Magic spells
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When playing on Helltower, players who have the Spellbook Magazine, Fancy Spellbook or the Fireproof Secret Diary equipped can cast Magic Spells that appear while the carts are being pushed, when enemies are killed or during the "Witching Hour". These Magic Spells vary greatly, from launching a player into the air to turning invisible.
Normal Magic Spells can be found by pushing the cart, killing an enemy and will spawn randomly around the map during Witching Hour. Rare Magic Spells are found by crossing the bridges to the clocktower during the Witching Hour, killing the Skeleton King, or can be found in Hell. All Rare Magic Spells only have a single charge, and gaining and using one unlocks the "Helltower: Hell's Spells" achievement. All Magic Spell effects are team-colored, and each has its own killfeed icon.
- No spell.jpg
"No Spell" HUD icon
Normal Magic Spells
Fireball: Two charges. Shoots a ball of fire that sets enemies on fire in a large radius. Not affected by gravity, similar to rockets.
- Blue fire.jpg
HUD icon
Teleport: Three charges. Fires a dark smoke-like ball that teleports the spell-caster to wherever it lands when it comes in contact with a surface. The projectile arcs under gravity. Hitting the ground under an enemy player will result in a telefrag. Cannot be used to enter the enemy spawnroom. The mercenary will say "ipsum instantarium" while performing the spell.
- Teleport.jpg
HUD icon
Superjump: Two charges. Propels the spell-caster into the air, high enough that falling damage will result. Can be used in the air. Also gives a small health boost on use. The mercenary will say "amplus tripudio" while performing the spell.
- Super jump.jpg
HUD icon
Healing Aura: Single charge. ÜberCharges the spell-caster and all allies in a small area for 0.5 seconds, and quickly refills their health up to an overhealed amount.
- Ubercharge.jpg
HUD icon
Ball O' Bats: Two charges. Shoots a ball that explodes in a small radius upon impact. Enemies hit will be assaulted by bats, causing them to fly into the air and bleed.
- Bats.jpg
HUD icon
Pumpkin MIRV: Single charge. Throws a bomb that produces a ring of small team-colored pumpkin bombs once it hits something. The pumpkin bombs produced will only explode and deal damage when shot by the spell-caster's team; if they are shot by the other team they simply disappear.
- Pumpkin Bombs.jpg
HUD icon
Invisibility: Single charge. Temporarily cloaks the spell-caster for 8 seconds. The spell-caster is fully able to attack but is unable to push the cart while under the effects of the spell. Sentry Guns are not affected and will still attack the spell-caster even if invisible. The mercenary will say "barpo invisium" while performing the spell.
- Invisibility.jpg
HUD icon
Rare Magic Spells
Summon MONOCULUS: Fires a skull at the area. Upon impact, summons a ghostly team-colored MONOCULUS (smaller than the normal MONOCULUS) that begins to attack enemies. Should both teams summon a MONOCULUS, they may attack each other. The mercenary will say "invokum Monoculus" while performing the spell.
HUD icon
Summon Skeletons: Fires a skull at the area. Upon impact, explodes into several team-colored Skeletons which begin to attack enemies. Skeletons persist until they are destroyed. The mercenary will say "mortis animataris" while performing the spell.
- Skeletons.jpg
HUD icon
- Skeleton kill icon.png
Kill icon.
Tesla Bolt: Fires a wave of electricity that continuously damages enemies it touches and sucks them in.
- Electric.jpg
HUD icon
Meteor Shower: Fires a fire ball. Upon impact, summons several meteors above the targeted area, which do massive damage to enemies in a range about 1.5 times the size of a capture point.
- Rain Fire.jpg
HUD icon
Minify: Causes the spell-caster to shrink and gain a big head. Results in the spell-caster becoming more difficult to hit, gaining a significant boost to their movement, attack and reload speed, having unlimited jumping capacity, and switching over to third-person camera. Spell-casters under the effect of Minify can also enter tiny mouse holes that teleports them to opposite ends of the map.
- Shrink.jpg
HUD icon
Update history
October 29, 2013 Patch (Scream Fortress 2013)
- Added New Halloween Map Helltower
- Equip a spell book and cast spells against your enemies
- Spells can be found by pushing the cart, killing enemies and during the Witching hour
- The Clocktower contains powerful magic during the Witching hour
- Win the race to start mega healed in the final battle for your prize
- Fixed cloaked Spies losing their spells if they attempted to cast them while cloaked
- Fixed the stealth spell only lasting for 2 seconds instead of 8 seconds
- Fixed players keeping their spells if they were rolling for them while leaving hell
- Updated spells so they cannot be deflected
- The Teleport spell functions similarly to the Translocator from the Unreal Tournament series.