsppack.dll
Modified: bin/bspzip.exe
Modified: bin/bugreporter.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_filequeue.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_public.dll
Modified: bin/captioncompiler.exe
Modified: bin/chromehtml.dll
Modified: bin/datacache.dll
Modified: bin/dmxconvert.exe
Modified: bin/dmxedit.exe
Modified: bin/elementviewer.exe
Modified: bin/engine.dll
Modified: bin/glview.exe
Modified: bin/hammer.exe
Modified: bin/hammer_dll.dll
Modified: bin/haptics.dll
Modified: bin/height2normal.exe
Modified: bin/height2ssbump.exe
Modified: bin/hlfaceposer.exe
Modified: bin/hlmv.exe
Modified: bin/inputsystem.dll
Modified: bin/itemtest.com
Modified: bin/launcher.dll
Modified: bin/mdllib.dll
Modified: bin/mksheet.exe
Modified: bin/motionmapper.exe
Modified: bin/mysql_wrapper.dll
Modified: bin/normal2ssbump.exe
Modified: bin/pfm2tgas.exe
Modified: bin/phonemeextractors/phonemeextractor.dll
Modified: bin/phonemeextractors/phonemeextractor_ims.dll
Modified: bin/qc_eyes.exe
Modified: bin/replay.dll
Modified: bin/scenefilecache.dll
Modified: bin/serverplugin_empty.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapidx9.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapiempty.dll
Modified: bin/shadercompile.exe
Modified: bin/shadercompile_dll.dll
Modified: bin/soundsystem.dll
Modified: bin/sourcevr.dll
Modified: bin/splitskybox.exe
Modified: bin/stdshader_dbg.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx6.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx7.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx8.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx9.dll
Modified: bin/studiomdl.exe
Modified: bin/telemetry32.dll
Modified: bin/texturecompile_dll.dll
Modified: bin/tier0.dll
Modified: bin/tools/commedit.dll
Modified: bin/tools/pet.dll
Modified: bin/tools/vmt.dll
Modified: bin/unicode.dll
Modified: bin/unitlib.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_miles.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_speex.dll
Modified: bin/vbsp.exe
Modified: bin/vbspinfo.exe
Modified: bin/vgui2.dll
Modified: bin/vguimatsurface.dll
Modified: bin/video_bink.dll
Modified: bin/video_quicktime.dll
Modified: bin/video_services.dll
Modified: bin/vphysics.dll
Modified: bin/vpk.exe
Modified: bin/vrad.exe
Modified: bin/vrad_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vstdlib.dll
Modified: bin/vtex.exe
Modified: bin/vtex_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vtf2tga.exe
Modified: bin/vvis.exe
Modified: bin/vvis_dll.dll
Modified: hl2.exe
Modified: tf/bin/client.dll
Modified: tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: tf/maps/pl_cactuscanyon.bsp
Modified: tf/maps/rd_asteroid.bsp
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/maps/rd_asteroid.nav
Added: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/props_moonbase/vault_flashing_overlay.dx80.vtx
Added: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/props_moonbase/vault_flashing_overlay.dx90.vtx
Added: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/props_moonbase/vault_flashing_overlay.mdl
Added: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/props_moonbase/vault_flashing_overlay.sw.vtx
Added: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/props_moonbase/vault_flashing_overlay.vvd
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/particles/explosion.pcf
Added: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/ui/gamestartup21.mp3
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/player/items/all_class/hwn_pet_balloon.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/player/items/all_class/hwn_pet_balloon_large.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/hud_bot_worker2_outline_red.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/hud_bot_worker3_outline_red.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/hud_bot_worker_outline_red.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/obj_circle_blue.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/obj_circle_grey.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/obj_circle_red.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/obj_rd_powersupply_outline.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/obj_rd_thief_dropped_blue.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/obj_rd_thief_dropped_red.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/obj_thief_blue.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/obj_thief_red.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/objectives_corepanel_bg.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/objectives_corepanel_mask_bg.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/objectives_corepanel_meter.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/objectives_corepanel_meter_right.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/objectives_corepanel_meter_solid.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/hud/objectives_corepanel_meter_solid_right.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/models/player/items/all_class/hwn_pet_balloon.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/models/player/items/all_class/hwn_pet_balloon_s2.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/models/player/items/all_class/hwn_pet_balloon_s3.vtf
Added: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/models/props_moonbase/vault_flashing_overlay.vtf