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The world of Team Fortress 2.
For en full liste over alle kart, se Liste over kart.

Dette er en liste over spillmoduser i Team Fortress 2. Til å begynne med inneholdt spillet bare tre spillmoduser: Ta Flagget, Kontrollpunkt og Terretoriumkontroll. Et flertall av oppdateringer har lagt til syv nye spillmodus (Bombetransport, Arena, Kongen på Haugen, Bombeløp, Middelaldermodus, Spesiell Leveranse, Mann vs. Maskin) som sammenlagt blir ti offisielle spillmoduser, sammen med to treningskart. Disse spillmodusene er spredt på 53 offisielle kart som tilbyr en stor variasjon av spillestiler og spill i Team Fortress 2.


Hovedartikkel: Arena
Se også: Arena tips
I say this to you with the unvarnished factualism of plain talk: I love Arena Mode.
Abraham Lincoln, Andre tiltredelsestale, 1865

Arenakart er designet for å opprettholde klassemangfoldet i Team Fortress 2 samtidig som de focuserer på målene rundt kamp mellom to lag. Hvor andre spillmoduser lener mot en samlet strategi for laget, konsentrerer Arenamodus på de spesifikke taktiske valg lagene må ta i en enkelt kamp. Arenakart har prefikset arena_.

Arena har små kart som spilles i en kortere tidsperiode. Runden er over når ett lag ikke har flere spillere igjen i arenaen, eller når det sentrale kontrollpunket har blitt låst opp og tatt. Det sentrale kontrollpunktet låses opp når ett minutt har gått i runden. Runder pleier å være veldig rask og ha et høyt konkurranseinstinkt, med fokus på ditt lags klassesammensetning og plan om å motstå motstanderens klassevalg. Arenamodus er passende for kortere slag med 3-mot-3, men er fortsatt komfortabelt i store slag med 12-mot-12. Arena fungerer veldig likt Sudden Death - gjenoppliving er slått av, og det finnes ingen [[Respawn/no#Gjenforsyning|Gjenforsyningsskap]. Det pleier å være veldig få Helsebokser tilgjengelig, og er ofte plassert langt unna hovedslaget og/eller nær høy-risiko områder. Dette tvinger lagene til å avhenge mer på Ladestasjoner og Medic.

Spillere på det tapende laget må stå over en runde for å gi tilskuende spillere (som kanskje må ha ventet på grunn av lagkapasitet) mulighet til å spille. Spillere på det vinnende laget derimot, trenger aldri å stå over en runde.

Første Blod-buffen er unik for Arenamodus, og blir gitt til den spilleren som tar det første drapspoenget i runden. Denne buffen gir spilleren fem sekunder med kritisk boost. Vennligst noter at når en Spy bruker Dobbeltgjengeren blir Første Blod-buffen tildelt den som "dreper" han, selv om han fortsatt er i live.


Ta Flagget

Gamemode ctf.png
Hovedartikkel: Capture the Flag
Wave goodbye to ya secret crap, dumbass!

Ta Flagget inneholder både RED og BLU baser, som som har hver sin Etteretningskoffert (ellers kjent som flagget). Målet for begge lagene er å kapre i motstanderens etteretning, helt til de har nådd spillets mål (standard mål er 3 kapringer) samtidig som de hindrer at motstanderen oppnår det samme.

Begge lagenes etteretning er normalt sett plassert dypt inne i sine respektive terretorium, ofte i symmetriske områder fra hverandre. I et område kjent som "Etteretningsrommet". For å plukke opp etteretningen må spilleren være borti motstanderens koffert. Mens man bærer på motstanderens etteretning, må spilleren frakte den til området der lagets egen etteretning holder til og gå inn i 'kapringssonen' (indikert av de gule og svarte linjene). Etter hver vellykkede kapring, vil laget ditt bli belønnet med ti sekunder kritisk boost.

Hvis spilleren som bærer på etteretningen blir drept eller med hensikt slipper den, vil Administratoren informere lagene om dette over høytaler, og kofferten vil holde seg i ro i 60 sekunder med en tidtaker vist over etteretningen som viser hvor mye tid som er igjen før den blir returnert til etteretningsrommet. I løpet av denne tiden kan etteretningen plukkes opp som normalt. Hver gang etteretningen blir sluppet tilbakestilles tidtakeren. Motstanderen kan ikke flytte på, eller returnere etteretningen selv. Etteretningen kan ikke bæres av spillere med udødelighetsbuff, f.eks. ÜberChargeede spillere og Scout under effekten avBonk! Atomic Punch. En spiller som bærer på etteretningen kan ikke motta en udødelighetsbuff. Etteretningen kan heller ikke plukkes opp av en Soldier som bruker Rocket Jumper, eller en Demoman som bruker Sticky Jumper. En usynlig Spy-spiller kan ikke plukke opp etteretningen før usynligheten dens er skrudd av. En forkledd Spy derimot, kan plukke opp etteretningen, men vil miste forkledningen og vil ikke kunne forklede seg eller bli usynlig. En unntaksregel av dette er Dobbeltgjengeren, som vil tvinge Spy til å slippe etteretningen, og usynliggjøres som normalt.

Hvis spilleren som bærer på etteretningen dør på en plass i kartet som normalt sett ikke er tilgjengelig, f.eks. ned en klippe eller en avgrop, vil etteretningen umiddelbart bli returnert til startposisjonen i etteretningsrommet. Hvis ingen lag når kapremålet før tiden går ut, vil kampen gå inn i Sudden Death-modus.

I motsetning til andre varianter av Ta Flagget i andre spill, kan du kapre uten at ditt lags etteretning et i basen din.

Ta Flagget-kart:


Gamemode cp.png
Hovedartikkel: Control Point (game mode)
Se også: Control point (objective)
This point ain't gonna cap itself! Get over here!

Kontrollpunktkart har to hovedtyper spillmodus.

Kontrollpunkt er runde plattformer med et lagfarget lys og et hologram i midten (Nøytrale punkter har et hvitt lys on hologram). For å kapre ett kontrolpunkt som er eid av motstanderlaget, må spiller bare stå på plattformen til kapremeteret fylles med sitt lags farge. Des flere spillere som står på et kontrollpunkt, des raskere vil den kapres, men bare til en viss begrensning. Scout og Soldier/Demoman(hvis spilleren er utstyrt med Pain Train) teller som 2 spillere når de karper et kontrollpunkt. Kapringsfremgang vil ikke utføres når spillere fra begge lag står på kontrollpunktet. Hvis alle spillerene som kaprer blir drept eller går av plattformen vil ikke kapringsfremgangen tilbakestilles umiddelbart, men heller synke sakte.

Kontrollpunkt har tre statuser:

Det er tre hovedtyper kontrollpunktkart – Normal Kontrollpunkt, Angrep/Forsvar, og Middelaldermodus Angrep/Forsvar.

Normal Kontrollpunkt

Normal Kontrollpiunkt, eller Lineært Kontrollpunkt, er kart som spilles symetrisk. Begge lag starter med to kontrollerte punkter, og ett sentralt punkt som er nøytralt. Laget som kaprer alle kontrollpunktene vinner. Normale kontrollpunktkart vil gå inn i Sudden Death (eller Fastlåsning) hvis ingen av lagene kaprer alle kontrollpunktene før tiden går ut. Kontrollpunkt som er nærmere et lags base kapres raskere av motstanderlaget.

Normale Kontrollpunktkart:


Gamemode attackdefend.png

Angrep/Forsvar-kart spilles asymetrisk. RED starter med eierskap over alle kontrollpunktene. BLU vinner hvis de kaprer alle kontrollpunkter. Kontrollpunkter kan kun bli kapret i en fast rekke (noen kart, slik som Gravel Pit og Steel, kan lage unntak). RED vinner hvis de hindrer BLU fra å kapre alle kontrollpunktene før tidtakeren går ut. Kontrollpunkter som blir kapret av BLU blir normalt sett låst slik at RED ikke kan gjenkapre dem.

Angrep/Forsvar-kart kan komme i flere varierte stiler. Noen kart, slik som Dustbowl og Egypt krever at BLU kaprer tre stadier á to kontrollpunkter hver for å vinne spillet. Hvis angriperlaget ikke vinner i hvilken som helst av stadiene, vil lagene bytte side, og forsvarende lag vil så bli angriperene. Spillet starter så om igjen fra stadie 1. Andre kart, slik som Gravel Pit og Junction tillater angriperen å kapre to kontrollpunkter i hvilken som helst rekkefølge (punkt A eller B) før de angriper det siste kontrollpunktet (punkt C). Steel er et unikt Angrep/Forsvar-kart i at kapring av hvert av de mindre kontrollpunktene (punkt A, B, C og D) tillater bedre tilgang til hovedpunktet (punkt E). f.eks. tillater flere ruter inn i punkt E eller utvider broer til punktet, slik at andre klasser enn Scout, Soldier, Demoman, Pyro(utstyrt med Detonator) eller Engineer som tar i bruk Sensorvåpenhopp kan kapre det.


Medieval Attack/Defend

How did the manly men of Team Fortress 2 appear at a tenth century battlement? Simple. The Soldier angered a magician.

Medieval Attack/Defend is a part of Medieval Mode, added during the Australian Christmas update. It plays like regular Attack/Defend, but with one major twist: all guns are removed, and all weapons that are not defined as guns, known as "Olde" weapons, are all the player can use, including Mad Milk, but not Jarate. The only projectile weapons allowed are the Crusader's Crossbow and the Huntsman, with the exception of Melee Weapons that fling projectiles like the Sandman. Text chat is filtered (to Olde English) to resemble the language of the era (though with considerable inaccuracy) and the map is Medieval-themed.

Medieval Attack/Defend maps:

King of the Hill

Gamemode koth.png
Hovedartikkel: King of the Hill
Since their discovery in 1895, hills have fascinated kings.
The Classless Update

King of the Hill is similar to Arena. King of the Hill focuses on a single control point at the center of the map, which is neutral and locked at the beginning of the round. Teams must make their way to the control point and capture it when it becomes available. Once the point is captured by a team, their team clock will start a three minute countdown. If the enemy team manages to capture the point back, their clock will start counting down while the other team’s clock freezes at the time the point was recaptured. A team wins once they own the point and their three minutes is expired.

King of the Hill maps:


Gamemode payload.png
Hovedartikkel: Payload
Onward, great bomb-cart!
The Heavy

In Payload maps, BLU team must escort a cart full of explosives through a series of checkpoints and into RED's base within a certain amount of time. BLU team members move or 'push' the cart by standing next to it - the more people near the cart, the faster it moves. Any RED team member standing near the cart will stop it from venturing further. If no BLU player pushes the cart for 30 seconds, the cart will start moving backwards slowly until it reaches a checkpoint/BLU spawn, a uphill in the way (just in some maps) or a BLU player who stands next to it again. The cart functions as a level 1 Dispenser for BLU team (and disguised enemy Spies) to restore health and ammunition to those pushing it. Ammunition is not restored to players standing at the front of the cart.

Some maps have one-way routes from the BLU side, sometimes closed off until a specific point is taken.

Some maps, such as Gold Rush, Hoodoo, and Thunder Mountain, are split in three stages that the BLU team must advance through and win. Stages one and two have 2 checkpoints and stage three has 3 checkpoints (2 for Hoodoo), including the final point. Badwater Basin and Upward maps have a single round with 4 checkpoints, including the final point. Advancing the cart to the next checkpoint gives the BLU team extra time. Advancing it to the final point moves the map onto the next stage. When the cart reaches the final point on the final stage, the Payload explodes and destroys RED's base, indicating BLU's victory.

Payload maps:

Payload Race

Gamemode payloadrace.png
Hovedartikkel: Payload Race
Two teams. Two carts. Two tracks. Hilarity ensues.
In-game Summary

Unlike standard Payload maps, Payload Race maps feature both RED and BLU teams issued with a cart; in this way, teams are not defined to an attacking or defending role. To win, each team must simultaneously push their cart through enemy territory to reach the final point while preventing the enemy team from doing the same. As with Payload mode, team members push the cart by standing next to it, with more members increasing the speed of the cart and opposing team members halting it.

Unlike Payload mode, the cart will not move backwards after any duration of time and there is no time limit; the map will only end when one team successfully pushes their cart to the finish point. Each cart works as a Dispenser for their team (and disguised enemy Spies), restoring health and ammunition to those pushing the cart. Parts of the track may feature slopes, on which the cart will quickly roll back down to the bottom unless it is being constantly pushed.

Payload Race maps may or may not be split into multiple rounds.

Payload Race maps:

Territorial Control

Hovedartikkel: Territorial Control
We have you surrounded, at least from this side!
The Soldier

In Territorial Control, the goal is to take over the entire map by capturing "territories". Each game is randomly selected from the six available layouts in a 'point against point' game where both teams must capture the opposite point while defending their own. After a team successfully captures the opposite point, the next round takes place in a different area of the map which is also randomly selected. After a team captures all four territories, that team must capture the enemy team's base. If the base point is captured (in Hydro, the Radar Dish for RED, the Power Plant for BLU), the attacking team wins the game. When the next round begins, territories are reset and a new random layout is selected. The Territorial Control game mode is not very popular amongst players.

In any game in TC (except in RED/BLU base games), if a control point is not captured within the eight minute time clock, the game then will go into Sudden Death mode.

Territorial control maps :

Special Delivery

Gamemode sd.png
Hovedartikkel: Special Delivery (Game Mode)

Special Delivery is a Game Mode released as part of the Pyromania Update. In this game mode, a initially neutral briefcase of Australium must be transported to Poopy Joe's rocket before their opponent team can do the same. If a player from a team picks up the Australium and is killed while holding it, only players from the same team can pick it up again. If the team fails to do so within a few seconds, the briefcase is sent back to the drop site. The player who has hold of the Australium must be on the platform that is raised to the compartment at the head of the rocket must place the Australium in the compartment, launching the rocket and winning the round.

Special Delivery maps:

Mann vs. Machine

Hovedartikkel: Mann vs. Machine (game mode)
Gamemode mvm.png
More rubble, less trouble!
The Heavy

Mann vs. Machine is a Game Mode that was released in the update of the same name. In this game mode, a team of six players must fend off a horde of robots attempting to carry a bomb to one of Mann Co.'s strongholds. Weapons can be upgraded and Canteen power-ups can be purchased at the spawn point. Cash may be picked up by the players upon destroying a robot (with the exception of the first Tank round), which may be used to upgrade your weapons and purchase your power-ups at the spawn point. A bonus amount of cash will be awarded to the team if all the cash from a wave is picked up and not a single cash was missing. Upgrades such as extra firing speed or extra reloading speed may be bought at the power-up station at spawn. All classes and most weapons have different upgrade abilities such as time to charge and amount of ammo the player can hold for the weapon. Upon the completion of a player's first mission, they will receive a Canteen. Surviving all the waves will complete the mission. There are currently 3 operations and 18 missions (6 missions each operation) in Mann vs. Machine.

Mann vs. Machine maps:

Training Mode

Training basic.png
Training offlinepractice.png
Hovedartikkel: Training mode
I make it look easy.
The Sniper

Training maps are intended to teach the basics of gameplay and advanced techniques. Training mode shipped with the Mac Update, which introduced two official training maps.

Training maps:

Brandon Reinhart indirectly announced on the Official TF2 Blog on July 28, 2010 that Corey Peters is currently working on another official training map,[1] though details are as of yet unknown for which class or what gameplay mechanics it is focusing on.

Other modes


Highlander tournament prize
There can be only one!
The Demoman

Highlander mode restricts the number of players of each team to 9 players and only allows one player per class on each team. It is applicable to any game mode and can be activated by entering mp_highlander 1 into the console.

The idea behind Highlander mode existed previous to its official inclusion in the game, and had been implemented in server mods. Highlander mode was officially added in the 3 februar 2010 Patch.

The game mode's name is a reference to the Template:W film series, where the phrase "There can be only one" was often repeated; this references the limitation of one player per class.

Dueling Mini-Game

Dueling Mini-game
Hovedartikkel: Dueling Mini-Game
Let's settle this like gentlemen!
The Spy

A mini-game released in the Mann-Conomy Update, the Dueling Mini-Game is an action item that can be purchased in the Mann Co. Store, recieved via trading, or found via drops. When loaded into the action slot, the item can be triggered to pit the user against one person on the opposing team, provided they accept the challenge. Until the end of the round, points are gained by killing, or assisting in killing. Kills of the two players dueling are tracked, and the player with the most points wins the "duel" when the round ends. If one of the players disconnects or leaves the match, a short duel ban will be issued to that player. The item itself has a maximum of 5 uses, and is usable on all official maps. After winning your first duel, a Bronze Dueling Badge will be granted which will level up to Silver, Gold, followed by Platinum as you gain more wins. For every 10 wins, a Dueling Minigame is granted.

Medieval Mode

Gette It Onne!
Hovedartikkel: Medieval Mode
So grab your swords, and keep your clothes on, because things are about to get clothing-non-optional Medieval on your fully clothed ass!
Medieval Mode publicity blurb

Medieval Mode was originally supposed to be released during the Polycount Update; however, it was held back a couple of months and released during the Australian Christmas update.

It changes gameplay by making it so only Olde weapons can be used and also causes dead players to drop small health kits instead of their weapon.

It also filters the chat's text into "Olde English".

-"Olde English", CAN and WILL censor swearing in the text chat.

Medieval maps:

Tournament Mode

Hovedartikkel: Tournament Mode
Dominated, hippie! Get a job!
The Soldier

Tournament Mode is used mostly on competitive servers. It allows for the creation of custom teams, and the ability to track the success of a particular team over multiple games. A user interface is present for naming teams, and once team members have been organized, teams must say they are ready to start the game. In tournament mode there is no limit to team player limits and no autobalancing.

Community mods

TF2Ware, a community mod by Mecha the Slag
Hovedartikkel: Custom Mods
Never bring a bat to a battlefield, war is not a game.
The Soldier

Community game mode mods are custom, unofficial game modes, produced by talented community members. They vary from remakes of Team Fortress Classic game modes to completely original modes, and may change anything about the way a class works from their core mechanics to the weapons they carry. Some modes even add new enemies for the RED and BLU teams to fight, or put the player in the shoes of someone or something they couldn't play in an official mode. Some game mode mods have been honorably mentioned by Valve on the TF2 Official Blog. Most popular mod is "Versus Saxton Hale". It's based on arena mode. One player is selected as Saxton Hale with a lot of HP and one-hit killing. Other players must kill him.

Unused content

  • At one point there had been a planned Courier gamemode that got scrapped. There is still an announcer voiceline in the files from this gamemode.

See also
