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{{Quotation|'''工程師'''|區區一個我要怎麼防止那些來勢洶洶的大塊頭們把我轟炸成碎片?解答很簡單:用機槍。如果還是沒用的話... 用'''更多'''機槍。}}
{{Quotation|'''工程師'''|區區一個我要怎麼防止那些來勢洶洶的大塊頭們把我轟炸成碎片?解答很簡單:用機槍。如果還是沒用的話... 用'''更多'''機槍。}}
'''步哨機關槍''' (又常簡稱為「'''步哨'''""'''機槍'''」,或英文Sentry Gun的字首縮寫"'''SG'''")是一座可以由[[Engineer/zh-hant|工程師]]建造的[[building/zh-hant|建築物]]。它的功用在於自動瞄準並攻擊進入一定範圍的敵人。如果有多個目標進入範圍且沒被任何如牆壁、箱子的視野障礙物阻礙,則它會優先鎖定並攻擊最靠近他的敵人。
'''步哨機關槍''' (又常簡稱為「'''步哨'''、'''機槍'''」,或英文Sentry Gun的字首縮寫"'''SG'''")是一座可以由[[Engineer/zh-hant|工程師]]建造的[[building/zh-hant|建築物]]。它的功用在於自動瞄準並攻擊進入一定範圍的敵人。如果有多個目標進入範圍且沒被任何如牆壁、箱子的視野障礙物阻礙,則它會優先鎖定並攻擊最靠近他的敵人。
建造一台步哨機關槍需花費 130 單位[[Metal/-zh-hant|金屬]],而將一台步哨升高一級則需要 200 單位,最多升至三級。每升一級,你的步哨機關槍就擁有更高生命值,而且會增添一些配件使它可以做出更有力的攻擊或防禦,如額外的機關槍(從等級一升至等級二)或火箭炮(從等級二升到等級三)。值得注意的是,升級並不會使步哨的視野範圍變大,但可能會因為高度差的關係使其能攻擊到一些上個等級無法攻擊的死角。
建造一台步哨機關槍需花費 130 單位[[Metal/-zh-hant|金屬]],而將一台步哨升高一級則需要 200 單位,最多升至三級。每升一級,你的步哨機關槍就擁有更高生命值,而且會增添一些配件使它可以做出更有力的攻擊或防禦,如額外的機關槍(從等級一升至等級二)或火箭炮(從等級二升到等級三)。值得注意的是,升級並不會使步哨的視野範圍變大,但可能會因為高度差的關係使其能攻擊到一些上個等級無法攻擊的死角。

Revision as of 07:23, 20 November 2010

區區一個我要怎麼防止那些來勢洶洶的大塊頭們把我轟炸成碎片?解答很簡單:用機槍。如果還是沒用的話... 用更多機槍。

步哨機關槍 (又常簡稱為「步哨機槍」,或英文Sentry Gun的字首縮寫"SG")是一座可以由工程師建造的建築物。它的功用在於自動瞄準並攻擊進入一定範圍的敵人。如果有多個目標進入範圍且沒被任何如牆壁、箱子的視野障礙物阻礙,則它會優先鎖定並攻擊最靠近他的敵人。

建造一台步哨機關槍需花費 130 單位金屬,而將一台步哨升高一級則需要 200 單位,最多升至三級。每升一級,你的步哨機關槍就擁有更高生命值,而且會增添一些配件使它可以做出更有力的攻擊或防禦,如額外的機關槍(從等級一升至等級二)或火箭炮(從等級二升到等級三)。值得注意的是,升級並不會使步哨的視野範圍變大,但可能會因為高度差的關係使其能攻擊到一些上個等級無法攻擊的死角。


When placing a Sentry Gun, the limit of its range is represented by a 3D sphere of your team color. A Sentry Gun that is being constructed will have its health increase gradually until it reaches its maximum health upon completion. The Sentry Gun rotates 90 degrees to patrol the area, but is capable of rotating 360 degrees to lock on to a target. This takes a brief moment however, which may allow faster foes to slip past its range. The Sentry Gun can also be manually rotated to face a different direction before you build it: When the blueprint is shown, using the alternate fire button (default key: MOUSE2) will rotate the blueprints counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.

Sentry Guns will not fire upon enemy Spies that are cloaked or disguised. Sentry Guns will also not fire upon enemies in its range if the enemy is behind cover - this cover includes the Engineer's Dispenser. Sentry Guns are also unable to fire if an enemy Spy attaches an Electro Sapper to it or while they are being upgraded/built. A destroyed Sentry Gun leaves 60 Metal worth of pieces, which can also be picked up by other classes as Ammo.

Unlike most other weapons, the Sentry Gun's weapons do not get affected with damage falloff from range nor can it gain criticals. It is possible however, to make the Sentry Gun deal Mini-Crit attacks and damage if its target is coated in Jarate or if the Engineer who built the Sentry Gun is close to a Soldier with an active Buff Banner, boosting the damage of each bullet to 22.

Also included in the Engineer Update is an unlockable Pistol replacement, The Wrangler, which allows the Engineer to take direct control of his Sentry Gun by 'marking' targets manually. Doing so shuts down the Sentry Gun's automated target-lock system, but diverts the excess power from the targeting system into speeding up its firing rate, effectively doubling the damage-per-second of the Sentry Gun. Also, the Wrangler provides the Sentry Gun with a protective shield which absorbs two-thirds of enemy fire while the Wrangler is active. Once the Engineer switches away from the Wrangler, however, his Sentry Gun is left defenseless for 3 seconds while its auto-lock targeting computer reboots.

Icon for a hauled item being destroyed via the Engineer's death.

Since the Engineer Update, players are able to pick up and move their buildings around. An Engineer carrying his Sentry Gun moves 25% slower and cannot fire or change weapons. However, a redeployed Sentry Gun retains its previous level and automatically sets up twice as fast. Engineers do not lose any ammo or metal by moving Sentry Guns. If the Engineer is killed while hauling his Sentry Gun it is automaticaly destroyed along with him, giving a notification in the kill icon area of the screen. Sentry Guns under the effects of an Electro Sapper cannot be picked up.

If a Soldier has The Black Box, The Battalion's Backup, and the Grenadier's Softcap equipped, he will receive 20% less damage from any level of Sentry Gun.

A Pyro can reflect the rockets of an enemy level 3 Sentry Gun.

Combat Mini-Sentry Gun

The Combat Mini-Sentries as seen on the Engineer Update page.
Go ahead! Build your tiny gun! Then RUN!
The Heavy on the Engineer's strategies

The Combat Mini-Sentry Gun is a more combat-efficient version of the standard Sentry Gun, and is a component of the Engineer's Gunslinger unlock. The Combat Mini-Sentry Gun has several advantages: it costs only 100 metal to place, constructs at four times the speed of the original Sentry Gun, is deployed at full health and fires 50% faster than a Level 1 Sentry Gun. However, it is neither repairable nor upgradable, as it is intended for short-term use rather than long-term area denial fortification. It also deals only 50% the damage per shot of the original Level 1 Sentry Gun. Combat Mini-Sentry Guns can be picked up and redeployed like regular Sentry Guns.

Sentry Gun Levels

Level Kill Icon Health Cost Weaponry Damage Ammo

RED Level 1 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry1.png 150 (effectively 450 with the Wrangler shielding) 130 Metal Semi-Automatic Firing Barrel Damage:16
Shots per second: 4 (8 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 64 (128 with Wrangler)
100 rounds

RED Level 2 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry2.png 180 (effectively 540 with the Wrangler shielding) 330 Metal Dual Rotational Minigun Barrels Damage: 16
Shots per second: 8 (16 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 128 (256 with Wrangler)
120 rounds

RED Level 3 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry3.png 216 (effectively 648 with the Wrangler shielding) 530 Metal

Dual Rotational Minigun Barrels

Target Guided Rocket Launch Support System

Damage: 16
Shots per second: 8 (16 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 128 (256 with Wrangler)

  • Rockets fire every 3 seconds (slightly faster with the Wrangler) dealing 102 damage on direct hit

144 rounds
20 rocket salvos

Combat Mini-Sentry Gun

Level Kill Icon Health Cost Weaponry Damage Ammo

Red Mini Sentry.png

Killicon sentry1.png 100 (effectively 300 with the Wrangler shielding) 100 Metal Semi-Automatic Firing Barrel Damage: 8
Shots per second: 6 (12 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 48 (96 with Wrangler)
100 rounds

Related Achievements






站在工程師步哨的射程範圍外,摧毀 5 座工程師步哨





殺戮中有用到步哨防禦槍的狀況下,幫助另一位工程師,達成 10 次助攻

步哨防禦槍累計殺死 5000 人。


以你的步哨防禦槍在 10 秒內殺死剛才殺你的敵人。

將第 3 級步哨防禦槍架設到位,一重新部署完成便殺死一名敵人。

步哨防禦槍殺死正要佔領據點的 25 名敵方玩家。




摧毀 3 座工程師步防禦槍


在隊友於敵方步哨防禦槍放置破壞器的 3 秒內,在另一台敵方步哨防禦槍上放置破壞器。


  • A bug existed where level 2 and 3 Combat Mini-Sentry Guns could be built by building a normal Level 2 or 3 Sentry Gun, switching to the Gunslinger and hauling and redeploying the existing Sentry Gun. The result of this was a miniature version of the Level 2 and 3 Sentry Guns that gained the properties of the Combat Mini-Sentry, such as the 75% damage and the 4x build speed. These Sentry Guns would always appear to be on the RED team but their characteristic light effect would glow their proper team color. This bug was fixed and subsequently re-added accidentally as of the October 8, 2010 Patch.
  • The player has the ability to build a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun while having the Wrench or Southern Hospitality equipped, by holding out the blueprints for the sentry with the Gunslinger, and then quickly switching to the Wrench. The player will build a mini-sentry (it will still take away 130 metal). This cannot be done vice versa (AKA Equipping Gunslinger while having normal Sentry blueprints out).


Modifying your Sentry
  • The original Sentry Gun designs were created by Radigan Conagher in 1890.[1] The original and current designs are visually identical.
  • The Engineer apparently designed and built the final version of the Sentry Gun under contract from 'TF Industries' in 1965.[來源請求]
  • The official game manual for Team Fortress 2 is actually the Sentry Gun Operating Manual.
  • A label on the Sentry Gun blueprint reads "Automatic Sentry Gun Apparatus;" however, the Sentry Gun manual refers to it as a "Sentry Gun Mechanical Firing Device".
  • The Sentry Gun makes a number of beeps every time it reverses its rotation. The number of beeps corresponds to its upgrade level, where a level 3 turret makes three quick beeps. Additionally, the higher the Sentry Gun's level, the louder it is. A level 1 Sentry Gun is slightly harder to hear than a level 3 Sentry Gun; this fact can be used to counter enemy Sentry Guns.
  • When out of ammunition, a Sentry Gun will continue lock on to enemies and attempt to fire, but will instead make clicking sounds.
  • Engineers can reach higher standing on a level 1 Sentry Gun than with a Dispenser, making it a better choice on jump and puzzle maps.
  • An unused alternate kill icon for the level 1 Sentry Gun exists in the game files, seen to the right. It is possible this was a concept icon for kills made with the Wrangler.
Unused level 1 sentry kill icon
  • When the Wrangler was added in the Engineer Update, all levels of Sentry Gun were given laser sights to accommodate it.
  • An image appearing on the Engineer Update page possibly shows very early designs of the modern Sentry Gun.[來源請求]
  • The flashing light on the Combat Mini-Sentry Gun appears, like the one on the Bomb Cart, to be attached with duct tape.
  • Feign deaths produced by the Dead Ringer will not be added to the Sentry Gun kill/assist counter, but will contribute to the Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas achievement.
  • Mini-Sentry Guns appear to have the exact same stats as the Constructor's Autogun from the fan game Gang Garrison 2 (in terms of health, rate of fire, damage output, inability to upgrade or repair, metal cost, and deployment time). Equipping the Gunslinger also makes the Engineer have "Medic-level" health, just like the Constructor.
  • Combat Mini-Sentry Guns share gibs with standard level 1 Sentry Guns. This means that players will see the light and the checkerboard pattern disappear when a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun is destroyed.
  • Friendly units can walk through a Sentry or Dispenser much like they can any other friendly unit. However, the Engineer who built the Sentry Gun/Dispenser cannot, and neither can enemy team-members. As a result, they can be used to block passages and doorways, preventing immediate access from the enemy team.
  • The Combat Mini-Sentry's status in the corner of the HUD will show a upgrade progress bar, despite not being repairable or upgradable.


  1. Team Fortress: Loose Canon (comic), page 8, retrieved 2010-10-18.

See also

External links