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Freaks from release set

妖魔要塞模組(Freak Fortress 2)決戰曼恩模組的進階更新版本。規則如同原本的決戰曼恩模組一樣,在競技場地圖中,所有玩家對抗一名強大的 BOSS 玩家。

Boss 設計來自於網路潮流。每個 BOSS 能力皆不同,但都有類似的概念與規則。他們都有大量的生命值,會依據玩家數量增減。 大部分情況下 BOSS 只能使用近戰武器,不過將近 195 ± 10% 的攻擊傷害足以秒殺大多數職業。

BOSS 也有特殊的移動方式,如超級跳。受到傷害時會累積"憤怒值",當憤怒值集滿時可以使出功能強大的嘲諷攻擊, BOSS 類型不同,嘲諷的效果也不盡相同。



主條目: 社群決戰曼恩模組策略(英)

對抗妖魔要塞的 BOSS 群策略與決戰曼恩模組幾乎箱同。




  • 所有近戰武器,除了間諜的刀以及快樂拳,皆處於爆擊狀態,彌補近距離與 BOSS 戰鬥的風險。

Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵

  • 爆擊可樂的小爆擊會被完整爆擊取代。
  • 鐵軍扇的每一擊能去除掉 Boss 玩家的 5% 憤怒值,但無法蓋上死亡印記。
  • 拐杖糖 的每一擊能使小型醫護包掉落。
  • 所有手槍都有小爆擊的傷害輸出。
  • 包裝紙殺手的玻璃彩球在重新補充之前,可以丟擲兩次。

Leaderboard class soldier.png 火箭兵

  • 營隊後援會增加裝備者 15 單位的最大生命值,且使用時能阻擋掉 Boss 約 80% 的攻擊傷害。
  • 火箭跳躍者將不能使用,會以原本的火箭發射器代替。
  • 半盲劍俠每擊可以回復 35 單位的生命值,且可以擴充玩家 25 單位的超量治療。而且每當成功砍到對手時,此武器就可以切換了。
  • 鐵砲護靴能夠減少 90% 的摔傷傷害。
  • 踏板戰靴使裝備者的火箭跳高度大幅增加,但也減少了踏擊傷害。
  • 所有火箭兵的主要及次要武器(葛保諾博士勝利裝備除外)都會對在空中的 Boss 玩家造成小爆擊的傷害。
    • 直擊火箭會對空中 Boss 玩家造成爆擊傷害(非小爆擊)。
    • 後勤防空員擁有更快的切換武器速度以及少量的攻擊加成。

Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵

  • 三度灼傷的每一擊可以增加治療者的 ÜberCharge 存量。
  • 火斧以及掛號專員的功能會變得跟消防斧一樣。
  • 信號槍爆破信號槍被替代成「超級爆破信號槍」。這是一把模組自製的爆破信號槍,玩家能夠以大量的生命值作為代價,做出類似火箭跳的爆破跳。不管是以次要攻擊或是與物體接觸而爆破,都會使玩家因爆破而被推到很遠的地方。
  • 強力千斤頂的每一擊可以回復 25 單位生命值,且可以擴充玩家 50 的生命值。
  • 當使用壓縮氣爆把 Boss 反彈時,其怒氣值將會少許的增加。此外,如果在 BOSS 玩家已經進入無敵狀態時使用氣爆的話,將會浪費多餘的彈藥以及增加其無敵時間。

Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破兵

Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵


Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程師

  • 金屬是非常難找的,而且地圖上只有小型的彈藥箱。記得建造補給器來給自己提供金屬。
  • 只要工程師的步哨防禦槍瞄準了 Boss 玩家,邊疆正義就可以有爆擊傷害輸出。
  • 工程師的手槍有爆擊傷害加成。
  • 靈光乍現將不能使用,會以原本的扳手代替。
  • 脈衝電場放射儀每一擊可使 BOSS 玩家暈眩 2 秒。

Leaderboard class medic.png 醫護兵

  • All mediguns are replaced with a custom 爆擊製造者 with an increased charge rate and the following changes:
    • ÜberCharge grants both invulnerability and crit-buff for Medic and his patient.
    • ÜberCharge lasts 50% longer than usual.
    • The Medic begins every round with 40% Übercharge and receives 40% back after the end of an ÜberCharge.
  • All syringe guns are replaced with Custom Syringe Gun, which grants +5% ÜberCharge on hit.
  • The 聖十字弩弓 is crit buffed, has damage is increased by 50% and grants +10% ÜberCharge on a successful hit.

Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙擊手

  • All passive secondary weapons are replaced with the 衝鋒槍.
  • 瓶手道 lowers the the boss' rage meter by 10% on hit, but does not grant mini-crits.
  • All of Sniper's weapons are crit buffed.
  • The 巴剎長槍 isn't allowed and is replaced with the stock 狙擊槍.
  • A hit from a Sniper Rifle marks the boss, causing him to be visible through walls to the entire team for several seconds. The duration of this effect depends on the power of the shot.
  • The Huntsman's damage is increased by 50%.

Leaderboard class spy.png 間諜

  • A successful backstab will deal about 10% of the Boss's health.
    • All players, including the boss, are informed when a Spy successfully backstabs the boss.
    • The knife cannot be used for 2 seconds after a successful backstab.
    • The 死亡送終者 is also unusable for 2 seconds after a successful backstab.
  • A Successful backstab with the 您的永恆獎賞 disguises the Spy as a random teammate.
  • A Successful backstab with The 陰謀苦無 heals the Spy 60 health points, allowing the Spy to overheal himself up to 250 points.
  • All Revolvers deal mini-crits.
  • The 隱身匕首 isn't allowed and is replaced with the 愛好者的手錶.


Bosses have several advantages over regular players, assisting them with taking on entire teams. Some abilities are specific to certain bosses, but they all have the following:

  • Super Jump:To use the super jump, hold down the right mouse button while looking upwards and then release it. The Super Jump is a very high jump, giving similar height to a rocket jump. This allows the boss to reach certain areas, or to surprise players by attacking from an unexpected angle. The longer the button is held down, the higher the jump will be. This also allows the boss to escape pits that would normally kill a player. When in such a hazard, the jump becomes much stronger.
  • Super Stomp:To use this ability, crouch and look down while in mid-air. Causes the boss to fall much faster than normal players. When he hits the ground, he causes damage and knock-back. As well as being a powerful attack, this makes it much harder to juggle the boss. To use this ability, crouch and look down while in mid-air.
  • Speed up: Most bosses have a similar ability to The Equalizer, causing them to speed up as they are injured. They begin the round with the movement rate of a Medic (107%), which increases to that of a Scout (133%) when severely injured.
  • Rage: Bosses have a rage meter, which builds when they take damage. When the rage meter is full, the boss can execute a taunt with a devastating effect. The effect is different for each boss, but all taunts will scare players within a certain radius. Rage requires 1900 damage to build a full charge in most bosses with an average of 2000 HP.
  • Health: Bosses have a massive amount of hp, which increases with the number of players. The basic health formula is:

[(760+n)×n]1.04 where n is the number of players.

Certain bosses may have less health- in this case the amount is divided by a value specific to the boss. For example, the Ninja Spy has a third of the health of other bosses, using the formula:



It's like Christmas morning...
Christian Brutal Sniper on the hunt.
Christian Brutal Sniper, as he appears in mode
  • Health formula: [(760+n)×n]1.04
  • Super Jump & Super Stomp
  • Rage: The Sniper gets a Huntsman and 9 arrows.
    • Scare radius — ~9 meters).


Stout Shako for two refined!
Demopan on effective trading.
Demopan, as he appears in mode
  • Health formula: [(760+n)×n]1.04
  • Super Jump &Super Stomp
  • Rage: The Demopan's rage fills every opponent's screen temporarily with fake trade requests, blocking their screen.
    • Scare radius — 15 meters
  • Charge: The Demopan charges. This is the same as the ability of the Chargin Targe. This is used by reloading as the RMB is already bound to the rage taunt. This ability drains rage and is only possible if the Demopan has between 10% and 90% rage.
  • Unlike other bosses, the Demopan has the move speed of a regular Demoman (93%).
  • An enemy killed by the Demopan turns into a Stout Shako.


Vagineer on everything.
Vagineer, as he appears in mode
  • Health formula: [(760+n)×n]1.04
  • Super Jump & Super Stomp
  • Rage: The Vagineer is Ubercharged for 10 seconds.
    • Scare radius — 10 meters
  • Enemies killed by the Vagineer are vaporized - the same death effect as the Cow Mangler 5000's.

Seeman 及 Seeldier

Seeman asking Seeldier about all the dead bodies around
Seeman and Seeldier, as they appear in mode
  • Seeman and Seeldier appear together, played by different players. They are individually weaker than the other bosses, but they make up for this by working together.
  • Health formula: [(760+n)×n]1.04/2.8 : Seeman and Seeldier each have a little more than a third of the health of another boss.
  • Super Jump & Super Stomp
  • Rage (Seeman): Seeman stuns nearby players and then kills them in a large series of explosions. The boss cannot move, and, visually, the Seeman's limbs spin rapidly out of control for the duration of the rage.
    • Scare/Blast radius — 13 meters
  • Rage (Seeldier): All players who have been previously killed are resurrected as clones of the Seeman, but with much less health and no special abilities. If Seeldier dies, all these minions die.
    • Scare radius — 15 meters

忍者 Spy

I'm Ninja Spy...AND YOU SUCK
Ninja Spy on your skill.
Ninja Spy, as he appears in mode
  • Health formula: [(760+n)×n]1.04/3 : Ninja Spy has a third of the health of other bosses, but makes up for it with his 3 lives.
  • Super Jump & Super Stomp
  • Rage: Ninja Spy's rage only scares players but has a longer range than most other bosses. It also builds slower- a full charge takes 2500 damages instead of 1900.
    • Scare radius —18 meters
  • 3 lives: The Spy has three lives. When he would be killed on his first and second, he is restored to full health and time slows down for 10 seconds. During this time, he can teleport to players.

決戰曼恩模組 BOSS

Saxton Hale as he appears in the mod.
  • Health formula: [(760+n)×n]1.04
  • Super Jump & Super Stomp
  • Rage: Nearby Enemies are scared.
    • Scare radius — 20 meters
    • Hale has the largest scare radius of any boss.

  • Health formula: [(760+n)×n]1.04
  • Super Jump & Super Stomp
  • Rage: Nearby Enemies are scared
    • Scare radius — 17 meters
  • Teleportation: Instead of a superjump, the Horsemann can teleport to the last person that damaged him. The teleport requires a much longer time to recharge, which scales with use. The Horsemann is temporarily stunned after teleporting.

Community bosses

Freak Fortress 2 was created to make the possibility of creating your own bosses easier, allowing server administration to add content inside the mod without ruining the system itself. Instructions on how to add bosses can be found here


  • Health formula: [(760+n)×n]1.04
  • Super Stomp
  • No Super Jump
  • Rage: Nearby Enemies are scared. Ubercharge for 5 seconds. Instant teleportation to the random enemy. Ambassador with 3 bullets.
    • Scare radius — 12 meters


  • Bosses will drop the corpse of a "real" class after death.
  • The items Schadenfreude, Director's Vision and High Five! can be used by the bosses but lack facial animations when used.
  • Even though the Jarate effect is intended to disappear instantly, it remains for about a half-second.
  • Demopan's Trade Spam ability may conflict with other server plugins using the in-game command r_screenoverlay. If this is the case, it may display incorrectly.
  • Ninja Spy may get stuck if he attacks an enemy in an area that cannot be passed without crouching during slow motion.


  • 部分伺服器擁有『踩蘑菇』插件,意思是如果玩家可以踩到 BOSS 玩家的頭,將會讓 BOSS 玩家受到強大的傷害,此時伺服器也會出現「玩家名稱」踩了「 BOSS 玩家名稱」的告示。同樣的, BOSS 玩家也可以以這方法踩其他玩家的頭。
  • 此模組是由玩家 RainBolt Dash in April 2012, based on VS Saxton Hale Mode's 1.38 version, which he also created. Versus Saxton mode is now under development by FlaminSarge
  • All the bosses are based on community fads.

See also

External links