밸리 포지
< Valley Forge
Revision as of 12:01, 26 April 2014 by Steamtuner (talk | contribs)
Valley Forge는 커뮤뉴티에서 만든 솔저의 모자입니다.
It is a Tricorn hat similar to those in the times of the Founding fathers, it has a team-colored ornament that surrounds the edges of the upper part of the hat, it also features a a team-colored ribbon and a medal. Along with this, it also shows a long white hair similar to those typical hairstyles in the XVIII century.
The Valley Forge는 "The Presidential"이라는 이름으로 스팀워크샵에서 기증되었습니다.
Painted variants
본문: 페인트통
미리보기 사진에 마우스를 가져다 대면 배경이 검은색으로 변합니다.
Update history
- The Valley Forge가 게임에 추가되었습니다.
- Valley Forge was an encampment George Washington and his army resided in during the winter of 1777-1778, under poor conditions.