Difference between revisions of "Aperture Labs Hard Hat/zh-hans"

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m (Auto: infoboxFilter (Review RC#709891))
Line 11: Line 11:
| gift              = yes
| gift              = yes
| paint              = yes
| paint              = yes
| numbered          = no
| loadout            = yes
| loadout            = yes
   | quality          = genuine
   | quality          = genuine

Revision as of 02:01, 4 September 2011

Dominated, ya ploddin' potatohead!
The Sniper

[ 分类 ], 俗称马 铃薯帽着称,是所有类的 促销 头饰项目。这是一个白色的 Template:W矿工的光与色的 光芒队由两根绝缘导线连接橙,安全帽。这顶帽子的运动两件灰色绝缘胶带覆盖圆形标志不明的另一边。

这顶帽子是颁发给谁买了马铃薯麻袋包,或拥有从包所有的游戏玩家。它首先成为与2011年4月5日可用的修补程序,可以取得之前的 门户2. 释放。它可以穿由阿特拉斯和P -2门体的合作模式为光圈实验室安全帽模式。 .

Painted variants

主条目: 油漆桶
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat E6E6E6.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat D8BED8.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat C5AF91.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 7E7E7E.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 141414.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 2D2D24.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 694D3A.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 7C6C57.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat A57545.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat CF7336.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat E7B53B.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat F0E68C.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat E9967A.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat FF69B4.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 7D4071.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 51384A.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 2F4F4F.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 424F3B.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 808000.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 729E42.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 32CD32.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat BCDDB3.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat A89A8C.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 839FA3.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 3B1F23.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 18233D.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat B8383B.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 5885A2.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 483838.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 384248.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 803020.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 256D8D.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 654740.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat 28394D.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat C36C2D.png Painted Aperture Labs Hard Hat B88035.png RED Aperture Labs Hard Hat Classified.png BLU Aperture Labs Hard Hat Classified.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色(红队) 未被染色(蓝队)

Update history

April 5, 2011 Patch

  • [未记载] The [ classified ] was added to the game.

April 7, 2011 Patch


主条目: 式样
RED Aperture Labs Hard Hat Classified.png
RED Aperture Labs Hard Hat Aperture Logo.png
[机密] 光圈标志


  • The hat did not drop for all people who owned the games in the Potato Sack immediately. An email from Robin Walker confirmed that the remaining hats would drop within the "next couple of days".[1]
  • This hat is a reference to the "Potato Clock", a popular science fair project where a potato is used to power a clock or other electronic appliance.[2]
  • Redaction is the act of blanking out sensitive or classified information from a document in order to reduce its classification level for distribution to a wider audience.
  • The hat has an blue Aperture Laboratories logo instead of the 2 pieces of electrical tape on the Portal 2 version.


See also