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m (近战武器: 修改neon anihilator 的译名)
(re-translated the page( I will keep updating it, also the other pages which is translated from the zh-hant ))
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{{update trans|补坑中}}
{{Quotation|'''爆破手'''|Go to hell and tell the devil I'm comin' for him next!|sound=Demoman_dominationpyro03.wav}}
火焰兵在近距离战斗时是个极具威胁性的职业。<br />一般来说,对付火焰兵的最好办法是从较远的距离攻击她,因为火焰兵缺乏可靠的远距离武器。而由于火焰兵擅长近距离的战斗,所以请多在开放的场地攻击她,并远离她可能会设下埋伏的任何地方。<br />请注意火焰兵可以使用她的[[compression blast/zh-hans|压缩气爆]]功能,将你发射过去的[[projectiles/zh-hans|投射物]](抛体)攻击给反弹回去。
'''{{class link|Pyro}}''' 是一个十分善于短距离作战的兵种,在一个小的区域内可以用火焰喷射器把他的敌人全都点燃。除此之外,他也可以使用压缩气爆推开敌人或者是反弹投射物。火焰兵所有的主武器都是与“点燃附近所有的敌人”有关。而{{item link|Flare Gun}}可以远距离打击敌人。
== 一般对应法 ==
== 一般信息 ==
{| class="wikitable grid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
{| class="wikitable grid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200"| 特性
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200"| Attributes
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800"| 对应法
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800"| 反火焰兵战术
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" |[[File:Pyro_badge_RED.png|40px]] [[Classes/zh-hans|角色]]
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" |[[File:Pyro_badge_RED.png|40px]]  
* 火焰兵十分善于伏击而不是单单地和你对打。小心你的四周,看看有没有他的身影。
* 火焰兵也可以通过气爆来进行防守,可以反弹投射物。
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" |[[File:Leaderboard_class_medic.png|40px]] [[Health/zh-hans|生命值]]
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" |[[File:Leaderboard_class_medic.png|40px]]  
*火焰兵具有平均值以上的生命值,而且近距离战斗的表现非常的好。<br />所以如果你被火焰兵盯上的话,要在他们攻击时近距离除掉他们会是一件很麻烦的事。
* 火焰兵有着中等的血量,在近距离及其具有杀伤力。
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" |[[File:Leaderboard_class_scout.png|40px]] [[Speed/zh-hans|速度]]
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" |[[File:Leaderboard_class_scout.png|40px]]  
*火焰兵只有在近距离才能发挥作战功效,所以她要攻击时会尽可能拉近距离再把你杀掉。火焰兵的速度是最标准的 100% 速度值,所以撤退或逃走时可以边攻击冲过来的她,以避免受到严重伤害。
* 火焰兵有着一般的移动速度,也就是说,他们很容易被子弹打成筛子。
* 所以,火焰兵一般玩偷袭或者是玩保守玩法。
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" |[[File:Leaderboard_class_soldier.png|40px]] [[Weapons/zh-hans|武力]]
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" |[[File:Leaderboard_class_soldier.png|40px]]  
*[[Flare Gun/zh-hans|信号枪]]和[[Detonator/zh-hans|爆破信号枪]]是火焰兵唯二的远距离武器,而且这两把武器发射出的火焰弹都飞得较慢,很难打中目标,在广大的战斗地区这缺点会更加明显。虽然使用爆破信号枪比较有机会让目标起火,但如果打中燃烧的目标也只会造成小爆击的伤害。火焰兵的其他距离型武器只剩下[[Shotgun/zh-hans|散弹枪]],而它也只能在中或近距离才能造成较多伤害。所以和敌方火焰兵保持距离,就能抵挡她大部分的威胁。
* 火焰兵善于打近距离伤害,但是却很难打出远距离伤害。你可以通过与其保持距离以避免伤害。
* 火焰兵的气爆可以反弹你的弹射物(以迷你暴击的伤害)。
== 特定武器对应法 ==
== 武器 ==
{{main|Weapons/zh-hans#Pyro|l1=Pyro weapons}}
=== 主要武器 ===
=== 主武器 ===
{| class="wikitable grid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
{| class="wikitable grid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200"| 武器
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200" | Weapon
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800"| 对应法
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800" | Anti-Pyro strategy
| align="center" | {{Icon weapon|weapon=Flamethrower|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Festive Flamethrower|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Rainblower|icon-size=100x100px}}<br />'''[[Flamethrower/zh-hans|火焰喷射器]]''' / '''[[Rainblower/zh-hans|彩虹放射器]]'''
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Flame Thrower}} + '''其皮肤'''
* It is very difficult to escape the Pyro's Flame Thrower once caught, so take note of routes a Pyro can take so that you can repel them before they reach you.
** If you can't escape the Pyro, try to weaken them for your teammates before they kill you.
* If the Pyro sets you on fire, extinguish yourself as soon as possible to reduce [[afterburn]] damage. Medkits, certain teammates, and bodies of water can all extinguish flames.
** An allied Pyro can extinguish you with their compression blast or a few choice secondary weapons. An allied Scout's Mad Milk, a Heavy's [[Sandvich]], and a Sniper's Jarate also work.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Backburner}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Backburner}} + '''其皮肤'''
*背后火焰发射器压缩气爆的弹药花费,会比原火焰喷射器还多 2 倍。粗心大意的火焰兵玩家可能会因为袭来的抛体攻击而使用压缩气爆,造成弹药的浪费。不过,另一种火焰兵玩家就会为了保存弹药,尽可能不使用压缩气爆,除非他们就靠在补给器旁边或是身处随手都可以拿到弹药的地方。
* Watch your surroundings at all times to reduce the chances of a successful ambush by a Pyro.
* The Backburner deals critical hits from behind. If the Pyro finds you, keep facing them while you fight back.
* The Backburner uses much more ammunition for compression blasts; forcing a Pyro to reflect projectiles with it will quickly deplete the weapon's ammo. Knowing this, a Backburner Pyro will use their compression blast less often.
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Degreaser}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Degreaser}}
* The Degreaser allows a Pyro to quickly switch weapons. This makes [[Community Scout strategy|weapon heckling]] much less effective.
*除油者的余火伤害比原先还少了 66%,直接伤害值也比火焰喷射器少 10%,所以如果自己烧起来,存活的可能性会变得比以前大。
* The Degreaser deals minimal afterburn damage and requires slightly more ammo to airblast. Expect the Pyro to use another weapon, such as the Flare Gun or Axtinguisher, to finish you off.
*千万不要将[[Community Scout strategy#Weapon heckling|武器心理战]]的方法套用在使用除油者的火焰兵上,因为极快的武器切换速度会让这一切推测毫无用处。
| align="center" | [[File:Killicon deflect rocket.png]]<br /><br />'''[[Compression blast/zh-hans|压缩气爆]]'''
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Phlogistinator}}
* The Phlogistinator promotes an opportunistic playstyle. Don't allow the Pyro to freely ambush teammates or ignite you from long range with flares, which will fill their "Mmmph" meter.
* The Pyro can activate a fully charged Phlogistinator to gain guaranteed critical hits. A full charge is indicated by the weapon's nozzle sparking.
** If you suspect the Pyro has a full charge but can't see them, be ready for an ambush.
*每次使用压缩气爆会消耗 20 单位的火焰喷射器弹药(背后火焰发射器则会消耗 50 单位的弹药)。试着在对火焰兵进行真正的攻击前对附近的地板发射投射物来骗火焰兵使用压缩气爆,让他浪费弹药;这样做同时也有着让火焰兵没法用压缩气爆把投射物吹回来的好处。如此一来,火焰兵的弹药很快便会不足,迫使他切换到较弱的武器来攻击你。但遇到待在补给器旁的火焰兵时请小心:他的弹药不会那么快就消耗完。
** If the Pyro taunts in the open for brief invulnerability, have your team prepare for their attempted rampage by focusing firepower. Class-specific methods include laying a carpet of Stickybombs, charging the Sniper Rifle, and getting into position for the Knife's [[backstab]].
*和火焰兵对战时,请避免待在悬崖边或像 [[Sawmill/zh-hans|Sawmill]] 地图中的[[Saw blade/zh-hans|锯片]]之类的危险对象旁边或往那附近撤退。一个技巧良好的火焰兵可以用压缩气爆让你因环境因素被秒杀。
* The Phlogistinator cannot airblast, so you can freely use rockets, grenades, and other projectiles against the Pyro without fear of reflection.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Phlogistinator}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Dragon's Fury}}
* 燃素喷射器具有独特的 "Mmmph" 量表,能量可透过造成火焰伤害累积,这代表装备这武器的火焰兵会变得更具攻击性。要预防火焰兵快速累积大量火焰伤害,就得避免火焰兵轻易接近自己。
* The Dragon's Fury shoots fireballs instead of a wide spread of flames, actually giving you opportunities to dodge the Pyro's attacks.
* 当量表全满时,火焰兵能发动回复生命值和接下来几秒产生爆击攻击的嘲讽。在嘲讽的时候,火焰兵承受的伤害值会少很多,所以要打断火焰兵嘲讽的可行性是很低的。
* Be as unpredictable as you can; the weapon reloads quickly if the Pyro can land successive shots, and accurate shots inflict heavy damage to you.
* 对抗的玩家应该要趁火焰兵嘲讽时,赶紧撤退并准备反制攻击。举例来说,爆破兵可趁这段时间预先设置好一堆黏弹,而狙击手可趁这时瞄准火焰兵的头。
* While the Dragon's Fury can use the compression blast, using the compression blast takes much longer for the Pyro to attack again compared to other primary weapons. Pressure from projectiles will force a Pyro with this weapon to take cover.
* 装备燃素喷射器的火焰兵无法用压缩气爆反弹攻击,所以你可以放心使用火箭、榴弹等投射物攻击火焰兵而不必担心反弹打中自己。
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Rainblower}}
* The Rainblower functions identically to the Flame Thrower but also comes with the [[Armageddon]] taunt attack.
* There are multiple distinct cues during the 3 seconds Armageddon takes to activate, including rainbows, a neighing horse, and a [[Dreams of Cruelty|menacing song]]. Don't blindly rush around corners.
* The Rainblower is not visible without [[Pyrovision]]. Keep in mind that the Pyro has taunt attacks on other weapons like the Flare Gun, too.
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | [[File:Airblast.png|100px|Compression Blast]]<br />'''[[Compression Blast]]'''
* The compression blast's most obvious use is to shove enemies into environmental hazards, such as cliffs, or into corners, where you are easier to target. Stay away from areas where a Pyro can easily pin you down or push you off the map.
* The compression blast can reflect [[projectiles]]; use bullets, fire from outside the Pyro's line of sight, or change the timing of your shots to avoid having them be reflected.
* The compression blast has a small cooldown time. Two teammates can easily overwhelm a Pyro with more projectiles than can be reflected.
* The compression blast uses a significant amount of ammunition; if you can trick the Pyro into wasting compression blasts, they may run out of ammo, giving you the upper hand.
** Pay attention to which primary the Pyro has equipped. Some flamethrowers consume more ammo than others when firing a compression blast.
=== 次要武器 ===
=== 副武器 ===
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! class="header" colspan="1" width="200"| 武器
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200" | Weapon
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800"| 对应法
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800" | Anti-Pyro strategy
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Shotgun}} + '''其皮肤'''
* The Shotgun is the Pyro's best secondary weapon against foes outside the Flame Thrower's range as well as against enemy Pyros. Keep your distance to reduce the effectiveness of all the enemy Pyro's weapons, and move erratically to avoid damage.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Shotgun}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Flare Gun}} + '''其皮肤'''
* The Flare Gun's projectiles should be easy to avoid in open areas, even at close range, as long as your movement is unpredictable.
* The Flare Gun's projectiles deal guaranteed critical hits to burning enemies. If you are ignited from a distance, extinguish yourself before re-engaging the Pyro. If ignited up close, move erratically to avoid being finished by a critical flare. If the flare misses, attack while the Pyro reloads or switches weapons.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Reserve Shooter|}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Detonator|}}
* The Detonator's flares can be manually triggered by the Pyro to explode, creating a small blast that can ignite multiple targets. Stay away from your teammates to minimize splash damage.
* Compared to the [[Flare Gun]], Detonator flares only deal mini-crits to burning players, making it less effective for killing enemies.
*后勤防空员只装了 3 发子弹,比原散弹枪少了一半。因此,火焰兵在射击时必须要更费心地瞄准敌人。同样地,玩家也能利用其频繁的填弹空档,来对火焰兵发动反击。
* A Pyro can use the Detonator to perform a small Flare Jump at the cost of health. Stay aware of all possible routes that the Pyro can take to reach you.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Flare Gun|}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Reserve Shooter|}}
* The Reserve Shooter is capable of landing mini-crits on targets airborne through every type of [[knock back]] excluding airblast and bullets. Try to dodge explosives from enemy [[Soldiers]] and [[Demomen]] that may launch you into the air, and avoid blast jumping until the Pyro retreats or is killed.
* The Reserve Shooter's reduced magazine size gives the Pyro much less staying power. If he fires all four shots, he will be forced to reload or switch to his primary, giving you time to attack.
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Detonator|}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Manmelter|}}
* The Manmelter has unlimited ammunition and faster projectiles, making it more effective at continuous long-range harassment than the [[Flare Gun]]. Move unpredictably to avoid being ignited.
* The Manmelter's projectiles do not deal critical damage to burning players, making it less effective at finishing foes off. A Pyro will likely engage you with their Flame Thrower instead.
* If an enemy is set on fire, try to finish them off before a Manmelter Pyro can extinguish them and gain a stored critical hit.
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Scorch Shot|}}
* The Scorch Shot can ignite multiple targets with one hit. Don't stay clustered with teammates.
* The Scorch Shot's flares can knock enemies back; the knockback increases if you already are on fire. Don't idle close to environmental hazards.
* The Scorch Shot focuses on keeping enemies on fire rather than finishing them off. Remember where you can find healing or extinguish yourself.
* Pyros often use this weapon to charge up the [[Phlogistinator]] for guaranteed critical hits. Keep an ear out for the Pyro activating their crit-boost.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Manmelter|}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Panic Attack|}}
* 要人命死光枪的功用跟信号枪相似,发射会点燃敌人的光雷。
* The Panic Attack deploys quickly but suffers from massive bullet spread with consecutive shots. Expect it to be deployed for strong burst damage at close range, especially if you get airblasted.
* 不过,死光枪的光雷但要是无限的,而且光雷的飞行速度也比较快,这两点可使骚扰远距离敌人变得更有效果。
* Anything past the first shot will typically deal less damage, especially at medium range. If you survive the first shot, maintain distance and press your advantage.
* 但是,光雷击中燃烧的敌人不会造成爆击伤害,所以这武器不适合终结远距离的敌人。这武器在中距离的战斗效果也比不过跟散弹枪的伤害值,因此这武器主要是远距离骚扰会比较有效果。
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Scorch Shot|}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Thermal Thruster|}}
* 灼热信号枪跟原本的信号枪相似,但是其信号弹可以一次点燃多个敌人。因此即使离敌人很远,请不要跟同队的同伴挤在一起,要不然待会很可能一起着火。
* The Thermal Thruster grants the Pyro greatly increased mobility. When fired, the Pyro will be launched into the air, similarly to a Soldier's rocket jump. Landing knocks nearby enemies back, and deals triple fall damage to enemies landed on.
* 灼热信号枪的主要优点在于被击中的敌人会受到震退的效果,而被弹飞的距离依信号弹的飞行距离决定。这可让准度高的火焰兵推开在压缩气爆范围之外的敌人,因此要小心别站在悬崖等伟显地区旁边以防被推过去。
* In combat, the Pyro can use the Thermal Thruster to enter close range quickly. It takes one second to launch, so pick the correct direction to move away.
* The Pyro can switch weapons in mid-flight. They may be ready to attack with their Flame Thrower upon landing!
* The Thermal Thruster stores two charges which take 15 seconds to recharge. If the Pyro has recently used both charges, their mobility is as average as usual.
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Gas Passer|}}
* The Pyro can use the Gas Passer to deploy a Gas Cloud. Anyone who enters the Gas Cloud is doused for 10 seconds. Anyone who is doused, including Pyros, ignites for 10 seconds if damaged by any source.
* The Pyro must wait up to 60 seconds or deal enough damage to use the Gas Passer. Until then, the Pyro lacks a ranged weapon.
* If you are doused, consider retreating to a source of healing to reduce the debuff's duration.
* If you are blocked by the Gas Cloud, consider if it is worth braving to quickly reach the area you are trying to access.
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{| class="wikitable grid" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200"| 武器
! class="header" colspan="1" width="200"| Weapon
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800"| 对应法
! class="header" colspan="1" width="800"| Anti-Pyro strategy
! align="center" | {{icon weapon|weapon=Fire Axe|icon-size=100x100px}} {{icon item|Lollichop|100px}}<br />'''[[Fire Axe/zh-hans|消防斧]]''' / '''[[Lollichop/zh-hans|棒棒斧]]'''
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Fire Axe}} + '''其皮肤'''
*大部分火焰兵都会装备消防斧以外的近战武器。如果有火焰兵正在使用消防斧,他有可能是要拚随机[[critical hit/zh-hans|爆击]]、或是纯粹把火焰喷射器的弹药用完了。请把握这点进行攻击。
* Due to the vast range of utility that unlockable melee weapons provide, it is rare for a Pyro to equip the stock Fire Axe, much less use it; his primary weapons better range and more consistent damage
* As with all other Pyro melee weapons, stay away from melee range if the Pyro is holding his melee weapon. Be aware that if you remain outside his melee range too long, he will likely switch to his primary or secondary weapon.
| align="center" | {{Icon weapon|weapon=Axtinguisher|icon-size=100x100px}}{{Icon weapon|weapon=Postal Pummeler|icon-size=100x100px}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Axtinguisher}} + '''其皮肤'''  
<br />'''[[Axtinguisher/zh-hans|火斧]]''' / '''[[Postal Pummeler/zh-hans|挂号专员]]'''
* The Axtinguisher deals less damage against non-burning players, but deals mini-crit damage against burning players, and deals all the afterburn damage the player would have taken, all at once. A Pyro will use this weapon to finish you off after igniting you with his other weapons.
* The bonus damage is equal to the damage you would have taken from afterburn. The Pyro must choose between different options, such the Degreaser's fast weapon switch and low afterburn power. Take note of the Pyro's other weapons - you may gain insight into what tactics they use.
* The Axtinguisher has less range than the Flame Thrower and holsters 35% slower, giving you a time to counterattack should you survive the hit.
| align="center" | {{Icon weapon|weapon=Homewrecker|icon-size=100x100px}}{{Icon weapon|weapon=Maul|icon-size=100x100px}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Homewrecker}} + '''其皮肤'''
<br />'''[[Homewrecker/zh-hans|家用破坏者]]''' / '''[[Maul/zh-hans|巨型钉锤]]'''
* A Pyro with the Homewrecker typically watches over an Engineer's buildings, protecting them from Spies and incoming projectiles. They will tend to play passively and defend an Engineer nest, only going on the offensive to punish an enemy for overextending.
* A Pyro with the Homewrecker prevents Spies from sapping any nearby buildings. Coordinate with teammates to distract or backstab the Pyro first.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Powerjack}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Powerjack}}
* The Powerjack grants the Pyro bonus movement speed but causes him to take 20% more damage while active. This speed boost makes him faster than every class besides the Scout. Pyros will typically deploy this weapon to reach the front lines faster, then switch to their other weapons for combat. If you catch a Pyro moving between areas with it, try to hit him before he can switch weapons.
*装备这把武器的火焰兵会受到多 20% 的近战武器伤害。若遇到装备强力千斤顶的火焰兵,可以利用这点拔出你自己的近战武器和他对决。
* In combat, the Pyro will sometimes switch to the Powerjack to finish you off and regain some health. Take advantage of his damage vulnerability, and shoot him before he reaches you.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Back Scratcher}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Back Scratcher}}
* Stay out of melee range - the Back Scratcher hits much harder than the stock Fire Axe.
*请避免和使用不求人的火焰兵进行近接战。这项武器可以比消防斧造成多 25% 的伤害,让火焰兵在近战上有了优势。
* The Back Scratcher grants Pyros increased healing from medkits, encouraging them to roam the map more freely, away from their team. Try to take any nearby health packs before the Pyro can reach them.
*受伤的装备不求人的火焰兵能大大地帮助医生为 ÜberCharge 计量充能。务必尽快杀死火焰兵和他的医生。
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Sharpened Volcano Fragment}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Sharpened Volcano Fragment}}
*这项武器造成的伤害比消防斧少 20%,然而它成功击中敌人时可以让敌人着火。边使用长距离武器攻击边后退以避免进入近战范围,就像对付火焰喷射器一样。
* A Pyro may use the Sharpened Volcano Fragment to conserve Flame Thrower ammo, or as a last resort for lighting enemies ablaze. As with all melee weapons, keep your distance and continue attacking.
| align="center" | {{Table icon|Third Degree}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Third Degree}}
* 三度灼伤会同时伤害所有跟[[Medi Gun/zh-hans|医疗枪]]光束连结的人。实际上,在尝试杀掉医生和他的同伴时,使用火焰喷射器一次燃烧两人会是比较有力的做法,所以预防三度灼伤攻击时请以对付火焰喷射器的心态应敌。身为医生或[[Medic buddy/zh-hans|治疗对象]],请小心任何冲过来攻击你们两人的火焰兵。
* The Flame Thrower is often more effective than the Third Degree when it comes to attacking a Medic and his patient. Either way, beware of possible ambushes.
* In Casual Mode, Pyros with this weapon will often try to take advantage of the high melee critical hit rate. If a Pyro approaches your patient with this weapon, disconnect your Medi Gun, or you may be killed instantly.
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Neon Annihilator}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Neon Annihilator}}
* 霓虹杀手对于任何被浸湿的敌人都有着保证爆击的效果。
* A Pyro may try to finish you off with the Neon Annihilator if you are wet. Keep your distance, and they will be left vulnerable.
* 保持距离和待在水中过去一直是个有效对抗火焰兵的方法,但有了震电之宝,火焰兵现在也能够对水中的目标造成极大的伤害,因此在水中时也请谨记与火焰兵保持距离,即使对方完全浸在水中也是一样。
* Beware fighting Scouts (who throw [[Mad Milk]]) and Snipers (who throw [[Jarate]]) in enemy territory; they may give opportunities to a Pyro with the Neon Annihilator.
* Like the Homewrecker, the Neon Annihilator can destroy Sappers, albeit at a slower rate. Treat it as if the Pyro was holding the Homewrecker.
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Hot Hand}}
* The Hot Hand attacks faster than all other Pyro melees, deals less damage, and provides the Pyro a brief speed boost upon a successful hit. Unlike other clothing-related weapons, the Pyro can hide this weapon from their loadout until they pull out their distinct right-handed grey glove.
* This weapon announces each Slap in the kill feed, which can be used to track down Spies using the [[Dead Ringer]], although this is often less of a threat compared to the Pyro's fiery weapons.
* A Pyro using this weapon generally is not taking the game too seriously. Despite this, continue to stay out of melee range - this weapon allows Pyro to continuously hit you, even as a Scout.
== 参见 ==
== 参见 ==
*[[Team strategy/zh-hans|团队策略]]
* [[Fire/zh-hans|火焰]]
* [[Compression blast/zh-hans|气爆]]
* [[Team strategy/zh-hans|团队战术]]
{{Class strategy}}
{{Class strategy}}
{{Pyro Nav}}
{{Pyro Nav}}
[[Category:Community strategy/zh-hans]]
[[Category:Community strategy/zh-hans]]

Revision as of 04:18, 12 December 2022


Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵 是一个十分善于短距离作战的兵种,在一个小的区域内可以用火焰喷射器把他的敌人全都点燃。除此之外,他也可以使用压缩气爆推开敌人或者是反弹投射物。火焰兵所有的主武器都是与“点燃附近所有的敌人”有关。而信号枪可以远距离打击敌人。


Attributes 反火焰兵战术
Pyro emblem RED.png


  • 火焰兵十分善于伏击而不是单单地和你对打。小心你的四周,看看有没有他的身影。
  • 火焰兵也可以通过气爆来进行防守,可以反弹投射物。
Leaderboard class medic.png


  • 火焰兵有着中等的血量,在近距离及其具有杀伤力。
Leaderboard class scout.png


  • 火焰兵有着一般的移动速度,也就是说,他们很容易被子弹打成筛子。
  • 所以,火焰兵一般玩偷袭或者是玩保守玩法。
Leaderboard class soldier.png


  • 火焰兵善于打近距离伤害,但是却很难打出远距离伤害。你可以通过与其保持距离以避免伤害。
  • 火焰兵的气爆可以反弹你的弹射物(以迷你暴击的伤害)。


主条目: Pyro weapons


Weapon Anti-Pyro strategy
Flame Thrower
火焰喷射器 + 其皮肤
  • It is very difficult to escape the Pyro's Flame Thrower once caught, so take note of routes a Pyro can take so that you can repel them before they reach you.
    • If you can't escape the Pyro, try to weaken them for your teammates before they kill you.
  • If the Pyro sets you on fire, extinguish yourself as soon as possible to reduce afterburn damage. Medkits, certain teammates, and bodies of water can all extinguish flames.
    • An allied Pyro can extinguish you with their compression blast or a few choice secondary weapons. An allied Scout's Mad Milk, a Heavy's Sandvich, and a Sniper's Jarate also work.
偷袭烈焰喷射器 + 其皮肤
  • Watch your surroundings at all times to reduce the chances of a successful ambush by a Pyro.
  • The Backburner deals critical hits from behind. If the Pyro finds you, keep facing them while you fight back.
  • The Backburner uses much more ammunition for compression blasts; forcing a Pyro to reflect projectiles with it will quickly deplete the weapon's ammo. Knowing this, a Backburner Pyro will use their compression blast less often.
  • The Degreaser allows a Pyro to quickly switch weapons. This makes weapon heckling much less effective.
  • The Degreaser deals minimal afterburn damage and requires slightly more ammo to airblast. Expect the Pyro to use another weapon, such as the Flare Gun or Axtinguisher, to finish you off.
  • The Phlogistinator promotes an opportunistic playstyle. Don't allow the Pyro to freely ambush teammates or ignite you from long range with flares, which will fill their "Mmmph" meter.
  • The Pyro can activate a fully charged Phlogistinator to gain guaranteed critical hits. A full charge is indicated by the weapon's nozzle sparking.
    • If you suspect the Pyro has a full charge but can't see them, be ready for an ambush.
    • If the Pyro taunts in the open for brief invulnerability, have your team prepare for their attempted rampage by focusing firepower. Class-specific methods include laying a carpet of Stickybombs, charging the Sniper Rifle, and getting into position for the Knife's backstab.
  • The Phlogistinator cannot airblast, so you can freely use rockets, grenades, and other projectiles against the Pyro without fear of reflection.
Dragon's Fury
  • The Dragon's Fury shoots fireballs instead of a wide spread of flames, actually giving you opportunities to dodge the Pyro's attacks.
  • Be as unpredictable as you can; the weapon reloads quickly if the Pyro can land successive shots, and accurate shots inflict heavy damage to you.
  • While the Dragon's Fury can use the compression blast, using the compression blast takes much longer for the Pyro to attack again compared to other primary weapons. Pressure from projectiles will force a Pyro with this weapon to take cover.
  • The Rainblower functions identically to the Flame Thrower but also comes with the Armageddon taunt attack.
  • There are multiple distinct cues during the 3 seconds Armageddon takes to activate, including rainbows, a neighing horse, and a menacing song. Don't blindly rush around corners.
  • The Rainblower is not visible without Pyrovision. Keep in mind that the Pyro has taunt attacks on other weapons like the Flare Gun, too.
Compression Blast
Compression Blast
  • The compression blast's most obvious use is to shove enemies into environmental hazards, such as cliffs, or into corners, where you are easier to target. Stay away from areas where a Pyro can easily pin you down or push you off the map.
  • The compression blast can reflect projectiles; use bullets, fire from outside the Pyro's line of sight, or change the timing of your shots to avoid having them be reflected.
  • The compression blast has a small cooldown time. Two teammates can easily overwhelm a Pyro with more projectiles than can be reflected.
  • The compression blast uses a significant amount of ammunition; if you can trick the Pyro into wasting compression blasts, they may run out of ammo, giving you the upper hand.
    • Pay attention to which primary the Pyro has equipped. Some flamethrowers consume more ammo than others when firing a compression blast.


Weapon Anti-Pyro strategy
霰弹枪 + 其皮肤
  • The Shotgun is the Pyro's best secondary weapon against foes outside the Flame Thrower's range as well as against enemy Pyros. Keep your distance to reduce the effectiveness of all the enemy Pyro's weapons, and move erratically to avoid damage.
Flare Gun
信号枪 + 其皮肤
  • The Flare Gun's projectiles should be easy to avoid in open areas, even at close range, as long as your movement is unpredictable.
  • The Flare Gun's projectiles deal guaranteed critical hits to burning enemies. If you are ignited from a distance, extinguish yourself before re-engaging the Pyro. If ignited up close, move erratically to avoid being finished by a critical flare. If the flare misses, attack while the Pyro reloads or switches weapons.
  • The Detonator's flares can be manually triggered by the Pyro to explode, creating a small blast that can ignite multiple targets. Stay away from your teammates to minimize splash damage.
  • Compared to the Flare Gun, Detonator flares only deal mini-crits to burning players, making it less effective for killing enemies.
  • A Pyro can use the Detonator to perform a small Flare Jump at the cost of health. Stay aware of all possible routes that the Pyro can take to reach you.
Reserve Shooter
  • The Reserve Shooter is capable of landing mini-crits on targets airborne through every type of knock back excluding airblast and bullets. Try to dodge explosives from enemy Soldiers and Demomen that may launch you into the air, and avoid blast jumping until the Pyro retreats or is killed.
  • The Reserve Shooter's reduced magazine size gives the Pyro much less staying power. If he fires all four shots, he will be forced to reload or switch to his primary, giving you time to attack.
  • The Manmelter has unlimited ammunition and faster projectiles, making it more effective at continuous long-range harassment than the Flare Gun. Move unpredictably to avoid being ignited.
  • The Manmelter's projectiles do not deal critical damage to burning players, making it less effective at finishing foes off. A Pyro will likely engage you with their Flame Thrower instead.
  • If an enemy is set on fire, try to finish them off before a Manmelter Pyro can extinguish them and gain a stored critical hit.
Scorch Shot
  • The Scorch Shot can ignite multiple targets with one hit. Don't stay clustered with teammates.
  • The Scorch Shot's flares can knock enemies back; the knockback increases if you already are on fire. Don't idle close to environmental hazards.
  • The Scorch Shot focuses on keeping enemies on fire rather than finishing them off. Remember where you can find healing or extinguish yourself.
  • Pyros often use this weapon to charge up the Phlogistinator for guaranteed critical hits. Keep an ear out for the Pyro activating their crit-boost.
Panic Attack
  • The Panic Attack deploys quickly but suffers from massive bullet spread with consecutive shots. Expect it to be deployed for strong burst damage at close range, especially if you get airblasted.
  • Anything past the first shot will typically deal less damage, especially at medium range. If you survive the first shot, maintain distance and press your advantage.
Thermal Thruster
  • The Thermal Thruster grants the Pyro greatly increased mobility. When fired, the Pyro will be launched into the air, similarly to a Soldier's rocket jump. Landing knocks nearby enemies back, and deals triple fall damage to enemies landed on.
  • In combat, the Pyro can use the Thermal Thruster to enter close range quickly. It takes one second to launch, so pick the correct direction to move away.
  • The Pyro can switch weapons in mid-flight. They may be ready to attack with their Flame Thrower upon landing!
  • The Thermal Thruster stores two charges which take 15 seconds to recharge. If the Pyro has recently used both charges, their mobility is as average as usual.
Gas Passer
  • The Pyro can use the Gas Passer to deploy a Gas Cloud. Anyone who enters the Gas Cloud is doused for 10 seconds. Anyone who is doused, including Pyros, ignites for 10 seconds if damaged by any source.
  • The Pyro must wait up to 60 seconds or deal enough damage to use the Gas Passer. Until then, the Pyro lacks a ranged weapon.
  • If you are doused, consider retreating to a source of healing to reduce the debuff's duration.
  • If you are blocked by the Gas Cloud, consider if it is worth braving to quickly reach the area you are trying to access.


Weapon Anti-Pyro strategy
Fire Axe
消防斧 + 其皮肤
  • Due to the vast range of utility that unlockable melee weapons provide, it is rare for a Pyro to equip the stock Fire Axe, much less use it; his primary weapons better range and more consistent damage
  • As with all other Pyro melee weapons, stay away from melee range if the Pyro is holding his melee weapon. Be aware that if you remain outside his melee range too long, he will likely switch to his primary or secondary weapon.
火焰战斧 + 其皮肤
  • The Axtinguisher deals less damage against non-burning players, but deals mini-crit damage against burning players, and deals all the afterburn damage the player would have taken, all at once. A Pyro will use this weapon to finish you off after igniting you with his other weapons.
  • The bonus damage is equal to the damage you would have taken from afterburn. The Pyro must choose between different options, such the Degreaser's fast weapon switch and low afterburn power. Take note of the Pyro's other weapons - you may gain insight into what tactics they use.
  • The Axtinguisher has less range than the Flame Thrower and holsters 35% slower, giving you a time to counterattack should you survive the hit.
拆迁者 + 其皮肤
  • A Pyro with the Homewrecker typically watches over an Engineer's buildings, protecting them from Spies and incoming projectiles. They will tend to play passively and defend an Engineer nest, only going on the offensive to punish an enemy for overextending.
  • A Pyro with the Homewrecker prevents Spies from sapping any nearby buildings. Coordinate with teammates to distract or backstab the Pyro first.
  • The Powerjack grants the Pyro bonus movement speed but causes him to take 20% more damage while active. This speed boost makes him faster than every class besides the Scout. Pyros will typically deploy this weapon to reach the front lines faster, then switch to their other weapons for combat. If you catch a Pyro moving between areas with it, try to hit him before he can switch weapons.
  • In combat, the Pyro will sometimes switch to the Powerjack to finish you off and regain some health. Take advantage of his damage vulnerability, and shoot him before he reaches you.
Back Scratcher
  • Stay out of melee range - the Back Scratcher hits much harder than the stock Fire Axe.
  • The Back Scratcher grants Pyros increased healing from medkits, encouraging them to roam the map more freely, away from their team. Try to take any nearby health packs before the Pyro can reach them.
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
  • A Pyro may use the Sharpened Volcano Fragment to conserve Flame Thrower ammo, or as a last resort for lighting enemies ablaze. As with all melee weapons, keep your distance and continue attacking.
Third Degree
  • The Flame Thrower is often more effective than the Third Degree when it comes to attacking a Medic and his patient. Either way, beware of possible ambushes.
  • In Casual Mode, Pyros with this weapon will often try to take advantage of the high melee critical hit rate. If a Pyro approaches your patient with this weapon, disconnect your Medi Gun, or you may be killed instantly.
Neon Annihilator
  • A Pyro may try to finish you off with the Neon Annihilator if you are wet. Keep your distance, and they will be left vulnerable.
  • Beware fighting Scouts (who throw Mad Milk) and Snipers (who throw Jarate) in enemy territory; they may give opportunities to a Pyro with the Neon Annihilator.
  • Like the Homewrecker, the Neon Annihilator can destroy Sappers, albeit at a slower rate. Treat it as if the Pyro was holding the Homewrecker.
Hot Hand
  • The Hot Hand attacks faster than all other Pyro melees, deals less damage, and provides the Pyro a brief speed boost upon a successful hit. Unlike other clothing-related weapons, the Pyro can hide this weapon from their loadout until they pull out their distinct right-handed grey glove.
  • This weapon announces each Slap in the kill feed, which can be used to track down Spies using the Dead Ringer, although this is often less of a threat compared to the Pyro's fiery weapons.
  • A Pyro using this weapon generally is not taking the game too seriously. Despite this, continue to stay out of melee range - this weapon allows Pyro to continuously hit you, even as a Scout.
