Obtaining PASS Time achievements
Jackpot! Win 10 rounds playing PASS Time. Reward: Civilian Grade JACK Hat Difficulty: Easy How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a significant amount of time playing PASS Time. In order to get credit for this achievement, you must play from the start of setup time to the end of the round. Joining any later than the beginning of setup time will not count towards this achievement. |
Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television Reveal the mystery of the PASS Time TV Room. Reward: Military Grade JACK Hat, PASS Time Miniature Half JACK Difficulty: Very Hard How to obtain: This achievement is relatively complicated and requires cooperation from 5 people on RED team and 4 people on BLU team, on the map Brickyard. ![]() Spectrogram of tv1.wav showing relative placement of each player around of the television.
It was possible to get this achievement on a server with a single player using bots. See this tutorial. |