Difference between revisions of "Decorated/zh-hans"

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(I will be back for more)
(take a break :))
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== [[War Paint/zh-hans|战绘]]收藏品 ==
== [[War Paint/zh-hans|战绘]]收藏品 ==
Decorated items released after the [[Jungle Inferno Update]] use [[War Paints]] rather than predetermined weapon and "skin" combinations. These can be applied to forty-four different weapons.
在{{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}后的装饰武器会先以[[War Paint/zh-hans|战绘]]的形式出现而非直接作为武器获得,每个战绘可以用于兑换 44 种不同的武器中的一种对应的装饰武器。
==={{anchor|Jungle Jackpot Collection}}The Jungle Jackpot Collection ===
==={{anchor|Jungle Jackpot Collection|丛林大奖收藏品}}丛林大奖收藏品 ===
File:Backpack War Paint Anodized Aloha.png|Anodized Aloha
File:Backpack War Paint Anodized Aloha.png|椰林风光<br />Anodized Aloha
File:Backpack War Paint Bamboo Brushed.png|Bamboo Brushed
File:Backpack War Paint Bamboo Brushed.png|势如破竹<br />Bamboo Brushed
File:Backpack War Paint Croc Dusted.png|Croc Dusted
File:Backpack War Paint Croc Dusted.png|鳄鱼池塘<br />Croc Dusted
File:Backpack War Paint Leopard Printed.png|Leopard Printed
File:Backpack War Paint Leopard Printed.png|斑点豹纹<br />Leopard Printed
File:Backpack War Paint Macaw Masked.png|Macaw Masked
File:Backpack War Paint Macaw Masked.png|金刚鹦鹉<br />Macaw Masked
File:Backpack War Paint Mannana Peeled.png|Mannana Peeled
File:Backpack War Paint Mannana Peeled.png|曼恩香蕉<br />Mannana Peeled
File:Backpack War Paint Park Pigmented.png|Park Pigmented
File:Backpack War Paint Park Pigmented.png|公园海报<br />Park Pigmented
File:Backpack War Paint Piña Polished.png|Piña Polished
File:Backpack War Paint Piña Polished.png|菠萝图案<br />Piña Polished
File:Backpack War Paint Sax Waxed.png|Sax Waxed
File:Backpack War Paint Sax Waxed.png|萨克斯顿<br />Sax Waxed
File:Backpack War Paint Tiger Buffed.png|Tiger Buffed
File:Backpack War Paint Tiger Buffed.png|老虎条纹<br />Tiger Buffed
File:Backpack War Paint Yeti Coated.png|Yeti Coated
File:Backpack War Paint Yeti Coated.png|雪人之眼<br />Yeti Coated
==={{anchor|Infernal Reward War Paint Collection}}The Infernal Reward Collection ===
==={{anchor|Infernal Reward War Paint Collection|炼狱之赐收藏品}}炼狱之赐收藏品 ===
File:Backpack War Paint Bank Rolled.png|Bank Rolled
File:Backpack War Paint Bank Rolled.png|为所欲为<br />Bank Rolled
File:Backpack War Paint Bloom Buffed.png|Bloom Buffed
File:Backpack War Paint Bloom Buffed.png|鲜花盛开<br />Bloom Buffed
File:Backpack War Paint Bonk Varnished.png|Bonk Varnished
File:Backpack War Paint Bonk Varnished.png|辐射超标<br />Bonk Varnished
File:Backpack War Paint Cardboard Boxed.png|Cardboard Boxed
File:Backpack War Paint Cardboard Boxed.png|纸盒包裹<br />Cardboard Boxed
File:Backpack War Paint Clover Camo'd.png|Clover Camo'd
File:Backpack War Paint Clover Camo'd.png|四叶草纹<br />Clover Camo'd
File:Backpack War Paint Dream Piped.png|Dream Piped
File:Backpack War Paint Dream Piped.png|幻境之物<br />Dream Piped
File:Backpack War Paint Fire Glazed.png|Fire Glazed
File:Backpack War Paint Fire Glazed.png|烈焰之纹<br />Fire Glazed
File:Backpack War Paint Freedom Wrapped.png|Freedom Wrapped
File:Backpack War Paint Freedom Wrapped.png|星条花纹<br />Freedom Wrapped
File:Backpack War Paint Kill Covered.png|Kill Covered
File:Backpack War Paint Kill Covered.png|杀戮刻痕<br />Kill Covered
File:Backpack War Paint Merc Stained.png|Merc Stained
File:Backpack War Paint Merc Stained.png|佣兵之印<br />Merc Stained
File:Backpack War Paint Pizza Polished.png|Pizza Polished
File:Backpack War Paint Pizza Polished.png|食欲大振<br />Pizza Polished
File:Backpack War Paint Quack Canvassed.png|Quack Canvassed
File:Backpack War Paint Quack Canvassed.png|致命之鸭<br />Quack Canvassed
File:Backpack War Paint Star Crossed.png|Star Crossed
File:Backpack War Paint Star Crossed.png|璀璨星空<br />Star Crossed
==={{anchor|Decorated War Hero Collection}}The Decorated Hero Collection ===
==={{anchor|Decorated War Hero Collection|功勋英雄收藏品}}功勋英雄收藏品 ===
File:Backpack War Paint Carpet Bomber Mk.II.png|Carpet Bomber Mk.II
File:Backpack War Paint Carpet Bomber Mk.II.png|Carpet Bomber Mk.II
Line 157: Line 157:
==={{anchor|Contract Campaigner Collection }}The Contract Campaigner Collection===
==={{anchor|Contract Campaigner Collection|合同履行者收藏品}}合同履行者收藏品===
File:Backpack War Paint Dead Reckoner Mk.II.png|Dead Reckoner Mk.II
File:Backpack War Paint Dead Reckoner Mk.II.png|Dead Reckoner Mk.II
Line 169: Line 169:
==={{anchor|Saxton Select Collection}}The Saxton Select Collection===
==={{anchor|Saxton Select Collection|萨氏精选收藏品}}萨氏精选收藏品===
File:Backpack War Paint Dragon Slayer.png|Dragon Slayer
File:Backpack War Paint Dragon Slayer.png|Dragon Slayer
Line 179: Line 179:
==={{anchor|Winter 2017 Collection}} The Winter 2017 Collection===
==={{anchor|Winter 2017 Collection|2017 冬季收藏品}}2017 冬季收藏品===
File:Backpack War Paint Miami Element.png|Miami Element
File:Backpack War Paint Miami Element.png|Miami Element
Line 198: Line 198:
==={{anchor|Scream Fortress X Collection}}The Scream Fortress X Collection===
==={{anchor|Scream Fortress X Collection|尖叫要塞 X 收藏品}}尖叫要塞 X 收藏品===
File:Backpack War Paint Electroshocked.png|Electroshocked
File:Backpack War Paint Electroshocked.png|电刑处决<br />Electroshocked
File:Backpack War Paint Tumor Toasted.png|Tumor Toasted
File:Backpack War Paint Tumor Toasted.png|肿瘤附体<br />Tumor Toasted
File:Backpack War Paint Ghost Town.png|Ghost Town
File:Backpack War Paint Ghost Town.png|阴森之城<br />Ghost Town
File:Backpack War Paint Skull Study.png|Skull Study
File:Backpack War Paint Skull Study.png|暗色骷髅<br />Skull Study
File:Backpack War Paint Spectral Shimmered.png|Spectral Shimmered
File:Backpack War Paint Spectral Shimmered.png|幽灵缠身<br />Spectral Shimmered
File:Backpack War Paint Calavera Canvas.png|Calavera Canvas
File:Backpack War Paint Calavera Canvas.png|亡灵狂欢<br />Calavera Canvas
File:Backpack War Paint Spirit of Halloween.png|Spirit of Halloween
File:Backpack War Paint Spirit of Halloween.png|万圣之魂<br />Spirit of Halloween
File:Backpack War Paint Horror Holiday.png|Horror Holiday
File:Backpack War Paint Horror Holiday.png|恐怖假日<br />Horror Holiday
File:Backpack War Paint Totally Boned.png|Totally Boned
File:Backpack War Paint Totally Boned.png|白骨累累<br />Totally Boned
File:Backpack War Paint Haunted Ghosts.png|Haunted Ghosts
File:Backpack War Paint Haunted Ghosts.png|恐怖鬼魂<br />Haunted Ghosts
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== 稀有特效 ==
== 稀有特效 ==
Unusual Decorated weapons will have a particle effect attached to parts of the weapon. Depending on the Unusual effect and weapon, the position of the particle effect can vary; for example, Isotope tends to only cover the tip of the weapon's muzzle (unless the weapon is small, such as on a [[Pistol]] or [[Revolver]], where it will cover most of the weapon), while Hot and Cool tend to travel along the whole weapon, making it more visible on larger weapons like the [[Rocket Launcher]].
带有稀有品质的装饰武器会在武器的部分位置附带特殊的粒子效果。这一效果取决于稀有特效类型与武器类型,且效果位置可以变化。例如,“绿色辐射”特效默认会覆盖武器的前端位置(除非是对于[[Pistol/zh-hans|手枪]][[Revolver/zh-hans|左轮手枪]]这类模型体积太小的武器时,会覆盖武器的大部分),而“炽热发烟”与“冷若冰霜”特效会在整个武器模型上运动,使其在[[Rocket Launcher/zh-hans|火箭发射器]]这样的大型武器上更为明显。
<gallery perrow="4">
<gallery perrow="4">
File:Unusual_Weapon_Effect_(Isotope).gif|绿色辐射<br />Isotope
File:Unusual_Weapon_Effect_(Hot).gif|炽热发烟<br />Hot
File:Unusual_Weapon_Effect_(Cool).gif|冷若冰霜<br />Cool
File:Unusual_Weapon_Effect_(Energy_Orb).gif|Energy Orb
File:Unusual_Weapon_Effect_(Energy_Orb).gif|能量光束<br />Energy Orb
== 漏洞 ==
== 漏洞 ==
* Team-colored Decorated weapons always appear as RED in the class selection screen.
* 团队色的装饰武器在兵种选择界面的预览中总是显示为红队配色。
* Team-colored Decorated weapons that have the Team Shine [[Killstreak]] sheen will always use RED team's sheen if inspected in the backpack.
* 团队色的装饰武器在加装了“团队之光”[[Killstreak/zh-hans|连杀]]效果后,于背包中预览时总是显示为红队光泽。
* Upon respawning, Unusual effects can sometimes become positioned in front of the player's screen, blocking their view. This can be fixed by switching weapons.
* 玩家在重生时,装饰武器的稀有特效可能会生成于玩家屏幕的正前方而阻挡玩家的视线。这一问题可以通过切换武器解决。
* All Team-Colored Tough Break Collection weapons lack the description "Team Colored Decorated Weapon", and their BLU team variants cannot be viewed in the backpack.
* 所有艰难假日系列的团队色装饰武器都缺少了“团队色彩装饰武器”这段描述,且蓝队的配色无法在背包中预览。
* Unusual effects on Revolvers and Knives will disappear upon disguising, and will not reappear until a weapon switch.
* 左轮手枪和刀子的装饰武器稀有特效会在玩家进行伪装后消失,且在进行一次武器切换前不会自动重新出现。
* On certain low-graphics settings, Decorated weapons that have increased phong shading (such as the Coffin Nail skins) and have a Strange stat clock attached will not appear to be shiny in first-person view, due to the stat clock conflicting with the weapon's phong shading.
* 当玩家的图形设置数值较低时,装饰武器的材质阴影会增加(如“烟鬼”装饰),且奇异装饰武器附带的杀敌计数器模型在第一人称中也不会发光,因为它与武器的阴影材质相冲突。
* Holding a Decorated weapon, and then using certain [[Taunt]]s that use props (Example: the [[Luxury Lounge]]) will make the prop use the weapon's texture.
* 当玩家持有一件装饰武器并进行某些[[Taunts/zh-hans|嘲讽]]时(例如间谍的[[Luxury Lounge/zh-hans|头等之座]]),会让嘲讽道具材质被装饰武器材质替代。
** This will also cause certain parts of the Taunt to disappear for other players. (Example: The [[Fresh Brewed Victory]] cup and the bag of coffee beans).
** 这一问题也可能导致嘲讽动画的某些部件对于其他玩家不可见(如士兵的[[Fresh Brewed Victory/zh-hans|先干为敬]]中的杯子与咖啡豆袋子)。
== 注释 ==
== 注释 ==
* The patterns and exterior qualities of Decorated weapons do not appear when running the game with {{code|dxlevel -80}} or {{code|dxlevel -81}}. Instead of showing the decorations, they only appear as their [[Normal|stock]] counterpart. When running the game in these DirectX levels, the descriptions of Decorated weapons change, adding the extra string: "You are in DirectX 8, decorated weapons are incompatible and will show as stock".
* 在游戏以{{code|dxlevel -80}}{{code|dxlevel -81}}运行时,装饰武器的图案和磨损效果不会生效,而会以其对应的原始武器的造型而出现。在使用这些版本的 DirectX 进入游戏时,装饰武器的描述中会额外附加一条:“您正处于 DirectX 8 模式,装饰武器不兼容此模式,造型将与基础武器相同。”。
** Upon checkout at the [[Mann Co. Store]], having a [[Gun Mettle Campaign Pass]] in the cart will cause the game to show a message warning the player that Decorated weapons do not work on DirectX 8.
** 当玩家在[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hans|曼恩公司商店]]结算商品,且在购物车中包含有[[Gun Mettle Campaign Pass/zh-hans|枪魂战役通行证]]时,也会收到一条消息告知玩家装饰武器无法在 DirectX 8 中应用。
== 更新历史 ==
== 更新历史 ==
{{Update history | '''{{Patch name|7|2|2015}}''' {{update link|Gun Mettle Update}}
{{Update history | '''{{Patch name|7|2|2015}}''' ({{update link|Gun Mettle Update}})
* {{Undocumented}} 装饰品质被添加到游戏中。
* {{Undocumented}} 装饰品质被添加到游戏中。
'''{{Patch name|7|2|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|2|2015}}'''
* 修复了皮肤武器被交易后外观变化的问题。受影响的武器已恢复成原貌。
* 修复了装饰武器被交易后外观变化的问题。受影响的武器已恢复成原貌。
'''{{Patch name|7|6|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|6|2015}}'''
* 修复了[[Shotgun/zh-hans|霰弹枪]]和[[SMG/zh-hans|SMG]]的[[Killstreak Kit/zh-hans|连杀工具包]]无法用于涂装武器的问题。
* 修复了[[Shotgun/zh-hans|霰弹枪]]和[[SMG/zh-hans|SMG]]的[[Killstreak Kit/zh-hans|连杀工具包]]无法正确生效的问题。
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2015}}'''
* [[Revolver/zh-hans|左轮手枪]]和[[Pistol/zh-hans|手枪]]的连杀工具包现在能正确地用在涂装武器上。
* 修复了[[Revolver/zh-hans|左轮手枪]]和[[Pistol/zh-hans|手枪]]的连杀工具包无法正确生效的问题。
'''{{Patch name|7|15|2015}} #1'''
'''{{Patch name|7|15|2015}} #1'''
* Fixed an issue with Unusual Revolvers where the unusual effect would sometimes not disappear when the Spy would feign death, disguise, cloak, etc.
* 修复了带有稀有特效的左轮手枪装饰武器有时会在间谍假死、隐形、伪装时消失的问题。
* Fixed skinned weapons not rendering properly for customers on older shader model 2.0 hardware.
* 修复了使用旧版着色硬件2.0的玩家无法正确载入装饰武器的问题。
<!-- please correct it if you have a better translation for "older shader model 2.0 hardware".-->
'''{{Patch name|7|23|2015}} #1'''
'''{{Patch name|7|23|2015}} #1'''
* Fixed Stat Clock models not cloaking with the Spy.
* 修复了奇异装饰武器附带的杀敌计数器模型不会随间谍一同隐形的问题。
'''{{Patch name|9|24|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|24|2015}}'''
* Fixed a case where the Stat Clock model would float in the air while the player was [[Taunts|taunting]].
* 修复了奇异装饰武器附带的杀敌计数器模型有时会在玩家进行[[Taunts/zh-hans|嘲讽]]时悬浮在半空的问题。
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2015}}''' ([[Tough Break Update]])
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2015}}''' ({{update link|Tough Break Update}})
* Added 4 weapon collections: Harvest Collection, Gentlemanne's Collection, Pyroland Collection and Warbird Collection.
* 添加了4款新的装饰武器收藏品系列:Harvest 收藏品,绅士收藏品,火焰幻境收藏品,战鸟收藏品。
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2015}}'''
* Fixed decorated weapons not getting the crit-boost material effect.
* 修复了装饰武器在获得爆击加成时没有武器光泽特效的问题。
'''{{Patch name|1|4|2018}} #2'''
'''{{Patch name|1|4|2018}} #2'''
* Fixed not being able to apply the [[Civilian Grade Stat Clock|Civilian Stat Clock]]{{sic}} to [[Grade|Civilian-grade]] weapons.
* 修复了[[Civilian Grade Stat Clock/zh-hans|民用级统计记录表]]{{sic}}无法正确使用于[[Grade/zh-hans|民用级]]武器的问题。

Revision as of 02:05, 2 October 2019

Item icon Warhawk Rocket Launcher.png

鹰派 火箭发射器
精英级 火箭发射器 (崭新出厂)










而在Steam 库存,交易与市场中,装饰武器的名称颜色永远是#FAFAFA,无论它有着怎样的稀有度等级。


主条目: Grade/zh-hans, 等级



颜色 名称 示例
#B0C3D9 民用级 猎枪
#5E98D9 不羁级 黏性炸弹发射器
#4B69FF 雇佣级 转轮机枪
#8847FF 特种级 火焰喷射器
#D32CE6 刺杀级 狙击步枪
#EB4B4B 精英级 火箭发射器





  • 崭新出厂 / Factory New
  • 略有磨损 / Minimal Wear
  • 久经沙场 / Field-Tested
  • 破损不堪 / Well-Worn
  • 战痕累累 / Battle Scarred


需要注意的是,游戏中的装饰武器背包图标是于游戏中生成的,而Steam 社区市场中的图标对于同一类装饰武器总是一致的,无论它们的磨损度如何。



The Teufort Collection

The weapons that belong in the Teufort collection

The Teufort Collection is one of two weapon skin collections available from completing Gun Mettle contracts. It is a collection of weapon skins based on the various textures found in 2Fort, such as wooden planks, metal plate, and dirt ground. As of October 28 2017 the Bovine Blazemaker, Bogtrotter, Team Sprayer, Rooftop Wrangler, Civic Duty, Civil Servant, Local Hero, Mayor, Smalltown Bringdown and the Citizen Pain has been added to the game through updates.

The Craftsmann Collection

The weapons that belong in the Craftsmann collection

The Craftsmann Collection is the second weapon skin collection available from completing Gun Mettle contracts. It is a collection of skins focusing on a DIY-like project, having most guns painted in a way that makes them seem made from household materials and/or fabrics. The team color variants mostly apply to materials with a plaid pattern.

The Concealed Killer Collection

The weapons that belong in the Concealed Killer collection

The Concealed Killer Collection is one of two weapon skin collections only available through opening weapon cases obtained during the Gun Mettle Campaign. To obtain a weapon with this skin, players must unbox a Concealed Killer Weapons Case. This collection focuses on military-style camouflage skins of various colors and patterns.

The Powerhouse Collection

The weapons that belong in the Powerhouse collection

The Powerhouse Collection is the second weapon skin collection only available though Gun Mettle Campaign weapon cases. To obtain a weapon with this skin, players must open a Powerhouse Weapons Case. The primary focus of this collection is bright patterns, resembling electricity and power station logos, some of which are related to the map Powerhouse.

Tough Break Collections

The gallery below shows one of the possible positions of these weapons, it is meant as a reference only

Uniquely, this is the only skin collection which contains skins that boosts the Phong shading of several or most parts of the weapon in order to make them glossier and more appealing (such as majority of the Gentlemanne's Collection and the Corsair variants in the Warbird Collection), making them currently the only publicly-obtainable weapons with increased Phong shading, with the exception of certain Community grade weapons.

The Harvest Collection

The Harvest Collection is one of two weapon skin collections available through completing Tough Break contracts. Half of the possible skins from this collection are based on autumn colors and patterns, such as leaves, pumpkins, and trees. The other half of the skins take on a more "spooky" or Halloween-based style. The Boneyard skins, in particular, have an unique aesthetic, as lower grades cause the bone-colored parts of the weapon to wear off, revealing bloody "bone marrow" instead of showing the gun's stock texture under it.

The Gentlemanne's Collection

The Gentlemanne's Collection is the second weapon skin collection available through completing Tough Break contracts. The skins from this collection take on a fancy, ornate, or expensive-looking approach. The "High Roller's" set in particular focuses on a casino or gambling theme. The "Coffin Nail" set is based upon cigarettes; uniquely, as the weapon's wear decreases, glowing "burn" marks appear on the skin's muzzle as if the weapon was a cigarette gradually being "smoked".

The Pyroland Collection

The Pyroland Collection is one of two Tough Break collections available only through opening weapons cases. To obtain a weapon from this collection, one must open a Pyroland Weapons Case with a Tough Break Key. Weapons from this collection focus on patterns and designs found in Pyroland, such as rainbows and cats, along with contrasting "lava" skins representing the Pyro's viewpoint out of Pyroland.

The Warbird Collection

The Warbird Collection is the second Tough Break collection available only through opening weapons cases. Weapons from this collection can be obtained by opening a Warbird Weapons Case with a Tough Break Key. These weapons bear motifs from the air arms of the countries that fought in World War II, including those of the USAAF and Luftwaffe.


丛林炼狱更新后的装饰武器会先以战绘的形式出现而非直接作为武器获得,每个战绘可以用于兑换 44 种不同的武器中的一种对应的装饰武器。






The Mann Co. Events Collection

2017 冬季收藏品

尖叫要塞 X 收藏品


  • 在游戏文件中,还有一种未使用的稀有度等级名为“不朽级”(Immortal)。


主条目: 彩灯工具





  • 团队色的装饰武器在兵种选择界面的预览中总是显示为红队配色。
  • 团队色的装饰武器在加装了“团队之光”连杀效果后,于背包中预览时总是显示为红队光泽。
  • 玩家在重生时,装饰武器的稀有特效可能会生成于玩家屏幕的正前方而阻挡玩家的视线。这一问题可以通过切换武器解决。
  • 所有艰难假日系列的团队色装饰武器都缺少了“团队色彩装饰武器”这段描述,且蓝队的配色无法在背包中预览。
  • 左轮手枪和刀子的装饰武器稀有特效会在玩家进行伪装后消失,且在进行一次武器切换前不会自动重新出现。
  • 当玩家的图形设置数值较低时,装饰武器的材质阴影会增加(如“烟鬼”装饰),且奇异装饰武器附带的杀敌计数器模型在第一人称中也不会发光,因为它与武器的阴影材质相冲突。
  • 当玩家持有一件装饰武器并进行某些嘲讽时(例如间谍的头等之座),会让嘲讽道具材质被装饰武器材质替代。
    • 这一问题也可能导致嘲讽动画的某些部件对于其他玩家不可见(如士兵的先干为敬中的杯子与咖啡豆袋子)。


  • 在游戏以dxlevel -80dxlevel -81运行时,装饰武器的图案和磨损效果不会生效,而会以其对应的原始武器的造型而出现。在使用这些版本的 DirectX 进入游戏时,装饰武器的描述中会额外附加一条:“您正处于 DirectX 8 模式,装饰武器不兼容此模式,造型将与基础武器相同。”。


2015年7月2日补丁 (枪魂更新)
  • [未记载] 装饰品质被添加到游戏中。


  • 修复了装饰武器被交易后外观变化的问题。受影响的武器已恢复成原貌。



2015年7月15日补丁 #1

  • 修复了带有稀有特效的左轮手枪装饰武器有时会在间谍假死、隐形、伪装时消失的问题。
  • 修复了使用旧版着色硬件2.0的玩家无法正确载入装饰武器的问题。

2015年7月23日补丁 #1

  • 修复了奇异装饰武器附带的杀敌计数器模型不会随间谍一同隐形的问题。


  • 修复了奇异装饰武器附带的杀敌计数器模型有时会在玩家进行嘲讽时悬浮在半空的问题。

2015年12月17日补丁 (艰难假日更新)

  • 添加了4款新的装饰武器收藏品系列:Harvest 收藏品,绅士收藏品,火焰幻境收藏品,战鸟收藏品。


  • 修复了装饰武器在获得爆击加成时没有武器光泽特效的问题。

2018年1月4日补丁 #2
