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TwinSignal (talk | contribs) (Updated & 翻譯未完...ZZzz..) |
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:ÜberCharge}} | {{DISPLAYTITLE:ÜberCharge}} | ||
− | {{ | + | {{trans}} |
[[File:ÜberCharge.png|400px|right|An ÜberCharged Heavy]] | [[File:ÜberCharge.png|400px|right|An ÜberCharged Heavy]] | ||
{{Quotation|'''重裝兵'''在 ÜberCharge 的狀態下|'''我不怕子彈啦!!'''|sound=Heavy_specialcompleted06.wav}} | {{Quotation|'''重裝兵'''在 ÜberCharge 的狀態下|'''我不怕子彈啦!!'''|sound=Heavy_specialcompleted06.wav}} | ||
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當擔任[[Medic/zh-hant|醫護兵]]時,一條能量表會顯示在[[HUD/zh-hant|抬頭顯示器]]彈藥量的附近,可以看到你已經為醫療槍累積了多少能量。當使用醫療槍治療隊友一段時間之後,能量會集滿至 100%,此時醫療槍會發出電流(特效),這就代表你已經可以使用 ÜberCharge 了。而啟動的能力會因為不同種的醫療槍,而有不一樣的效果。目前來說,醫護兵有三種不同 ÜberCharge:和他的治療對象能一起進入無敵的狀態持續八秒(使用[[Medigun/zh-hant|醫療槍]]時)、給予醫療對象八秒的 100% 爆擊(使用[[Kritzkrieg/zh-hant|爆擊製造者]]時)、或是加快回血和消除攻擊擊退效果(使用[[Quick-Fix/zh-hant|快速治療者]]時)。值得一提的是,一名玩家可以同時接受持有醫療槍之醫護兵的無敵以及持有爆擊製造者之醫護兵的爆擊,並給予敵人毀滅性的破壞。但是有一點必須切記:無敵狀態之下醫護兵如果切換成別的武器的話,ÜberCharge 狀態會消失,但是剛剛啟動的能量依然會消耗掉。 | 當擔任[[Medic/zh-hant|醫護兵]]時,一條能量表會顯示在[[HUD/zh-hant|抬頭顯示器]]彈藥量的附近,可以看到你已經為醫療槍累積了多少能量。當使用醫療槍治療隊友一段時間之後,能量會集滿至 100%,此時醫療槍會發出電流(特效),這就代表你已經可以使用 ÜberCharge 了。而啟動的能力會因為不同種的醫療槍,而有不一樣的效果。目前來說,醫護兵有三種不同 ÜberCharge:和他的治療對象能一起進入無敵的狀態持續八秒(使用[[Medigun/zh-hant|醫療槍]]時)、給予醫療對象八秒的 100% 爆擊(使用[[Kritzkrieg/zh-hant|爆擊製造者]]時)、或是加快回血和消除攻擊擊退效果(使用[[Quick-Fix/zh-hant|快速治療者]]時)。值得一提的是,一名玩家可以同時接受持有醫療槍之醫護兵的無敵以及持有爆擊製造者之醫護兵的爆擊,並給予敵人毀滅性的破壞。但是有一點必須切記:無敵狀態之下醫護兵如果切換成別的武器的話,ÜberCharge 狀態會消失,但是剛剛啟動的能量依然會消耗掉。 | ||
− | |||
− | + | == 充能表 == | |
+ | 當擔任手持次要或近戰武器時,一條能量表會顯示在[[HUD/zh-hant|抬頭顯示器]][[ammo/zh-hant|彈藥]]量的附近。當一位我方的醫護兵正在治療你或是你以準心指著醫護兵,會顯示該名醫護兵的名稱和醫療槍的種類、以及 ÜberCharge 目前的充能比例(如果醫療槍使用[[Name Tag/zh-hant|名稱標籤]]重新命名過,則會顯示命名後的名稱而不是醫療槍的種類)。醫護兵裝備{{item_link|Solemn Vow}}或著是間諜,將準心移到敵方醫護兵時也能看到同樣的資訊。 | ||
− | + | == 累積能量 == | |
− | + | ÜberCharge 累積的速度快慢,取決於治療對象當前的狀態。 | |
− | |||
− | |||
− | + | === 速率 === | |
− | + | {{Ubercharge rate}} | |
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | == | + | ==== 注意事項 ==== |
− | + | * 回合開始時的[[Setup time/zh-hant|準備時間]],ÜberCharge 都會以最快的速度累積能量,無論治療對象的生命狀況如何。此時自我傷害不會再加快累積速度。 | |
+ | * 當治療目標同時接受兩個以上治療光束時,累積速度將會減半(例如另一位醫護兵、[[Dispenser/zh-hant|補給器]]或[[Payload/zh-hant#.E6.8E.A8.E8.BB.8A|彈頭車]])。這會激勵醫護人員們分散去治療其他目標。這項設定也會降低準備時間的累積速度。 | ||
+ | * 由於快速治療者的超量治療不會超過 125% ,因此 ÜberCharge 通常會以最快速度累積。若治療目標的生命值因為增益效果或其他因素而高於 147.5% (醫療槍,[[Powerjack/zh-hant|強力千斤頂]]殺敵之類的),那麼快速治療者將會阻止超量治療降低,同時也減少累積速度。 | ||
+ | * 累積的充能無法轉移到另一把醫療槍上。例如,一把充能達到 75% 的快速治療者藉由碰觸[[Respawn/zh-hant#.E8.A3.9C.E7.B5.A6.E6.AB.83.EF.BC.8F.E8.A3.9C.E7.B5.A6.E5.8D.80|補給櫃]]的方式換成原廠醫療槍,則 ÜberCharge 計量表將會歸零。 | ||
+ | * 治療敵方間諜(偽裝成你的隊友)也能增加 ÜberCharge 能量。充能速率是依據偽裝的生命值而不是間諜實際的生命值。 | ||
+ | * 用治療光束以外的方法進行治療(像是{{item_link|Crusader's Crossbow}}、{{item_link|Amputator}}的[[Medicating Melody/zh-hant|醫療旋律]]以及爆擊製造者的[[Oktoberfest/zh-hant|狂歡啤酒味]]嘲諷)不會增加 ÜberCharge 能量。 | ||
+ | === 非治療方式的充能引響 === | ||
+ | * 使用{{item_link|Übersaw}}攻擊敵人,每一擊會增加使用者 25% ÜberCharge 能量。 | ||
+ | ** 啟動 ÜberCharge 效果時可以利用這個方法增加能量,雖然能量不會停止流失,且會暫時失去效果直到醫護兵換回次要武器,卻能將效果時間延長。 | ||
+ | ** 攻擊一名處於{{item_link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}效果的敵方偵察兵不會造成傷害,但依然會增加醫護兵 25% ÜberCharge 能量。 | ||
+ | ** 攻擊一名偽裝的敵方間諜不會增加能量,即使殺死他或觸發{{item_link|Dead Ringer}}也一樣。 | ||
+ | ** 攻擊一名隱形的敵方間諜不會增加能量,不論對方是否有偽裝或著殺死他也一樣。 | ||
+ | ** 超能骨鋸的[[Spinal Tap/zh-hant|嘲諷攻擊]]也能增加醫護兵的 ÜberCharge 能量:第一擊出刀擊暈可增加 25%,第二擊收刀殺敵可增加 75%。請注意,敵人擊暈後可能會受到動力的影響造成收刀攻擊失誤。 | ||
+ | * 一名醫護兵被{{item_link|Pomson 6000}}擊中時將會損失 10% ÜberCharge 計量並且發出奇特的音效。 | ||
+ | * 開始[[Sudden Death/zh-hant|驟死戰]]時計量將會歸零。 | ||
+ | * 超能骨鋸和[[Vita-Saw/zh-hant|還魂鋸]]上罐子裡的計量會受到醫護兵目前 ÜberCharge 能量多寡而改變,如果 ÜberCharge 充滿時則會散發出隊伍色彩的[[Self-illumination/zh-hant|光芒]]。 | ||
+ | * 如果醫護兵被殺死前裝備了還魂鋸,能在他重生時獲得生前殘留的 ÜberCharge 能量高達 19%。這項效果不會受到重生時更換其他的近戰武器影響,但是不允許醫護兵自殺或意外死亡得到效果。 | ||
− | + | == 充能完成 == | |
+ | 當醫護兵的能量達到 100% 時,抬頭顯示器會開始閃爍,同時醫護兵會喊出特有的[[Medic responses/zh-hant#.E8.81.B7.E6.A5.AD.E7.89.B9.E5.AE.9A.E5.9B.9E.E6.87.89|語音回應]]。語音同時會警告敵方玩家知道醫護兵已經充能完成,但醫護兵可以藉由發出任何一個[[Voice commands/zh-hant|聲音指令]]來取消語音回應,醫護兵也能利用聲音指令 2-8 ({{key|X}}→{{key|8}})謊報訊息嚇唬敵人。 | ||
− | + | 能量充滿時,玩家可以按下次要開火鍵(預設:{{key|MOUSE2}}}部署 ÜberCharge。一旦啟動部署,特定的視覺效果將會應用到影響的玩家,部署中的醫護兵會發出相關的語音會應,隨後病患也會發出語音回應。就像"充能完成"宣告一樣,可以警告敵方已經部署了 ÜberCharge,也可以在正確時間點發出任何聲音指令來取消語音回應。 | |
− | + | 單一 ÜberCharge 只能影響一名和醫療光束連結的玩家;如果醫護兵死亡、停止治療光束、改變治療對象、醫護兵切換武器或超出治療範圍,病患身上的效果會提早結束。啟動後 ÜberCharge ,能量將持續消耗,不論醫護兵手持何種武器。作用在一名病患上,效果長達 8 秒,以每秒 12.5% 的速率消耗。醫護兵仍可以隨意改變治療對象,原本對象仍可以在醫護兵轉移對象之後繼續維持效果約一秒鐘。但能量會消耗得更快速。每當轉換一個部署目標,都會使耗能速度增加 50%。 | |
+ | {| class="wikitable grid" | ||
+ | ! class="header" | ÜberCharge 持續時間 | ||
+ | ! class="header" | 受益人數 | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |8 秒 | ||
+ | |0 名接受者 | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |8 秒 | ||
+ | |1 名接受者 | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |5.33 秒 | ||
+ | |2 名接受者 | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |4 秒 | ||
+ | |3 名接受者 | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |3.2 秒 | ||
+ | |4 名接受者 | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |2.66 秒 | ||
+ | |5 名接受者 | ||
+ | |} | ||
− | == | + | == 效果 == |
− | + | === 醫療槍 === | |
− | + | [[File:Item icon Medi Gun.png|256px|thumb|right|{{item_link|Medi Gun}}]] | |
− | + | {{main|Medi Gun/zh-hant|l1=醫療槍}} | |
− | + | ==== Visual effects ==== | |
− | + | The Medic and his healing target will glow in their team color, with yellow or purple eyes and a metallic sheen across their bodies. A slight team-colored distortion will appear around the first-person view of the Medic and his patient. | |
− | + | ==== Immunities and vulnerabilities ==== | |
+ | The stock Medi Gun's ÜberCharge makes the Medic and his patient invulnerable to most forms of damage. Both players are still vulnerable to [[telefrag]]ging and certain [[Environmental death|environmental effects]] - [[saw blade]]s, [[train]]s and [[Environmental death#Pitfalls|pitfalls]], but not [[Environmental death#Drowning|drowning]] or [[fall damage]]. They are also still subject to [[knock back]] and the Pyro's [[compression blast]]. The [[Sandman]]'s alt-fire attack cannot [[stun]] them, but the initial strike of the [[Organ Grinder]], [[Skewer]] and [[Spinal Tap]] taunt attacks can (though they will still inflict no damage). If the deploying Medic is stunned, it will temporarily break the healing beam and leave the patient vulnerable until the Medic has recovered. Similarly, striking ÜberCharged players from behind with the [[Holiday Punch]] will cause them to [[Schadenfreude|laugh]], and striking the Medic this way will break the healing beam. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Secondary effects ==== | ||
+ | The Medic's target will continue to be healed at the normal rate. Activating the Medi Gun's charge or applying it to a new target extinguishes [[fire]]. Invulnerability will linger for one second after breaking contact with the beam, allowing a dexterous Medic to grant invulnerability to multiple patients simultaneously. Medi Gun-charged players do not count towards pushing the [[Payload#Cart|Payload cart]] or capturing [[Control point (objective)|control points]] (although they can block enemy captures). They cannot pick up the [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|Intelligence]] while invulnerable. A Medic cannot activate a Medi Gun ÜberCharge while carrying the Intelligence, and applying the charge to an Intelligence carrier will not make him invulnerable. | ||
+ | |||
+ | === Kritzkrieg === | ||
+ | [[File:Item icon Kritzkrieg.png|256px|thumb|right|{{item_link|Kritzkrieg}}]] | ||
+ | {{main|Kritzkrieg}} | ||
+ | ==== Visual effects ==== | ||
+ | Upon activating ubercharge, yellow sparks will travel down the healing beam (identically to the stock Medi Gun), a team-colored glow and a crackle of electricity will be emitted from the Kritzkrieg and the weapon of the Medic's patient. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Benefits ==== | ||
+ | For the duration of the charge, all attacks made by the Medic's patient will be [[critical hits]], which deal 300% of the weapon's base damage to enemies and ignore the normal modifiers for range and randomized damage. This can help with the [[Holiday Punch]] due to the fact that the laugh occurs on critical hits, and the Kritzkrieg deals critical hits to the ÜberCharge's target patient. [[Projectile]]s fired during the Kritzkrieg charge's duration will retain their critical effects even after the charge has ended. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Weaknesses ==== | ||
+ | While the Kritzkrieg will continue to heal its target at the normal rate, activating the charge grants no additional defensive benefits to the Medic or his patient. As [[buildings]] are immune to critical hits, the Kritzkrieg is a poor choice for assaulting an enemy [[Sentry Gun]] (though critical hits can easily dispatch any Engineers attending to the Sentry Gun). | ||
+ | |||
+ | === Quick-Fix === | ||
+ | [[File:Item icon Quick-Fix.png|256px|thumb|right|{{item_link|Quick-Fix}}]] | ||
+ | {{main|Quick-Fix}} | ||
+ | ==== Visual effects ==== | ||
+ | The Medic's healing beam will pulse and glow with greater intensity, and a team-colored ring surrounds the Medic and his target. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Benefits ==== | ||
+ | The Medic and his healing target will be healed at an accelerated rate (from 100.8/s while under fire, up to 302.4/s if not wounded in the last 15 seconds.) Both players will also be immune to [[stun]] effects, [[slowdown]] and most forms of [[knock back]]. As well as being immune to [[stun]] effects, if the target explosive jumps the Medic will also explosive jump in a similar manner. Also, the charge will heal the Medic at the accelerated rate when deployed, whether or not it is actively healing another player. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Weaknesses ==== | ||
+ | While offering greater resiliency, the Quick-Fix's ÜberCharge provides no protection from bursts of high damage, such as [[Stickybomb]] traps, [[backstab]]s, [[headshot]]s, or [[critical hits]]. Even discounting these threats, focused firepower can overcome this accelerated healing. | ||
+ | |||
+ | === Vaccinator === | ||
+ | [[File:Item icon Vaccinator.png|256px|thumb|right|{{item_link|Vaccinator}}]] | ||
+ | {{main|Vaccinator}} | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Visual effects ==== | ||
+ | The patient and the Medic will be covered by a shield with an icon of the type of [[damage]] being resisted above both their heads. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Benefits ==== | ||
+ | With this weapon, the Medic does not have to have the Vaccinator charged 100% to use the ÜberCharge, they can use it in 4 chunks than can be deployed one at a time. Also, like the Kritzkrieg, it has an increased ÜberCharge rate which could be used to keep more teammates alive for longer, like the Quick-Fix. Instead of being invincible to attacks, this Medi Gun allows the user and the patient to be 75% resistant to 3 types of damage: [[Hitscan|Bullet]], [[Fire]] and [[Projectile|Explosive]]. Note that the damage type cannot be switched during an ÜberCharge. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Weaknesses ==== | ||
+ | The disadvantage of the Vaccinator is that it only protects the patient and the [[Medic]] from one type of damage as they cannot be switched during an ubercharge. Also, it doesn't completely make the user invulnerable to any form of attack. | ||
+ | |||
+ | === Multiple charges === | ||
+ | Multiple ÜberCharges from multiple Medics deployed upon a single player at once do not multiply the effect. While combining charges on a single target yields no additional special effects, Medics with different secondary weapons can grant a single target a combination of their effects. For example, a player receiving a normal ÜberCharge and a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge will receive the effects of both; invulnerability and guaranteed chance of critical hits. | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | === Enemy Spies === | ||
+ | A [[Spy]] can trick an enemy Medic into ÜberCharging them while they are [[disguise]]d, a tactic which can cripple pushes and give the Spy a surprise attack with the misplaced ÜberCharge. The Spy gains all the benefits of the charge. Until the Spy breaks disguise, they will appear to enemy players just as they would if they were on the enemy team (a Spy glowing in the color of the enemy team, in the case of a Medi Gun ÜberCharge, for example). To allies, and all players once the disguise is broken, the Spy and his ÜberCharge visual effects will appear in his own team colors (though dropping the disguise will terminate the healing beam and the charge's effects soon after). | ||
− | |||
==相關成就== | ==相關成就== |
Revision as of 17:02, 2 October 2013
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“ | 我不怕子彈啦!!
— 重裝兵在 ÜberCharge 的狀態下
” |
ÜberCharge(德語,意義為「充能」或是「增壓」,照遊戲中的特性則可譯為「超能衝鋒」。以下直接用「ÜberCharge」一詞代替)是一種醫護兵獨有的能力,ÜberCharge 的能力要當你使用醫療槍治療隊友(或偽裝的敵方間諜)時,才會累積能量,等到 100% 時醫護兵才能啟動醫療槍的 ÜberCharge 能力。
當擔任醫護兵時,一條能量表會顯示在抬頭顯示器彈藥量的附近,可以看到你已經為醫療槍累積了多少能量。當使用醫療槍治療隊友一段時間之後,能量會集滿至 100%,此時醫療槍會發出電流(特效),這就代表你已經可以使用 ÜberCharge 了。而啟動的能力會因為不同種的醫療槍,而有不一樣的效果。目前來說,醫護兵有三種不同 ÜberCharge:和他的治療對象能一起進入無敵的狀態持續八秒(使用醫療槍時)、給予醫療對象八秒的 100% 爆擊(使用爆擊製造者時)、或是加快回血和消除攻擊擊退效果(使用快速治療者時)。值得一提的是,一名玩家可以同時接受持有醫療槍之醫護兵的無敵以及持有爆擊製造者之醫護兵的爆擊,並給予敵人毀滅性的破壞。但是有一點必須切記:無敵狀態之下醫護兵如果切換成別的武器的話,ÜberCharge 狀態會消失,但是剛剛啟動的能量依然會消耗掉。
當擔任手持次要或近戰武器時,一條能量表會顯示在抬頭顯示器彈藥量的附近。當一位我方的醫護兵正在治療你或是你以準心指著醫護兵,會顯示該名醫護兵的名稱和醫療槍的種類、以及 ÜberCharge 目前的充能比例(如果醫療槍使用名稱標籤重新命名過,則會顯示命名後的名稱而不是醫療槍的種類)。醫護兵裝備神聖誓言或著是間諜,將準心移到敵方醫護兵時也能看到同樣的資訊。
ÜberCharge 累積的速度快慢,取決於治療對象當前的狀態。
Healing tool | State of target | Fill rate | Fill time |
醫療槍 | <142.5% health | 2.50000% | 40 秒 |
>142.5% 生命值 | 1.25000% | 80 秒 | |
>142.5% health + 2nd heal beam | 0.62500% | 160 秒 | |
爆擊製造者 | <142.5% health | 3.12500% | 32 秒 |
>142.5% health | 1.56250% | 64 秒 | |
>142.5% health + 2nd heal beam | 0.78125% | 128 秒 | |
快速治療者 | <142.5% health | 2.75000% | 36.4 秒 |
>142.5% health | 1.37500% | 72.8 秒 | |
>142.5% health + 2nd heal beam | 0.68750% | 145.5 秒 | |
疫苗接種者 | <100% health | 4.17500% | 24 秒 |
100% - 142.5% 生命值 | 2.80000% | 36 秒 | |
>142.5% health | 1.40000% | 72 秒 | |
>142.5% health + 2nd heal beam | 0.70000% | 144 秒 |
- 回合開始時的準備時間,ÜberCharge 都會以最快的速度累積能量,無論治療對象的生命狀況如何。此時自我傷害不會再加快累積速度。
- 當治療目標同時接受兩個以上治療光束時,累積速度將會減半(例如另一位醫護兵、補給器或彈頭車)。這會激勵醫護人員們分散去治療其他目標。這項設定也會降低準備時間的累積速度。
- 由於快速治療者的超量治療不會超過 125% ,因此 ÜberCharge 通常會以最快速度累積。若治療目標的生命值因為增益效果或其他因素而高於 147.5% (醫療槍,強力千斤頂殺敵之類的),那麼快速治療者將會阻止超量治療降低,同時也減少累積速度。
- 累積的充能無法轉移到另一把醫療槍上。例如,一把充能達到 75% 的快速治療者藉由碰觸補給櫃的方式換成原廠醫療槍,則 ÜberCharge 計量表將會歸零。
- 治療敵方間諜(偽裝成你的隊友)也能增加 ÜberCharge 能量。充能速率是依據偽裝的生命值而不是間諜實際的生命值。
- 用治療光束以外的方法進行治療(像是聖十字弩弓、截肢鋸的醫療旋律以及爆擊製造者的狂歡啤酒味嘲諷)不會增加 ÜberCharge 能量。
- 使用超能骨鋸攻擊敵人,每一擊會增加使用者 25% ÜberCharge 能量。
- 啟動 ÜberCharge 效果時可以利用這個方法增加能量,雖然能量不會停止流失,且會暫時失去效果直到醫護兵換回次要武器,卻能將效果時間延長。
- 攻擊一名處於Bonk! 原子能量飲料效果的敵方偵察兵不會造成傷害,但依然會增加醫護兵 25% ÜberCharge 能量。
- 攻擊一名偽裝的敵方間諜不會增加能量,即使殺死他或觸發死亡送終者也一樣。
- 攻擊一名隱形的敵方間諜不會增加能量,不論對方是否有偽裝或著殺死他也一樣。
- 超能骨鋸的嘲諷攻擊也能增加醫護兵的 ÜberCharge 能量:第一擊出刀擊暈可增加 25%,第二擊收刀殺敵可增加 75%。請注意,敵人擊暈後可能會受到動力的影響造成收刀攻擊失誤。
- 一名醫護兵被潘森 6000擊中時將會損失 10% ÜberCharge 計量並且發出奇特的音效。
- 開始驟死戰時計量將會歸零。
- 超能骨鋸和還魂鋸上罐子裡的計量會受到醫護兵目前 ÜberCharge 能量多寡而改變,如果 ÜberCharge 充滿時則會散發出隊伍色彩的光芒。
- 如果醫護兵被殺死前裝備了還魂鋸,能在他重生時獲得生前殘留的 ÜberCharge 能量高達 19%。這項效果不會受到重生時更換其他的近戰武器影響,但是不允許醫護兵自殺或意外死亡得到效果。
當醫護兵的能量達到 100% 時,抬頭顯示器會開始閃爍,同時醫護兵會喊出特有的語音回應。語音同時會警告敵方玩家知道醫護兵已經充能完成,但醫護兵可以藉由發出任何一個聲音指令來取消語音回應,醫護兵也能利用聲音指令 2-8 (X→8)謊報訊息嚇唬敵人。
能量充滿時,玩家可以按下次要開火鍵(預設:MOUSE2}部署 ÜberCharge。一旦啟動部署,特定的視覺效果將會應用到影響的玩家,部署中的醫護兵會發出相關的語音會應,隨後病患也會發出語音回應。就像"充能完成"宣告一樣,可以警告敵方已經部署了 ÜberCharge,也可以在正確時間點發出任何聲音指令來取消語音回應。
單一 ÜberCharge 只能影響一名和醫療光束連結的玩家;如果醫護兵死亡、停止治療光束、改變治療對象、醫護兵切換武器或超出治療範圍,病患身上的效果會提早結束。啟動後 ÜberCharge ,能量將持續消耗,不論醫護兵手持何種武器。作用在一名病患上,效果長達 8 秒,以每秒 12.5% 的速率消耗。醫護兵仍可以隨意改變治療對象,原本對象仍可以在醫護兵轉移對象之後繼續維持效果約一秒鐘。但能量會消耗得更快速。每當轉換一個部署目標,都會使耗能速度增加 50%。
ÜberCharge 持續時間 | 受益人數 |
8 秒 | 0 名接受者 |
8 秒 | 1 名接受者 |
5.33 秒 | 2 名接受者 |
4 秒 | 3 名接受者 |
3.2 秒 | 4 名接受者 |
2.66 秒 | 5 名接受者 |
Visual effects
The Medic and his healing target will glow in their team color, with yellow or purple eyes and a metallic sheen across their bodies. A slight team-colored distortion will appear around the first-person view of the Medic and his patient.
Immunities and vulnerabilities
The stock Medi Gun's ÜberCharge makes the Medic and his patient invulnerable to most forms of damage. Both players are still vulnerable to telefragging and certain environmental effects - saw blades, trains and pitfalls, but not drowning or fall damage. They are also still subject to knock back and the Pyro's compression blast. The Sandman's alt-fire attack cannot stun them, but the initial strike of the Organ Grinder, Skewer and Spinal Tap taunt attacks can (though they will still inflict no damage). If the deploying Medic is stunned, it will temporarily break the healing beam and leave the patient vulnerable until the Medic has recovered. Similarly, striking ÜberCharged players from behind with the Holiday Punch will cause them to laugh, and striking the Medic this way will break the healing beam.
Secondary effects
The Medic's target will continue to be healed at the normal rate. Activating the Medi Gun's charge or applying it to a new target extinguishes fire. Invulnerability will linger for one second after breaking contact with the beam, allowing a dexterous Medic to grant invulnerability to multiple patients simultaneously. Medi Gun-charged players do not count towards pushing the Payload cart or capturing control points (although they can block enemy captures). They cannot pick up the Intelligence while invulnerable. A Medic cannot activate a Medi Gun ÜberCharge while carrying the Intelligence, and applying the charge to an Intelligence carrier will not make him invulnerable.
Visual effects
Upon activating ubercharge, yellow sparks will travel down the healing beam (identically to the stock Medi Gun), a team-colored glow and a crackle of electricity will be emitted from the Kritzkrieg and the weapon of the Medic's patient.
For the duration of the charge, all attacks made by the Medic's patient will be critical hits, which deal 300% of the weapon's base damage to enemies and ignore the normal modifiers for range and randomized damage. This can help with the Holiday Punch due to the fact that the laugh occurs on critical hits, and the Kritzkrieg deals critical hits to the ÜberCharge's target patient. Projectiles fired during the Kritzkrieg charge's duration will retain their critical effects even after the charge has ended.
While the Kritzkrieg will continue to heal its target at the normal rate, activating the charge grants no additional defensive benefits to the Medic or his patient. As buildings are immune to critical hits, the Kritzkrieg is a poor choice for assaulting an enemy Sentry Gun (though critical hits can easily dispatch any Engineers attending to the Sentry Gun).
Visual effects
The Medic's healing beam will pulse and glow with greater intensity, and a team-colored ring surrounds the Medic and his target.
The Medic and his healing target will be healed at an accelerated rate (from 100.8/s while under fire, up to 302.4/s if not wounded in the last 15 seconds.) Both players will also be immune to stun effects, slowdown and most forms of knock back. As well as being immune to stun effects, if the target explosive jumps the Medic will also explosive jump in a similar manner. Also, the charge will heal the Medic at the accelerated rate when deployed, whether or not it is actively healing another player.
While offering greater resiliency, the Quick-Fix's ÜberCharge provides no protection from bursts of high damage, such as Stickybomb traps, backstabs, headshots, or critical hits. Even discounting these threats, focused firepower can overcome this accelerated healing.
Visual effects
The patient and the Medic will be covered by a shield with an icon of the type of damage being resisted above both their heads.
With this weapon, the Medic does not have to have the Vaccinator charged 100% to use the ÜberCharge, they can use it in 4 chunks than can be deployed one at a time. Also, like the Kritzkrieg, it has an increased ÜberCharge rate which could be used to keep more teammates alive for longer, like the Quick-Fix. Instead of being invincible to attacks, this Medi Gun allows the user and the patient to be 75% resistant to 3 types of damage: Bullet, Fire and Explosive. Note that the damage type cannot be switched during an ÜberCharge.
The disadvantage of the Vaccinator is that it only protects the patient and the Medic from one type of damage as they cannot be switched during an ubercharge. Also, it doesn't completely make the user invulnerable to any form of attack.
Multiple charges
Multiple ÜberCharges from multiple Medics deployed upon a single player at once do not multiply the effect. While combining charges on a single target yields no additional special effects, Medics with different secondary weapons can grant a single target a combination of their effects. For example, a player receiving a normal ÜberCharge and a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge will receive the effects of both; invulnerability and guaranteed chance of critical hits.
Enemy Spies
A Spy can trick an enemy Medic into ÜberCharging them while they are disguised, a tactic which can cripple pushes and give the Spy a surprise attack with the misplaced ÜberCharge. The Spy gains all the benefits of the charge. Until the Spy breaks disguise, they will appear to enemy players just as they would if they were on the enemy team (a Spy glowing in the color of the enemy team, in the case of a Medi Gun ÜberCharge, for example). To allies, and all players once the disguise is broken, the Spy and his ÜberCharge visual effects will appear in his own team colors (though dropping the disguise will terminate the healing beam and the charge's effects soon after).
- 修正一個醫護兵斷線時仍然有 ÜberCharge 效果的漏洞。
- 修正醫護兵的 ÜberCharge 統計資料。
- 修正在啟動 ÜberCharge 時切換成其他武器不會消耗充電量的問題。
- 修正一個可以無限 ÜberCharge 的漏洞。
- 修正另一個可以無限 ÜberCharge 的漏洞。
- 修正啟動 ÜberCharge 時快速換武器時可以不消耗充電量的問題。
- 無敵狀態下的玩家不會被擊暈。
- 修正爆擊製造者的 ÜberCharge 啟動聲音會卡住的問題。
- 現在爆擊效果開啟之後,不能再移除著火或是被尿沾濕的效果了。
- 現在無敵效果開啟之後,瘋狂牛奶的效果會被完整清除。
- [未記載] 為使用快速治療者的玩家新增啟動 Megaheal 時的 ÜberCharge 提示效果。
- 大部份的環境傷害會無視無敵狀態並殺死玩家,但無敵狀態下醫護兵本身與治療目標並不會淹死。
- 無敵狀態可以同時撲滅醫護兵和接受無敵玩家身上的火焰。
- 當在無敵狀態的時候,醫生依然可以切換到別的武器,像是超能骨鋸來讓消耗的充電值恢復。但是不拿著醫療槍將會失去無敵狀態。
- 無敵狀態下的玩家依然會被踩死。
- 無敵狀態的貼圖一開始是給舊版的TF2使用的,所以如果你仔細觀察的話,還是可以看到貼圖的某些地方有偏位的錯誤。
- 當你朝著一個無敵狀態的敵人擊出爆擊的話,雖然無法造成任何傷害,但是還是會有爆擊的音效。
- 在無敵 ÜberCharge 效果下的玩家還是會被狙擊手的弓箭串、醫護兵的脊柱刺擊、和工程師的器官粉碎機嘲諷攻擊給震暈(雖然他們不會因此陣亡)。
- 在影片專訪醫護兵中,透露出醫護兵之所以可以在角色身上發動無敵效果,是因為治療對象的心臟中都有一個需要醫療槍電量才能啟動的電子裝置。同時這裝置也透露出一般人類的心臟根本無法承受裝置的高電壓,還會因此將心臟炸個粉碎(至少影片中的原型版本是有如此的限制)。