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| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Submachine Gun}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Submachine Gun}}
*The Submachine Gun is surprisingly accurate, yet ineffective at longer ranges. If a Sniper attempts to attack you with it, try to move away from him while attacking with a more powerful weapon.
*The SMG only contains three clips of ammo, so it may not take long before the Sniper must resort to another weapon.
*The SMG only contains three clips of ammo, so it may not take long before the Sniper must resort to another weapon.

Revision as of 05:01, 27 November 2011


除了逃跑或是利用較不具威脅性的武器(像是衝鋒槍 或是近戰武器)與你交戰之外,一名被拉近距離的狙擊手並沒有其他有效的對策可以對抗敵人。但是根據裝備的不同,一名狙擊手可以對敵人造成流血或是小爆擊的效果。


特性 對應法
Sniper emblem RED.png 角色
  • 儘可能的找好掩護;如果必須暴露在開闊地時,請持續移動,不然很容易成為狙擊手眼中容易下手的目標。
  • 狙擊手在遠距離交戰的情況下是最有效率的,所以請儘可能的接近狙擊手好增加你的存活機會。
Leaderboard class medic.png 生命值
  • 狙擊手的生命值相較於其他職業來說並不高;這點讓狙擊手在近距離戰鬥時顯得脆弱,並容易在與其他生命值較高的職業交戰時落敗。
Leaderboard class scout.png 速度
  • 狙擊手擁有平均的移動速度,但通常會在隊伍進攻時停留在後方好獲得保護。同時,狙擊手在瞄準時的移動速度非常緩慢,這點讓他更難從戰鬥中脫離。
Leaderboard class soldier.png 武力
  • 狙擊手的主要武器傷害不會因為距離的影響而有所增減,這讓狙擊手即使在遠距離時依然是十分危險的對手。狙擊手同時也有一擊殺死對手的能力,所以請盡可能不要被他們射中。




武器 對應法
Sniper Rifle
  • 當狙擊手利用狙擊鏡瞄準時,他的視野範圍是非常狹小的;請試著從側面或後方突襲狙擊手。狙擊手在受到傷害時瞄準能力會受到干擾,因此假如你無法逃脫狙擊手的視線範圍時,不妨試著攻擊狙擊手好讓他無法瞄準你。
  • 發射拋射體(例如火箭)好迫使狙擊手進行閃避動作,讓她們沒有時間進行瞄準。持續利用掩體進行移動,並儘可能減少暴露在開闊地區的時間。
  • 如果前方有狙擊手在監視時,試著在情況許可的情況下尋找替代路線或是先行攻擊狙擊手。
  • 雖然獵人長弓的箭矢比子彈慢上許多,但是卻同樣危險,甚至在狙擊手拉近距離時會更加地危險。請持續移動好避免狙擊手有機會進行精準射擊。
  • 如果可能的話,讓狙擊手停留在空中,好避免狙擊手開火或是發射箭矢。記住箭矢可以被點火,同時也可以被吹回去(但這需要高超的技巧,因此火焰兵最好還是節省彈藥)。同時請避免隨便衝向轉角,埋伏的狙擊手可能會藉由嘲諷攻擊殺死你
Sydney Sleeper
  • 不要因為雪梨沉睡者無法爆頭就小看這把武器;雪梨沉睡者充能的速度較預設狙擊槍快了 50% (完全充能的雪梨沉睡者一發便能立刻殺死任何生命值小於 150 的對手),同時在充能超過 50% 的時候擊中敵人時還會產生瓶手道的效果,這點在你與敵人交戰時十分危險,因為此時敵人極有可能轉而集中火力攻擊你。
Bazaar Bargain
  • 由於需要較長的充能時間才能造成高攻擊力的傷害,因此裝備巴剎長槍的狙擊手在一開始便處於劣勢。然而,每發爆頭都會加快巴茶長槍的充能速率;因此請隨時待在掩體後方。
  • 利用狙擊鏡瞄準時,打中身體或是沒打中目標都會減少充能速率加快的加成-因此假如你無法躲過狙擊手的攻擊,請至少迫使他朝你的身體部位而非頭部射擊。
  • 這把武器的子彈軌跡讓你能更容易找到狙擊手的位置;然而,由於完全充能時能造成強大的傷害,因此在接近這種狙擊手時請盡可能的利用掩護。
  • 盡量不要在開闊地與隊友排成一直線;裝備這種武器的狙擊手可以藉由穿透能力一擊殺死複數敵人。
  • 神授貫殺獵槍只有在開啟瞄準鏡時才能開火,因此請盡可能選在近距離交戰;最佳的交戰距離大約是狙擊手開鏡時無法精準射擊,但同時保持在近戰武器攻擊範圍之外。


武器 對應法
Submachine Gun
  • 衝鋒槍擁有令人驚異的準確度,但距離一旦被拉開便會顯得十分無力。如果一名狙擊手試圖用衝鋒槍攻擊你的話,試著稍微拉開一點距離,同時用其他更具威力的武器反擊。
  • The SMG only contains three clips of ammo, so it may not take long before the Sniper must resort to another weapon.
  • The Razorback deprives a Sniper of his Secondary weapon, so attack him just outside his melee range.
  • This item may discourage Spies from backstabbing him, but it shouldn't deter you from attacking him from outside his view anyway.
  • It is often best to retreat for cover if covered in Jarate, as you will most likely be pursued by the Sniper's teammates, who can now inflict Mini-Crits on you. Jarate can be removed by extended Healing, entering water, or touching a Supply Cabinet.
Darwin's Danger Shield
  • Do not underestimate the health of a Sniper using the Shield; take advantage of his lack of a secondary weapon and kill him outside of his melee range.
  • As a Spy, do not be intimidated by the presence of the Darwin's Danger Shield on a potential victim; the item does not prevent backstabs like the Razorback does.


武器 對應法
Item icon Kukri.png
  • A Sniper will generally only use this weapon as a last resort. Simply back up and finish the Sniper off.
Tribalman's Shiv
  • The Tribalman's Shiv does less damage upfront, meaning you will probably kill the Sniper in melee combat. However, the bleeding causes it to do more damage over time, so have an idea of where health kits and Medics are before facing a Sniper wielding one.
  • Do not let the Sniper get close to you if you have been doused in Jarate, as bleeding is affected by Mini-Crits.
  • A Sniper will typically pull out this weapon after dousing you in Jarate. Wait for the effect to fade away before confronting him, or keep your distance as you attack, preferably with ranged weapons.
  • Beware facing a Sniper with the Bushwacka out while under the effects of Crit-a-Cola, the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, or if he is buffed by the Buff Banner; he will deal critical hits instead of Mini-Crits.
  • Because of his increased fire vulnerability, use fire to dispatch the Sniper more quickly.
  • Be careful in engaging in prolonged melee combat with a Sniper wielding the Shahanshah. At over 50% health, the weapon will do 25% less damage than normal; once a Sniper's health is under 50%, the weapon will do 25% more damage than normal.
  • A Sniper wielding this weapon may purposely run into harm's way in order to deal serious damage to you once he gets within melee range; kill him before he gets the chance.


套裝 對應法

Sydney Sleeper Darwin's Danger Shield Bushwacka Ol' Snaggletooth


  • A Sniper using this set is even more vulnerable than usual at closer ranges due to a weaker primary weapon, a lack of a secondary weapon, and an increased vulnerability to fire.
  • If you are counter-sniping, aim for the upper body instead of the head, as a fully charged bodyshot will still kill the Croc-o-Style Sniper whereas a headshot would be wasted.
