Difference between revisions of "Meet Your Match Update/zh-hant"

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(Translating in progress)
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=== 裝飾品 ===
=== 裝飾品 ===
{{main|Cosmetic items}}
{{main|Cosmetic items|l1=裝飾品}}
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center;"
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center;"
Line 76: Line 76:
=== 工具 ===
=== 工具 ===
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding="3" style="text-align:center;"
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding="3" style="text-align:center;"
| align="center" style="background: #d3d3d3" | {{Icon item|Competitive Matchmaking Pass|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #d3d3d3" | {{Icon item|Competitive Matchmaking Pass|75px}}
Line 134: Line 134:
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>[[Pyro{{if lang}}|{{class name|pyro}}]]
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>[[Pyro{{if lang}}|{{class name|pyro}}]]
| {{c|+|Added:}} All flamethrowers' direct damage reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects by 25%
| {{c|+|增加:}} 所有火焰噴射器的直接攻擊能夠減慢醫療槍的治療速度以及減低抵抗性25%
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>[[Demoman{{if lang}}|{{class name|demoman}}]]
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>[[Demoman{{if lang}}|{{class name|demoman}}]]
| {{c|-|Changed:}} All boots now require a shield to activate any move speed bonus listed on the item
| {{c|-|變更:}} 裝有盾牌才能獲得靴子的移動速度增加
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Engineer}}<br/>[[Engineer{{if lang}}|{{class name|engineer}}]]
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Engineer}}<br/>[[Engineer{{if lang}}|{{class name|engineer}}]]
| {{c|+|Changed:}} Level 1 Teleporters now cost 50 metal (previously 125)
| {{c|+|變更:}} 等級 1 的傳送裝置現在只需 50 金屬 (以前 125)
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Medic}}<br/>[[Medic{{if lang}}|{{class name|medic}}]]
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Medic}}<br/>[[Medic{{if lang}}|{{class name|medic}}]]
| {{c|+|Changed:}} All Mediguns allow the Medic to match the speed of their heal target (Previously only available on The Quick-Fix)
| {{c|+|變更:}} 全部{{item name|Medi Gun}}能夠與醫療對象一樣的速度移動 (以前只供{{item name|Quick-Fix}})
| {{c|=|Changed:}} Stored ÜberCharge begins to decay over time after coming to rest
| {{c|=|變更:}} 掉下的{{item name|Medi Gun}}會因時間而減去 ÜberCharge 的能量
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Spy}}<br/>[[Spy{{if lang}}|{{class name|spy}}]]
! style="background: #e4e4e4;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Spy}}<br/>[[Spy{{if lang}}|{{class name|spy}}]]
| {{c|+|Changed:}} Max speed increased to 320 (from 300)
| {{c|+|變更:}} 最快移動速度從 300 增加至 320
Line 159: Line 159:
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=7| {{icon class|Scout}}<br/>[[Scout{{if lang}}|{{class name|scout}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=7| {{icon class|Scout}}<br/>[[Scout{{if lang}}|{{class name|scout}}]]
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Crit-a-Cola|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Crit-a-Cola}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Crit-a-Cola|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Crit-a-Cola}}
| {{c|-|Added:}} Added Marked-for-Death debuff for 2 seconds after the buff effect expires
| {{c|-|增加:}} Added Marked-for-Death debuff for 2 seconds after the buff effect expires
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Soda Popper|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Soda Popper}}
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Soda Popper|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Soda Popper}}
| {{c|=|Added:}} Added "On hit: build Hype"
| {{c|=|增加:}} Added "On hit: build Hype"
| {{c|=|Removed:}} Removed "build hype by running around"
| {{c|=|移除:}} Removed "build hype by running around"
! rowspan=3 | {{Icon item|Shortstop|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Shortstop}}
! rowspan=3 | {{Icon item|Shortstop|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Shortstop}}
| {{c|+|Added:}} Added an Alt-fire attack -- reach out and shove someone!
| {{c|+|增加:}} Added an Alt-fire attack -- reach out and shove someone!
| {{c|-|Removed:}} Removed +healing bonus
| {{c|-|移除:}} Removed +healing bonus
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Reduced pushback vuln to +20% (from +40%)
| {{c|-|變更:}} Reduced pushback vuln to +20% (from +40%)
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Sun-on-a-Stick|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Sun-on-a-Stick|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}
| {{c|+|Added:}} Take 25% less damage from fire while deployed
| {{c|+|增加:}} Take 25% less damage from fire while deployed
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=5 | {{icon class|Soldier}}<br/>[[Soldier{{if lang}}|{{class name|soldier}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=5 | {{icon class|Soldier}}<br/>[[Soldier{{if lang}}|{{class name|soldier}}]]
! rowspan=4 | {{Icon item|Righteous Bison|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Righteous Bison}}
! rowspan=4 | {{Icon item|Righteous Bison|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Righteous Bison}}
| {{c|=|Changed:}} Fixed a bug causing players to be hit by the same projectile multiple times, causing the damage dealt to vary wildly
| {{c|=|變更:}} Fixed a bug causing players to be hit by the same projectile multiple times, causing the damage dealt to vary wildly
| {{c|=|Changed:}} Per-shot damage has been increased to compensate, resulting in slightly more damage on average
| {{c|=|變更:}} Per-shot damage has been increased to compensate, resulting in slightly more damage on average
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Slowed projectile by 30%
| {{c|-|變更:}} Slowed projectile by 30%
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Projectile damage reduced by 25% for each enemy penetrated
| {{c|-|變更:}} Projectile damage reduced by 25% for each enemy penetrated
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Disciplinary Action|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Disciplinary Action}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Disciplinary Action|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Disciplinary Action}}
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Reduced duration of speed bonus on teammates to 2 seconds (from 3)
| {{c|-|變更:}} Reduced duration of speed bonus on teammates to 2 seconds (from 3)
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=1 | {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>[[Pyro{{if lang}}|{{class name|pyro}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=1 | {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>[[Pyro{{if lang}}|{{class name|pyro}}]]
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Manmelter|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Manmelter}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Manmelter|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Manmelter}}
| {{c|+|Removed:}} Removed (hidden) 20% fire rate penalty
| {{c|+|移除:}} Removed (hidden) 20% fire rate penalty
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=5 | {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>[[Demoman{{if lang}}|{{class name|demoman}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=5 | {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>[[Demoman{{if lang}}|{{class name|demoman}}]]
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Iron Bomber|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Iron Bomber}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Iron Bomber|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Iron Bomber}}
| {{c|=|Changed:}} Decreased the fuse time to 1.4 seconds (from 2.0)
| {{c|=|變更:}} Decreased the fuse time to 1.4 seconds (from 2.0)
! rowspan=4 | {{Icon item|Quickiebomb Launcher|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Quickiebomb Launcher}}
! rowspan=4 | {{Icon item|Quickiebomb Launcher|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Quickiebomb Launcher}}
| {{c|+|Changed:}} Increased charge time reduction to -70% (from -50%)
| {{c|+|變更:}} Increased charge time reduction to -70% (from -50%)
| {{c|+|Changed:}} Increased damage bonus for (max) charged shots to +35% (from +25%)
| {{c|+|變更:}} Increased damage bonus for (max) charged shots to +35% (from +25%)
| {{c|+|Removed:}} Removed "Stickybombs fizzle 4 seconds after landing"
| {{c|+|移除:}} Removed "Stickybombs fizzle 4 seconds after landing"
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Increased clip size penalty to -50% (from -25%)
| {{c|-|變更:}} Increased clip size penalty to -50% (from -25%)
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=6| {{icon class|Heavy}}<br/>[[Heavy{{if lang}}|{{class name|heavy}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=6| {{icon class|Heavy}}<br/>[[Heavy{{if lang}}|{{class name|heavy}}]]
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Natascha|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Natascha}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Natascha|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Natascha}}
| {{c|=|Changed:}} 20% damage resistance now only applies when spun up and below 50% max health
| {{c|=|變更:}} 20% damage resistance now only applies when spun up and below 50% max health
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Brass Beast|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Brass Beast}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Brass Beast|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Brass Beast}}
| {{c|=|Changed:}} 20% damage resistance now only applies when spun up and below 50% max health
| {{c|=|變更:}} 20% damage resistance now only applies when spun up and below 50% max health
! rowspan=4 | {{Icon item|Huo-Long Heater|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Huo-Long Heater}}
! rowspan=4 | {{Icon item|Huo-Long Heater|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Huo-Long Heater}}
| {{c|-|Added:}} Added -10% damage
| {{c|-|增加:}} Added -10% damage
| {{c|+|Added:}} Added +25% increased damage vs. burning players
| {{c|+|增加:}} Added +25% increased damage vs. burning players
| {{c|+|Changed:}} Reduced ammo drain to -4/sec (from -6)
| {{c|+|變更:}} Reduced ammo drain to -4/sec (from -6)
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Reduced pulse damage from Ring of Fire to 12 (from 15) due to increased damage vs. burning
| {{c|-|變更:}} Reduced pulse damage from Ring of Fire to 12 (from 15) due to increased damage vs. burning
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=6| {{icon class|Engineer}}<br/>[[Engineer{{if lang}}|{{class name|engineer}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=6| {{icon class|Engineer}}<br/>[[Engineer{{if lang}}|{{class name|engineer}}]]
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Widowmaker|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Widowmaker}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Widowmaker|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Widowmaker}}
| {{c|+|Added:}} Damage increased +10% when attacking the same target as your Sentry Gun
| {{c|+|增加:}} Damage increased +10% when attacking the same target as your Sentry Gun
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Eureka Effect|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Eureka Effect}}
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Eureka Effect|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Eureka Effect}}
| {{c|+|Changed:}} Reduced "50% less metal from Dispensers and Pickups" to 20%
| {{c|+|變更:}} Reduced "50% less metal from Dispensers and Pickups" to 20%
| {{c|+|Added:}} Added "Teleporters cost 50% less metal"
| {{c|+|增加:}} Added "Teleporters cost 50% less metal"
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Short Circuit|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Short Circuit}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Short Circuit|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Short Circuit}}
| {{c|=|Changed:}} Base projectile attack is -10 metal (hit or miss) and then add -5 metal for each projectile destroyed
| {{c|=|變更:}} Base projectile attack is -10 metal (hit or miss) and then add -5 metal for each projectile destroyed
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Pomson 6000|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Pomson 6000}}
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Pomson 6000|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Pomson 6000}}
| {{c|+|Changed:}} Increased close-range damage to 72 (from 62)
| {{c|+|變更:}} Increased close-range damage to 72 (from 62)
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Reduced long-range damage to 32 (from 42)
| {{c|-|變更:}} Reduced long-range damage to 32 (from 42)
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=3| {{icon class|Medic}}<br/>[[Medic{{if lang}}|{{class name|medic}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=3| {{icon class|Medic}}<br/>[[Medic{{if lang}}|{{class name|medic}}]]
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Quick-Fix|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Quick-Fix}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Quick-Fix|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Quick-Fix}}
| {{c|-|Changed:}} ÜberCharge rate reduced to +15% (from +25%)
| {{c|-|變更:}} ÜberCharge rate reduced to +15% (from +25%)
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Overdose|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Overdose}}
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Overdose|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Overdose}}
| {{c|+|Changed:}} Increased movement speed bonus to +20% (from +10%)
| {{c|+|變更:}} Increased movement speed bonus to +20% (from +10%)
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Increased damage penalty to -15% (from -10%)
| {{c|-|變更:}} Increased damage penalty to -15% (from -10%)
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=3| {{icon class|Sniper}}<br/>[[Sniper{{if lang}}|{{class name|sniper}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=3| {{icon class|Sniper}}<br/>[[Sniper{{if lang}}|{{class name|sniper}}]]
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Cozy Camper|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Cozy Camper}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Cozy Camper|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Cozy Camper}}
| {{c|-|Changed:}} Now requires a full charge to gain flinch resistance
| {{c|-|變更:}} Now requires a full charge to gain flinch resistance
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Sydney Sleeper|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}}
! rowspan=2 | {{Icon item|Sydney Sleeper|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}}
| {{c|+|Changed:}} When fully charged, or when making a headshot, now applies Jarate in a radius
| {{c|+|變更:}} When fully charged, or when making a headshot, now applies Jarate in a radius
| {{c|+|Added:}} Scoped shots now extinguish teammates
| {{c|+|增加:}} Scoped shots now extinguish teammates
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=1| {{icon class|Spy}}<br/>[[Spy{{if lang}}|{{class name|spy}}]]
! style="background: #F2D9AD;" rowspan=1| {{icon class|Spy}}<br/>[[Spy{{if lang}}|{{class name|spy}}]]
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Enforcer|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Enforcer}}
! rowspan=1 | {{Icon item|Enforcer|icon-size=75px}} <br /> {{item link|Enforcer}}
| {{c|+|Added:}} Attacks pierce resist and absorb effects from all sources
| {{c|+|增加:}} Attacks pierce resist and absorb effects from all sources

Revision as of 12:27, 9 July 2016

Meet Your Match.png

Meet Your Match 更新是一個於2016年7月7日更新時加入的主要更新,正式釋出競賽模式PASS Time,以及推出了 1 個新武器、6 款新裝飾品、4 張新地圖和 4 個新嘲諷。



主條目: 裝飾品
TF2 crosshair orange.png
All Classes
Civilian Grade JACK Hat 民用等級傑克球帽
Military Grade JACK Hat 軍用等級傑克球帽
PASS Time Miniature Half JACK 殺時間模式傑克球模型
PASS Time Early Participation Pin 殺時間模式早期參加胸針


名稱 截圖 遊戲模式 檔案名稱
District Pass district.jpg PASS Time
Jack Neutral.png
Metalworks Cp metalworks b22 5.jpg 控制點模式
Sunshine 160px 控制點模式
Swiftwater Pl swiftwater frc70000.jpg 彈頭車模式
BLU Bombcart.png


Leaderboard class scout.png
Carlton 卡爾頓之舞
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Fubar Fanfare 慘敗禮讚
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Balloonibouncer 搖搖獨角獸
Leaderboard class spy.png
Disco Fever 迪斯可狂熱


主條目: 工具
Competitive Matchmaking Pass 競技配對通行證
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Scout 已解鎖的 Scout 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Soldier 已解鎖的 Soldier 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Pyro 已解鎖的 Pyro 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Demo 已解鎖的 Demoman 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Heavy 已解鎖的 Heavy 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Engineer 已解鎖的 Engineer 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Medic 已解鎖的 Medic 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Sniper 已解鎖的 Sniper 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Spy 已解鎖的 Spy 裝飾品補給箱
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Multi-Class 已解鎖的多職業裝飾品補給箱

Disgaea 推廣物品

TF2 crosshair orange.png
All Classes
Prinny Hat Prinny Hat
Prinny Pouch Prinny Pouch
TF2 crosshair orange.png
All Classes
Prinny Machete Prinny Machete

購買 Disgaea 的玩家會附送這些物品。


職業 更改
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Pictogram plus.png 增加: 所有火焰噴射器的直接攻擊能夠減慢醫療槍的治療速度以及減低抵抗性25%
Leaderboard class demoman.png
Pictogram minus.png 變更: 裝有盾牌才能獲得靴子的移動速度增加
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Pictogram plus.png 變更: 等級 1 的傳送裝置現在只需 50 金屬 (以前 125)
Leaderboard class medic.png
Pictogram plus.png 變更: 全部醫療槍能夠與醫療對象一樣的速度移動 (以前只供快速治療者)
Pictogram comment.png 變更: 掉下的醫療槍會因時間而減去 ÜberCharge 的能量
Leaderboard class spy.png
Pictogram plus.png 變更: 最快移動速度從 300 增加至 320


職業 武器 更改
Leaderboard class scout.png
Pictogram minus.png 增加: Added Marked-for-Death debuff for 2 seconds after the buff effect expires
Soda Popper
Pictogram comment.png 增加: Added "On hit: build Hype"
Pictogram comment.png 移除: Removed "build hype by running around"
Pictogram plus.png 增加: Added an Alt-fire attack -- reach out and shove someone!
Pictogram minus.png 移除: Removed +healing bonus
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Reduced pushback vuln to +20% (from +40%)
Pictogram plus.png 增加: Take 25% less damage from fire while deployed
Leaderboard class soldier.png
Righteous Bison
Pictogram comment.png 變更: Fixed a bug causing players to be hit by the same projectile multiple times, causing the damage dealt to vary wildly
Pictogram comment.png 變更: Per-shot damage has been increased to compensate, resulting in slightly more damage on average
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Slowed projectile by 30%
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Projectile damage reduced by 25% for each enemy penetrated
Disciplinary Action
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Reduced duration of speed bonus on teammates to 2 seconds (from 3)
Leaderboard class pyro.png
Pictogram plus.png 移除: Removed (hidden) 20% fire rate penalty
Leaderboard class demoman.png
Iron Bomber
Pictogram comment.png 變更: Decreased the fuse time to 1.4 seconds (from 2.0)
Quickiebomb Launcher
Pictogram plus.png 變更: Increased charge time reduction to -70% (from -50%)
Pictogram plus.png 變更: Increased damage bonus for (max) charged shots to +35% (from +25%)
Pictogram plus.png 移除: Removed "Stickybombs fizzle 4 seconds after landing"
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Increased clip size penalty to -50% (from -25%)
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Pictogram comment.png 變更: 20% damage resistance now only applies when spun up and below 50% max health
Brass Beast
Pictogram comment.png 變更: 20% damage resistance now only applies when spun up and below 50% max health
Huo-Long Heater
Pictogram minus.png 增加: Added -10% damage
Pictogram plus.png 增加: Added +25% increased damage vs. burning players
Pictogram plus.png 變更: Reduced ammo drain to -4/sec (from -6)
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Reduced pulse damage from Ring of Fire to 12 (from 15) due to increased damage vs. burning
Leaderboard class engineer.png
Pictogram plus.png 增加: Damage increased +10% when attacking the same target as your Sentry Gun
Eureka Effect
Pictogram plus.png 變更: Reduced "50% less metal from Dispensers and Pickups" to 20%
Pictogram plus.png 增加: Added "Teleporters cost 50% less metal"
Short Circuit
Pictogram comment.png 變更: Base projectile attack is -10 metal (hit or miss) and then add -5 metal for each projectile destroyed
Pomson 6000
潘森 6000
Pictogram plus.png 變更: Increased close-range damage to 72 (from 62)
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Reduced long-range damage to 32 (from 42)
Leaderboard class medic.png
Pictogram minus.png 變更: ÜberCharge rate reduced to +15% (from +25%)
Pictogram plus.png 變更: Increased movement speed bonus to +20% (from +10%)
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Increased damage penalty to -15% (from -10%)
Leaderboard class sniper.png
Cozy Camper
Pictogram minus.png 變更: Now requires a full charge to gain flinch resistance
Sydney Sleeper
Pictogram plus.png 變更: When fully charged, or when making a headshot, now applies Jarate in a radius
Pictogram plus.png 增加: Scoped shots now extinguish teammates
Leaderboard class spy.png
Pictogram plus.png 增加: Attacks pierce resist and absorb effects from all sources



在殺時間模式中贏得 10 個回合。

獎勵: 民用等級傑克球帽


獎勵: 軍用等級傑克球帽, 殺時間模式傑克球模型

