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m (posted discussion, edited non-shotgun pages.)
m (done with some stuff)
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The point is, you can't shoot somebody from inside of them - collision boxes keep you more than 0 HU apart.
The point is, you can't shoot somebody from inside of them - collision boxes keep you more than 0 HU apart.
* shotgun ctx File says 0.0675, not 0.0625 like discussion page said (shotguns, scatterguns except backscatter x1.20 & shortstop 0.04)
* Ratio (e.g. 30:1) is documented in e.g. shotgun as: 30 "Hammer Units away from target" : 1 "Hammer Units of spread on target"
*  I do not know the origin if this measure or representation. "spread on target" I interpret as distance from center.
*  Therefore we are describing a right triangle of length 30, width 1.  This rotates around the aim center to describe a cone of diameter 2.
*  If we assume spread is a radian angle of that right triangle, we should expect tan(angle) = 1/30 or 30 = 1/(tan(angle)), but instead, 1/(tan(0.0675)) = 14.79
*  If we instead assume spread is the radian angle of the entire cone, only half the angle applies to the right triangle that describes the ratio.  1/(tan(0.0675/2)) = 29.618 which provides our rounded 30:1
* So spread accuracy ratio is "round(1/tan(angle/2)) : 1" (range for which 1 unit of spread occurs)
* ''HOWEVER: https://imgur.com/a/ZmWeqe9 is somebody making up a calculation that gets the 30:1 using a factor of 1.9, but it is based on the incorrect value 0.0625 (0.0675 would give 28:1), and is just reverse engineering from the values on the wiki, and it also refers to https://www.reddit.com/r/truetf2/comments/1gyb8g/comment/cap37c1 a well-known link based on the ctx files, but also based on code leaks.''
* pistol 50 '''(vs. 48)''' ctx says .04 (Blobbles introduced 48 "pellet spread" based ratio of 0.04 to 0.0625, not 0.0675 https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=Pistol&diff=3025144&oldid=2991362 )
* shotgun & scattergun 30 ctx says .0675
*  shortstop 50 like pistol ctx says .04
*  backscatter 25 '''(vs 24)''' ctx .0675 * items_game.txt 1.20 = 0.081
* minigun 25 '''(vs 24)''' ctx says .08 (Void1702 introduced 24 "pellet spread" based on bad math assumptions https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=Minigun&diff=3291297&oldid=3285493) etc: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/Void1702 ... he reverted his own edit of huo-long for some reason?
*  tomislav 31 '''(vs 30)''' ctx .08 * items_game.txt 0.8 scale = 0.064 (Void1702 introduced 30  "pellet spread" based on bad math assumptions https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=Tomislav&diff=next&oldid=3291311)
* smg 80 '''(vs 76)''' ctx .025 (Void1702 introduced 76 "pellet spread" based on bad math assumptions https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=SMG&diff=3291314&oldid=3247298) etc: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/Void1702
* revolver 80 '''(vs 76)''' ctx .025 (Void1702 introduced 76 "pellet spread" based on bad math assumptions https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=Revolver&diff=3291321&oldid=3247324) etc: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/Void1702
* ''side note: I suspect the controversial edit from 30:1 to 15:1 was the editor considering "1" as the diameter of spread instead of the distance from center''
Follow-up question: I'm tempted to add a page on the wiki with a table that summarizes the 78 ctx files' information as useful source information.  But it would need updates over time (or at least a Date Stamp).  It has info that can be useful, questionable value, and semi-misleading (like a Spread value on the pomson or Range which is useful on 2 files, but others have 0, 4096, 8192).
Follow-up question: I'm tempted to add a page on the wiki with a table that summarizes the 78 ctx files' information as useful source information.  But it would need updates over time (or at least a Date Stamp).  It has info that can be useful, questionable value, and semi-misleading (like a Spread value on the pomson or Range which is useful on 2 files, but others have 0, 4096, 8192).
* TF_WEAPON_PISTOL in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_pistol.ctx which has Spread: 0.04; round(1/tan(spread/2))=50; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* TF_WEAPON_PISTOL_SCOUT in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_pistol.ctx which has Spread: 0.04; round(1/tan(spread/2))=50; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Winger in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_handgun_scout_secondary.ctx which has Spread: 0.04; round(1/tan(spread/2))=50; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_handgun_scout_secondary.ctx which has Spread: 0.04; round(1/tan(spread/2))=50; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_shotgun_primary.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Reserve Shooter in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_shotgun_primary.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* Panic Attack Shotgun in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_shotgun_primary.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; and mult_spread_scales_consecutive: mult_spread_scales_consecutive=1; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30 first shot; interpreting as 40% increase at worst so 21 on 6th shot; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Family Business in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_shotgun_primary.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Frontier Justice in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_sentry_revenge.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Widowmaker in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_shotgun_primary.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_scattergun.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Force-a-Nature in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_scattergun.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Shortstop in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_handgun_scout_primary.ctx which has Spread: 0.04; round(1/tan(spread/2))=50; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Soda Popper in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_soda_popper.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* Baby Face's Blaster in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_pep_brawler_blaster.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; round(1/tan(spread/2))=30; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Back Scatter in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_scattergun.ctx which has Spread: 0.0675; and spread penalty: mult_spread_scale=1.20; so spread=0.081; round(1/tan(spread/2))=25; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_minigun.ctx which has Spread: 0.08; round(1/tan(spread/2))=25; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* Natascha in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_minigun.ctx which has Spread: 0.08; round(1/tan(spread/2))=25; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Brass Beast in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_minigun.ctx which has Spread: 0.08; round(1/tan(spread/2))=25; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* Tomislav in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_minigun.ctx which has Spread: 0.08; and weapon spread bonus: mult_spread_scale=0.8; so spread=0.064; round(1/tan(spread/2))=31; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Huo Long Heatmaker in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_minigun.ctx which has Spread: 0.08; round(1/tan(spread/2))=25; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* TF_WEAPON_SMG in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_smg.ctx which has Spread: 0.025; round(1/tan(spread/2))=80; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Cleaner's Carbine in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_charged_smg.ctx which has Spread: 0.025; round(1/tan(spread/2))=80; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_revolver.ctx which has Spread: 0.025; round(1/tan(spread/2))=80; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Ambassador in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_revolver.ctx which has Spread: 0.025; round(1/tan(spread/2))=80; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* L'Etranger in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_revolver.ctx which has Spread: 0.025; round(1/tan(spread/2))=80; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Enforcer in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_revolver.ctx which has Spread: 0.025; round(1/tan(spread/2))=80; See Shotgun Discussion page.
* The Diamondback in items_game.txt has Item_Class tf_weapon_revolver.ctx which has Spread: 0.025; round(1/tan(spread/2))=80; See Shotgun Discussion page.
Line 122: Line 69:
* **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).
* **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).
Thus, RL effective close is 124.6% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 112 observed, not 113 that 125% would give you. (and minicrit close is 151 observed vs 152 at 125%)
Thus, RL effective close is 124.6% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 112 observed, not 113 that 125% would give you. (and minicrit close is 151 observed vs 152 at 125%)
Also, spread 36:1 based on 3 degrees translating to a spread of 0.05236
Also, 3 degrees in radians is 0.0523599, so spread of 38:1
[[Air Strike#Damage_and_function_times|Air Strike]]
[[Air Strike#Damage_and_function_times|Air Strike]]
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* TODO wiki all pellets far 24, but calc is 25, need evidence
* TODO wiki all pellets far 24, but calc is 25, need evidence
* Close range works with 30, 25 (scatter current default), also most anything else (23.5-32)
* Close range works with 30, 25 (scatter current default), also most anything else (23.5-32)
* Wiki claims "has approximately 40% less pellet spread" although it's not listed in stats
* Wiki claims "has approximately 40% less pellet spread" although it's not listed in stats (.04 same as pistol instead of .0675) pellets 4, damage 12
Specifically, peppergun .ctx (GCFscape extract, VICE decode) lists Spread 0.04 (same as pistol), pellets 4, damage 12
[[Soda Popper#Damage_and_function_times|Soda Popper]]
[[Soda Popper#Damage_and_function_times|Soda Popper]]

Revision as of 18:01, 25 February 2023

I am calculating observed point blank damage at ramp up using an offset to get the observed achievable values, lower than raw calculation. "offset" is a value usually based on shounic's video on projectile origins (this may not be a valid source to the wiki rules)... it's an offset such that 32 means no spacing (true point blank) and 0 means 32 spacing. Many are 23.5 offset, so 6.5 spacing. video doesn't talk about hitscan weapons so I made up numbers that meet the observations. Mostly 25 offset (7 spacing). The point is, you can't shoot somebody from inside of them - collision boxes keep you more than 0 HU apart.


Follow-up question: I'm tempted to add a page on the wiki with a table that summarizes the 78 ctx files' information as useful source information. But it would need updates over time (or at least a Date Stamp). It has info that can be useful, questionable value, and semi-misleading (like a Spread value on the pomson or Range which is useful on 2 files, but others have 0, 4096, 8192).

Crusader's Crossbow

  • TODO Wiki has theoretical crit & minicrit values of 113 & 51 on the low end when I've observed practical ones of 115 & 52
  • should point blanks be theoretical or achievable?
  • evidence 38: https://youtu.be/ivCOJvt5YDc?t=33 minicrit 52: https://youtu.be/ivCOJvt5YDc?t=68 crit 115 https://youtu.be/ivCOJvt5YDc?t=89
  • why? I believe it's ramped 50% at 0 hang time, but minimum hang time at point blank results in 38.17..38.4 damage instead of 75/2=37.5 (all round to 38). 38.4*1.35=51.84 (rounds to 52); 38.4*3=115.2 (rounds to 115)

Rescue Ranger

Pistol (engineer)

  • pistol 50 (vs. 48) ctx says .04

Also, pistol effective close is 149.3% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 22 observed, not 23 that 150% would give you.

Short Circuit

  • 7 damage but point blank ~150% ramp up for 10 damage, max range is still 125% ramp up for 9 damage
    • robot arm.ctx or whatever it is, extracted with GCFScape, decoded with VICE, shows Damage: 7 and Range:256. If you believe this, give point blank 150% ramp up (but, like the pistol, achievable is only 149.3%), and believe the max range (effective ramp is 125%), the values match what I've observed: 10 point blank (14 minicrit), 9 at range. I observed 13 minicrit at range, calc says it should be 12 - I'll need to do more tests to see if I can observe a 12.
  • does energy ball do reduced building damage, too? https://youtu.be/f7yiwdxZzw0?t=177 says it doesn't.

Pistol (scout)

  • pistol 50 (vs. 48) ctx says .04

Also, pistol effective close is 149.3% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 22 observed, not 23 that 150% would give you.


  • pistol 50 (vs. 48) ctx says .04
  • Wiki 1.10 reload was based on scout pistol that since was proven as 1.005

Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol

  • pistol 50 (vs. 48) ctx says .04
  • Wiki 1.10 reload was based on scout pistol that since was proven as 1.005

Also, pistol effective close is 149.3% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 22 observed, not 23 that 150% would give you.

Rocket Launcher

  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).

Thus, RL effective close is 124.6% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 112 observed, not 113 that 125% would give you. (and minicrit close is 151 observed vs 152 at 125%)

direct hit

  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).
  • Wiki base rounded down from 112.5, game conditions on similar cases seem to round up...right?
  • radius on wiki is rounded - is that editor simplifying or is that how the game uses it?

Thus, direct hit effective close is 124.6% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 149 observed, not 141 that 125% would give you. (and minicrit close is 189 observed vs 190 at 125%)

Black Box

  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).

Thus, RL effective close is 124.6% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 112 observed, not 113 that 125% would give you. (and minicrit close is 151 observed vs 152 at 125%)

Liberty Launcher

  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).

Cow Mangler 5000

  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).

Thus, RL effective close is 124.6% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 112 observed, not 113 that 125% would give you. (and minicrit close is 151 observed vs 152 at 125%) Also, Wiki seems unaware that the Crit-to-minicrit downgrade actually gives worse numbers than real minicrits at close range per my observations (clearly a simple multiplier instead of a crit-type-changer)

  • DONE evidence: mc close 151, crit close 122 https://youtu.be/9gveiR7brfM?t=76 (but that includes the issue of close is not 0 range for actual minicrit)
  • DONE "are converted to mini-crits instead. " The conversion ignores ramp-up the same way crits do, so at close range it does less damage than normal mini-crits.
  • DONE tooltip: 122 max when crit boosted.

Beggar's Bazooka

  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).

Thus, RL effective close is 124.6% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 112 observed, not 113 that 125% would give you. (and minicrit close is 151 observed vs 152 at 125%) Also, 3 degrees in radians is 0.0523599, so spread of 38:1

Air Strike

  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET - 125% works with all when using offset=23.5 (documented value) but NOT with 32 (no min separation).
  • base 76.5 wiki rounds down, also wiki-ramp-up & point-blank don't agree, nor do wiki base and medium
  • TODO my calc (now) & my obs & point blank wiki of 95; wiki Ramp as 96 (my calc USED to do that too)

Thus, air strike effective close is 124.6% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 95 observed, not 96 that 125% would give you.


  • TODO wiki all pellets far 30, but calc is 32, need evidence (Wiki Long range all pellets is as if 50%, not 52.8%??)
  • seen at range (https://youtu.be/Hz3GmGv6YKg): 3, 6, 10, 13, 16,(19 not seen), 22, (not seen: 25, 29, 32);
  • this is consistent with (6*52.8%=)3.168/pellet: 3.168, 6.336, 9.504, 12.672, 15.84, (19.008), 22.176, (25.344, 28.512, 31.68);
  • seen at range minicrit (6*1.35=8.1)8, (16.2)16, (24.3)24, (32.4)32, (40.5)41, (48.6)49, (not seen: 56.7=57, 64.8=65, 72.9=73, 81);
  • seen crit (6*3=)18, 36(18x2), 54(x3), 72(x4), 90(x5), 108(x6), 126(x7), 144(x8), 162(x9), 180(x10)
  • CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET or <150% (mc obs don't match calc at higher pellets) (149.3% works ... based on my interp of shounic offsets)
  • seen at pb: 9, 18, 27, ... 90;
  • seen at pb minicrit: 12(12.15), 24(24.3), 36(36.45), (not seen 48.6), 60(NO MATCH 5*9*1.35=60.75), ... 121(NO MATCH 10*9*1.35=121.5)
  • wiki 0.51 reload more, but derivatives all use 0.50

Reserve Shooter

  • (shotgun) TODO wiki all pellets far 30, but calc is 32, need evidence (Wiki Long range all pellets is as if 50%, not 52.8%??)
  • (shotgun) CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET or <150% (mc obs don't match calc at higher pellets) (149.3% works ... based on my interp of shounic offsets)
  • (shotgun) wiki 0.51 reload more, but derivatives all use 0.50
  • seen at range (https://youtu.be/iGeJKzW4UfQ): 3, 6, 10?, 13, 16?
  • seen minicrit at range: 8, 16, 24, 32, 41

Panic Attack

  • wiki far 36 should be 38 - (shotgun) TODO wiki all pellets far 30, but calc is 32, need evidence (Wiki Long range all pellets is as if 50%, not 52.8%??)
  • (shotgun) CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET or <150% (mc obs don't match calc at higher pellets) (149.3% works ... based on my interp of shounic offsets)
  • (shotgun) wiki 0.51 reload more, but derivatives all use 0.50
  • seen at range (https://youtu.be/pRKZZ1z7nH4): 3, 5? (no random spread)
  • seen minicrit at range (https://youtu.be/pRKZZ1z7nH4?t=57): 6, 13 (no random spread)
  • seen crit at range: 14 29 43

Family Business

  • wiki far 26 should be 27 - (shotgun) TODO wiki all pellets far 30, but calc is 32, need evidence (Wiki Long range all pellets is as if 50%, not 52.8%??)
  • (shotgun) CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET or <150% (mc obs don't match calc at higher pellets) (149.3% works ... based on my interp of shounic offsets)
  • obs/wiki agree close is 76, not (60*85%=51) 51*150%=76.5 rounds to 77. That does match 'Round To Even' rule, however.
  • (shotgun) wiki 0.51 reload more, but derivatives all use 0.50
  • seen at range (https://youtu.be/ahJJIKJl-6M): 3, 5, 8, 11? 13? 23?
  • seen minicrit at range: (https://youtu.be/ahJJIKJl-6M?t=37): 7, 14, 21, 28, 34
  • seen crit: 15, 31, 46, 61, 77, 122

Frontier Justice

  • 3/pellet long range should be 3.168 like other shotguns
  • (shotgun) TODO wiki all pellets far 30, but calc is 32, need evidence (Wiki Long range all pellets is as if 50%, not 52.8%??)
  • (shotgun) CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET or <150% (mc obs don't match calc at higher pellets) (149.3% works ... based on my interp of shounic offsets)
  • (shotgun) wiki 0.51 reload more, but derivatives all use 0.50
  • seen at range (https://youtu.be/a2eT-rfm5rI): 3, 10, 13, 22 (hard to see)
  • seen minicrit at range: 8, 16, 24, 32, (not seen:41), 49 (not seen: 57, 65, 73, 81)


  • 3/pellet long range should be 3.168 like other shotguns
  • (shotgun) TODO wiki all pellets far 30, but calc is 32, need evidence (Wiki Long range all pellets is as if 50%, not 52.8%??)
  • (shotgun) CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET or <150% (mc obs don't match calc at higher pellets) (149.3% works ... based on my interp of shounic offsets)
  • (shotgun) wiki 0.51 reload more, but derivatives all use 0.50
  • seen at range (https://youtu.be/vKrbbHCkI6I): 3, 6, 10, 13, 16, (not seen: 19, 22, 25, 29, 32);
  • vs target (https://youtu.be/Mi_MPZ4BdLk): 3, 7, 10, 14, 17?, 21?, 24?
  • seen minicrit at range (https://youtu.be/vKrbbHCkI6I?t=35) 8, 16, 24, 32, 41, 49, (not seen: 56.7=57), 65, (not seen: 72.9=73, 81);


  • TODO (from AShotgun) wiki all pellets far 30, but calc is 32, need evidence. 30 implies 50% fall-off
  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET (32 doesn't match)
  • wiki/calc close 105, but obs 104; minicrit calc 142 but obs/'wiki' 141
  • obs close 10-104 matches my offsets and not wiki

Specifically, Scattergun effective close is 174.0% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 10-104 observed, not 11-105 that 175% would give you. (and minicrit close is 141 observed vs 142 at 175%)


  • TODO wiki all pellets far 32, but calc is 34, need evidence
  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET (32 doesn't match)
  • minicrit 'wiki'/calc close 153, but obs 152

Specifically, FaN effective close is 174.0% so minicrit close is 152 observed vs 153 at 175%


  • TODO wiki all pellets far 24, but calc is 25, need evidence
  • Close range works with 30, 25 (scatter current default), also most anything else (23.5-32)
  • Wiki claims "has approximately 40% less pellet spread" although it's not listed in stats (.04 same as pistol instead of .0675) pellets 4, damage 12

Soda Popper

  • wiki/calc close 105, but obs 104; minicrit calc/'wiki' 142 but obs 141
  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET (32 doesn't match)

Specifically, Scattergun effective close is 174.0% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 10-104 observed, not 11-105 that 175% would give you. (and minicrit close is 141 observed vs 142 at 175%)

Baby Face's Blaster

  • wiki/calc close 105, but obs 104; minicrit calc/'wiki' 142 but obs 141
  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET (32 doesn't match)

Specifically, Scattergun effective close is 174.0% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 10-104 observed, not 11-105 that 175% would give you. (and minicrit close is 141 observed vs 142 at 175%)

Back Scatter

  • backscatter 25 (vs 24) ctx .0675 * items_game.txt 1.20 = 0.081
  • wiki/calc close 105, but obs 104; minicrit calc/'wiki' 142 but obs 141
  • **CLOSE RANGE REQUIRES OFFSET (32 doesn't match)

Specifically, Scattergun effective close is 174.0% because you can't get to actual point blank, thus the damage is 10-104 observed, not 11-105 that 175% would give you. (and minicrit close is 141 observed vs 142 at 175%)

Dragon's Fury

  • TODO I could use max range 549 to get observed 24 (72 burning) at max range vs. 52.8% long range
  • max range 592 gets wiki's 23 (71 burning) at max range vs. 52.8% long range; but wiki claims 526 max
  • obs falloff 24 (calc/wiki 23); minicrit obs/wiki close 40 (calc 41); wiki mc burning 100-121 (calc 101-122)
  • Interestingly it's 'based on' a 90dmg rocket...which is how much it gets on burning point blank hits

to match wiki (23 far, 69 far on fire): 600 or 592 max range, using either 52.8% or 50% long range to match obs (24 far, 72 far on fire): 548 max range, 50% long range. 547 works, too. (to use wiki's range of 526, not even 0% long range works for wiki or observed (except it works for not-on-fire as match of observed)) turns out to get obs numbers with long of 0 to 52.8 has to be max range of 530-562 turns out to get wiki numbers with long of 0 to 52.8 has to be max range of 550-606

burning targets: My observed had 72 far, 106 minicrit far. I should do more testing - likely 106 minicrit is just 1 minicrit afterburn (5) combined with the calculated 101 damage. Need more testing I guess.

Loose Cannon

  • Needs more obs. ranged fuse in wiki, obs don't think so. obs: maybe falloff starts post-long range (time-based)? crit truly affected by range?

Quickiebomb Launcher

  • Wiki says radius 189 - but same date this weapon was added others reduced from 159 to 146