Difference between revisions of "Template:Active promotional item list"

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({{common string|lara croft and the temple of osiris}})
m (Removed Binding of Isaac too.)
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   | zh-hant = 這款玫瑰樣式的刀子可以透過解鎖遊戲《戰地之王》的成就:「1st One Down」而獲得。
   | zh-hant = 這款玫瑰樣式的刀子可以透過解鎖遊戲《戰地之王》的成就:「1st One Down」而獲得。
   | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''1st One Down'' no jogo ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''1st One Down'' no jogo ''Alliance of Valiant Arms'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
==== [[The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth{{if lang}}|{{Common string|binding of isaac - rebirth}}]] ====
{{see also|wikipedia:The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Brimstone}}
| {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{Patch name|12|3|2014}}
| {{lang
| en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase ''The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth'' on Steam before December 10, 2014.
| fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté ''The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth'' sur Steam avant le 10 Decembre 2014.

Revision as of 00:38, 11 December 2014


Alien Swarm

See also: Alien Swarm (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Alien Swarm Parasite
Alien Swarm Parasite
Cosmetic items July 19, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Hat Trick achievement in Alien Swarm on Steam.

Alliance of Valiant Arms

See also: Alliance of Valiant Arms (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Black Rose
Black Rose
Weapons (Melee) February 14, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who earn the 1st One Down achievement in Alliance of Valiant Arms on Steam.

CrimeCraft GangWars

See also: Crimecraft (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Bolt Action Blitzer
Bolt Action Blitzer
Cosmetic items April 17, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Key to the City achievement in CrimeCraft GangWars on Steam.


See also: Gunpoint (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Crosslinker's Coil
Crosslinker's Coil
Cosmetic items June 10, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase Gunpoint on Steam.

Hero Academy

Item Used by Type Released Notes
Void Monk Hair
Void Monk Hair
Cosmetic items August 10, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who purchase the Dark Elves Pack DLC for Hero Academy on Steam.
Tribal Bones
Tribal Bones
Awarded to players who purchase the Tribe Pack DLC for Hero Academy on Steam.
Grenadier Helm
Grenadier Helm
Awarded to players who purchase the Dwarves Pack DLC for Hero Academy on Steam.
Ninja Cowl
Ninja Cowl
Awarded to players who purchase Hero Academy on Steam.

Humble Bundle

Item Used by Type Released Notes
Thought that Counts
Thought that Counts
Cosmetic items November 26, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who donate at least five dollars to the Humble Bundle supporting the Yogscast Jingle Jam and redeem the promotional code sent to them.

[[Left 4 Dead 2|Left 4 Dead 2/Template:Dictionary/common strings/left 4 dead 2 - the sacrifice]]

See also: Left 4 Dead 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Frying Pan
Frying Pan
TF2 crosshair orange.png
All classes (except Engineer and Spy)
Weapons (Melee) October 6, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who purchase Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam.
Ellis' Cap
Ellis' Cap
Cosmetic items

NECA Action Figures

See also: National Entertainment Collectibles Association (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Brigade Helm
Brigade Helm
Cosmetic items February 1, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Pyro action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store.
Glengarry Bonnet
Glengarry Bonnet
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Demoman action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Bonk Helm
Bonk Helm
June 5, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Scout action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Ye Olde Baker Boy
Ye Olde Baker Boy
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Scout action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Stainless Pot
Stainless Pot
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Soldier action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Tyrant's Helm
Tyrant's Helm
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Soldier action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Respectless Rubber Glove
Respectless Rubber Glove
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Pyro action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Scotsman's Stove Pipe
Scotsman's Stove Pipe
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Demoman action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Officer's Ushanka
Officer's Ushanka
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Heavy action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Tough Guy's Toque
Tough Guy's Toque
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Heavy action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Engineer's Cap
Engineer's Cap
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Engineer action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Texas Ten Gallon
Texas Ten Gallon
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Engineer action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Otolaryngologist's Mirror
Otolaryngologist's Mirror
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Medic action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Vintage Tyrolean
Vintage Tyrolean
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Medic action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Master's Yellow Belt
Master's Yellow Belt
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Sniper action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Professional's Panama
Professional's Panama
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Sniper action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Backbiter's Billycock
Backbiter's Billycock
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Spy action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Camera Beard
Camera Beard
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Spy action figure from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

See also: Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Dadliest Catch
Dadliest Catch
Cosmetic items October 29, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase Octodad: Dadliest Catch on Steam.

[[PC Gamer|Template:Dictionary/common strings/pc gamer digital episode 1]]

See also: PC Gamer (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Killer Exclusive
Killer Exclusive
Cosmetic items September 15, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who redeem a code found within PC Gamer UK issue 232 (Retail), or purchase PC Gamer Digital Episode 1 on Steam.

Poker Night at the Inventory

See also: Poker Night at the Inventory (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Weapons (Primary) November 22, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: The Heavy achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
Enthusiast's Timepiece
Enthusiast's Timepiece
Weapons (PDA 2) Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Tycho achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
Weapons (Secondary) Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Max achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.

This version of the Lugermorph can only be obtained in Unique quality.
Dangeresque, Too?
Dangeresque, Too?
Cosmetic items Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Strong Bad achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
License to Maim
License to Maim
Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Max achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.

Poker Night 2

See also: Poker Night 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Long Fall Loafers
Long Fall Loafers
Cosmetic items March 12, 2013 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Personality Goes a Long Way achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Awarded to players who earn the Book 'Em achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Samson Skewer
Samson Skewer
Awarded to players who earn the Orb 'n' Legends achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Awarded to players who earn the Banjo Hero achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Dapper Disguise
Dapper Disguise
Awarded to players who earn the Trophy Wife achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.

Rock Paper Shotgun

Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items August 27, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who support Rock Paper Shotgun through their Supporter program and redeem the promotional code sent to them.


See also: SpaceChem (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Weapons (Secondary) April 28, 2011 Patch Can be crafted using the promotional SpaceChem items.
SpaceChem Pin
SpaceChem Pin
Cosmetic items
Moustachium Bar
Moustachium Bar
Crafting anvil.png
Craft Awarded to players who complete the Australium-themed levels in SpaceChem on Steam, and earn the related achievements.
Spacemetal Scrap
Spacemetal Scrap

Spiral Knights

See also: Spiral Knights (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Spiral Sallet
Spiral Sallet
Cosmetic items June 14, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Mission Accomplished achievement in Spiral Knights on Steam.

Super Monday Night Combat

See also: Super Monday Night Combat (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items May 10, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who earn the All-Star Agent achievement in Super Monday Night Combat on Steam.
Flamingo Kid
Flamingo Kid
Awarded to players who earn the Rookie Agent achievement in Super Monday Night Combat on Steam.

ThreeA Toys

Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items November 10, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase the Pyro Robot toy from ThreeA Toys and redeem the code that came with it.

Weta Workshop

See also: Weta Workshop (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Dr. Grordbort's Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Crest
Cosmetic items July 20, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who purchase Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack in the Mann Co. Store.
Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest
December 15, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who purchase Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack or Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack from the Mann Co. Store.
Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest
Awarded to players who purchase Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack or Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack from the Mann Co. Store.


Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items August 13, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a Spycrab Plushie and redeem the promotional code sent to them.


Item Used by Type Released Notes
Mann Co. Cap
Mann Co. Cap
Cosmetic items Mann-Conomy Update
September 30, 2010 Patch
Awarded to players upon completion of their first purchase in the Mann Co. Store.
World Traveler's Hat
World Traveler's Hat
December 17, 2010 Patch Awarded to players upon completion of their first Map Stamp purchase in the Mann Co. Store.
Professor Speks
Professor Speks
June 23, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who are named as a referrer when a player with a free account upgrades to a premium account.

Subsequent referrals increase the counter on the item.
Party Hat
Party Hat
August 23, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who play Team Fortress 2 on August 24 of any year, from 2011 onwards.
Noise Maker - TF Birthday
Noise Maker - TF Birthday
Noise Maker
Halloween Goodie Cauldron
Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron
Action items Very Scary Halloween Special
October 27, 2011 Patch
Awarded to players who played Team Fortress 2 during the Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special, or any following Halloween event. Only awarded once.

Upon using the item, the player will receive the Seal Mask and one unique costume part from the nine released costumes.
Spirit Of Giving
Spirit of Giving
Cosmetic items Australian Christmas 2011
December 15, 2011 Patch
Awarded to players with Premium accounts who played Team Fortress 2 during the Australian Christmas 2011 event, or any Smissmas event onwards.
Noise Maker - Winter Holiday
Noise Maker - Winter Holiday
Noise Maker
Secret Saxton
Secret Saxton
Action items
Mann Co. Store Package
Mann Co. Store Package
May 11, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who make a single purchase totaling $20 or more from the Mann Co. Store.
Steam Translation Bundle
Steam Translation Bundle
August 10, 2012 Patch May be given to users of Steam Translation Server for any applied string.
Mann Co. Online Cap
Mann Co. Online Cap
Cosmetic items Mecha Update
December 20, 2012 Patch
Awarded to players upon completion of their first purchase in the Mann Co. Store through the official Online Store or the web interface.

Valve Store

Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items Pyromania Update
June 27, 2012 Patch
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase an Inflatable Balloonicorn or Balloonicorn Plushie from the official Valve Store and redeem the code that comes with it.
Mann vs. Machine
August 15, 2012 Patch
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase an an Archimedes Plush from the official Valve Store and redeem the code that comes with it.
What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
Action items October 17, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who purchase the Portal 2: Songs to Test By Soundtrack from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.

Upon using the item after March 12, 2013, the player will receive the Ap-Sap in Genuine quality.
Cosmetic items October 2, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase the Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set from ThinkGeek or the Valve Store and redeem the code that comes with it.

Documentation for Active promotional item list

This template is a list to be used in the Promotional items article and its translated variants.

If you wish to translate this:

See also: