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--[[User:Nikno|Nikno]] ([[User talk:Nikno|talk]]) 05:04, 1 October 2014 (PDT)
--[[User:Nikno|Nikno]] ([[User talk:Nikno|talk]]) 05:04, 1 October 2014 (PDT)
== Project Cleanup...cleanup ==
This is for german fellows so the following is in german: Du solltest loadout-name nochmal überlegen ob du es integrierst in die Liste. Zu großen Teilen ist es identisch mit dictionary und es gilt nichts zu editieren. Ich find es halt verwunderlich das ich mich da reinklicke und nichts machen muss. Beispiel nach 4links > <br> === [['Fish'/de]] ===
* {{c|!|Warning}} No usage of the {{code|loadout-name}} parameter in the item infobox <br> === [[A Brush with Death/de]] ===
* {{c|!|Warning}} No usage of the {{code|loadout-name}} parameter in the item infobox<br> ;; is halt die Fehleranfälligkeit und könnte Leute verwirren und sie dazu bringen sich selbst zu schlagen, aber das heilige unsterbliche Pikachu liebt dich dennoch...noch. Wieso ich hier noch schreibe? Bin online aber nich am PC(Teamviewer) daher schreib bitte hier ne Antwort oder in Steam. Aber hier geht schneller. [[User:Magicalpony|Magicalpony]] ([[User talk:Magicalpony|talk]]) 05:10, 17 October 2014 (PDT)

Revision as of 12:10, 17 October 2014

Welcome and have a great time!

Hallo, TidB!

Willkommen im offiziellen Team Fortress 2 Wiki!

Hier sind ein paar Links die dir helfen im Wiki klar zu kommen:

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  • Solltest du Probleme mit etwas haben oder dir etwas nicht klar sein, schau doch einfach im IRC vorbei.
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    • Zusätzlich kannst du von dir ausgedachten Inhalt dem Wiki hinzufügen, indem du deiner Userseite eine neue Seite hinzufügst: User:TidB/MyContent, Wobei MyContent frei wählbar ist mit einem anderen Name.

Nochmals herzlich Willkommen in der TF2 Wiki!

-- Nikno 08:30, 2 May 2013 (PDT)

Gute Arbeit!

Hey, ich sehe gerade, dass du sehr fleißig editierst bzw. übersetzt. Deine grammatikalischen und syntaktischen Kenntnisse in Deutsch sind wunderbar und ich freue mich, einen weiteren aktiven Übersetzer im Team zu haben. Weiter so! Nikno 02:22, 5 May 2013 (PDT)

Schön, dass meine Arbeit so gut ankommt! Ich tue halt, was ich kann ;)

Remove ALL the red links! TidB 03:10, 5 May 2013 (PDT)

See also


Great job you're doing on the /de side! Just a quick note about {{See also}} :

If you write {{See also|Unusual/de}}, what you get is

See also: Unusual/de

so what you want to do is write {{See also|Unusual/de|l1=Ungewöhnlich}}, what you get is

See also: Ungewöhnlich

Hope this helps. Keep up the good work!

Eels 12:30, 9 May 2013 (PDT)

Thanks! I'm new and not familiar with templates.

TidB 12:35, 9 May 2013 (PDT)

promotional items

Hallo TidB, du hast hier "promotional item" bzw. "promotional ingredient" mit "promotionaler Gegenstand" übersetzt. Das Wort 'promotional' gibt es im Deutschen gar nicht, wir schreiben immer 'Werbe-' oder formulieren es um. Allerdings war die vorherige Version auch nicht gut, da hattest du Recht^^ Ich hab es jetzt mal entsprechend geändert. AgentBull (T · C) 12:55, 29 May 2013 (PDT)

Wieder was dazugelernt :P TidB 13:08, 29 May 2013 (PDT)

{{item name|...}} und {{item link|...}}

Hi TidB, du hast ja hier den Patch vom 3. Juni übersetzt, ich bin die Übersetzung nochmal durchgegangen und mir ist vor allem eines aufgefallen: Du könntest (und solltest) oft die Templates {{item name|...}} und {{item link|...}} benutzen. Gerade bei neuen Gegenständen, für die es noch keine deutschen Namen gibt, ist das wichtig. Diese Templates laden die Gegenstandsnamen automatisch aus dem dictionary und fügen sie ein. Wird der Name im dict also aktualisiert, so wird er dadurch überall sonst auch aktualisiert. Beispiel:
Mit [[Breather Bag/de|Breather Bag]] wird der Link immer so aussehen: Breather Bag. Wenn der Gegenstand also mal einen deutschen namen bekommt, musst du diesen Link manuell korrigieren.
Mit {{item link|Breather Bag}} wird der Link, sobald es einen deutschen Namen gibt, aktualisiert und dort auch automatisch der deutsche Name eingefügt.

{{item link|ITEM}} erstellt auf diese Weise automatisch einen Link zu ITEM in der richtigen Sprache und {{item name|ITEM}} zeigt nur den richtigen Namen an, ohne einen Link draus zu bauen. Ich hoffe, das hat dir geholfen und du denkst die nächsten Male dran :) AgentBull (T · C) 02:22, 4 June 2013 (PDT)

Okay, ich werde dann wohl item link & name öfters einsetzen :) --TidB (talk) 05:36, 4 June 2013 (PDT)

Wikichievement unlocked!

Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

AgentBull Wikichievement unlocked!
For your work on German translations. You've become an important member of the /de section! :)


Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

Enthers Wikichievement unlocked!
For being extremely productive on the German side of the Wiki for the past 3 months, with this edit being the icing on the cake, as well as also being absolutely nuts in and of itself. As well, your translations of templates are very useful. Wear this badge with pride, for I cannot guarantee it will come to you yet again!

Achievement unlocked

AgentBullievement Awarded by Reason
Tf medic assist demoman.png

Wall of Text Translating Titan
For ambitious translators of >15kB large pages

AgentBull AgentBullievement unlocked!
Whoa! Awesome work, mate! You are one of the top players here. Well done!

You even surpassed the requirement for this achievement by ~135kB ;)

Is this better?

I revised the Count Tavish page a bit. Is it better? Because I get a feeling I just made it worse. --ICantThinkOfName (talk) 21:23, 12 November 2013 (PST)

Small Request

Heyo, I can have small request if you don't mind. There are a quite a bit of /de categories that are currently untranslated. I'll leave a list here. If you could please translate it when you have time that would be great! Thanks :D

Ashes (talk) 14:15, 16 November 2013 (PST)

Okay, I will get to it ASAP :) ~{ TidB | t | c }~ 15:08, 16 November 2013 (PST)
Done. I hope everything's right .-. ~{ TidB | t | c }~ 17:33, 16 November 2013 (PST)
Looks right, Thanks mate. Ashes (talk) 17:36, 16 November 2013 (PST)

Item descriptions

Aloha! Das Hinzufügen von Gegenstandsbeschreibungen ist super, auch wenn sie noch nicht im Spiel gelandet sind. Aber sie müssen zumindest schon im STS approved sein, nicht nur vorgeschlagen (auch wenn sie gut aussehen und wahrscheinlich übernommen werden ;) Das ist mir nur gerade bei Mister Bubbles/de aufgefallen, dort kann es jetzt so bleiben aber in Zukunft bitte ich um etwas mehr Geduld AgentBull (T · C) 03:46, 6 March 2014 (PST)

Alles klar ;) Auch wenn deine Vorschläge meistens so angenommen werden :D ~{ TidB | t | c }~ 09:23, 6 March 2014 (PST)

Thanks (Big daddy swe trivia)

Hello thanks for changing the trivia. I was just going to do it when u did it but I had to check how to fix it(found out on another page). I was maybe 5 min too late lol.(I would have been faster but the pages loads slow in the Swedish pages when I preview not sure why). It maybe would have taken longer time if I did not found out that u fixed it thanks :) --King Bowser Koopa (talk) 07:32, 15 March 2014 (PDT)

No problem ;) And yes, the wiki is sometimes really slow. ~{ TidB | t | c }~ 07:37, 15 March 2014 (PDT)


Vielen Danke für die ganzen Infos die du mir da auf der Talkseite hinterlassen hast.

Falls ich Probleme hab oder sonst etwas brauche meld ich mich (: Lempi (talk) 07:19, 8 April 2014 (PDT)

Vielen Vielen dank für das Feedback, Ich hoff ich kann mich damit verbessern und zukünftige Arbeit besser machen (: Falls dir sonst noch etwas auffällt bitte jederzeit einfach sagen ^^ Ich hoffe ich bin mehr Hilfe hier als Last, Ich versuch wirklich mein bestes und möchte so gut es geht helfen :/ Also falls sonst noch Verbesserungsvorschläge anfallen, bitte bitte her damit, ich will mich so gut es geht verbessern

Lg, Lempi Lempi (talk) 09:14, 8 April 2014 (PDT)

(no title)

You are seriously idiot?? Go to fuck off. The preceding unsigned comment was added by lokkdokk (talk) • (contribs)

Yes, I'm serious. You added four links to a not widely known file hoster which contains nothing but .exe and .zip files. It's possible that these files are malicious. Additionally, it's not official, and all these files were uploaded by yourself (lokidokoi2010 -> lokkdokk). If there's not a trustworthy source, don't add it. The wiki does not have to directly link to files; a search with Google produces lots of results with more official sites like hlportal or tf2maps.
Additionally, please be nice to other people and mark your comments with four tildes.
~{ TidB | t | c }~ 06:32, 25 April 2014 (PDT)

{{Bundle row}}

You forgot a vertical pipe, so you were running {{{mouseover}}} rather than {{{mouseover|}}}, the difference being that the former will return {{{mouseover}}} when the mouseover parameter is not specified, whereas the latter will return blank when the same parameter is not specified. Unsurprisingly, the former works very poorly with {{#if: statements. Darkid (Talk | Contribs) 04:45, 27 April 2014 (PDT)

Well, I was kinda confused because I edited and purged the pages and the wiki didn't seem to update anything. As you can see here, I fixed this bug on my user space already (User:TidB/Test2/de) but it didn't change anything in the hours I've been online. Okay then, thanks for your explaination and fixing the page ;)
~{ TidB | t | c }~ 04:56, 27 April 2014 (PDT)

Karte der Badlands

Danke! Mikado282 (talk) 03:51, 14 May 2014 (PDT)

FYI, I finally got a good Badlands Panoramafoto uploaded:
[[File:Badlands landscape 1850.jpg|150px|thumb|center|Badlands, {{W|New Mexico}}]]
BTW, my great great grandfather was a German immigrant. He was Methodist, but the large number of Volga German settlers (called "Rooshians" locally) that came to the local county shortly thereafter were Catholic. My grandfather spoke German but refuse to have his children learn it due to WWI. The Catholics on the other hand spoke German in the home even in the 60s when I was little. So, I grew up surrounded by an odd German accent that was peculiar to the county. My dad learned some German in the Navy and would drop a phase here and there. So, I can can usually get the gist of a German text, and it is my favorite language to try to read; but no way can I proofread any, let alone translate.
Thanks again, Mikado282 (talk) 20:53, 19 May 2014 (PDT)
Sorry. The Panoramafoto link is offered for your Badlands_(Region)/de page. Mikado282 (talk) 11:44, 22 May 2014 (PDT)
Oh well :D I added it :) Just note that you shouldn't use {{w}} anymore ;)
~{ TidB | t | c }~ 12:03, 22 May 2014 (PDT)
OK, just a couple days ago someone put {{w}} over some of my recent edits, thought that was the way. [[w:]] is the right way?
In college, I was told that my German "clung thickly about my neck like an old woman." On the other hand, your English seems quite fine. Mikado282 (talk) 18:38, 22 May 2014 (PDT)
He, when it comes to easy sentences, then yeah :D And yes, you shouldn't use Template:W anymore, it's also stated on the template page ;). w: is fine.
~{ TidB | t | c }~ 22:10, 22 May 2014 (PDT)

Achievement unlocked!

AgentBullievement Awarded by Reason
Tf soldier screamin.png

Typing Spree
Create 20 or more new, high-quality translations within one day. New major update arrived, huh?

AgentBull AgentBullievement unlocked!
29 translations yesterday. Gud work, pardner! Engineer's Cap.png

WikiTranslator strings translated!

Hello! I've finished translating the strings, and you can find them here. Additionally, on DICTIONARY_LEVEL_C, instead of Fueltank it should be Fuel Tank.  –  Ricci «T | C» 14:19, 2 July 2014 (PDT)


SackZement said we can talk in german if two germans are talkin in the discussion talk with each other....Also soll ich den KOMMUNISTEN Spy Artikel nochmal durchgehen und verbessern und du schenkst mir dafür nen Hut, oder wollst selber den Spass machen ^^? Magicalpony (talk) 14:34, 24 July 2014 (PDT)

Ich werde doch nicht meine Hüte weggeben D: Ich werde den schon selber korrigieren... später :3 (den guckt sich sowieso niemand an ;D) { TidB | t | c | wt } 14:36, 24 July 2014 (PDT)

About your bot idea, ideas

Hi and welcome back from vacation. Here are my suggestions what your bot should do: Read me i a have sexy suggestions. Magicalpony (talk) 06:12, 8 August 2014 (PDT)

Heh, I'm still on vacation^^ I'll get back to normal productiviy on sunday, I think. Just a li'l note: The main idea behind this was just to compile this list so the translators can fix the errors. Don't expect something bot-like before next week ;) { TidB | t | c | wt } 06:20, 8 August 2014 (PDT)
I just mentioned what i think is most likely to be of use for everyone (not only "us"(germans). I also wont expect anything in the short term (1-3month). I just hope in the end to find a tool which can spot inconsistent information based on the origin english article and the tf_"language".txt files. With vacational regards Magicalpony (talk) 08:50, 8 August 2014 (PDT)

For the helping

Hi! Thanks the useful help! Valter (talk) 10:07, 10 August 2014 (PDT)

No problem^^ But it'd be better if the discussion stays on just one page ;) { TidB | t | c | wt } 10:08, 10 August 2014 (PDT)

Picture sizes

Hi, TidB. Feel free to adjust sizes of images I put on articles; I'm not sure how to best size them for viewing and layout on everybody else's monitors. Mikado282 (talk) 07:51, 30 August 2014 (PDT)

I think it's fine as it is now ;) { TidB | t | c | wt } 08:18, 30 August 2014 (PDT)

Karte von Badlands Redux

Thought that I needed to make major edit to Map of Badlands. Wanted you to know since you did the /de. But, I will probably redo or move the correspondence with other states to somewhere else. Comment/Advice? Mikado282 (talk) 08:08, 1 September 2014 (PDT)

I'm thinking now that with the less relevant material that I removed with the main edit, the correspondence with other states that remains is reasonably relevant to the map, more so than to the Badlands article, so it is best to leave it there, I think. So the article reasonably stable for now. Agreed? Comment? (Son's German class is thinking of going to Köln.) Mikado282 (talk) 19:54, 12 September 2014 (PDT)
Agreed, looks good ;) Oh, and speaking of Köln... get ready to their very own dialect :P { TidB | t | c | wt } 06:17, 13 September 2014 (PDT)
Yeah, like that’s peculiar to Köln ; ) Today, I read the Baden-Württemberg/Swabian's famous line Wir können alles. Außer Hochdeutsch. At the meeting I found out I have been mispronouncing Rothenburg (ob der Tauber). Assuming that this mispronunciation is not because I’m a hick Kanzareicher; I could blame it on my Wolka Cherman immersion. Driving down to catch my son’s cross country race today, I cataloged some of the dialect; Schen, not Schoen; Mun, not Muen; Rawth, not Rowth, etc. I think I mentioned that our neighbor's wife was a 1950s German immigrant; she could not understand the Volga German dialect spoken here. +
So, on a related subject (OK, not related to Badlands), what might the root meanings of Roden and Roten be; as opposed to Rotten (ruined) and Rothen (red) ?
Ooh, the SMS Kaiser Wilhelm II is the feature article of the day. :)
20:43, 13 September 2014 (PDT)
OK, I figured it out. Rothen, Roten, and Roden all mean red; sometimes a hill, sometimes a castle, sometimes the castle on a hill, sometimes the hill with a castle on it, sometimes they just lose track of which one it is. Mikado282 (talk) 00:27, 15 September 2014 (PDT)
Yeah, but "Rotten" is nowhere near the word "Rot" :D I still think it's for "rotten"^^ { TidB | t | c | wt } 10:24, 15 September 2014 (PDT)
Well, that's just it, the map's name is a bilingual, multiple entendre. You probably know, but it is new to me, that the historic site of the Württemberg castles and mausoleum is located on a hilltop within Stuttgart. Until 1805, that hill within Stuttgart was called Rotenberg. The village on that hill is still called Rotenberg (Stuttgart). So, assuming that Rotenberg (Stuttgart) is one of the references of MvM Rottenburg, then someone whose hometown is Rotenberg would have also grown up in Stuttgart.
Rottenburg am Neckar is the "right" spelling for the pun and is basically within the Stuttgart metropolitan area.
While there is a clock tower in Rotenberg (Stuttgart), MvM Rottenburg's clock tower most closely resembles the tower in Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
Red Hills/Red Forts are as ubiquitous as Black Mesas are in New Mexico. Mikado282 (talk) 20:18, 16 September 2014 (PDT)

You left the IRC too early.

Hey there TidB,

You left really early xD I was going to say that yeah I'm really impressed by Ashes' work xD I don't think I'll go anywhere near 1000+ edits in a day. But oh well. Oh ! before I leave, I saw you were nominated for the cap on my way to your profile :O Best of luck, I hope you get it :D

See you around !

Tenacious TacoTenacious Taco 19:20, 5 September 2014 (PDT)

Undoing polish template additions

Hey TidB, ein aufgebrachter polnischer Editor (User:TubidubidamPL hat gerade seinen Unmut kund getan. Er sagt, dass die Edits (1, 2, 3) berechtigt seien, weil er es mit seinem STS Mod so abgesprochen hat. Sie sind submitted aber nicht approved, also hast du vermutlich Recht. Trotzdem kannst du dich ja mal mit ihm in Verbindung setzen, er war etwas wütend.


--Nikno (talk) 05:04, 1 October 2014 (PDT)

Project Cleanup...cleanup

This is for german fellows so the following is in german: Du solltest loadout-name nochmal überlegen ob du es integrierst in die Liste. Zu großen Teilen ist es identisch mit dictionary und es gilt nichts zu editieren. Ich find es halt verwunderlich das ich mich da reinklicke und nichts machen muss. Beispiel nach 4links >
=== 'Fish'/de ===

  • Pictogram comment.png Warning No usage of the loadout-name parameter in the item infobox
    === A Brush with Death/de ===
  • Pictogram comment.png Warning No usage of the loadout-name parameter in the item infobox
     ;; is halt die Fehleranfälligkeit und könnte Leute verwirren und sie dazu bringen sich selbst zu schlagen, aber das heilige unsterbliche Pikachu liebt dich dennoch...noch. Wieso ich hier noch schreibe? Bin online aber nich am PC(Teamviewer) daher schreib bitte hier ne Antwort oder in Steam. Aber hier geht schneller. Magicalpony (talk) 05:10, 17 October 2014 (PDT)