Difference between revisions of "Halloween Boss voice responses/zh-hans"

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(I will be back for more)
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* [[Media:Sf13 redmond almost lost01.wav|"Good gravel! ''I'm'' almost to hell, you idiots! Do something!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond almost lost01.wav|"Good gravel! ''I'm'' almost to hell, you idiots! Do something!"<br />我的天啊!我就要到地狱了,你们这些白痴!快做些什么!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won01.wav|"Good gravel! You've almost done it!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won01.wav|"Good gravel! You've almost done it!"<br />很好!你们就要完成了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won02.wav|"Whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won02.wav|"Whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it!"<br />不管你们在做什么,继续下去!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won03.wav|"Whatever it is you're doing, it's working!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won03.wav|"Whatever it is you're doing, it's working!"<br />不管你们在做什么,这很有效!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won04.wav|"I'm doing it! I'm finally actually really doing it! I am the best man!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won04.wav|"I'm doing it! I'm finally actually really doing it! I am the best man!"<br />我就要做到了!我终于真的要做到了!我是最棒的!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won05.wav|"I'm winning! And you're losing, Redmond! I will be the last man standing!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won05.wav|"I'm winning! And you're losing, Redmond! I will be the last man standing!"<br />我要赢了!而你要输了,雷德蒙德!我将是站到最后的人!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won06.wav|"How do you like those ghostly apples, Redmond? No need to answer. They are bitter, tart ash in your mouth, I'm sure of it! Yes yes yes..."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won06.wav|"How do you like those ghostly apples, Redmond? No need to answer. They are bitter, tart ash in your mouth, I'm sure of it! Yes yes yes..."<br />你对那些鬼怪般的苹果有何感受啊,布鲁塔克?不需回答。它们就像苦涩酸臭的灰塞满你的嘴,我敢肯定!好,好,好好好...]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won07.wav|"I'm doing it! I'm sending you to hell, Redmond! I'm the best brother!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won07.wav|"I'm doing it! I'm sending you to hell, Redmond! I'm the best brother!"<br />我就要做到了!我要把你送到地狱去,雷德蒙德!我才是最棒的兄弟!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won08.wav|"Yes! All my beautiful ghost plans are being realized!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won08.wav|"Yes! All my beautiful ghost plans are being realized!"<br />好啊!我所有的鬼魅计划都要实现了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won09.wav|"We're winning! Getting stabbed nine times in the heart was the greatest thing to ever happen to me!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won09.wav|"We're winning! Getting stabbed nine times in the heart was the greatest thing to ever happen to me!"<br />我们要赢了!心脏被捅九刀真是我人生中最美妙的事情!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won10.wav|"Yes! Sending my brother to hell was my best idea since the pregnancy machine! ...Which isn't off the table, by the way."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won10.wav|"Yes! Sending my brother to hell was my best idea since the pregnancy machine! ...Which isn't off the table, by the way."<br />好啊!将我兄弟送到地狱去是我自那怀孕机器之后最棒的计划!...顺便说一下,那事情也还没完呢。]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won11.wav|"We're winning! Do you hear me, Redmond? The Badlands are mine!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won11.wav|"We're winning! Do you hear me, Redmond? The Badlands are mine!"<br />我们要赢了!你听到了吗,雷德蒙德?荒芜之地是我的!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won12.wav|"We're winning! Do you hear me, Redmond? You're going to hell!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost won12.wav|"We're winning! Do you hear me, Redmond? You're going to hell!"<br />我们要赢了!你听到了吗,布鲁塔克?你就要下地狱了!]]
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* [[Media:Sf13 redmond almost won01.wav|"Good gravel! You've almost done it!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond almost won01.wav|"Good gravel! You've almost done it!"<br />很好!你们就要完成了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost01.wav|"Good gravel! I'm almost to hell, you idiots! Do something!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost01.wav|"Good gravel! I'm almost to hell, you idiots! Do something!"<br />我的天啊!我就要到地狱了,你们这些白痴!快做些什么!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost02.wav|"You charlatans promised me you'd send my brother to hell!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost02.wav|"You charlatans promised me you'd send my brother to hell!"<br />你们这帮骗子承诺了要送他下地狱的!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost03.wav|"No, you stupid poor people!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost03.wav|"No, you stupid poor people!"<br />不,你们这帮蠢穷鬼!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost04.wav|"Blast! I should've hired the RED team!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost04.wav|"Blast! I should've hired the RED team!"<br />该死!我该雇佣红队那帮人的!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost05.wav|"Damn it all, get that ratstink carcass to hell! Or by gravel, I will end you!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost05.wav|"Damn it all, get that ratstink carcass to hell! Or by gravel, I will end you!"<br /><br />该死,快把那具腐臭的尸体送到地狱去!否则我就用这儿的砾石埋葬你们!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost06.wav|"What the gravel am I paying you for?"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost06.wav|"What the gravel am I paying you for?"<br />我给你们掏钱是让你们干啥的?]]
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* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win01.wav|"I've done it!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win01.wav|"I've done it!"<br />我做到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win02.wav|"Yes! Yes yes yes yes! I did it!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win02.wav|"Yes! Yes yes yes yes! I did it!"<br />好!好好好好!我做到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win03.wav|"Rot in hell, Blutarch! I win!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win03.wav|"Rot in hell, Blutarch! I win!"<br />在地狱中腐烂把,布鲁塔克!我赢了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win04.wav|"Look at me now, father! I won!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win04.wav|"Look at me now, father! I won!"<br />看我啊,老爹!我赢了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win05.wav|"Mine! All of the Badlands is finally mine!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win05.wav|"Mine! All of the Badlands is finally mine!"<br />我的!荒芜之地终于通通都是我的了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win06.wav|"After a hundred years, I am the last man standing!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win06.wav|"After a hundred years, I am the last man standing!"<br />在这一百年后,我才是站到最后的人!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win07.wav|"I won! Wait, where are you all going?"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win07.wav|"I won! Wait, where are you all going?"<br />我赢了!等等,你们都在干什么?]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win08.wav|"I won! Now you all can go to hell!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win08.wav|"I won! Now you all can go to hell!"<br />我赢了!现在你们都下地狱去吧!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win09.wav|"I won! And just so I don't have to pay you, go to hell!" *laughs*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win09.wav|"I won! And just so I don't have to pay you, go to hell!" *笑声*<br />我赢了!而你们也跟着下地狱去吧,这样我就不用付钱了!*笑声*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win01.wav|"I've done it!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win01.wav|"I've done it!"<br />我做到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win02.wav|"Yes! Yes yes yes!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win02.wav|"Yes! Yes yes yes!""<br />好,好好好!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win03.wav|"Yes, yes yes yes! I did it!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win03.wav|"Yes, yes yes yes! I did it!"<br />好,好好好!我做到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win04.wav|"I won!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win04.wav|"I won!"<br />我赢了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win05.wav|"Rot in hell, Redmond! I win!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win05.wav|"Rot in hell, Redmond! I win!"<br />在地狱中腐烂把,雷德蒙德!我赢了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win06.wav|"Mine! All of the Badlands is finally mine!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win06.wav|"Mine! All of the Badlands is finally mine!"<br />我的!荒芜之地终于通通都是我的了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win07.wav|"I am the last man standing!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win07.wav|"I am the last man standing!"<br />我才是站到最后的人!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win08.wav|"Wait! Where are you all going?"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win08.wav|"Wait! Where are you all going?"<br />等等,你们都在干什么?]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win09.wav|"I won! Now you all can go to hell!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win09.wav|"I won! Now you all can go to hell!"<br />我赢了!现在你们都下地狱去吧!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win10.wav|"I won! And just so I don't have to pay you, you all can go to hell!" *long laughter* *coughing*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win10.wav|"I won! And just so I don't have to pay you, you all can go to hell!" *长笑* *咳嗽*<br />我赢了!而你们也跟着下地狱去吧,这样我就不用付钱了!*长笑* *咳嗽*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win11.wav|"Go to hell!" *laughing*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win11.wav|"Go to hell!" *笑声*<br />下地狱去吧]]
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* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose01.wav|"No! Noooooooo!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose01.wav|"No! Noooooooo!"<br />不,不!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose02.wav|"No! Noooooooooooo!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose02.wav|"No! Noooooooooooo!"<br />不,不!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose03.wav|"I'm taking you to hell with me!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose03.wav|"I'm taking you to hell with me!"<br />我要把你们也都拉下地狱!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose04.wav|"Damn you Blutarch!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose04.wav|"Damn you Blutarch!"<br />该死的布鲁塔克!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose05.wav|"Happy Hallowee-" *fades off*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose05.wav|"Happy Hallowee-" *减弱*<br />万圣节快-*减弱*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose06.wav|"Damn you Blutarch!"]]<!--identical to lose04--->
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose06.wav|"Damn you Blutarch!"<br />该死的布鲁塔克!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose07.wav|"Nooooooo-" *fades off*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose07.wav|"Nooooooo-" *减弱*<br />不-*减弱*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose08.wav|"No! Noooooo!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose08.wav|"No! Noooooo!"<br />不!不!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose01.wav|"No! Noooooooo!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose01.wav|"No! Noooooooo!"<br />不!不!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose02.wav|"Bleaaaaaaaaaaah Redmond!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose02.wav|"Bleaaaaaaaaaaah Redmond!"<br />该死的雷德蒙德!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose03.wav|"Daaaaaaaaah!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose03.wav|"Daaaaaaaaah!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose04.wav|"Well I tried."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose04.wav|"Well I tried."<br />好吧我尽力了。]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose05.wav|"I'm taking you to hell with me!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose05.wav|"I'm taking you to hell with me!"<br />我要把你们也都拉下地狱!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose06.wav|"You're all comin' with me!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose06.wav|"You're all comin' with me!"<br />你们这帮人也跟我一起万劫不复吧!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose07.wav|"Noooooooo-" *fades off*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose07.wav|"Noooooooo-" *减弱*<br />不-!*减弱*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose08.wav|"Bleaaaaaaaaaaah Redmon-" *fades off*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose08.wav|"Bleaaaaaaaaaaah Redmon-" *减弱*<br />该死的雷德蒙-!*减弱*]]
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* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win02 music.wav|"Yes! Yes yes yes yes! I did it!" *victory theme*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond win02 music.wav|"Yes! Yes yes yes yes! I did it!" *胜利主题音*<br />好!好好好好!我做到了!*胜利主题音*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win02 music.wav|"Yes! Yes yes yes!" *victory theme*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch win02 music.wav|"Yes! Yes yes yes!" *胜利主题音*<br />好!好好好!*胜利主题音*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose08 music.wav|"No! Nooooo!" *boos*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond lose08 music.wav|"No! Nooooo!" *失败主题音*<br />不!不!*失败主题音*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose01 music.wav|"No! Noooooooo!" *boos*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch lose01 music.wav|"No! Noooooooo!" *失败主题音*<br />不!不!*失败主题音*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond losing19 music.wav|"What the gravel am I paying you for?" *stalemate theme*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond losing19 music.wav|"What the gravel am I paying you for?" *僵局主题音*<br />我给你们掏钱是让你们干啥的?*僵局主题音*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost06 music.wav|"What the gravel am I paying you for?" *stalemate theme*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch almost lost06 music.wav|"What the gravel am I paying you for?" *僵局主题音*<br />我给你们掏钱是让你们干啥的?*僵局主题音*]]
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* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells long01.wav|"Good! The spells have appeared, just as I planned! Yes... yes! This update almost makes too much sense!" *laughs*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells long01.wav|"Good! The spells have appeared, just as I planned! Yes... yes! This update almost makes too much sense!" *笑声*<br />很好!魔咒已经出现了,正如我计划的那样!好的...好的!这次更新可真是意义非凡!*笑声*]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells01.wav|"Gather spells while you can!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells01.wav|"Gather spells while you can!"<br />尽你们所能去收集魔咒吧!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells02.wav|"Spells! Spells everywhere!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells02.wav|"Spells! Spells everywhere!"<br />魔咒!魔咒啊大伙儿!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells03.wav|"Gather spells before they disappear!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells03.wav|"Gather spells before they disappear!"<br />在这些魔咒消失前收集它们!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells04.wav|"Grab the spells and cast them!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells04.wav|"Grab the spells and cast them!"<br />收集这些魔咒然后释放它们!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells05.wav|"Grab the spells! Cast them on Blutarch's idiot army!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells05.wav|"Grab the spells! Cast them on Blutarch's idiot army!"<br />收集这些魔咒!释放它们来对付布鲁塔克的白痴军队!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells06.wav|"Spells!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond spells06.wav|"Spells!"<br />魔咒]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells01.wav|"Gather spells while you can!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells01.wav|"Gather spells while you can!"<br />尽你们所能去收集魔咒吧!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells02.wav|"Spells! Get them before they disappear!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells02.wav|"Spells! Get them before they disappear!"<br />魔咒!在它们消失前收集它们!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells03.wav|"Gather spells before they disappear!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells03.wav|"Gather spells before they disappear!"<br />在这些魔咒消失前收集它们!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells04.wav|"Spells! They've spilled out of the hellhole!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells04.wav|"Spells! They've spilled out of the hellhole!"<br />魔咒!它们已从地狱孔洞中喷涌而出!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells05.wav|"Spells! Spells everywhere!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells05.wav|"Spells! Spells everywhere!"<br />魔咒!魔咒啊大伙儿!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells06.wav|"Grab the spells and cast them!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells06.wav|"Grab the spells and cast them!"<br />收集这些魔咒然后释放它们!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells07.wav|"Grab the spells! Cast them on Redmond's idiot army!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch spells07.wav|"Grab the spells! Cast them on Redmond's idiot army!"<br />收集这些魔咒!释放它们来对付雷德蒙德的白痴军队!]]
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* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight01.wav|"The Witching Hour!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight01.wav|"The Witching Hour!"<br />灵异时刻!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight02.wav|"It's midnight! Gather spells while you can!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight02.wav|"It's midnight! Gather spells while you can!"<br />子时已到!尽你们所能去收集魔咒吧!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight03.wav|"Yes, it's the Witching Hour!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight03.wav|"Yes, it's the Witching Hour!"<br />好的,灵异时刻已到!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight04.wav|"Yes, the Witching Hour is upon us!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight04.wav|"Yes, the Witching Hour is upon us!"<br />好的,灵异时刻已到!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight05.wav|"The Witching Hour! When the wall between worlds grows thin!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight05.wav|"The Witching Hour! When the wall between worlds grows thin!"<br />灵异时刻!世界间的隔离之墙变薄的时候!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again01.wav|"It's midnight! Again!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again01.wav|"It's midnight! Again!"<br />午夜时分!再度抵达!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again02.wav|"The Witching Hour! Again!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again02.wav|"The Witching Hour! Again!"<br />灵异时刻!再度抵达!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again03.wav|"It's midnight again! Gather spells while you can!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again03.wav|"It's midnight again! Gather spells while you can!"<br />午夜时分再度抵达!尽你们所能去收集魔咒吧!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again04.wav|"It's midnight again?"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again04.wav|"It's midnight again?"<br />又到了午夜时分了?]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again05.wav|"It's midnight! ...Again!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again05.wav|"It's midnight! ...Again!"<br />午夜时分!...再度抵达!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again06.wav|"It's midnight..." *inhales* "Again!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond midnight again06.wav|"It's midnight..." *吸气* "Again!"<br />午夜时分...*吸气*再度抵达!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight01.wav|"The Witching Hour!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight01.wav|"The Witching Hour!"<br />灵异时刻!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight02.wav|"It's midnight!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight02.wav|"It's midnight!"<br />子时已到!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight03.wav|"Yes! It's the Witching Hour!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight03.wav|"Yes! It's the Witching Hour!"<br />好的!灵异时刻已到!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight04.wav|"Yeeees! The Witching Hour is upon us."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight04.wav|"Yeeees! The Witching Hour is upon us."<br />好的,灵异时刻已到!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight05.wav|"The Witching Hour! When the wall between worlds grows weak and withered!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight05.wav|"The Witching Hour! When the wall between worlds grows weak and withered!"<br />灵异时刻!世界间的隔离之墙衰弱消散的时候!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again01.wav|"It's midnight. Again!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again01.wav|"It's midnight. Again!"<br />午夜时分!再度抵达!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again02.wav|"It's midnight again. Oh, I hate this holiday!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again02.wav|"It's midnight again. Oh, I hate this holiday!"<br />午夜时分再度抵达!哦,我恨这节日。]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again03.wav|"It's happening again!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again03.wav|"It's happening again!"<br />时间又到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again04.wav|"It's happening ''again!''"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again04.wav|"It's happening ''again!''"<br />时间又到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again05.wav|"It's midnight! Again!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again05.wav|"It's midnight! Again!"<br />午夜又到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again06.wav|"It's midnight again?"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again06.wav|"It's midnight again?"<br />午夜又到了?]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again07.wav|"It's midnight again!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again07.wav|"It's midnight again!"<br />午夜又到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again08.wav|"''It's midnight! Again!''"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again08.wav|"''It's midnight! Again!''"<br />午夜又到了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again09.wav|"It's ''midnight again!''"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch midnight again09.wav|"It's ''midnight again!''"<br />午夜又到了!]]
Line 1,010: Line 1,010:
|content    =  
|content    =  
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge01.wav|"The bridge is down!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge01.wav|"The bridge is down!"<br />那座桥梁已经出现!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge02.wav|"The bridge, you fools! Get the ''good'' magic..."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge02.wav|"The bridge, you fools! Get the ''good'' magic..."<br />那座桥,蠢货们!去那拿走高级魔咒...]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge03.wav|"Hell Island is open! The bridge is down!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge03.wav|"Hell Island is open! The bridge is down!"<br />地狱岛已经开放!桥梁已经出现!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge04.wav|"Hurry! Cross the bridge to Hell Island! That's where the good spells are!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge04.wav|"Hurry! Cross the bridge to Hell Island! That's where the good spells are!"<br />搞快点!穿过那座桥到地狱岛上去!那里有高级魔咒!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge05.wav|"The bridge, you lackeys! I sense great magic..."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge05.wav|"The bridge, you lackeys! I sense great magic..."<br />那座桥,仆从们!我能感觉到强大的魔法...]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge06.wav|"The bridge! Across it lies power beyond imagination!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge06.wav|"The bridge! Across it lies power beyond imagination!"<br />那座桥!那边有着超乎想象的强大能量!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge07.wav|"Don't settle for this paltry stuff! Cross the bridge!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge07.wav|"Don't settle for this paltry stuff! Cross the bridge!"<br />别再为那小事费神了!快穿过那座桥!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge08.wav|"Hurry! Cross the bridge! Gather up the best spells!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond bridge08.wav|"Hurry! Cross the bridge! Gather up the best spells!"<br />搞快点!穿过那座桥!收集最好的魔咒!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge01.wav|"Cross the bridge!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge01.wav|"Cross the bridge!"<br />穿过那座桥!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge02.wav|"The bridge is down!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge02.wav|"The bridge is down!"<br />那座桥梁已经出现!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge03.wav|"The bridge, you fools!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge03.wav|"The bridge, you fools!"<br />那座桥,蠢货们!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge04.wav|"The bridge, you lackeys!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge04.wav|"The bridge, you lackeys!"<br />那座桥,仆从们!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge05.wav|"Hell Island is open! The bridge is down!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge05.wav|"Hell Island is open! The bridge is down!"<br />地狱岛已经开放!桥梁已经出现!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge06.wav|"Hurry! Cross the bridge to Hell Island! Get the good magic!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge06.wav|"Hurry! Cross the bridge to Hell Island! Get the good magic!"<br />搞快点!穿过那座桥到地狱岛上去!去获取高级魔咒!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge07.wav|"Hurry! Cross the bridge! Gather up the best spells!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge07.wav|"Hurry! Cross the bridge! Gather up the best spells!"<br />搞快点!穿过那座桥!收集最好的魔咒!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge08.wav|"The bridge! Across it lies power beyond imagination!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge08.wav|"The bridge! Across it lies power beyond imagination!"<br />那座桥!那边有着超乎想象的强大能量!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge09.wav|"Don't settle for this paltry stuff! Cross the bridge!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch bridge09.wav|"Don't settle for this paltry stuff! Cross the bridge!"<br />别再为那小事费神了!快穿过那座桥!]]
Line 1,036: Line 1,036:
|content    =  
|content    =  
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies01.wav|"Zombies!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies01.wav|"Zombies!"<br />僵尸!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies02.wav|"Hell zombies!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies02.wav|"Hell zombies!"<br />地狱僵尸!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies03.wav|"Oh no, werewolves! No, wait... skeletons! Zombies? It doesn't matter, just run!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies03.wav|"Oh no, werewolves! No, wait... skeletons! Zombies? It doesn't matter, just run!"<br />哦不,狼人!哦,等等...骷髅!僵尸?管它呢,快跑啊!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies04.wav|"Zombies, no! Wait... " *muttering* "Hold on, let me check... ''Oh god!'' Hell zombies!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies04.wav|"Zombies, no! Wait... " *咕哝* "Hold on, let me check... ''Oh god!'' Hell zombies!"<br />僵尸,哦!等等...*咕哝* 再等下,让我看看...哦天啊!地狱僵尸!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies05.wav|"The Skeleton King! Oh... gravelpits, you are in for it now!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies05.wav|"The Skeleton King! Oh... gravelpits, you are in for it now!"<br />骷髅王!哦...伙计们,这下有你们好受的了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies06.wav|"Oh good, the Skeleton King's he- ''NO!'' That's bad!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies06.wav|"Oh good, the Skeleton King's he- ''NO!'' That's bad!"<br />哦很好,骷髅王他-不!那糟透了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies07.wav|"It's the Skeleton King!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies07.wav|"It's the Skeleton King!"<br />是骷髅王!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies08.wav|"We've awoken the Skeleton King!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 redmond enemies08.wav|"We've awoken the Skeleton King!"<br />我们惊扰了骷髅王!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies01.wav|"The hell is happening now?"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies01.wav|"The hell is happening now?"<br />已经到地狱了吗?]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies02.wav|"What's happening down there?"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies02.wav|"What's happening down there?"<br />发生什么事了?]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies03.wav|"What the gravel is happening down there?"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies03.wav|"What the gravel is happening down there?"<br />那里到底发生什么事了?]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies04.wav|"Aw, no! Zombies!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies04.wav|"Aw, no! Zombies!"<br />啊,不!僵尸!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies05.wav|"Zombies!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies05.wav|"Zombies!"<br />僵尸!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies06.wav|"Hell zombies!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies06.wav|"Hell zombies!"<br />地狱僵尸!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies07.wav|"Oh no, werewolves! No, wait... skeletons! Zombies? It doesn't matter, just ''run!''"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies07.wav|"Oh no, werewolves! No, wait... skeletons! Zombies? It doesn't matter, just ''run!''"<br />哦不,狼人!哦,等等...骷髅!僵尸?管它呢,快跑啊!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies08.wav|"Hell zombies! Oh gravelpits, you are in for it now!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies08.wav|"Hell zombies! Oh gravelpits, you are in for it now!"<br />地狱僵尸!哦...伙计们,这下有你们好受的了!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies09.wav|"Zombies, no! Wait... Hold on, let me check it... Oh god! Hell zombies!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies09.wav|"Zombies, no! Wait... Hold on, let me check it... Oh god! Hell zombies!"<br />僵尸,哦!等等...再等下,让我看看...哦天啊!地狱僵尸!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies10.wav|"Oh no, it's the Skeleton King!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies10.wav|"Oh no, it's the Skeleton King!"<br />哦不,是骷髅王!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies11.wav|"Oh good, the Skeleton King's here."]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies11.wav|"Oh good, the Skeleton King's here."<br />哦很好,骷髅王来了。]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies12.wav|"It's the Skeleton King!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies12.wav|"It's the Skeleton King!"<br />是骷髅王!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies13.wav|"Run! It's the Skeleton King!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies13.wav|"Run! It's the Skeleton King!"<br />快跑!是骷髅王!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies14.wav|"It's the Horseless Headless Horsemann!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies14.wav|"It's the Horseless Headless Horsemann!"<br />那是脱缰的无头骑士!]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies15.wav|"The Skeleton King! Ah gravelpits, you are in for it now!"]]
* [[Media:Sf13 blutarch enemies15.wav|"The Skeleton King! Ah gravelpits, you are in for it now!"<br />骷髅王!哦...伙计们,这下有你们好受的了!]]

Revision as of 14:25, 2 January 2020


语音回应(Voice Responses)是游戏中的玩家或角色达成某个条件,如击杀玩家时,所触发的语音台词。此前的万圣节更新先后发布了以下万圣节 Boss/角色:脱缰的无头骑士魔眼马拉莫斯炸弹魔书,以及雷德蒙德·曼恩布鲁塔克·曼恩两兄弟。他们都有着各自的语音回应,而本条目的以下内容将它们悉数列出。

尖叫要塞更新 (2010)

Backpack Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head.png


HHH.png  出场
Killicon horseless headless horsemann's headtaker.png  攻击
Ghost Yikes!.png  施展“BOO!”嘲讽
Health dead.png  被击败

非常恐怖的万圣节特约 (2011)

Backpack MONOCULUS!.png



幽灵万圣节特约 (2012)

Backpack Skull Island Topper.png











命运之轮 揭晓

命运之轮 转动
Fate card bighead.png  命运·大头
Fate card shrunkenhead.png  命运·小头
Fate card superspeed.png  命运·极速
Fate card dance.png  命运·舞会
Fate card skull.png  命运·诅咒
Fate card lowgravity.png  命运·失重
Fate card highjump.png  命运·超级跳
Fate card critboost.png  命运·爆击
Fate card ubercharge.png  命运·无敌

Backpack Bombinomicon.png


Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  当玩家获取骷髅岛主

尖叫要塞 2013




以下是雷德蒙德(对红队玩家)和布鲁塔克(对蓝队玩家)在地图 Helltower 中的台词。

Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始















































Backpack Bombinomicon.png




The following are mysteriously spoken by Merasmus when voting for Enteraween successfully passes.

Backpack Enchantment Eternaween.png  Eternaween Activated

尖叫要塞 2014

Backpack Skull Island Topper.png



Setup.png  准备时间
Dead Heat Icon.png  比赛开始

Upon return

Upon second return

Preparing to capture the Tickets
Tickets spawn


Tickets respawn
Tickets taken by player/ally
Tickets taken by enemy
Tickets dropped by player/ally
Tickets dropped by enemy
Cap-ogee.png  Player/ally is riding the Strongmann
Cap-ogee.png  Enemy is riding the elevator to the Strongmann
Tickets successfully delivered to the Strongmann




General Purpose


Spell Effect Imminent
Fate card bighead.png  Big Head
Melee Only
Submerging the area in Jarate

Bumper Car Mini-games

Duck Hunt
Bonus Ducks from crashing into an enemy player
Ducks have moved

RED Wins

BLU wins

Falling Platforms
Safe Platform revealed



Deciding point




RED Wins

BLU Wins

All players on other team have been ghostified

Scream Fortress VII (2015)

Backpack Skull Island Topper.png


Contract related

New Merasmission

Rare Merasmission

Fighting Merasmus-specific

Rare Merasmission

Completed Merasmission

Fighting Merasmus-specific

Merasmission reward

Gargoyle related

Backpack Soul Gargoyle.png  Spawns
Item icon Soul Gargoyle Gold.png  Successful capture
Item icon Soul Gargoyle Bronze.png  Moves
Item icon Soul Gargoyle Silver.png  Disappears

Unused responses


Note: Believed to have been meant to be used when interacting with the Necro Smasher in the Carnival of Carnage. All voicelines are by Merasmus.

Successful Crush

Pumpkin Bomb

Pumpkinbomb.png  Pumpkin bomb



See also