Difference between revisions of "User:Tt3socal"

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(Things that I love)
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Other then team fortress 2 my intrestes include, animation, design,photography, and environmental science.
Other then team fortress 2 my intrestes include, animation, design,photography, and environmental science.
==Things that I love==
==Interesting, but stupid!==
Wake n' bake cartoons
Animation I Like
* Adventure Time
* Adventure Time
* the older Family guy ep's
* Early Seth Mac Farlane Cartoons
* American Dad
* Beavis and Butthead
* Beavis and Butthead
* Ren & Stimpy
* Ren & Stimpy
* Camp Lazlo
* Bob's Burgers
* Mighty B!
* Cow & Chicken
* Cow & Chicken
* Code Monkeys
* Code Monkeys
* Mlp is ok,but i'm not a freak for it though
* Neon Geanesis: Shinji get in the robit
Some anime cartoons
* Inuyasha
* Vocaloid
* Full metal alchemist
* Full metal alchemist
* Spice and Wolf
* Steven Universe
== Some boxes to marvel at ==
== Some boxes to marvel at ==

Revision as of 10:10, 12 March 2016

Basic information
Gender: Male
Birth place: U.S.A
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Tyrant's Helm.png solly Brigade Helm.png pyro

El Jefe.png scout Coupe D'isaster.png heavy

Favourite maps: Sawmill.PNG TF2 Granary Map.jpg limk=Hydro

Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png Cp foundry mid.png CTF Sawmill Center.png

Favourite hats: Stainless Pot.png Painted Tyrant's Helm 141414.png RED Stout Shako.png

Painted Coupe D'isaster A57545.png Painted Exquisite Rack 7E7E7E.png RED Brigade Helm.png

Painted Old Guadalajara 729E42.png Demoman's Fro.png

Favourite miscellaneous items: Crocketeer's Cloak.png
Contact information
Website: [Twitter].

[|My Deviant art page].


Steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tt3socal

Welcome fellow nerd

Hi my names... um... boy?

I'm a huge fan of Team Fortress 2 I've been playing on the pc since the beginning of 2010, before that I played Tf2 via the orange box on the PlayStation 3 since the game's initial release. I play tf2 quite frequently, My faavorite modes being capture point, payload, and koth. I joined the official Team fortress wiki to help maintan accurate and comprehensive information.

I also enjoy designing maps and items for fun.

Other then team fortress 2 my intrestes include, animation, design,photography, and environmental science.

Interesting, but stupid!

Animation I Like

  • Adventure Time
  • Early Seth Mac Farlane Cartoons
  • Beavis and Butthead
  • Ren & Stimpy
  • Bob's Burgers
  • Cow & Chicken
  • Code Monkeys
  • Neon Geanesis: Shinji get in the robit
  • Full metal alchemist
  • Steven Universe

Some boxes to marvel at

BLUicon.gif This user is an employee of BLU.
User LordKelvin Spycheck.png This user HATES Spies.
Engineerupdatewait.png This user thoroughly enjoyed the Engineer Update!
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress 2 junky!
User Soldier.png This user is a Soldier.
User Scout.png This user is a Scout.
“I'm battin' a thousand!”
User Medic.png This user is a Medic.
“Zat, vas doctah assisted homicide!”
Backpack Name Tag.png This user loves to rename his items.
Paint Can 7E7E7E.png This user loves to paint his hats.
Trading parcel.png This user loves to trade items.
Achieved.png This user has earned 0 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 0%!

My Items

Backpack Stockbroker's Scarf.png This user owns the Stockbroker's Scarf.
Backpack Bounty Hat.png This user owns the Bounty Hat.
Backpack RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code.png This user isn't going to redeem his RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code.
Item icon Spiral Sallet.png This user owns the Spiral Sallet.
Backpack Black Rose.png This user owns the Black Rose.
Backpack Pip-Boy.png This user owns a Genuine Pip-Boy.
Backpack Ghastlierest Gibus.png This user owns the Ghastlierest Gibus.
Backpack Haunted Metal Scrap.png This user owns the Haunted Metal Scrap.
The Tin Soldier.png This user is a Tin Soldier "Beep Boop".
Backpack Back Scratcher.png This user has trodden on a rake.

Painted Hero's Tail A57545.png This user has a Hero's Tail painted Muskelmannbraun

My Personal Info

Heavy Industry.png This user hates adverts and loves Team Fortress Wiki's adlessness.
NVIDIA logo.png This user games with NVIDIA.
Coca-Cola logo.png This user drinks too much Coca-Cola.
Sandvich.png This user eats far too many sandviches.
User Lhavelund Idiot.png This user has moments of innate idiocy. Sorry.
Flag America.png This user is American, pardner!
Superfan.png This user wears hats in real life while playing Team Fortress 2!
Photoshop icon.png This user knows his way around Photoshop.
Userbox Brony Rainbow Dash.png This user is a brony, and likes to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Their favorite character is Rainbow Dash.
Gabe Newell Thumb.jpg This user is a fan of Gabe.
Gabe Watching.jpg This user feels like Gabe Newell's watching him.
User Merple mountaindew.png
This user does the Dew
User Merple mountaindew.png
This user does the Dew
ArizonaTeaLogo.png This user drinks far too much Arizona Tea.

Flag Greece.png This user is Greek, and happy! Γειά σας!
YouTube Icon.png This user's YouTube channel is: tt3socal.
Minecraftblock.png This user has succumbed to Minecraft addiction.
AMD Logo.png This user's computer is powered by AMD.

Other games

Portal.png This user enjoys Portal.
Portal2.png This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
Half-life 2.png This user likes Half-Life 2.

Wiki info

SmallEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in teeny baby bits.
Outsmart Bullet.png This user has yet to meet one that can outsmart boolet.

I have no idea

User Tt3socal Nope.jpg

Peter Antonio Filippis