Basic Heavy strategy

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The Heavy is the largest, toughest, but slowest class in the game. Although his Minigun takes some time to rev up, it possesses some of the greatest damage output in the game, especially at close range. The Heavy can continue to keep his weapon revved in anticipation for future encounters. His great health pool and firepower makes him a very good Medic buddy. However, his large size and slow speed makes him a juicy target, especially for enemy Snipers or Spies, and his general loudness makes him subpar at ambushing. A good Heavy will coordinate with his team to tackle mission objectives together. His usefulness as a shock trooper while on offense or defense should not be underestimated by either side.

Primary Weapons

Minigun / Iron Curtain

Item icon Minigun.png Item icon Iron Curtain.png

Think of the Minigun as a rapid-fire Shotgun. With it, you are capable of taking nearly any opponent in a one-on-one setting. You can rev it while in midair, allowing you to catch enemies by surprise as you jump around corners. If there is no time to ready your Minigun, consider switching to your Shotgun.


Item icon Natascha.png

Natascha will slow enemies, forcing them to stop and face you in combat. The effects of slowdown will interrupt a Demoman using the Chargin' Targe, any taunts, and the consumption of lunchbox items. The reduced damage dealt means you will be at a significant disadvantage when facing an enemy Heavy with the normal Minigun.

Brass Beast

Item icon Brass Beast.png

While the Brass Beast is arguably the strongest weapon in the game, you are incredibly immobile while using it. If you haven't already revved it up, you are very vulnerable to ambushes. Use it alongside the Shotgun in defensive situations where you will move around less. However, revving midair will not slow you down, and thus jumping around a corner and revving in mid-air will allow you to ambush enemies.

Secondary Weapons


Item icon Shotgun.png

If healing yourself or your allies is not an issue, pick the Shotgun over the Sandvich. Use it when moving between areas or when there is no time to spin up your Minigun.


Item icon Sandvich.png

Use the Sandvich to quickly patch yourself up in between fights. Throw it on the ground to quickly heal yourself or your Medic. The Minigun will be your only ranged weapon, so keep an eye on your ammunition.

Dalokohs Bar

Item icon Dalokohs Bar.png

The Dalokohs Bar is less versatile than the Sandvich. It should only be used if your team lacks a Medic but does have a constant source of healing from either a Dispenser or medkits.

Buffalo Steak Sandvich

Item icon Buffalo Steak Sandvich.png

The Buffalo Steak Sandvich is best used to move around the battlefield quickly. Because you are restricted to melee weapons only, avoid engaging enemies while under its effects. It can still be thrown onto the ground to heal yourself or injured teammates.

Melee Weapons


Item icon Fists.png

If there is no time to spin up your Minigun against a close foe, switch to your Fists. Your large health pool gives you the advantage in melee fights.

Killing Gloves of Boxing

Item icon Killing Gloves of Boxing.png

Use the K.G.B. when you have the enemy in a corner. Once you've obtained the critical hit boost, switch to the Shotgun or continue swinging to make the best use of it. Switching to the Minigun will waste a significant portion of the boost.

Gloves of Running Urgently

Item icon Gloves of Running Urgently.png

Use the G.R.U. to quickly reach the front lines or to retreat from dangerous foes. You can use the Sandvich to negate the self-damage once you've reached your destination. When wearing them, you can help build a Medic's ÜberCharge meter at the maximum rate.

Fists of Steel

Item icon Fists of Steel.png

The Fists of Steel make you very difficult to kill with ranged weaponry, so take them out when crossing open areas. If an enemy tries to melee you, switch to your Minigun and shred them.

Warrior's Spirit

Item icon Warrior's Spirit.png

Unless you actively seek melee combat, use a different melee weapon. Compared to the standard Fists, you can defeat an enemy Heavy in four hits rather than five. If you are being healed by a Medic, the health penalty is negligible.

Item sets

The Hibernating Bear

Brass Beast Buffalo Steak Sandvich Warrior's Spirit

The resistance to critical hits is negligible. Due to the Warrior's Spirit lowering your maximum health, you will still die to a fully charged headshot, even when overhealed.