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Revision as of 04:36, 13 November 2010

Meet the Demoman
Intertitre de « À la rencontre du Demoman »
Informations sur la vidéo
Date de sortie : 9 Octobre 2007
Durée : 1:45

"Meet the Demoman" Texte Script

["Meet the Demoman" text appears"]

[Opening fanfare of "Drunken Pipe Bomb" plays as the Demoman narrowly escapes a massive explosion while jumping from a drop-down corridor in Gravel Pit]

[Freeze frame]

Demoman: "What makes me a good Demoman?"

[Cut to Demoman, sitting in a room full of explosives]

Demoman: "If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here, discussin' it with you now would I?"

["Drunken Pipe Bomb" resumes playing]

[Demoman charges into battle along with Team RED while dodging a cascade of rockets]

Demoman: "Let's do it!"

Demoman: "Not one of ya's gonna' survive this."

[Cut back to the Demoman's room, music pauses.]

Demoman: "One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch...and kablooie!"

[Cut back to battle, music resumes.]

[The Demoman bounces a grenade off a wall and Gibs a pursuing Pyro]

[Cut to scene of the Demoman chugging from his Bottle of scrumpy]

[A level 2 Sentry Gun upgrades to level 3]

[Cut to scene of the Demoman continuing to chug from his Bottle of scrumpy]

[Sentry Gun fires rockets at the Demoman]

[Cut to a close up of the Demoman's face, still chugging from his Bottle of scrumpy]

[The Demoman dodges the rockets as a nearby Scout is gunned down by the Sentry. The Demoman then fires two grenades, destroying the Sentry Gun]

[Cut back to Demoman's room, music stops.]

[The Demoman slams the now empty Bottle down on the table, breathing heavily]

[Camera blurs]

Demoman: "I got a manky eye. I'm a black, Scottish cyclops. They've got more [censored] ...than they've got the likes of me."

[The Demoman starts to drink from the empty Bottle, then notices the camera and becomes lucid again]

Demoman: "So...."

[The ending segment of "Drunken Pipe Bomb" starts to play]

Demoman: "....T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cock-sure."

[The Demoman runs out to the final capture point in Gravelpit and is shocked to see a group of BLU team members charging towards him with smug expressions on their faces. A devious look comes over the Demoman's face and he runs with BLU in hot pursuit]

Demoman: "Prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! Come and get me I say! [The Demoman covers a door frame in sticky bombs] I'll be waiting on ya with a whiff of the 'ol brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable....with an unhappy bloody end!"

[The Heavy notices the sticky bombs around the door frame, and his expression changes from smugness to one of shock. The Demoman throws a mock salute and activates the sticky bombs, gibbing all his pursuers]

[The Demoman walks up to (presumably) a decapitated head, laughing merrily as body parts and blood rain down around him.]

Demoman: "Oh, they're going to have to glue you back together....in hell!"

[Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, accompanied by bagpipes]


Meet the Demoman Storyboard Concept
  • Le Demoman est fait en rouge Shed. Le Red Shed distillerie est la base de l'équipe RED. Red Shed figure également dans Meet the Sandvich.
  • La grenade rebondit, puis explose au contact. La capacité pour lancer des grenades pour exploser au contact après le premier rebond a été enlevé dans un patch plus tard, à la fois pour les PC et 360.
  • L'écran de fermeture caractéristiques l'avertissement suivant: "Toutes les informations concernant le comportement Demoman a été obtenu à partir d'australiens considérées comme fiables au moment où il est soumis à la possibilité d'erreurs, d'omissions ou nerfer sans préavis.."
  • La bouteille du Demoman est de marque "XXX", typiquement sens clair de lune forte.
  • La musique qui joue pendant la séquence de la bataille ne semble pas sur le BO ou dans les fichiers de jeu sous n'importe quelle forme, semblable à la piste qui joue au cours de Meet the Sniper. Valve, cependant, a ajouté le titre de la musique de menu de WAR, mise à jour de Décembre 17, 2009.
  • Valve fait équipe avec KritzKast et a lancé un concours de déchiffrer ce que le Demoman dit au cours de ces quelques secondes censuré. Les gagnants ont été sélectionnés pour les lignes les plus humoristiques, mais propre, les lignes les plus obscènes et les lignes les plus précises au script original.

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