Sentry Gun/zh-hans
“ | 我怎么样才能阻止那些凶横魁梧的粗人从身后扑过来把我打成马蜂窝?答案是: 用一把枪.如果这不管用... 用更多的枪.
— 工程师
” |
步哨枪 (有些时候被称作"步哨", "炮塔",或者单纯是一个缩写"SG")一个建筑building, 由工程师Engineer负责建筑.步哨枪作为一挺自动炮台,会对走进其警戒范围的敌人自动开火. 步哨枪通常自动锁定和瞄准距离最近的敌人或者敌方建筑开火, 只要他们在步哨枪的警戒范围和射程内(不包括在墙后面的敌人,等等).
建造步哨枪需要花费130单位的金属Metal, 以及200单位的金属用以将其升级成2级步哨, 当升级到2级步哨枪时,可以再花费200单位金属将其升级为3级,也就是最高级的步哨枪. 每个等级的提升意味着步哨枪变的更强大, 装配上盖特林机枪, 火箭以及承受更多伤害的能力. 步哨枪的射程也会随着其等级提升而增加.
你可以用你的扳手Wrench敲击步哨枪来为其装填弹药. 每发子弹花费1单位金属而每发火箭花费2单位金属.
当放置步哨枪时, 其警戒范围会由一个和你所处队伍颜色相同的立体球面显示出来, 其半径为1100锤单位Hammer unit.一挺步哨枪在建造时,其生命值health 会逐步提升直到建造完成时达到最大生命值. 步哨枪警戒时会以90°的角度摆动, 但当它锁定目标时可进行360°的旋转. 尽管这要占用一小点时间, 但这可以更快向射程内的敌人开火. 当你建造步哨时,你可以选择它的朝向: 当建筑蓝图出现时, 使用备用开火按钮(default key: 鼠标右键)能让建筑蓝图逆时针旋转90°.
步哨枪不会向处于隐身cloaked状态或者伪装disguise状态的间谍Spies开火. 当有敌人位于步哨枪警戒范围内但是被物体阻挡是,步哨枪也不会向其开火, 包括被工程师的补给器Dispenser阻挡的敌人. 当步哨枪被敌人间谍放置了电子工兵Electro Sapper时,将无法开火. 正在升级或者建造的步哨枪也无法对敌人进行攻击. 一挺被摧毁的步哨枪会留下相当于60单位金属的碎片,这些碎片可以被其他兵种捡起,用来补充弹药Ammo.
和绝大多数武器不同,步哨枪的威力不会随着距离的增加而下降,同时步哨枪也不会产生爆击伤害critical. 但有个例外, 步哨枪攻击被尿手道尿瓶Jarate效果覆盖的敌人时,能够产生小爆击伤害Mini-Crit或者建造步哨枪的工程师在己方士兵军号Buff Banner的增益效果作用下时, 能将其每发子弹的威力提升到22.
在这次工程师更新Engineer Update里有一个代替手枪Pistol的成就武器 ———— 放牧者The Wrangler,即步哨枪的遥控器. 通过遥控器,工程师可以自主的控制自己建造的步哨枪并且手动为其选择目标. 此时步哨枪的自动追踪系统将会关闭, 但这会利用追踪系统的能量来提升其射速, 让步哨枪拥有双倍的活力输出. 同时, 当使用遥控器时,会为步哨枪附加上一个保护盾,此保护盾能阻挡3分之2(66%)的敌人火力. 一旦工程师切换其他武器,将会关掉遥控器,此时,他的步哨枪将会有3秒钟的时间无法工作直到自动追踪系统重新开启.
自从 工程师 升级更新Engineer Update以后, 玩家们可以收起他们所造的建筑并抗着它们随意走动. 一个扛着步哨枪的工程师的移动速度将会比平时慢25%而且也不能开火或是切换武器. 尽管如此, 一个被重新部署的步哨枪将会保留原有的等级以及获得2倍的部署速度以便工程师快速将其安置妥当. 移动步哨枪不会花费工程师任何弹药或者金属. 如果工程师在扛着步哨枪的时候被杀,那么他的步哨枪也会被自动摧毁, 在屏幕的右上角会有相应的图标提示.被敌方间谍放置了电子工兵Electro Sapper的步哨枪是不能被捡起的.
如果一名士兵装配了 坦克终结者Tank Buster 套装的话, 步哨枪只会对他造成80%的伤害.
一名 火焰兵Pyro可以反弹reflect 敌人3级步哨枪发射的火箭.
“ | 来吧! 造好你的小机枪! 然后 滚蛋吧!
— 重机枪手 接受工程师的决斗时
” |
战斗型迷你步哨枪是普通步哨枪的缩小版本, 它是工程师Engineer的成就武器“快枪手”机械手Gunslinger附加属性之一. 战斗型迷你步哨枪拥有几项优点: 只需花费100单位的金属metal就能建造, 是普通步哨枪建造速度的4倍, 在建造过程中就是满生命值而且比正常的1级步哨枪的速射快50%. 而且, 战斗型迷你步哨枪的目标追踪速度比普通步哨枪快35%. 尽管如此, 迷你步哨枪不能进行维修或者升级, 是由于它是设计用于短期使用而并非用以进行长期的区域防御. 而且它的威力只有正常1级步哨枪的50%. 和普通步哨枪一样,迷你步哨枪也能被工程师捡起并重新放置.
等级 | 击杀图标 | 生命值 | 造价 | 武器装备 | 杀伤力 | 弹药量 | |
![]() |
150 (在遥控器护盾作用下相当于450) | 130 金属Metal | 单管半自动机枪 | 杀伤力:16 每秒射速: 4发 (遥控器作用下为8发) 每秒伤害输出: 64 (遥控器作用下为128) |
100 发 | |
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180 (在遥控器护盾作用下相当于540) | 330 金属Metal | 双旋转机枪 | 杀伤力: 16 每秒射速: 8 (遥控器作用下为16) 每秒伤害输出: 128 (遥控器作用下为256) |
120 发 | |
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216 (遥控器护盾作用下相当于648) | 530 金属Metal |
双旋转机枪 目标导航型火箭发射支援系统 |
杀伤力: 16
144 发 |
等级 | 击杀图标 | 生命值 | 造价 | 武器装备 | 杀伤力 | 弹药量 | |
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100 (遥控器护盾作用下相当于300) | 100 Metal | 单管半自动机枪 | 杀伤力: 8 每秒射速: 6 (遥控器作用下为12) 每秒伤害输出: 48 (遥控器作用下为96) |
100 发 |
Related Achievements
步哨枪手 一个步哨枪累积 10 次歼敌。 |
放下枪 使用手枪摧毁一个警戒中的步哨枪。 |
毁灭打击 单次引爆黏性炸弹,炸飞 1 名工程师并摧毁他的步哨枪和补给器。 |
共渡难关 治疗处于敌人火力之下的工程师,辅助他修复步哨枪。 |
摧毁岗哨 摧毁 3 挺工程师的步哨枪。 |
- A bug existed where level 2 and 3 Combat Mini-Sentry Guns could be built by building a normal Level 2 or 3 Sentry Gun, switching to the Gunslinger and hauling and redeploying the existing Sentry Gun. The result of this was a miniature version of the Level 2 and 3 Sentry Guns that gained the properties of the Combat Mini-Sentry, such as the 75% damage and the 4x build speed. These Sentry Guns would always appear to be on the RED team but their characteristic light effect would glow their proper team color. This bug was fixed and subsequently re-added accidentally as of the October 8, 2010 Patch.
- The player has the ability to build a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun while having the Wrench or Southern Hospitality equipped, by holding out the blueprints for the sentry with the Gunslinger, and then quickly switching to the Wrench. The player will build a mini-sentry (it will still take away 130 metal). This cannot be done vice versa (AKA Equipping Gunslinger while having normal Sentry blueprints out).
- A sapped Mini-sentry will not show an alert on HUD and the Engineer may not say a fitting line.
- Destruction of a Combat Mini-sentry does not get sent to the kill feed.
Related Merchandise
- Sentry1.jpg
- The original Sentry Gun designs were created by Radigan Conagher in 1890.[1] The original and current designs are visually identical.
- The Engineer apparently designed and built the final version of the Sentry Gun under contract from 'TF Industries' in 1965.[需要来源链接]
- The official game manual for Team Fortress 2 is actually the Sentry Gun Operating Manual.
- A label on the Sentry Gun blueprint reads "Automatic Sentry Gun Apparatus;" however, the Sentry Gun manual refers to it as a "Sentry Gun Mechanical Firing Device".
- The Sentry Gun makes a number of beeps every time it reverses its rotation. The number of beeps corresponds to its upgrade level, where a level 3 turret makes three quick beeps. Additionally, the higher the Sentry Gun's level, the louder it is. A level 1 Sentry Gun is slightly harder to hear than a level 3 Sentry Gun; this fact can be used to counter enemy Sentry Guns.
- When out of ammunition, a Sentry Gun will continue lock on to enemies and attempt to fire, but will instead make clicking sounds.
- Engineers can reach higher standing on a level 1 Sentry Gun than with a Dispenser, making it a better choice on jump and puzzle maps.
- An unused alternate kill icon for the level 1 Sentry Gun exists in the game files, seen to the right. It is possible this was a concept icon for kills made with the Wrangler.
- When the Wrangler was added in the Engineer Update, all levels of Sentry Gun were given laser sights to accommodate it.
- An image appearing on the Engineer Update page possibly shows very early designs of the modern Sentry Gun.
- The flashing light on the Combat Mini-Sentry Gun appears, like the one on the Bomb Cart, to be attached with duct tape.
- Feign deaths produced by the Dead Ringer will not be added to the Sentry Gun kill/assist counter, but will contribute to the Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas achievement.
- The Combat Mini-Sentry appears to have the exact same stats as the Constructor's Autogun from the fan game Gang Garrison 2 (in terms of health, rate of fire, damage output, inability to upgrade or repair, metal cost, and deployment time). Equipping the Gunslinger also makes the Engineer have "Medic-level" health, just like the Constructor. However, this was a coincidence according to Robin Walker. [1]
- Combat Mini-Sentry Guns share gibs with standard level 1 Sentry Guns. This means that players will see the light and the checkerboard pattern disappear when a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun is destroyed.
- The Combat Mini-Sentry's status in the corner of the HUD will show a upgrade progress bar, despite not being repairable or upgradable.
- Valve recently ordered and received a full size motion-tracking model of a level 1 sentry from Template:W.
- ↑ Team Fortress: Loose Canon (comic), page 8, retrieved 2010-10-18.