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m (Case footers)
(Community medals: added new community MVM operation medals)
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   ru: Ваш великодушный дар не остался незамеченным! В качестве напоминания о вашем вкладе примите эту картофелину, сделанную из пищевого пластика. Но нет, она не съедобная. Выдано спонсорам, поддержавшим первоапрельский благотворительный тур от Moonlight MvM в 2023 году!
   ru: Ваш великодушный дар не остался незамеченным! В качестве напоминания о вашем вкладе примите эту картофелину, сделанную из пищевого пластика. Но нет, она не съедобная. Выдано спонсорам, поддержавшим первоапрельский благотворительный тур от Moonlight MvM в 2023 году!
   tr: Yardımsever hediyeniz farkedilmedi sanmayın! Katkınızı hatırlatması için, işte gıdaya uygun plastikten yapılmış bir patates. Hayır, yenilebilir değil. Moonlight MvM'nin Bir Nisan 2023 yardım turunun bağışçılarına verildi!
   tr: Yardımsever hediyeniz farkedilmedi sanmayın! Katkınızı hatırlatması için, işte gıdaya uygun plastikten yapılmış bir patates. Hayır, yenilebilir değil. Moonlight MvM'nin Bir Nisan 2023 yardım turunun bağışçılarına verildi!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Magnetic_Fiendish_2024_Desc
operation magnetic mayhem fiendish fuchsite 2024:
  en: Gravel Co. must be running out of capital; robots have started dropping these rather than the money they usually run on. So many of them have been found, but we don't think corporate would notice if you kept one. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Magnetic_Megalomaniacal_2024_Desc
operation magnetic mayhem megalomaniacal mastodon 2024:
  en: You set a trap for those fishy businessmen at Gray Gravel Co., and they fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Intel says they're still reeling at the news of their failure. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Magnetic_Humanitarian_2024_Desc
operation magnetic mayhem humanitarian hiddenite 2024:
  en: With a name like "Hiddenite" you might think this gem is particularly rare. But in reality, it is not: the name comes from someone with a last name Hidden. It's still a highly sought after gem, so you should probably keep it hidden. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Magnetic_Barely_2024_Desc
operation magnetic mayhem barely benign bismutotantalite 2024:
  en: Our scientists couldn't agree on how to pronounce the name of this gemstone. They called linguists to help them, but their disagreements were only louder. They did agree on one thing; they've never seen a gem quite like this one. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Magnetic_Treasured_2024_Desc
operation magnetic mayhem treasured tourmaline 2024:
  en: As you affix the gem that shines bright hues,<br>A power flows through you from head to shoes.<br>Your generosity will know no bounds,<br>The thankfulness of those you helped impounds!<br>Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's spring charity tour!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Osmium_Ordinance_Tungsten_Desc
osmium ordinance tungsten tank 2024:
  en: We surveyed as many people as we could to find out the worst material to make a medal with and every single person said tungsten. In hindsight, we probably should've run that survey before making about twenty thousand of these things. Try not to let the sheer weight of it rip your shirt off. Awarded to the players of Potato MvM's Osmium Ordinance event!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Osmium_Ordinance_Bohrium_Desc
osmium ordinance bohrium buster 2024:
  en: Hard to find, probably not radioactive, and really hard to purchase. Those are the words we'd use to describe both this medal, and everyone who's earned it! Don't ask how we got our hands on this stuff, we don't know either. Awarded to the players of Potato MvM's Osmium Ordinance event!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Osmium_Ordinance_Pyrite_Desc
osmium ordinance pyrite pint 2024:
  en: Look, we wanted to use real gold for this one, but the bean counters are really breathing down our necks here. Just keep it clean and it'll look like the real deal. Awarded to the donors of Potato MvM's Osmium Ordinance event!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Osmium_Ordinance_Cobalt_Desc
osmium ordinance cobalt keepsake 2024:
  en: Lesser men would look at a fine trinket like this, cash in hand, and scoff at its modesty. "You think I'd be caught dead wearing a hunk of metal like that? Who do you think I am!?". You're not so picky though, knowing that humility is a virtue of its own. Awarded to the donors of Potato MvM's Osmium Ordinance event!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Osmium_Ordinance_Platinum_Desc
osmium ordinance platinum pitcher 2024:
  en: Forget about all that talk about humility and modesty, you don't need any encouragement to show that you're clearly a person of expensive taste. Wear it on your chest. Use it as a mirror to admire yourself. If you're feeling extra fancy, shave some flakes off of it to decorate your next meal. Awarded to the donors of Potato MvM's Osmium Ordinance event!
# TF_TournamentMedal_Voltaic_Violence_Vanity_2023_Desc
# TF_TournamentMedal_Voltaic_Violence_Vanity_2023_Desc
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=== Tournament medals ===
=== Tournament medals ===

Revision as of 02:49, 19 July 2024

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  • Do Not Want This section is automatically updated by PhoneWaveBOT. Editors: New dictionary keys (lowercase text ending with a ":") will be removed. Translators: Any additions made to this section will be lost.

Scout weapons

Scout Primary

Scout Secondary

Scout Melee

Soldier weapons

Soldier Primary

Soldier Secondary

Pyro weapons

Pyro Primary

Pyro Secondary

Pyro Melee

Demoman weapons

Demoman Primary

Demoman Secondary

Demoman Melee

Heavy weapons

Heavy Secondary

Heavy Melee

Engineer weapons

Engineer Primary

Engineer Secondary

Engineer Melee

Medic weapons

Medic Primary

Medic Secondary

Medic Melee

Sniper weapons

Sniper Primary

Sniper Secondary

Spy weapons

Spy Secondary

Spy Melee

Spy Building


Multi-class weapons

Multi-class Secondary

Multi-class Melee

All class weapons

Cosmetic items

  • Do Not Want This section is automatically updated by PhoneWaveBOT. Editors: New dictionary keys (lowercase text ending with a ":") will be removed. Translators: Any additions made to this section will be lost.

Scout cosmetic items

Soldier cosmetic items

Pyro cosmetic items

Demoman cosmetic items

Heavy cosmetic items

Engineer cosmetic items

Medic cosmetic items

Sniper cosmetic items

Spy cosmetic items

Multi-class cosmetic items

All class cosmetic items

Community medals

Tournament medals



  • Do Not Want This section is automatically updated by PhoneWaveBOT. Editors: New dictionary keys (lowercase text ending with a ":") will be removed. Translators: Any additions made to this section will be lost.

Special taunts

Scout special taunts

Soldier special taunts

Pyro special taunts

Demoman special taunts

Heavy special taunts

Engineer special taunts

Medic special taunts

Sniper special taunts

Spy special taunts

All class special taunts


Crates & Cases


Halloween Spells

Costume Transmogrifiers

Robot Parts

Action items

  • Do Not Want This section is automatically updated by PhoneWaveBOT. Editors: New dictionary keys (lowercase text ending with a ":") will be removed. Translators: Any additions made to this section will be lost.

Craft items

Voodoo-Cursed Items

Removed items

Case footers