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Scout taunt with the Bat equipped
Yeah, why don't you come over and say that to my face, tough guy?
The Scout

모든 클래스는 각각의 도발을 가지고 있습니다. These can be performed using Default key: G for PC, "X" for Xbox 360 and "Square" for PS3, with most weapons possessing their own unique animation and dialog line(s), though some taunts may be shared between similar weapons. Several lines of dialog are chosen at semi-random during a taunt, with one line being chosen at random and every line after it following a specific order. Taunts are generally used for gloating purposes after killing an opponent, to celebrate a victory, provoke living opponents or simply for comedic effect and for the most part have no direct effect on gameplay. However, certain taunts (known as Taunt Attacks) have effects such as healing the player and stunning, damaging or even killing opponents. Several achievements also require the use of taunts. Caution should be exercised when performing a taunt; while a player performs a taunt, they are left vulnerable and the view shifts from first to third-person, leaving the player unable to act until the taunt is concluded (though Demomen are able to activate their sticky bombs while taunting).

Taunting cannot be performed underwater or while airborne. Should a player be sent airborne while in the middle of a taunt (by a Pyro's airblast, for instance), the taunt will be canceled. Being shot by Natascha will also cancel any taunt.

A minority of weapons such as the Scotsman's Skullcutter, the Engineer's PDAs, Jarate, and the Electro Sapper all lack taunts. The Heavy's Sandvich functions as a consumable and a taunt when activated, moving the player into third person view. All weapons that have been released in "community" updates do not have unique taunts, instead using a pre existing taunt or nothing at all.

Note that it is possible to switch weapons with quick-switch (Default "Q") after pressing the key to taunt but before the taunt animation actually plays. This will result in your character performing the taunt for the weapon you had before pressing the taunt key but holding the weapon that you switched to. This glitch was unintentionally "fixed" in the Mann-Conomy Update, but Robin Walker has said in emails that it possibly might be reinstated in the future due to its popularity.

클래스별 도발

Thriller Taunt

Heavy performing the 'Thriller taunt'

During the Haunted Halloween Special events, an extra taunt was added for all classes referencing a dance move from the hit song Thriller by Michael Jackson. The taunt will play at random upon hitting the taunt button and will always activate if a player taunts with an item that possesses no taunt animation (e.g. Jarate). It is only available during the annual Halloween event. However, there are hidden NPCs on Thunder Mountain that can do the Thriller taunt year-round.


  • The Sniper has a slightly different animation than the others, lifting his feet higher off the ground.
  • When the Demoman does the taunt, his head will always look straight forward, and will not move his head in any other direction.
  • When the Engineer taunts with the Frontier Justice and the Thriller taunt occurs, guitar pieces are immediately dropped.

Special Taunts

Also known as kill taunts (with the exception of the Medic's Oktoberfest), these taunts have the ability to kill any opponent in a single hit, as they do 500+ damage.

Kill Icon Taunt Class Weapon Damage Duration Details
File:Backpack Home Run.png Killicon grand slam.png Home Run 스카웃 샌드맨 500 (Instant kill) 5 초
File:Backpack Kamikaze.png Killicon grenade (taunt).png Kamikaze 솔저 이퀄라이저 500 (Instant kill) 4 초 6 ft blast radius
Kills player upon completion
File:Backpack Hadouken.png Killicon hadouken.png Hadouken 파이로 샷건/
(Must have ammo)
500 (Instant kill) 3 초 Kills with fire effect
File:Backpack Decapitation.png Killicon barbarian swing.png Decapitation 데모맨 아이랜더 500 (Instant kill) 5 초 Adds a head to the killer's Head count
File:Backpack Showdown.png Killicon high noon.png Showdown 헤비 주먹 400-500 3 초 Has medium range
File:Backpack Dischord.png Killicon guitar smash.png Dischord 엔지니어 프론티어 저스티스
(Must have ammo)
500 (Instant kill) 4 초
File:Backpack Organ Grinder.png Killicon arm blender.png Organ Grinder 엔지니어 건슬링거 14 (Swing, stun effect)
500 (Instant kill)
4 초 Kills with Gib Effect
File:Backpack Oktoberfest.png Oktoberfest 메딕 크리츠크리크 없음 4 초 Heals player for 11 health
File:Backpack Spinal Tap.png Killicon uberslice.png Spinal Tap 메딕 우버쏘우 1 (Swing, stun effect)
500 (Instant kill)
약 4 초 Initial stab with stun effect followed by the killing Übersaw removal
Adds 50% to ÜberCharge meter
File:Backpack Skewer.png Killicon arrow stab.png Skewer 스나이퍼 헌츠맨
(Must have ammo)
Initial Stab: None (stun effect). Removal: 500 (Instant kill) 4 초 Arrow stab with stun effect followed by the killing arrow removal
File:Backpack Fencing.png Killicon fencing.png Fencing 스파이 / Your Eternal Reward 50 (Swings)
500 (Instant kill)
5 초 Two swings followed by the killing thrust

All taunts and taunt kills can be successfully performed while stunned.


사용되지 않는 도발

There are a number of taunt animations in Team Fortress 2's files, the purpose of which has not been explained yet by Valve. Each class has a set of four 'High-Five' taunts, each one either slightly positive, slightly negative, very positive or very negative. The first of these animations (Soldier and Demoman) was added during the WAR! Update, Engineer's ones on the Engineer Update, and the remaining animations were added afterward during the Mann-Conomy Update. It should be noted that the negative animations appear to be failed or missed high-fives, as the classes' hands do not stop suddenly as they do in the positive animations.

Based on a similar mechanic in the upcoming Portal 2, it's possible these animations are intended as a sort of co-op taunt.

Related Achievements


장외 홈런
장외 홈런
도발로 적을 25 미터 이상 날려버리십시오.


너네 장기 더 이상 없다
너네 장기 더 이상 없다
적의 시체 세 조각 이상을 가지고 도발하는 프리즈캠 샷을 선사하십시오.

스프레이 오브 디피트
스프레이 오브 디피트
등가교환기나 탈출 계획의 도발로 적을 폭사시키십시오.
백문이 불여일견
백문이 불여일견
산탄총 도발로 적에게 예포를 표하십시오.


댄스 댄스 이멀레이션
댄스 댄스 이멀레이션
도발 중인 적군 3명을 처치하십시오.

불 좀 있나?
불 좀 있나?
담배 상자로 도발중인 스파이불태우십시오.
보기만 해도 분노가 불타오르는 사진.jpg
보기만 해도 분노가 불타오르는 사진.jpg
죽은 적에게 3번 도발하십시오.

이런 젠장 바비큐
이런 젠장 바비큐
도발로 적을 처치하십시오.


블러디 메리
블러디 메리
적 플레이어에게 웃는 얼굴의 프리즈캠 샷을 선사하십시오.

엉덩이께서 보고 계셔
엉덩이께서 보고 계셔
적 플레이어에게 엉덩이를 흔드는 모습프리즈캠 샷을 선사하십시오.
사무용 스카치 절단기
사무용 스카치 절단기
아이랜더로 적을 학살하십시오.


그 많던 샌드비치는 누가 다 먹었을까
그 많던 샌드비치는 누가 다 먹었을까
샌드비치를 100번 먹으십시오.

공개 재판
공개 재판
도발로 적을 처치하십시오.
적에게 무적 상태에서 도발을 하는 프리즈캠 샷을 선사하십시오.


기타는 타악기입니다
기타는 타악기입니다
적 플레이어에게 기타를 연주하는 프리즈캠 샷을 선사하십시오.
홍키 통크 맨
홍키 통크 맨
적 플레이어의 머리를 기타로 휘갈기십시오.


부검 보고서
부검 보고서
적의 시체 위에서 도발을 하는 프리즈캠을 선사하십시오.


예의를 갖추고
예의를 갖추고
적에게 예의바르게 모자를 벗는 프리즈캠 샷을 선사하십시오.

마지막 손인사
마지막 손인사
손을 흔들며 적에게 프리즈캠 샷을 선사하십시오.
화살로 가버렷!
화살로 가버렷!
화살로 적을 찌르십시오.


당신만을 위한 1급 기밀
당신만을 위한 1급 기밀
적에게 시체 위에서 담배 상자 도발을 하는 프리즈캠 샷을 선사하십시오.
소드 아트 스파이
소드 아트 스파이
칼 도발인 펜싱으로 적군을 처치하십시오.
