Difference between revisions of "User:Scholofyah/Nom"

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(resizing the image?)
(dropping isn't needed)
Line 72: Line 72:
{{Damage table
{{Damage table
| healing = yes
|  heal amt = {{tooltip|50% of max health|Only when dropped}}
| function times = yes
| function times = yes
|  consumption time = 4.3 s
|  consumption time = 4.3 s
|  effect time = 15 s
|  effect time = 15 s
|  recharge = 30 s <ref>Only applies when user is hurt before eating, or if Steak is dropped.<br>Timer is started at start of consumption, or when dropped, not end of consumption. </ref>
|  recharge = 30 s <ref>Only applies when user is hurt before eating<br>Timer is started at start of consumption, not end of consumption. </ref>
|  drop expiry = 30 s
|  drop expiry = 30 s

Latest revision as of 03:04, 9 February 2012

Nom nom nom ...om nom
The Heavy happily eating

Upon taunting with any of the Heavy's lunchbox items, the Heavy takes a large bite from his snack, spraying chunks of food from his mouth and loudly chewing. Once the food has been eaten, the Heavy will happily say a response before going back to work.

An item-dependent effect will occur from the first bite. When the Heavy munches on the Sandvich, he will gain 300 health for four seconds and the Sandvich is consumed. The Heavy must wait 30 seconds for the Sandvich to recharge. If the Heavy has full health, the Sandvich is not consumed and the player can continue eating indefinitely. However, a new Sandvich can be obtained by picking up a health kit while at full health or touching a resupply cabinet.

When the Heavy chomps on the Dalokohs Bar or Fishcake, he will gain 60 health. However, if the Heavy was at full health upon consumption, then he will have his maximum health raised by +50 for the next 30 seconds after the taunt. However, the bonus does not stack with the effects of the Medi Gun, Kritzkrieg, Dispensers, and Payload carts nor will it increase the Heavy's maximum overheal health. The health increase vanishes if the player switches his secondary weapon. The maximum health raise begins to decay after the 30 seconds at the same speed of normal overhealing.

When the Heavy devours the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, he will receive several buffs: movement speed is increased to 311 HU/s — roughly 35% faster than the Heavy's normal walking speed, all damage dealt and given are mini-crits, and the player may only use melee weapons for the duration of the buffs. The buffs last 15 seconds and are activated from the first bite, meaning that the player will take mini-crits even as the taunt is ongoing.

Healing and function times


Backpack Sandvich.png

Level 1 Lunch Box

Healing and function times
Healing amount 300
Function times
Consumption time 4.3 s
Recharge time 30 s[1]
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.
  1. Only applies when user is hurt before or while eating

Dalokohs Bar/Fishcake

Backpack Dalokohs Bar.png

Dalokohs Bar
Level 1 Lunch Box
Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds

Healing and function times
Healing amount 60
Function times
Consumption time 4.3 s
Effect duration 30 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.
Backpack Fishcake.png

Level 1 Fishcake
Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds
Vossler Industries All-Natural Artificial-Fish-Derived Food Product

Buffalo Steak Sandvich

Backpack Buffalo Steak Sandvich.png

Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Level 1 Lunch Box
While under the effects, move speed is increased, damage done and taken will be minicrits, and the player may only use melee weapons.

Who needs bread?

Function times (in seconds)
Consumption time 4.3 s
Recharge time 30 s [1]
Effect duration 15 s
Dropped item expiry 30 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.
  1. Only applies when user is hurt before eating
    Timer is started at start of consumption, not end of consumption.

Related Achievements

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

Dodgers 1, Giants 0
Dodgers 1, Giants 0
Kill an enemy Heavy and take his Sandvich.
Retire the Runner
Retire the Runner
Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Konspicuous Konsumption
Konspicuous Konsumption
Eat 100 sandviches.

Update history

August 19, 2008 Patch (A Heavy Update)
  • The taunt was added to the game.

September 15, 2009 Patch

  • Eating a Sandvich using the taunt method now heals a Heavy to full health.

July 8, 2010 Patch (Engineer Update)

  • The Sandvich now uses a cooldown timer, instead of the health pack recharge mechanic.

September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)

  • [Undocumented] Removed the cooldown timer from the Sandvich and the Dalokohs Bar when eating.

October 6, 2010 Patch

  • Fixed the Sandvich cooldown not occurring when the Heavy is hurt.

October 27, 2010 Patch (Scream Fortress)

  • Fixed the Sandvich charge meter.

December 22, 2010 Patch

  • The Buffalo Steak Sandvich's speed boosting effect no longer stacks on any other speed boosting effect (i.e., the effect of the Gloves of Running Urgently).

April 14, 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)

  • Removed item cool down meter and ammo count when using the Dalokohs Bar

July 1, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed an exploit with the Heavy's Buffalo Steak Sandvich

July 7, 2011 Patch

  • [Undocumented] Fixed Buffalo Steak Sandvich allowing the user to switch to a primary weapon.

October 13, 2011 Patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)

  • Fixed the Buffalo Steak Sandvich now having a cooldown when used at full health.
  • Fixed touching a resupply cabinet removing the effects of this weapon but not the melee restriction.


  • When eating any of the consumables, no bite marks will appear visible for the player, yet other players may see a bite mark form. On occasion, the item will glitch and show a first person view of the snack bitten.
    • The Fishcake lacks a bite mark post-consumption model.
  • When scared by the ghosts on Harvest Event and Eyeaduct, taunting with any of the lunchbox items other than the Buffalo Steak Sandvich while damaged will not heal you, though the cooldown timer will reset.
  • Switching weapons mid-taunt via the quick-switch taunt will negate the effects of the healing lunchbox item. The Sandvich will abruptly stop healing, as will the Dalokohs Bar and Fishcake. The raise of maximum health will also cap at that level. The Buffalo Steak Sandvich, however, will not be negated.
    • Switching in this manner will reset the cooldown for the Sandvich and Buffalo Steak Sandvich, regardless of the amount of health available.
  • The Heavy's base HP may remain at 350 after consuming the Dalokohs Bar or Fishcake, allowing a self-overheal to 400 HP if eaten thereafter.
  • Dispensers and Medics using the Quick-Fix will only heal a Heavy under the effects of the Fishcake up to 300 HP, instead of the maximum of 350 HP.
  • It is possible to get the achievement Retire the Runner by killing a Heavy under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, possibly due to the Steak having similar effects to Crit-a-Cola.
  • The Axtinguisher will only mini-crit a Heavy who is under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, regardless if he is on fire or not.


  • Consumption of any of the lunchbox items that heal will not extinguish Fire or stop bleeding.
  • Being killed mid-taunt will result in the player dropping his snack on the ground, leaving it free for someone else to take.