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{{delete|Obsolete given the new format}}
{{delete|Obsolete given the new format. Delete once it's no longer [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Unusual effects|transcluded]].}}
{{update trans|This template's content has been majorly overhauled. All translated text needs updating.}}
=== {{lang
| en = Standard Series
| pl = Standardowa seria
| pt-br = Série padrão
| ru = Стандартные эффекты
| ko = 기본 범상찮은 효과 시리즈
| zh-hans = 标准系列
| zh-hant = 標準系列
}} ===
| en = Standard Unusual effects can be found in specific crate series.
| pl = Standardowe Nietypowe efekty mogą być znalezione w skrzyni z określonej serii.
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns da série padrão podem ser encontrados em caixas de séries específicas.
| ru = Аксессуары со стандартными необычными эффектами могут быть получены из ящиков определенных тиражей.
| zh-hans = 标准系列的稀有特效可以在特定的供应箱系列中得到。
| zh-hant = 標準系列的異常粒子效果可以透過開特定的箱子系列獲得。
==== {{lang
| en = Gen 1
| pl = 1 generacja
| pt-br = 1ª geração
| ru = Первый набор
| ko = 1세대
| zh-hans = 第 1 代
| zh-hant = 第一代
}} ====
| en = The first generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}. They can be obtained in crates [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#1|Series #1]] onward.
| pl = Pierwsza generacja standardowych Nietypowych efektów została dodana w {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update|in-the}}. Mogą one być zdobyte ze skrzyń [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/pl#1|Serii #1]] i kolejnych.
| pt-br = A primeira geração de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}. Disponíveis nas caixas das séries 1 a 25.
| ru = Первые необычные эффекты были добавлены в игру с [[Mann-Conomy Update/ru|обновлением «Манн-кономика»]]. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика с тиражом от [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ru#1|#1]] до #25.
| ko = 기본 범상찮은 효과 시리즈 중 1세대로 {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}} 때 추가되었습니다. 이 효과들은 [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ko#1|상자 제 1 시리즈]] 이상부터 나옵니다.
| zh-hans = 第 1 代标准稀有特效于{{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}被添加到游戏中。它们可从[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #1|第 1 号]]以上的曼恩公司供应箱中获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}新增到游戲中。這些效果可以透過開[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #1|第一號]]或以上的箱子獲得。
{{Gen 1 Unusual effects}}
==== {{lang
| en = Gen 2
| pl = 2 generacja
| pt-br = 2ª geração
| ru = Второй набор
| ko = 2세대
| zh-hans = 第 2 代
| zh-hant = 第二代
}} ====
| en = The second generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Patch name|8|18|2011}}. They can be obtained in crates [[Mann_Co._Supply_Crate/Retired_series#26|Series #26]] onward.
| pl = Druga generacja standardowych Nietypowych efektów została dodana w {{Patch name|8|18|2011|in-the}}. Mogą być one zdobyte ze skrzyń [[Mann_Co._Supply_Crate/Retired_series/pl#26|Serii #26]] i kolejnych.
| pt-br = A segunda geração de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Patch name|8|18|2011}}. Disponíveis nas caixas das séries 26 a 57.
| ru = Второй набор необычных эффектов был добавлен в игру {{Patch name|8|18|2011|date=true}}. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика с тиражом от [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ru#26|#26]] до #57.
| ko = 기본 범상찮은 효과 시리즈 중 2세대로 {{Patch name|8|18|2011}} 때 추가되었습니다. 이 효과들은 [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ko#26|상자 제 26 시리즈]] 이상부터 나옵니다.
| zh-hans = 第 2 代标准稀有特效于{{Patch name|8|18|2011}}被添加到游戏中。它们可从[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #26|第 26 号]]以上的曼恩公司供应箱中获取。
| zh-hant = 第二代異常粒子效果於{{Patch name|8|18|2011}}新增到游戲中。這些效果可以透過開[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #26|第二十六號]]或以上的箱子獲得。
{{Gen 2 Unusual effects}}
==== {{lang
| en = Gen 3
| pt-br = 3ª geração
| ru = Третий набор
| ko = 3세대
| zh-hans = 第 3 代
| zh-hant = 第三代
}} ====
| en = The third and current generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Patch name|6|19|2013}}. They can be obtained in crates and cases [[Mann_Co._Supply_Crate/Retired_series#59|Series #59]] onward.
| pl = Trzecia i obecna generacja standardowych Nietypowych efektów została dodana w {{Patch name|6|19|2013|in-the}}. Mogą być one zdobyte ze skrzyń i skrzynek [[Mann_Co._Supply_Crate/Retired_series/pl#59|Serii #59]] i kolejnych.
| pt-br = A terceira e atual geração de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Patch name|6|19|2013}}. Disponíveis nas caixas das séries 59 em diante.
| ru = Третий набор необычных эффектов был добавлен в игру {{Patch name|6|19|2013|date=true}}. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика с тиражом, начиная от [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ru#59|#59]].
| ko = 기본 범상찮은 효과 시리즈 중 3세대로 {{Patch name|6|19|2013}} 때 추가되었습니다. 이 효과들은 [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ko#59|상자 제 59 시리즈]] 이상부터 나옵니다.
| zh-hans = 第 3 代标准稀有特效于{{Patch name|6|19|2013}}被添加到游戏中。它们可从[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #59|第 59 号]]以上的曼恩公司供应箱中获取。
| zh-hant = 第三代及現有系列的異常粒子效果於{{Patch name|6|19|2013}}新增到游戲中。這些效果可以透過開[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #59|第五十九號]]或以上的箱子獲得。
{{Gen 3 Unusual effects}}
=== {{item name|Community Sparkle}} ===
| en = An exclusive Unusual effect was added in the {{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}. It is automatically applied to [[Community_(quality)|Community]] and [[Self-Made]] items.
| pl = Ekskluzywny Nietypowy efekt dodany w aktualizacji {{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}. Jest on automatycznie przypisywany do przedmiotów jakości [[Community_(quality)/pl|Za Zasługi]] i [[Self-Made/pl|Autorskiej]].
| pt-br = Um efeito Incomum exclusivo foi adicionado na {{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}, o qual é adicionado automaticamente a itens [[Community (quality)/pt-br|Comunitários]] e [[Self-Made/pt-br|Feitos Por Mim]].
| ru = Отличительный необычный эффект был добавлен в [[First Community Contribution Update/ru|Первом обновлении сообщества]]. Неразрывен с предметами качества [[Community (quality)/ru|от сообщества]] и [[Self-Made/ru|ручной сборки]].
| zh-hans = {{item name|Community Sparkle}}(Community Sparkle)稀有特效于{{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}被添加到游戏中。它们会自动添加在[[Community (quality)/zh-hans|社区]]与[[Self-Made/zh-hans|自制]]品质的物品上。
| zh-hant = {{item name|Community Sparkle}}(Community Sparkle)的異常粒子效果於{{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}新增到游戲中。這個效果自動新增在[[Community (quality)/zh-hant|社群]]和[[Self-Made/zh-hant|自制]]屬性的物品上。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of Community Sparkle effects
| zh-hans = “社区之光”稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = “社群閃光效果”稀有特效列表
| [[File:Unusual_Community_Sparkle.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Community_Sparkle_Weapon.png|128px|center]]
| {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| {{common strings|weapon}}
=== {{anchor|Scream Fortress Series}}{{lang
| en = Scream Fortress Series
| pl = Seria Scream Fortress
| pt-br = Scream Fortress
| ru = Вииизг Фортресс
| zh-hans = 尖叫要塞系列
| zh-hant = 驚聲要塞系列
}} ===
| en = Scream Fortress Unusual effects can be found in specific Scream Fortress crates. During Scream Fortress events, they're available in all other crate series.
| pl = Nietypowe efekty Scream Fortress mogą być znalezione w określonych skrzynkach Scream Fortress. Podczas wydarzenia, są one również dostępne we wszystkich pozostałych seriach skrzynek.
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress podem ser encontrados em caixas de eventos do Scream Fortress. Além disso, durantes esses eventos, eles são adicionados à lista de efeitos Incomuns possíveis em todas as caixas.
| ru = Предметы с необычными эффектами на хеллоуинскую тематику можно получить из специальных ящиков и кейсов соответствующих обновлений, а во время празднования Хеллоуина — из ящиков с любым тиражом.
| zh-hans = 尖叫要塞系列的稀有特效会出现在特定的尖叫要塞物品箱中。而在尖叫要塞活动期间,它们也可能出现于所有其它物品箱系列。
| zh-hant = 驚聲系列的異常粒子效果會出現在指定的驚聲要塞箱子裏。但在驚聲要塞(萬聖節)活動期間,這些效果也可以透過開其他箱子系列獲得。
==== {{update name|Very Scary Halloween Special}} ====
| en = The first Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
| pl = Pierwsza generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia.
| pt-br = A primeira geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. Disponibilizados somente durante o evento.
| ru = Первые хеллоуинские эффекты были добавлены в игру в обновлении {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 1 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of Very Scary Halloween Special Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Very Scary Halloween Special}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Very Scary Halloween Special}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Cauldron_Bubbles.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Cloudy_Moon.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Eerie_Orbiting_Fire.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Flaming_Lantern.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Cauldron Bubbles}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Cauldron Bubbles)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Cloudy Moon}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Cloudy Moon)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Eerie Orbiting Fire}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Eerie Orbiting Fire)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Flaming Lantern}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Flaming Lantern)}}
==== {{update name|Spectral Halloween Special}} ====
| en = The second Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
| pl = Druga generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas aktualizacji {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia.
| pt-br = A segunda geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. Disponibilizados somente durante o evento.
| ru = Второй набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 2 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第二代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of Spectral Halloween Special Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Spectral Halloween Special}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Spectral Halloween Special}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Harvest_Moon.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_It's_A_Secret_To_Everybody.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Knifestorm.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Misty_Skull.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Stormy_13th_Hour.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Harvest Moon}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Harvest Moon)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|It's A Secret To Everybody}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(It's A Secret To Everybody)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Knifestorm}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Knifestorm)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Misty Skull}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Misty Skull)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Stormy 13th Hour}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Stormy 13th Hour)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}} ====
| en = The third Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
| pl = Trzecia generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia.
| pt-br = A terceira geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzina no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}. Disponibilizados somente durante o evento.
| ru = Третий набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 3 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第三代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Arcana.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Chiroptera_Venenata.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Darkblaze.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Demonflame.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Hellfire.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Poisoned_Shadows.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Something_Burning_This_Way_Comes.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spellbound.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Arcana}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Arcana)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Chiroptera Venenata}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Chiroptera Venenata)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Darkblaze}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Darkblaze)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Demonflame}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Demonflame)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Hellfire}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Hellfire)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Poisoned Shadows}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Poisoned Shadows)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Something Burning This Way Comes}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Something Burning This Way Comes)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spellbound}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Spellbound)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}} ====
| en = The fourth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
| pl = Czwarta generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia.
| pt-br = A quarta geração de efeitos Incomuns de Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}. Disponibilizados somente durante o evento.
| ru = Четвертый набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 4 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第四代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="2" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Amaranthine.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Bonzo_The_All-Gnawing.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ghastly_Ghosts_Jr.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Haunted_Phantasm_Jr.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Stare_From_Beyond.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_The_Ooze.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Amaranthine}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Amaranthine)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Bonzo The All-Gnawing}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Bonzo The All-Gnawing)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ghastly Ghosts Jr.}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ghastly Ghosts Jr)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Haunted Phantasm Jr.}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Haunted Phantasm Jr)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Stare From Beyond}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Stare From Beyond)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|The Ooze}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(The Ooze)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Ghastly_Ghosts.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Haunted_Phantasm.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Ghastly Ghosts}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ghastly Ghosts)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Haunted Phantasm}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Haunted Phantasm)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}} ====
| en = The fifth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}} update. They could only be obtained by opening a [[Gargoyle Case]] during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Gargoyle Case]].
| pl = Piąta generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}. Można je było zdobyć ze [[Gargoyle Case/pl|Skrzyni gargulca]] podczas wydarzenia. Obecnie, można je nadal zdobyć z tej skrzyni.
| pt-br = A quinta geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Gargoyle Case}}.
| ru = Пятый набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}. Могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Gargoyle Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 5 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}被添加到游戏中。它们仅可以可通过开启{{item link|Gargoyle Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第五代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}新增到游戲中。並只能夠透過開{{item link|Gargoyle Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Ancient_Eldritch.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Death_by_Disco.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Eldritch_Flame.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ether_Trail.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_It's_a_mystery_to_everyone.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_It's_a_puzzle_to_me.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Nether_Trail.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Ancient Eldritch}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ancient Eldritch)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Death by Disco}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Death by Disco)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Eldritch Flame}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Eldritch Flame)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ether Trail}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ether Trail)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|It's a Mystery to Everyone}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(It's a Mystery to Everyone)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|It's a Puzzle to Me}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(It's a Puzzle to Me)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Nether Trail}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Nether Trail)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}} ====
| en = The sixth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Creepy Crawly Case]].
| pl = Szósta generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Mogą one być nadal zdobyte ze [[Creepy Crawly Case/pl|Skrzyni gęsiej skórki]].
| pt-br = A sexta geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}.
| ru = Шестой набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 6 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第六代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以開{{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="2" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Neutron_Star.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Starstorm_Insomnia.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Starstorm_Slumber.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Tesla_Coil.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Neutron Star}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Neutron Star)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Starstorm Insomnia}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Starstorm Insomnia)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Starstorm Slumber}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Starstorm Slumber)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Tesla Coil}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Tesla Coil)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Hellish_Inferno.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Infernal_Flames.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Infernal_Smoke.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spectral_Swirl.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Hellish Inferno}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Hellish Inferno)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Infernal Flames}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Infernal Flames)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Infernal Smoke}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Infernal Smoke)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spectral Swirl}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Spectral Swirl)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}} ====
| en = The seventh Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Violet Vermin Case]].
| pl = Siódma generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Mogą one być nadal zdobyte ze [[Violet Vermin Case/pl|Skrzyni purpurowego pająka]].
| pt-br = A sétima geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}.
| ru = Седьмой набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 7 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第七代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以開{{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="4" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Brain_Drain.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Clairvoyance.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Galactic_Gateway.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Head_of_Steam.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Omniscient_Orb.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Open_Mind.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ring_of_Fire.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Dark_Doorway.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Brain Drain}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Brain Drain)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Clairvoyance}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Clairvoyance)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Galactic Gateway}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Galactic Gateway)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Head of Steam}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Head of Steam)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Omniscient Orb}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Omniscient Orb)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Open Mind}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Open Mind)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ring of Fire}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ring of Fire)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|The Dark Doorway}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(The Dark Doorway)}}
| [[File:Unusual_The_Eldritch_Opening.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Vicious_Circle.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_White_Lightning.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|The Eldritch Opening}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(The Eldritch Opening)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Vicious Circle}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Vicious Circle)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|White Lightning}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(White Lightning)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Acidic_Bubbles_of_Envy.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Flammable_Bubbles_of_Attraction.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ominous_Night.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Poisonous_Bubbles_of_Regret.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Roaring_Rockets.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spooky_Night.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Acidic Bubbles of Envy}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Acidic Bubbles of Envy)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Flammable Bubbles of Attraction}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Flammable Bubbles of Attraction)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ominous Night}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ominous Night)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Poisonous Bubbles of Regret}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Poisonous Bubbles of Regret)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Roaring Rockets}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Roaring Rockets)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spooky Night}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Spooky Night)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}} ====
| en = The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Spooky Spoils Case]].
| pl = Ósma generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Mogą one być nadal zdobyte ze [[Spooky Spoils Case/pl|Skrzyni potwornych łupów]].
| pt-br = A oitava geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}.
| ru = Восьмой набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 8 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第八代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以開{{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="4" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Abyssal_Aura.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ethereal_Essence.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fifth_Dimension.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ghastly_Grove.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Menacing_Miasma.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Mystical_Medley.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Twisted_Radiance.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Valiant_Vortex.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Abyssal Aura}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Abyssal Aura)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ethereal Essence}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ethereal Essence)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Fifth Dimension}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fifth Dimension)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ghastly Grove}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ghastly Grove)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Menacing Miasma}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Menacing Miasma)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Mystical Medley}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Mystical Medley)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Twisted Radiance}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Twisted Radiance)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Valiant Vortex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Valiant Vortex)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Verdant_Vortex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Vicious_Vortex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Violet_Vortex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Wicked_Wood.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Verdant Vortex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Verdant Vortex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Vicious Vortex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Vicious Vortex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Violet Vortex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Violet Vortex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Wicked Wood}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Wicked Wood)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Accursed.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Bewitched.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Eerie_Lightning.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Enchanted.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Jarate_Shock.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Nether_Void.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Static_Mist.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Terrifying_Thunder.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Accursed}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Accursed)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Bewitched}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Bewitched)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Eerie Lightning}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Eerie Lightning)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Enchanted}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Enchanted)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Jarate Shock}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Jarate Shock)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Nether Void}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Nether Void)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Static Mist}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Static Mist)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Terrifying Thunder}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Terrifying Thunder)}}
=== {{lang
| en = Smissmas Series
| pl = Seria Śniąteczna
| pt-br = Fim de Ano
| ru = Шмождество
| zh-hans = 圣诞系列
| zh-hant = 聖誕系列
}} ===
| en = Smissmas Unusual effects can be found in specific Smissmas crates. During Smissmas events, they're available in all other crate series.
| pl = Śniąteczne Nietypowe efekty mogą być znalezione w określonych Śniątecznych skrzniach. Podczas Śniątecznego wydarzenia są one również dostępne we wszystkich pozostałych seriach skrzynek.
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns de Fim de Ano podem ser encontrados em caixas de eventos de Fim de Ano. Além disso, durantes esses eventos, eles são adicionados à lista de efeitos Incomuns possíveis em todas as caixas.
| ru = Предметы с необычными эффектами Шмождества можно получить из специальных ящиков и кейсов соответствующих обновлений, а во время празднования Рождества — из ящиков с любым тиражом.
| zh-hans = 圣诞系列的稀有特效会出现在特定的圣诞物品箱中。而在圣诞活动期间,它们也可能出现于所有其它物品箱系列。
| zh-hant = 聖誕系列的異常粒子效果能夠透過開指定聖誕系列箱子獲取。並能夠在聖誕期間開任何箱子獲取。
==== {{update name|Smissmas 2019}} ====
| en = The first and current Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Smissmas 2019}} update. Currently, they can be obtained in any crate.
| pl = Pierwsza i obecna generacja Śniątecznych Nietypowych efektów została dodana podczas aktualizacji {{update link|Smissmas 2019}}. Obecnie można je zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni.
| pt-br = A primeira e atual geração de efeitos Incomuns de Fim de Ano foi introduzida no {{update link|Smissmas 2019}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case}}.
| ru = Первые и единственные необычные эффекты Шмождества были добавлены в обновлении {{update link|Smissmas 2019}}. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 1 代也是目前唯一一代圣诞稀有特效于{{update link|Smissmas 2019}}被添加到游戏中。目前,它们它们可在任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代聖誕系列異常粒子效果於{{update link|Smissmas 2019}}新增到游戲中。目前,仍能夠透過開任何箱子獲得。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Smissmas 2019}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Smissmas 2019}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Smissmas 2019}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="6" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Defragmenting_Reality_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Defragmenting_Reality_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fragmented_Gluons.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fragmented_Photons.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fragmented_Quarks.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fragmenting_Reality.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Frozen_Icefall.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Pyroland_Daydream_RED.png|128px|center]]
| {{common strings|RED}}
| {{common strings|BLU}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fragmented Gluons}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fragmented Gluons)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fragmented Photons}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fragmented Photons)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fragmented Quarks}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fragmented Quarks)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fragmenting Reality}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fragmenting Reality)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Frozen Icefall}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Frozen Icefall)}}
| {{common strings|RED}}
| colspan="2" | {{item name|Defragmenting Reality}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Defragmenting Reality)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Pyroland Daydream}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Pyroland Daydream)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Pyroland_Daydream_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Refragmenting_Reality.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Snowblinded.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Snowfallen.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Sparkling_Lights.png|128px|center]]
| {{common strings|BLU}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Refragmenting Reality}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Refragmenting Reality)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Snowblinded}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Snowblinded)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Snowfallen}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Snowfallen)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Sparkling Lights}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Sparkling Lights)}}
| {{item name|Pyroland Daydream}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Pyroland Daydream)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Arctic_Aurora.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Festive_Spirit.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Good-Hearted_Goodies.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Magical_Spirit.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Winter_Spirit.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Wintery_Wisp.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Arctic Aurora}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Arctic Aurora)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Festive Spirit}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Festive Spirit)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Good-Hearted Goodies}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Good-Hearted Goodies)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Magical Spirit}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Magical Spirit)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Winter Spirit}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Winter Spirit)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Wintery Wisp}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Wintery Wisp)}}
=== {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}} ===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Robo Community Crate]].
| pl = Aktualizacja {{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}} dodała nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Obecnie można je tylko zdobyć z [[Robo Community Crate/pl|RoboSkrzynki Społeczności]].
| pt-br = Uma geração exclusiva de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na atualização {{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Robo Community Crate}}.
| ru = В [[Robotic Boogaloo/ru|обновлении «Robotic Boogaloo»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Robo Community Crate}}.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Robo Community Crate}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}}更新新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以透過{{item link|Robo Community Crate}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Anti-Freeze.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Electrostatic.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Green_Black_Hole.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Memory_Leak.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Overclocked.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Phosphorous.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Power Surge.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Roboactive.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Anti-Freeze}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Anti-Freeze)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Electrostatic}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Electrostatic)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Green Black Hole}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Green Black Hole)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Memory Leak}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Memory Leak)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Overclocked}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Overclocked)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Phosphorous}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Phosphorous)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Power Surge}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Power Surge)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Roboactive}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Roboactive)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Sulphurous.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Time_Warp.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Sulphurous}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Sulphurous)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Time Warp}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Time Warp)}}
=== {{update name|Love & War Update}} ===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Love & War Update}}. They can be obtained through [[Unusualifier|Taunt Unusualifiers]].
| pl = Aktualizacja {{update link|Love & War Update}} dodała nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je zdobyć wyłącznie z [[Unusualifier/pl|Uniezwyklaczy drwin]].
| pt-br = Uma geração exclusiva de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|Love & War Update}}. Disponíveis em [[Unusualifier/pt-br|Incomunizadores de Provocações]].
| ru = В [[Love & War Update/ru|обновлении «Любовь и Война»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только использовав {{item link|Unusualifier}}.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|Love & War Update}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们可通过使用{{item link|Unusualifier}}来附加到已有物品上。
| zh-hant = 這一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Love & War Update}}新增到游戲中。他們目前可以透過使用{{item link|Unusualifier}}來獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Love & War Update}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|Love & War Update}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|Love & War Update}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_'72.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fountain_of_Delight.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Holy_Grail.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Mega_Strike.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Midnight_Whirlwind.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Screaming_Tiger.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Showstopper_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Showstopper_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|'72}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>('72)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fountain of Delight}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fountain of Delight)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Holy Grail}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Holy Grail)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Mega Strike}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Mega Strike)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Midnight Whirlwind}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Midnight Whirlwind)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Screaming Tiger}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Screaming Tiger)}}
| {{common string|RED}}
| {{common string|BLU}}
| colspan="2" | {{item name|Showstopper effect}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Showstopper effect)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Silver_Cyclone.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Skill_Gotten_Gains.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Silver Cyclone}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Silver Cyclone)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Skill Gotten Gains}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Skill Gotten Gains)}}
=== {{update name|End of the Line Update}}===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|End of the Line Update}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening an [[End of the Line Community Crate]].
| pl = {{Update link|End of the Line Update}} dodała nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Obecnie można je zdobyć tylko ze [[End of the Line Community Crate/pl|Skrzynki aktualizacji społeczności „Koniec trasy” ]].
| pt-br = Uma geração exclusiva de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|End of the Line Update}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}.
| ru = В [[End of the Line Update/ru|обновлении «End of the Line»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|End of the Line Update}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 這一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|End of the Line Update}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以透過{{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{Update name|End of the Line Update}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|End of the Line Update}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|End of the Line Update}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Death_at_Dusk.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Frostbite.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Molten_Mallard.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Morning_Glory.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Death at Dusk}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Death at Dusk)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Frostbite}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Frostbite)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Molten Mallard}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Molten Mallard)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Morning Glory}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Morning Glory)}}
=== {{update name|Gun Mettle Update}} ===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Gun Mettle Update}}. They can be obtained through [[Decorated]] cases.<br><br>With the introduction of the {{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}, the Energy Orb effect has been removed from the Unusual effect pool due to issues with it disappearing and/or not fitting some weapons properly. Only the three remaining effects can be obtained now.
| pt-br = Uma geração exclusiva de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|Gun Mettle Update}}. Disponíveis em caixas de [[Decorated/pt-br|armas decoradas]].<br><br>Após o lançamento da {{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}, o efeito "{{item name|Energy Orb}}" foi removido da lista efeitos Incomuns possíveis. Somente os três outros efeitos podem ser obtidos atualmente.
| pl = Aktualizacja {{update link|Gun Mettle Update}} wprowadziła nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je zdobyć ze skrzynek zawierających [[Decorated/pl|Dekorowane]] bronie.<br><br>Wraz z aktualizacją {{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}, efekt kula energii został usunięty z puli dostępnych Nietypowych efektów. Można obecnie zdobyć tylko pozostałe trzy efekty.
| ru = В [[Gun Mettle Update/ru|обновлении «Лихие пушки»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. В настоящее время могут быть получены, открыв специальные кейсы с [[Decorated/ru|раскрашенным]] оружием.<br><br>С выходом [[Jungle Inferno Update/ru|обновления «Пламенные джунгли]]» эффект {{item name|Energy Orb}} больше не может быть получен, оставляя игрокам шанс получить один из трех оставшихся необычных эффектов.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|Gun Mettle Update}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们仅可通过开启[[Decorated/zh-hans|装饰]]品质武器箱来获取。而在{{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}后,{{item name|Energy Orb}}不再能够被获取,其余三款特效依然可能获取。
| zh-hant = 這一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Gun Mettle Update}}新增到游戲中。它們只能夠透過[[Decorated/zh-hans|裝飾]]屬性的武器箱子獲取。在{{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}之後,{{item name|Energy Orb}}因各種錯誤以及並不合適某些武器而變得不再能夠再被獲取,而其餘的三個異常粒子效果仍然能夠獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{Update name|Gun Mettle Update}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|Gun Mettle Update}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|Gun Mettle Update}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Cool.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Energy_Orb.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Hot.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Isotope.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Cool}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Cool)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Energy Orb}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Energy Orb)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Hot}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Hot)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Isotope}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Isotope)}}
=== {{update name|Invasion Update}} ===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Invasion Update}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Confidential Collection Case]] or a [[Quarantined Collection Case]].
| pl = {{update link|Invasion Update}} wprowadziła nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Obecnie można je zdobyć ze [[Confidential Collection Case/pl|Skrzyni kolekcji poufne]] lub [[Quarantined Collection Case/pl|Skrzyni kolekcji kwarantanny]].
| pt-br = A terceira e atual geração de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|Invasion Update}}. Disponíveis nas caixas da coleção [[Confidential Collection Case/pt-br|Confidencial]] e [[Quarantined Collection Case/pt-br|Quarentena]].
| ru = В [[Invasion Update/ru|обновлении «Вторжение»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Confidential Collection Case}} или {{item link|Quarantined Collection Case}}.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|Invasion Update}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Confidential Collection Case}}或{{item link|Quarantined Collection Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Invasion Update}}更新新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以透過{{item link|Confidential Collection Case}}或{{item link|Quarantined Collection Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{Update name|Invasion Update}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|Invasion Update}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|Invasion Update}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Abduction.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ancient_Codex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Atomic.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Electric Hat Protector.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Galactic_Codex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Magnetic Hat Protector.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Nebula.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Subatomic.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Abduction}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Abduction)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ancient Codex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ancient Codex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Atomic}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Atomic)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Electric Hat Protector}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Electric Hat Protector)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Galactic Codex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Galactic Codex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Magnetic Hat Protector}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Magnetic Hat Protector)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Nebula}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Nebula)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Subatomic}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Subatomic)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Voltaic_Hat_Protector.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Voltaic Hat Protector}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Voltaic Hat Protector)}}
{{translation switching|en, pl, pt-br, ru,zh-hans}}

Revision as of 02:56, 19 June 2020

Standard Series

Standard Unusual effects can be found in specific crate series.

Gen 1

The first generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the Mann-Conomy Update. They can be obtained in crates Series #1 onward.

Template:Gen 1 Unusual effects

Gen 2

The second generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the August 18, 2011 Patch. They can be obtained in crates Series #26 onward.

Template:Gen 2 Unusual effects

Gen 3

The third and current generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the June 19, 2013 Patch. They can be obtained in crates and cases Series #59 onward.

Template:Gen 3 Unusual effects

Community Sparkle

An exclusive Unusual effect was added in the First Community Contribution Update. It is automatically applied to Community and Self-Made items.

Scream Fortress Series

Scream Fortress Unusual effects can be found in specific Scream Fortress crates. During Scream Fortress events, they're available in all other crate series.

Very Scary Halloween Special

The first Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the Very Scary Halloween Special. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Spectral Halloween Special

The second Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the Spectral Halloween Special. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Scream Fortress V

The third Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress V update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Scream Fortress VI

The fourth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VI update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Scream Fortress VII

The fifth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VII update. They could only be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case.

Scream Fortress VIII

The sixth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress VIII update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Creepy Crawly Case.

Scream Fortress X

The seventh Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress X update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Violet Vermin Case.

Scream Fortress XI

The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress XI update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Spooky Spoils Case.

Smissmas Series

Smissmas Unusual effects can be found in specific Smissmas crates. During Smissmas events, they're available in all other crate series.

Smissmas 2019

The first and current Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the Smissmas 2019 update. Currently, they can be obtained in any crate.

Robotic Boogaloo

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Robotic Boogaloo update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Robo Community Crate.

Love & War Update

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Love & War Update. They can be obtained through Taunt Unusualifiers.

End of the Line Update

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the End of the Line Update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening an End of the Line Community Crate.

Gun Mettle Update

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Gun Mettle Update. They can be obtained through Decorated cases.

With the introduction of the Jungle Inferno Update, the Energy Orb effect has been removed from the Unusual effect pool due to issues with it disappearing and/or not fitting some weapons properly. Only the three remaining effects can be obtained now.

Invasion Community Update

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Invasion Community Update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Confidential Collection Case or a Quarantined Collection Case.