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== 游戏方式 == | == 游戏方式 == | ||
[[Image:Team Fortress 2 Screenshot.png|250px|thumb|left|游戏进行中的军团要塞2:在[[Capture the Flag/zh-hans|夺旗模式]]地图[[2Fort/zh-hans|2Fort]]中,一组[[RED/zh-hans|红队]]玩家正向[[BLU/zh-hans|蓝队]]发动进攻,<br />图中以[[Medic/zh-hans|医生]]的第一视角展示了[[Scout/zh-hans|侦察兵]],[[Engineer/zh-hans|工程师]], [[Heavy/zh-hans|机枪手]]与[[Spy/zh-hans|间谍]]。]] | [[Image:Team Fortress 2 Screenshot.png|250px|thumb|left|游戏进行中的军团要塞2:在[[Capture the Flag/zh-hans|夺旗模式]]地图[[2Fort/zh-hans|2Fort]]中,一组[[RED/zh-hans|红队]]玩家正向[[BLU/zh-hans|蓝队]]发动进攻,<br />图中以[[Medic/zh-hans|医生]]的第一视角展示了[[Scout/zh-hans|侦察兵]],[[Engineer/zh-hans|工程师]], [[Heavy/zh-hans|机枪手]]与[[Spy/zh-hans|间谍]]。]] | ||
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正如其它的“前辈”游戏所做的那样,军团要塞2以两支队伍围绕某一战略目标进行竞争而展开。<br />这两支队伍代表着游戏故事背景中两家公司:可靠的开挖破坏(Reliable Excavation Demolition,即[[RED/zh-hans|红队]])与建设者联盟联合(Builders League United,即[[BLU/zh-hans|蓝队]])。<br />玩家们可以在选择队伍后作为九个[[classes/zh-hans|兵种]](或者说“职业”)中的一个而进行游戏,每个职业都有其独特的优势、弱点、能力与作用。<br />尽管其中个别职业的能力与经典军团要塞的设计有所不同,其核心元素都得到了保留。 | 正如其它的“前辈”游戏所做的那样,军团要塞2以两支队伍围绕某一战略目标进行竞争而展开。<br />这两支队伍代表着游戏故事背景中两家公司:可靠的开挖破坏(Reliable Excavation Demolition,即[[RED/zh-hans|红队]])与建设者联盟联合(Builders League United,即[[BLU/zh-hans|蓝队]])。<br />玩家们可以在选择队伍后作为九个[[classes/zh-hans|兵种]](或者说“职业”)中的一个而进行游戏,每个职业都有其独特的优势、弱点、能力与作用。<br />尽管其中个别职业的能力与经典军团要塞的设计有所不同,其核心元素都得到了保留。 | ||
− | 军团要塞2是[[Valve/zh-hans|Valve]] | + | 军团要塞2是[[Valve/zh-hans|Valve]]旗下的第一款能够收集玩家们各项详细信息的多人游戏。<br />这些信息包括玩家们作为每个职业的游戏时长,平均得分,以及在一局游戏内所达到的某项最高纪录(如占领数)。<br />这些持续的统计能够向玩家反应他们的战绩是如何提升的,比如一个玩家在一局游戏内所造成的伤害接近了他的最高历史记录。<br />军团要塞2同时还准备了大量的[[achievements/zh-hans|成就]]来供玩家们去达成各种挑战,像是达成一定数量的击杀或是在限定时间内完成一局游戏。且在游戏发布后还陆续追加了针对每个兵种或特定节日等内容的其它成就,达成某些成就能够为角色解锁新的免费物品。玩家们已经解锁的成就将在[[Steam Community/zh-hans|Steam社区]]或者Xbox LIVE的个人主页进行展示。 |
Revision as of 13:34, 22 August 2019
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Team Fortress 2 | |
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基本信息 | |
发布日期: |
开发商: | |
发行商: | |
经销商: | |
引擎: | |
分类: |
First person shooter |
模式: |
Multiplayer |
设计师: |
John Cook, Robin Walker |
评分: |
平台: |
Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Mac OS X, Linux |
媒体: |
Download, DVD, Blu-ray disc |
配置要求: |
军团要塞2(Team Fortress 2)是一款由Valve开发的第一人称多人团队射击游戏,并且是游戏包“The Orange Box”(橙盒)的一部分。
它最初于2007年10月10日在微软Windows与Xbox 360上发布,而2007年11月22日又发布了PlayStation 3的版本。随后,它于2008年4月9日作为独立游戏发行,并于2010年6月10日推出Mac OS X的版本。
此外,PC与OS X版本的军团要塞2又于2011年6月23日开始采用免费游玩模式,使得游戏本身的收入全部来自内置的曼恩公司商店微交易中。在经过几个月的封闭测试后,军团要塞2最终于2013年2月14日登录Linux平台。
军团要塞系列最初是作为雷神之锤(即“Quake”,id Software开发的一款第一人称射击游戏)的一个名为“Team Fortress”的Mod的续集(即成型的初版军团要塞)于1998年发布的,
最终定型的军团要塞2艺术风格对初版军团要塞与经典军团要塞做了一定的回归,并基于Dean Cornwell, J. C. Leyendecker 与 Norman Rockwell 三人的设计而形成了一种卡通般的视觉风格。
甚至还定期登上《连线新闻》(Wired News)的年度“雾件” 榜单。
这两支队伍代表着游戏故事背景中两家公司:可靠的开挖破坏(Reliable Excavation Demolition,即红队)与建设者联盟联合(Builders League United,即蓝队)。
军团要塞2同时还准备了大量的成就来供玩家们去达成各种挑战,像是达成一定数量的击杀或是在限定时间内完成一局游戏。且在游戏发布后还陆续追加了针对每个兵种或特定节日等内容的其它成就,达成某些成就能够为角色解锁新的免费物品。玩家们已经解锁的成就将在Steam社区或者Xbox LIVE的个人主页进行展示。
- 主条目:地图
在PC与OS X平台中,军团要塞2最初的发布版本包含了六张Valve制作的官方地图, 此后由Valve与Steam社区提供的大量其它地图不断被添加到游戏中。
然而,在控制台版本(console versions)中,玩家依旧只能在这六张最初的地图上游玩。
官方地图通常以某种“邪恶天才或复古间谍科技”(evil genius or retro-spy tech mentality)的风格而出现,往往包含隐藏在工业仓库中的秘密基地,
当玩家第一次加入某些地图时,将会自动播放一小段介绍影片来向他们展示如何达成地图目标。在PC与OS X平台中,同一游戏房间通常最高能承载24名玩家,
但在某些服务器中这一数值能够最大提升到32名,而在Xbox 360与PlayStation 3 平台中最大为16名。
军团要塞最早作为雷神之锤的免费mod,在1998年时由Robin Walker和John Cook所组成的军团要塞开发团队被Valve雇佣后,军团要塞改换为金源(GoldSrc)引擎。在当时,军团要塞2被称为Valve版军团要塞。在军团要塞开发团队被收购后,游戏的开发速度有了质的飞跃,由于时间问题和粉丝的等待,军团要塞被提升为一个完全单独的游戏,许多军团要塞玩家购买半条命只是为了等待军团要塞2的免费放出。1999年,在简单的游戏端口上开发出的军团要塞经典免费放出。 值得注意的是,军团要塞经典的开发完全在公开使用的金源(GoldSrc)软件开发工具(SDK)中完成,并展示了金源软件开发工具在玩家社区与游戏行业中的灵活性。
这项新设计在1999的第三届电子娱乐展览会中向公众放出并揽获大量奖项包括最佳多人游戏奖和最佳动作游戏奖。此时军团要塞2获得了一个新副题,"兄弟连",并且Walker与Cook在Valve的开发成果变得更为人熟知。并展示了数项当时从未所闻的先进技术: 参数化动画;更顺滑的无缝混合动画,更生动的动作;并且智能多分辨率网格技术将会动态地减少呈现的细节以此大大提升性能(一种已过时的降低内存占用的技术,至今的游戏采用相比之下占用更多内存但减少CPU工作量的技术)。但当时E3展并没有具体的日期。
在2000年,Valve宣布军团要塞2'的开发将会再次延期。Valve将消息带入开发团队,并将引擎换成现在熟知的Valve内部开发专用的起源引擎。并将所有关于军团要塞的消息压了下去,并且军团要塞2进入了著名开发状态,直到2006年7月13日,在这段时间内,Walker和Cook都参与了其他的Valve项目– 甚至Walker是半条命2:第一章开发的负责人而Cook则成为了蒸汽平台与其他事物的开发者,这让外界一直怀疑军团要塞2的活跃开发只是口头上的空谈而已 。
"入侵" 设计

2003年末,臭名昭著的半条命2源代码树泄漏事件发生,两个可编译的军团要塞2模型和源代码随着泄露。其中包括一个外星咕噜兽与一个非常风格化且比例失调的人类士兵模型。这些代码被许多认为是半条命的背景故事;但是,这两个模型与任何半条命系列的已知风格完全不同 ,这使得许多玩家认为这是来自于军团要塞2.
泄露的消息似乎没有对现今的游戏版本造成任何影响。这在2007年8月的一次由GameTrailers对Gabe Newell的采访和2010年9月与PC Gamer的采访中被反复提及,其中,他提到 "入侵"作为旗下Valve开发团队对军团要塞2'开发的第二个版本。
The next significant public development occurred in the run up to Half-Life 2's 2004 release: Valve's Director of Marketing Doug Lombardi claimed that Team Fortress 2 was still in development and that information concerning it would come after Half-Life 2's release. This did not happen, nor was any news released after Lombardi's similar claim during an early interview regarding Half-Life 2: Episode One. Near the time of Episode One's release, Gabe Newell again claimed that news on Team Fortress 2 would be forthcoming – and this time it was. Team Fortress 2 was unveiled again a month later at the July 2006 EA Summer Showcase event.
Walker revealed in March 2007 that Valve had quietly built "probably three to four different games" before settling on their final design. Due to the game's lengthy development cycle it was often mentioned alongside Duke Nukem Forever, another long-anticipated game that went through many years of protracted development and engine changes before being released.
The beta release of the game featured six multiplayer maps of which three contain optional commentary by the developers on game design, level design, and character design, and provide more information on the history behind the development.
Team Fortress 2 does not attempt the realistic graphical approach used in other Valve games using the Source engine such as Half-Life 2, Day of Defeat: Source, and Counter-Strike: Source. Rather, it uses a more stylized, cartoon-like approach "heavily influenced by early 20th century commercial illustrations." The effect is achieved using a unique Valve in-house rendering and lighting technique making extensive use of 'Phong shading.' The development commentary in the game suggests that part of the reason for the cartoonish style was the difficulty in explaining the maps and characters in realistic terms. The removal of an emphasis on realistic settings allows these questions to be sidestepped. The game debuts with the Source engine's new dynamic lighting, shadowing and soft particle technologies, among many other unannounced features, alongside Half-Life 2: Episode Two. Team Fortress 2 was also the first game to implement the Source engine's new Facial Animation 3 features.
The art style of the game was inspired by J. C. Leyendecker, as well as Dean Cornwell and Norman Rockwell. Their distinctive styles of sharp silhouettes and shading to draw attention to specific details were adapted to make the models distinct, with a focus on making the characters' team, class, and current weapon easily identifiable. Silhouettes and animation are used to make the class of a character apparent even at range, and a color scheme that draws attention to the chest area brings focus to the selected weapon.
Maps are designed with a neutral space between two bases. They are archetypal spy fortresses but disguised as inconspicuous buildings to give plausibility to their close proximities. The maps have little visual clutter and stylized, almost impressionistic modeling, to allow enemies to be spotted more easily. The impressionistic design approach also affects textures, which are based on photos that are filtered and improved by hand, giving them a tactile quality and giving Team Fortress 2 its distinct look. The bases are designed to let players immediately know where they are. The RED base uses warm colors, natural materials, and angular shapes, while the BLU base uses cool colors, industrial materials, and orthogonal shapes.
During the July 2006 Electronic Arts press conference, Valve revealed that Team Fortress 2 would ship as the multiplayer component of Half-Life 2: Episode Two. A conference trailer demonstrated the game's new graphical style was featuring all of the original Team Fortress classes, pointed towards a more light-hearted and whimsical visual style as opposed to the dark, somewhat more traditional, a military simulation that had initially been shown. Gabe Newell, the managing director of Valve, said that their goal was to create "the best looking and best-playing class-based multiplayer game."
A beta for Team Fortress 2 was released via Steam on September 17, 2007, for customers who pre-purchased The Orange Box and for those who activated their "Black Box" coupon, which was included with ATI HD 2900XT Graphics cards. In addition to The Orange Box customers, LAN gaming centers using the 'Steam for Cafe' system had the game installed and ready to play.
Team Fortress 2 was released October 10, 2007, as both a standalone product via Steam and at retail stores as part of The Orange Box – a game bundle pack priced at each gaming platform's standard price. The package also contains Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two. and Portal. Valve offered The Orange Box at a $5 discount for those who pre-purchased it via Steam before the October 10 release, as well as the opportunity to participate in the final beta test of Team Fortress 2. The game receives constant, free updates that give the game new content, bug fixes, and additional features.
Team Fortress 2 became free-to-play on June 23rd, 2011 on Steam.
重要评价(Critical reception)
IGN 的 Charles Onyett 对军团要塞2的评分为8.9/10,他赞扬军团要塞2的奇特图像与有趣氛围,但批判游戏中部分额外内容的缺失,比如机器人玩家系统的缺陷(仅在少数地图支持)以及作为经典军团要塞重要内容的职业手雷的移除。
恰恰相反的是,PC Gamer UK 肯定了军团要塞2移除手雷这一选择,并赞扬Valve对于每个游戏角色独特的个性塑造。抛开对于游戏地图指示系统与医生职业的温和批评,PC Gamer UK 最终给了军团要塞2 94%的评分。
X-Play 对 Orange Box 打出了它的历史最高分数(5/5),并对军团要塞2作出了全面肯定。
综合评论网站 Metacritic 将军团要塞2评为“普遍好评”(universal acclaim)游戏,它基于12家游戏评论网站的反馈而打出了92%的平均分数,并基于玩家的反馈打出了9.6/10的最终评分。
截至2018年1月21日,Orange Box 在 Xbox 360 平台上得到了96.2%的游戏分数,与排名最高的游戏并驾齐驱,而在PC平台上的分数也为96.2%。
Evaluation | Magazine / Website | View |
100 | AceGamez | The marriage of highly stylised retro-spy presentation, fresh, high octane action, deep and varied classes and the underlying twinkle of humour in its metaphorical eye make Team Fortress 2 far more than just your average fragfest. Long after the novelty of the graphics wears thin, we are left with a refined and accessible multiplayer game that simultaneously cultivates new players whilst retaining enough depth to accommodate even the hardiest of veterans - as such, this is going to be a firm favourite with shooter fans everywhere for months if not years to come. |
100 | GameSpy | At this point, it's a leading contender for our Multiplayer Game of the Year, and whether you pick it up as part of the Orange Box package or on its own via the Steam digital download service, it's worth every penny. |
100 | Eurogamer (Re-review) [July 2011] |
Team Fortress 2 is the purest embodiment of Valve's philosophy: listening to their audience, always updating, and forever over-delivering. It's also the best argument for Steam as a platform ever made: with an average of one update a fortnight it has expanded and changed so much, yet like its celebrated silhouettes, still stands out, utterly familiar. |
96 | Cheat Code Central | Team Fortress 2 is a must-buy. It's the most fun you'll have being shot at in a long time. |
96 | PCGamer | A brilliant, ever-evolving multiplayer shooter. three years on and Team Fortress 2 is better and cheaper than ever. |
96 | YouGamers | When the biggest flaw of the game is that it gets a bit repetitive after the first hundred or so hours of play, you know you have something special. |
94 | PC Gamer UK | Rich, gorgeous and endlessly fun. |
93 | Computer Games Online RO | Watch out though, if you get the taste of it, eventually you might end up telling your boss, "Take it like a man, shorty!" |
93 | PC Zone UK | The perfect integration of classes, the character and level design, the visuals, and the level of accessibility. [Dec 2007, p.64] |
92 | GameZone | This game makes me laugh even when I'm losing … an impressive feat. |
90 | Eurogamer | The game also does a lovely job of framing your relationship with other players and nurturing them. |
90 | GameDaily | With a whacky, off-the-wall cartoon style, Team Fortress 2 provides excellent class based multiplayer action. TF2's classes are unique from each other and stand out to fulfill specific roles, but flexible enough to adapt to changing situations. |
90 | Play (Poland) | The ideal online shooter: average player can enter the fray and even hurt somebody, while pros will be grinding away milliseconds from the time to carry the suitcase on 2Forts. And all thanks to the fact that among the nine classes there is exactly zero useless ones. The only serious drawback is the disgracefully low number of maps: only six. [Dec 2007] |
90 | 1UP | I loved, loved TF2's cosmetic makeover. "Cartoon come to life" isn't compliment enough. Some cartoons are better animated, more distinctively stylized than others – and, by analogy, this is among the best. |
90 | PALGN | Team Fortress 2 is, at heart, a gloriously simple game that's been created with style, panache and an undeniable love of gaming. It's the kind of game that you want to show to people who don't play games so that they understand and then either get involved or go away. There is life before Team Fortress 2, and there is life after. After is better. |
90 | GamerNode | The action is fast-paced and furious, the game's presentation is hilarious and exciting and the gameplay is very easily approachable. Experiment with a few classes or stick with one, but do anything to get your hands on TF2. It'll be an online experience you won't forget. |
89 | IGN | It's one hell of a game. With its powerful artistic style and blazingly quick, yet accessible gameplay, it's enough to melt the icy cynicism imprisoning the hearts of even the most jaded among us. That being said, it's not the most complex shooter out there. |
85 | The New York Times | Team Fortress 2 is a beautifully designed game with a visual style reminiscent of old Warner Brothers cartoons, and battles that combine strategy with frenetic action. The only real flaw is the documentation, which is far too skimpy to be of any help at all in learning the intricacies of each soldier class. |
85 | GameSpot | Team Fortress 2 sets a brilliant stage for its signature brand of class-based multiplayer mayhem. |
80 | GameSpot (Re-review) [January 2014] |
Staying relevant even a year after release is rare for a competitive shooter, and yet, here's Team Fortress 2, still lively after seven years in the business. At times it feels like the same game you could have played back then, and at other times it feels like no one will ever quite nail class-based shooter competition the way TF2 does. The experience has evolved over the years without compromising what made it so great in the first place, so though your free-to-play options may have increased considerably in the past few years, there are few that do it as well as Team Fortress 2. |
于 IGN.com 的“2007年度最佳游戏奖”(Best of 2007)中,军团要塞2 荣获PC平台“最佳艺术设计奖”(Best Artistic Design)。
同年,军团要塞2还于 1UP.com 的“2007年度出版奖”(2007 editorial awards)中荣获“最佳多人游戏体验奖(PC)”(Best Multiplayer Experience (PC))与“最佳艺术指导奖(PC)”("Best Artistic Direction (PC)")。
此外,军团要塞2还于 GameSpy 的 “2007年度最佳游戏奖”(2007 Game of the Year awards)中荣获全平台“年度最佳多人游戏奖”(Best Multiplayer Game of the Year)与“最独特艺术风格奖”(Most Unique Art Style)。
- Orange Box官方网站中的军团要塞2页面。
- Valve Software 官方网站。
- 军团要塞2官方网站/博客。
- Steam上的军团要塞2。
- The Gold Rush Update (April 29, 2008)
- The Pyro Update (June 19, 2008)
- A Heavy Update (August 19, 2008 )
- The Scout Update (Febuary 24, 2009)
- The Sniper vs. Spy Update (May 21, 2009)
- Classless Update (August 13, 2009)
- Hallowe'en Special (October 29, 2009)
- WAR! Update (December 17, 2009)
- 119th Update (April 29, 2010)
- The Mac Update (June 10, 2010)
- The Engineer Update (July 8, 2010)
- The Mann-Conomy Update (September 30, 2010)
- Scream Fortress Update (October 27, 2010)
- Australian Christmas (December 17, 2010)
- The Hatless Update (April 14, 2011)
- The Replay Update (May 5, 2011)
- The Über Update (June 23, 2011)
- The Manniversary Update (October 13, 2011)
- Very Scary Halloween Special (October 27, 2011)
- Australian Christmas 2011 (December 15, 2011)
- Pyromania Update (June 27, 2012)
- Mann vs. Machine Update (August 15, 2012)
- Spectral Halloween Special (October 26, 2012)
- Mecha Update (December 20, 2012)
- Robotic Boogaloo Update (May 17, 2013)
- Two Cities Update (November 21, 2013)
- Smissmas 2013 (December 20, 2013)
- Love & War Update (June 18, 2014)
- Scream Fortress 2014 (October 29, 2014)
- End of the Line Update (December 8, 2014)
- Smissmas 2014 (December 22, 2014)
- Gun Mettle Update (July 2, 2015)
- Invasion Update (October 6, 2015)
- Scream Fortress 2015 (October 28, 2015)
- Tough Break Update (December 17th, 2015)
- Meet Your Match Update (July 7th, 2016)
- Scream Fortress 2016 (October 21, 2016)
- Smissmas 2016 (December 21, 2016)
- Jungle Inferno Update (October 20th, 2017)
- Scream Fortress 2017 (October 26th, 2017)
- Scream Fortress 2018 (October 19th, 2018)
- Smissmas 2018 (December 19th, 2018)