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Revision as of 22:13, 27 March 2011

Killicon backstab.png

Selkäänpukotus on tilannekohtainen hyökkäys, jonka voi tehdä Spyn Puukolla, Ikuisella Palkkiolla tai Conniverin Kunailla mikä johtaa yhden iskun tappoon. Spy voi selkäänpuukottaa vihollista, jos se on tarpeeksi lähellä, että sitä voi iskeä lähitaisteluaseella, ja että Spy on 180° alueella vihollisen takana. Selkäänpuukotukset tekevät vahinkoa 600% vihollisen senhetkisistä terveyspisteistä ja tekee aina kriittisen osuman (paitsi jos se estetään Pataljoonan taustatuella, vaikka se ei vähennä vahinkoa). Spyn lähitaistelumekaniikan takia, toisin kuin suurimmalla osalla lähitaisteluaseilla, selkäänpuukotukset tapahtuvat heti aktivoinnin jälkeen. Jotta tietäisi, milloin on tarpeeksi lähellä tehdäkseen selkäänpuukotuksen, hän laittaa Puukon alaspäin, tappoasentoon. Puukko pysyy siinä asennossa, kunnes kohde ei enää ole ulottuvilla, tai Spy suorittaa selkäänpuukotuksen hyökkäämällä. Puukko menee myös tappoasentoon, jos se on laitettu naamioituneen vihollis-Spyn taakse.

Selkäänpuukotuksen voi tehdä naamioituneena, vaikka naamio lähtee hyökätessä, osui isku tai ei. Selkäänpuukotus ei voi tappaa Scoutteja, jotka käyttävät Bonk! Atomic Punch/fiia, pelaajia, joissa on Ylilataus tai Spy, jolla on Kuolemankello ja yli 3 terveyspistettä. Sniper/fiin saavutuksesta saatava Toissijainen ase, Selkäsuoja torjuu yhden selkäänpuukotuksen ja tainnuttaa hyökkäävän Spyn hetkellisesti. Tämä ase tekee Snipereista vähemmän alttiita selkäänpuukotuksille, ja pakottaa Spyt käyttämään muita hyökkäysmenetelmiä.

Kun selkäänpuukottaa Ikuisella Palkkiolla, vihollinen ei huuda; ruumis katoaa ja vihollisen tiimikaverit eivät saa huomautusta taposta, Spy naamioituu siksi viholliseksi melkein välittömästi.

Backstabbing Techniques

  • Stab-and-Sap: Stab a (turtling) Engineer, before switching to your Electro Sapper and sapping the Engineer’s Sentry Gun; this must be done fast enough that the Sentry Gun doesn't have time to turn around and kill you. An experienced Spy may track the Sentry Gun's turning direction and move against it after he stabs (as it will follow him, this will buy him more time); using Your Eternal Reward can be useful in this approach, as you instantly disguise upon stabbing, preventing the Sentry Gun from detecting you and retaliating; a Spy without a prior disguise must rely on cover to avoid the Sentry Gun's attention, as the Sentry will not be fooled by your instant disguise once it has already begun firing. This tactic is easier on Engineers using the Wrangler, because the Sentry Gun is disabled for three seconds after the Engineer's death.
  • Sap-and-Stab: Sap an Engineer's unattended building as bait, hide, then stab him when he returns to remove the Electro Sapper.
  • Stairstab: Stand at the top of a set of stairs, facing down at an enemy approaching you. Run forward and jump, turning in mid-air to stab them in the back. This technique can be difficult to master, but it is also difficult to protect against, as the enemy has to turn almost completely around to avoid it.
  • Spinstab: While an enemy is running towards you, let them run past you before spinning and stabbing their retreating back. This is one of the only reliable methods of backstabbing Scouts.
  • The Matador Stab (or corner stab): This is an advanced Spy technique. The technique involves luring an enemy to a corner, then you immediately back out and stab the enemy as he turns in the way you did. Note that this will only work once or twice on an enemy, will not work against Heavies and is best used on pursuits with Pyros.
  • The Headstab: Sometimes Engineers will place their Sentry Gun and Dispenser in a fashion that allows the Engineer to have his back to a corner, making him seemingly protected from backstabs. It is possible to jump on this Engineer's head and move your aim around his back until you get the "ready to backstab" animation from your knife, allowing you to score a backstab while standing on his head.
  • The Ninja-stab (or leaping stab): this is a similar to a stairstab, but instead it focuses on striking enemies from the least awaited angle (usually from ground above the opponent - bridges and similar above main paths on several maps are ideal for this purpose) and is best used with either Cloak and Dagger or Dead Ringer. Cloak on a bridge/high place (or hide if you're using Dead Ringer) and as the enemy passes beneath the spot jump after them and stab them in the back. Doing the stab itself is easier with the Cloak and Dagger, but getting away is easier with the Dead Ringer (especially against multiple opponents). Attempting to ninja-stab the same opponent at the exact same spot twice is always a bad idea (doing it again elsewhere is more secure, though he might be paranoid) - this tactic may also be used as a distraction, just do a ninja-stab somewhere, go somewhere else and change tactics. The result is quite often that your opponent will extensively Spy-check the area he got backstabbed in.
  • The Circlestrafe Stab: This is an advanced Spy technique and a difficult one to master. To perform it, you must be facing a single enemy, who is facing you. Either run towards him or let him approach you, then, just before he is in melee reach, strafe in one direction (left or right) for a split second, before quickly changing direction and strafing to the opposite side. This will reveal the enemy's back for a very short moment as he follows your first strafe, and you should stab him promptly during this brief gap. This is useful for those players that dismiss Spies and try to melee them, such as some Scout players. Should this technique fail, and you miss the stab, you will be extremely vulnerable in close-range and will almost certainly die, but when performed correctly, this technique enables you to stab an enemy in a potentially fatal situation. Great for Dead Ringer Spies. Not recommended to try this on Pyros, the technique might still work, but unless the Pyro wants to melee you, you will probably be set alight and dealt a fair share of damage.


Katso myös: Lag compensation

Due to an in-game glitch, a stab that has appeared to have occurred from the front can sometimes be rendered as a backstab. Known more commonly as a facestab, these kills are now mostly the result of lag compensation by the game engine itself. Prior to many game patches, facestabs were more common due to bugs in the way the game detects a backstab.

Another community-coined term, is the failstab, which refers to a backstab which should have succeeded but instead did only normal Knife damage, despite the backstab animation playing fully and the Knife connecting. These stabs are almost always linked to the latency conditions between the server and the player.

Servers with the command tf_weapon_criticals 0 enabled have reported issues with the backstab animation that normally plays when the player is in a prime position for a backstab, not playing at all.

Related Achievements

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Petturille ansionsa mukaan
Petturille ansionsa mukaan
Tapa Spy, joka on juuri puukottanut selkään tiimikaveria.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Tapa Spy, jonka puukotuksen selkäsuojasi esti.

Tule selkäänpuukotetuksi 50 kertaa.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Puukota selkään Steam-yhteisökavereitasi 10 kertaa.

Puukota selkään valeasuista Spyta.

Tri Eeeiiiiiii
Tri Eeeiiiiiii
Puukota selkään Mediciä, joka on tekemässä ylilatauksen.

Arvokas kohde
Arvokas kohde
Puukota selkään vihollista, joka hallitsee 3 tai useampaa tiimikaveriasi.

Onko jo turvallista?
Onko jo turvallista?
Puukota selkään 50 vihollista, jotka ovat valtaamassa komentopisteitä.

Tyhjentävä esitys
Tyhjentävä esitys
Aseta tyhjentäjä vihollisen rakennukseen ja puukota selkään sen rakentanutta Engineeriä 5 sekunnin kuluessa.

Vakoojien kuningas
Vakoojien kuningas
Puukota selkään 1000 vihollista.

Puukota selkään 3 Sniperia yhdessä elämässä.
Kylmä kostaja
Kylmä kostaja
Tee kostotappo selkäänpuukotuksella.

Kuolema sai odottaa
Kuolema sai odottaa
Tapa Sniper, kun puukotuksesi on rikkonut hänen selkäsuojansa.

FYI olen vakooja
FYI olen vakooja
Puukota selkään Mediciä, joka on parantanut sinut viimeisen 5 sekunnin aikana.

Varastettu henkilöllisyys
Varastettu henkilöllisyys
Puukota selkään vihollista, joksi olet parhaillaan naamioitunut.

Viiltävä väliintulo
Viiltävä väliintulo
Puukota selkään vihollista ja häntä parantavaa Mediciä 10 sekunnin kuluessa.

Pilko ja polta
Pilko ja polta
Puukota selkään vihollista, joka vaihtaa Pyroon ennen uudelleensyntymistä.

Rikkinäiset rakennelmat
Rikkinäiset rakennelmat
Puukota selkään Engineeriä ja aseta sitten tyhjentäjä 3:een hänen rakennukseensa 10 sekunnin kuluessa.

Viillät vain kolmesti
Viillät vain kolmesti
Puukota selkään 3 vihollista 10 sekunnissa.

Update history

October 25, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed a Spy backstab exploit where you could stab a player who was not facing away from you.

February 19, 2008 Patch

  • Fixed a case where a Spy stabbing from the front of a player would score a backstab.

February 24, 2009 Patch

  • Changed backstab handling to fix facestabs
  • Reduced stab radius to 160 degrees. Removed quickbackstabs and thus reduced the Spy's backstab range (Has since been reverted). Made backstabs quicker.

March 5, 2009 Patch

  • Increased backstab check so that Spies can side-stab again.

May 21, 2009 Patch

  • The Heavy and Sniper now have new custom death animations.

June 8, 2009 Patch

  • Added a backstab custom death animation to the Heavy.
  • Fixed a couple of cases where viable backstabs would fail.

August 13, 2009 Patch

  • Cloaked Spies standing in valid backstab positions no longer raise their Knife.

December 17, 2009 Patch

  • Added more backstab animations.

January 13, 2010 Patch

  • Added backstab death animations for Scout, Spy, Medic, Demo, Engineer, and Pyro. All death animations have a 25% chance to play.


  • When the winning team of a round gets 100% Crits, the Spy uses the backstab animation, but attacking an enemy head-on still shows a regular butterfly knife kill icon. This is because the Spy has no regular critical strike animation for the knife.


  • Originally the Spy's backstab animation was just over a second long and manifested as the current animation, but was slowed down. This was changed to the current, sped up version used today in the interests of balance. Before this change, skilled Spies would "quick-stab". This involved staying out of backstab range of the victim, and then swinging the Knife just before entering backstab range, thereby bypassing the backstab animation but still rewarding an instant kill.
  • Killing a player with a backstab will sometimes cause a special backstab death animation. This animation has a 25% chance of occurring, and varies from class to class.
    • The Sniper's backstab animation was first seen in Trailer 2 before any backstab animations were integrated into the game.

External links