Mountain Lab/山區實驗室

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Mountain Lab
Art Pass Winner 3DNJ.jpg
Variants: Mann Manor
開發者: 未知
所處地區: 秋季
環境設定: 傍晚,陰天
特定致死因素: 無底洞
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山區實驗室(Mountain Lab)是一張攻擊/防禦控制點模式地圖。原先是在 所舉辦的藝術通行比賽中勝出,並且於2010年10月27日更新2010萬聖節更新一同釋出的地圖。Mountain Lab 和 Gorge 同樣都是線性推進的攻擊/防禦控制點模式地圖(和 Gravel Pit 這類藍隊可以同時攻擊兩個控制點的地圖不一樣。)這張地圖的節慶版本 Mann Manor 同樣也傳承了這個特點,以線性推進三個控制點做為決勝的條件(其他的攻擊/防禦控制點地圖不是以兩個控制點做線性推進就是以三個控制點做非線性的推進為決勝條件的。)




控制點 A

控制點 A: The first control point is nested against the side of the RED facility. Behind it is an elevated platform from which enemies returning to the battle from spawn may appear. Although this control point takes longer to capture than any other on any map, its proximity to the attackers' spawn and distance from the defenders' spawn usually make it very easy for BLU to seize. When the point is captured, the shortcut used by RED team is closed.

  • 隧道: A rock archway to one side provides a medium health kit and a main highway for both teams' travel.
  • 主屋: The house across from the tunnel contains a large health kit and ammo crate, making it a popular sentry location.
  • 倉庫: The small two floor building directly across from the point, connects to BLU's spawn yard.
  • 後院: The yard outside BLU's spawn, connects to the warehouse and the main chokepoint.

控制點 B

控制點 B:The second point is located inside a wood structure overlooked by the main entrance to the RED base. Many corners and edges outside the base make for numerous sentry locations, and long sight lines make it a popular area for Snipers. An elevated outcrop on the far side of the building makes for an excellent Sniper nest, but also an easy entry point into the base by explosive jumping soldiers and Demomen. The defenders in this area tend to stay near the RED base, using it to force the enemies to get close before attacking. However, this sometimes leads to fairly easy captures when attackers are able to slip by.

  • 峭壁: The cliff that rest atop the tunnel. Popular sniping spot for attackers. A jump from the cliff can be made to the small house next to the rocky outcrop.
  • 小屋: The house situated next to the capture point's shack. It's entrance faces opposite the defenders and offers good cover.
  • 基地入口: The base entrance has two sets of stairs on both of its sides. One leads to an overlook of the yard and entrance to the top floor of RED's base, while the other leads to Point A.

控制點 C

控制點 C: The final control point is in the heart of the RED facility, surrounded by a pit on three sides. The large room is accessible from almost every direction, including above - a large hole in the roof allows Soldiers and Demomen to rain explosives down on RED Engineers if the defenders do not control the area. Because the control point is surrounded by a lethal fall, an effective tactic is for defending Pyros to come directly out of the spawn point and airblast foes off of the point - if they don't land in the pit, they will be all the way on the other side of it.

  • 底側入口隧道: From the main entrance are two tunnels. The long way leads directly to the final control point while the other leads to the command room.
  • 上側入口隧道: Above the main entrance is a tunnel that leads to the top floor.
  • 頂樓: The top floor leads to the overlook above the point and a hallway containing a series of stairs that lead to the point.
  • 指揮室: The room at the end of one of the tunnels from the main entrance. One of its walls is a giant window which the point can be observed from.


請參考社群 Mountain Lab 策略


控制點模式 玩家人數
控制點模式 A ×1
80 .000
53 .333
43 .636
38 .400
35 .036
控制點模式 B ×1
40 .000
26 .667
21 .818
19 .200
17 .518
控制點模式 C ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760
5 .255



  • 將 Mountain 新增至遊戲中。


  • 修正數個模型重疊的問題。


  • 修正梯子和通往第一控制點的小丘的模型碰撞問題。
  • 修正靜態模型的打光問題。


  • 玩家若是太靠近重生室左側出口時,很可能在準備時間內受到紅隊的火焰或者是爆破性武器攻擊。
  • 玩家有時候會被卡在通往控制點 A 後拱門的梯子上。


  • Mountain Lab 和 Mann Manor 有著同樣的格局,因為這兩張地圖同樣都是藝術通行比賽的優勝者。 Mann Manor 是 Mountain Lab 的萬聖節版本。兩者間的關係就好像 HarvestViaduct 之於 Harvest EventEyeaduct一般。
  • 玩家可以在藍隊重生室後方看見「佛里曼飛船旅遊」中的飛船。 這艘飛船的典故和 Valve 旗下的另一款遊戲 Half-Life 2 中的一個章節有關。在該章節中,高登佛里曼必須要搭乘飛船趕往協助伊萊凡斯。而這艘飛船同樣也出現在 Lakeside 中。
  • 在藍隊重生室外的陽台上有一個狙擊手外型的標靶。使用子彈類武器攻擊會令它倒下;使用狙擊槍或者是爆炸類武器攻擊則會令它被破壞。Outside of BLU spawn is a Sniper Target on the balcony of a building. It falls over when shot by a bullet, shatters if hit with a Sniper Rifle and explodes when hit by an explosive.
  • 在控制點 B 旁的小屋有一扇鋼門,玩家在使用穿透指令後可以看到其後有一個 Target 中的火箭兵外型標靶。
  • Mountain Lab 中使用了許多 在沼澤包中釋出的模型。
