Stratégie communautaire sur 2Fort
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Stratégies habituellement utilisées sur la carte “2Fort”
Community 2Fort strategy | |
Informations de base | |
Développeur(s) : | Inconnu |
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Environnement : | Champs |
Cadre : | Ensoleillé |
Photos de la carte | |
- 1 Le Rush Scout
- 2 Empiler la salle de l'Intelligence avec des Engineers
- 3 Contrôler les égouts
- 4 Piéger les douves
- 5 Envahir par le biais des égouts
- 6 Envahir la salle d'Intelligence
- 7 Passez par la "niche"
- 8 Demoman - Sticky-Trapping the Grate
- 9 Sniper Deck Harassment
- 10 Forward Base in the Water
- 11 Forward Base in the Enemy Front Door
- 12 Engineer Flanking
- 13 Demoman Basement Defense
- 14 Defense
- 15 Team Balance
- 16 Class Strategy
Le Rush Scout
Ceci va généralement marcher seulement pour la première capture de l'Intelligence de la partie. Divisiez votre équipe en deux équipes de Scouts. On va les nommer "Groupe A" et "Groupe B".
Premièrement, les groupes A et B doivent sauter sur le toit qui couvre le pont du milieu. Le groupe A doit ensuite sauter dans les remparts de l'équipe adverse, courir a travers la salle de spawn et passer par la cour. Cette poussée se finit avec le groupe B qui sont dans la salle de l'Intelligence après avoir descendu l'escalier droit. Après avoir sauté sur le toit (qui est au dessus du pont, encore une fois), le groupe B doit tomber dans l'eau au milieu et progresser dans les égouts. A la fin des égouts, le groupe B doit courir vers la cour (la zone directement à droite de la salle de spawn ennemi. must run to the courtyard. Le groupe B doit ensuite continuer du haut des escaliers jusqu'a la salle de l'Intelligence. Quand l'intelligence est prise, à condition que assez de joueurs sont vivants, les Scouts doivent protéger le porteur de l'Intelligence en l'escortant vers la salle de la rampe (pour attirer les tirs de tourelles) et revenir dans votre base. Avoir beaucoup de joueurs préparés à protéger le porteur de l'Intelligence est grandement recommandé. Refaire cette manœuvre va permettre à l'Intelligence d'être vite regagné si il est à terre et continuellement poussé plus près de votre point de capture.
L'avantage de ce rush Scout coordonné est de submerger la défense adverse sur deux front au début de la partie. L'équipe adverse va avoir peu de temps pour préparer les défenses, ce que les classes rapides vont être capables d'exploiter.
Si vous arrivez à la salle de l'Intelligence adverse et qu'il n'est pas gardé, il est recommendé d'avoir un Scout de réserve (ou deux) qui reste derrière pour une 2ème capture rapide.
Empiler la salle de l'Intelligence avec des Engineers
Cette stratégie est simple à exécuter et très efficace quand mis en œuvre. Il comprend un Engineer qui construit une tourelle au dessus ou directement à coté de l'Intelligence, et un Distributeur directement derrière l'Engineer. Une sortie de Téléporteur devrait être placé dans la salle de l'Intelligence pour que les alliés puissent rapidement y accéder (pour supporter l'Engineer). L'Engineer se trouvera sur la table entre sa tourelle et son distributeur et attendra simplement qu'un ennemi entre dans la salle.
Le placement idéal des constructions pour cette stratégie est: avoir un distributeur sur le coté du bureau, près de la fenêtre mais avec de la place derrière pour permettre à l'Engineer de se tenir là, et avoir la tourelle positionné de sorte qu'elle couvre chaque entrée et la salle le plus possible. L'Engineer peut ainsi rester dans le nid de sa tourelle avec dos couvert.
En tant qu'Engineer, vous pouvez aussi envisager de placer des téléporteurs près de la salle de l'Intelligence. Beaucoup de Spy ne vont pas résister à l'envie de les saboter sur le chemin, vous alertant de leur présence même si le Spy active sa montre après cela.
Les méthodes les plus communes pour se battre "contre" cette forme de défense d'empilage d'Engineer sont:
- Un Soldier, un Pyro, un Heavy ou un Demoman ÜberChargé.
- Deux Spies; un Spy va essayer de saboter la tourelle et l'autre Spy va prendre l'Intelligence.
- Un Demoman lançant des bombes collantes ou des grenades depuis une position sans danger.
- Un Soldier tirant des roquettes sur l'Engineer (et non sur sa tourelle) depuis une position sans danger.
Si vous avez quelques troubles avec des ennemis en utilisant cette méthode, une tactique est de tirer sur les ennemis depuis le couloir qui mène à la base avec votre fusil à pompe ou votre pistolet. Une fois que l'ennemi vous a repéré, courrez vite vers la salle de l'Intelligence comme si vous fuyez de peur. En faisant ça, vous pouvez leurrer un joueur qui ne suspecte rien à vous chasser jusqu'à la salle de l'Intelligence et avoir ce joueur rencontrer sa mort sous la forme de votre tourelle.
Contrôler les égouts
Premièrement, l'équipe tentant cette stratégie doit nettoyer les égouts adverses d'ennemis. Après avoir nettoyé les égouts adverses, un Engineer aura besoin de construire un distributeur et une tourelle dans le coin intérieur de la salle qui connecte les deux conduits principaux des égouts. Ensuite il devra construire une sortie de téléporteur près de son distributeur et une entrée de téléporteur à son spawn pour permettre un accès rapide aux égouts ennemis.
Cette stratégie va aider vos alliés à rentrer plus rapidement dans la base ennemie. Comme précaution, soyez sur que la tourelle est dans un bon emplacement pour qu'il tire sur les ennemis qui approchent le nid de la tourelle et non dans un emplacement ou il pourrait voir sa vie être ébréchée.
Les Snipers peuvent rester soit à la fin du tunnel, soit en haut des escalier ou soit à l'emplacement de la tourelle pour empêcher la progression de l'ennemi. Ceci aide à arrêter les personnes venant dans les égouts ou les gens quittant l'endroit où se trouve la tourelle.
Piéger les douves
Si l'équipe adverse abuse des égouts de votre équipe, vous pouvez les arrêter assez facilement.
Premièrement, construisez une tourelle dans les douves directement sous le pont ou dans un des coins qui sont le plus proche du côté ennemi des égouts. Ceci est plutôt utile pour vous (et votre équipe) pour avoir des kills facile en jouant mental avec vos adversaires. Cela marche spécialement bien pour l'équipe BLU parce que leur constructions se mélangent un peu à l'eau. Cependant soyez sur que vous ne soyez pas découvert pas un ennemi pendant que vous construisez votre tourelle, vous êtes une cible spécialement facile durant ce temps. Les Engineer vont souvent s'abstenir d'améliorer leur tourelles au niveau 3 aussi longtemps que possible dans l'eau, parce que le module des roquettes est juste assez haut pour dépasser au dessus de la surface de l'eau, attirant l'attention des Soldiers, des Snipers et des Demoman.
Envahir par le biais des égouts
Si vous ennemis sont assez insensés pour laisser l'entrée des égouts de leur base non-gardée, punissez les en utilisant cette zone pour établir un point d'appui dans leur territoire. Pour commencer, voyagez à travers les égouts ennemis vers les escaliers puis montez les escaliers et placez un distributeur à gauche de la porte qui mène vers la salle de la rampe. Après cela, placez une tourelle directement en face de cette porte. Un tourelle améliorée dans cette position peut efficacement couper l'accès à l'ennemi du premier étage de leur base. Un sortie de téléporteur placée derrière l'escalier peut être utilisée comme un point d'entrée sécurisé pour votre équipe. La seule faiblesse de ce système est qu'il est possible pour un Demoman ennemi de lober des grenades sur la tourelle depuis les escaliers, cependant ceci est facilement évitable en ayant un Pyro pas loin.
Cette configuration est presque impénétrable sans une ÜberCharge de l'équipe adverse.
Envahir la salle d'Intelligence
Une des stratégies consiste à créer une position défensive, ainsi qu'un Téléporteur dans la salle d'Intelligence. C'est assez compliqué à mettre en place; un Engineer peut normalement facilement se faufiler à travers les lignes ennemis et créer une position défensive, met il est à ce moment extrêmement vulnérable, et c'est alors facile de le tuer.
Commencez par un rush coordonnée vers la base adverse, et commencez à construire pendant que vos équipiers vous protège. Profitez que l'équipe adverse soit parti en attaque et a délaissé sa défense si vous souhaiter faire le travail seul. Si l'équipe adverse a construit une Mitrailleuse à l'entrée de sa base, vous pouvez tentez une attaque suicidaire pour connaitre la position des Mitrailleuses, ou devenir Spy, puis rendez vous invisible pour réduire le risque de mort . Une fois que vous avez une idée de la disposition de la défense adverse, reprenez la classe Engineer, construisez une entrée de Téléporteur, puis retournez dans les égouts. Attention toutefois aux ennemis passant par là, les égouts doivent être vide pendant votre passage. Quand vous attendrez la salle de la rampe, faites attention a bien prendre les escaliers les plus proches de l'entrée de l'Intelligence, c'est le moyen de le plus sûr d'y accéder. Généralement, les ennemis vont directement aux Battlements, en passant rarement par la salle de rampe. Ne passez pas par l'escalier en spiral pour aller à l'Intelligence, ou vous serez une cible facile pour les ennemis sortant du Spawn. Une fois dans l'Intelligence, créez en premier une Mitrailleuse. C'est votre meilleur et unique défense si vous êtes seul en attaque. Fabriquez ensuite un Distributeur, en utilisant les munitions en dehors de la salle pour avoir le métal nécessaire à sa construction. Une fois que vous avez construit votre Mitrailleuse, au niveau 3, créez la sortie du Téléporteur. Si vous attaquez en équipe, construisez d'abord la sortie de Téléporteur, puis demandez à vos équipiers de vous protégez pendant la construction de la Mitrailleuse et du Distributeur
Si vous arrivez à mettre en place cette technique, vous disposerez alors d'un très bon appui dans la base adverse. Vous pourrez alors atteindre facilement la base adverse, et les ennemis pourront difficilement capturer la votre, se faisant tuer par la Mitrailleuse en arrivant dans leur base. Attention toute fois au ennemis ÜberChargé, aux Spies et aux Demomen.
Passez par la "niche"
Un joueur Soldier, Scout, ou Demoman expérimenté peut utiliser ses compétences et ses armes pour atteindre directement la niche, c'est à dire l'endroit de "campe" des Snipers, cette technique leur permettant d'éviter la salle de la rampe. Cette technique donne ainsi accès à l'étage de la base adverse, permettant ainsi un passage rapide vers l'Intelligence, en passant par l'escalier en spirale ou par l'escalier proche de la salle de la rampe. Si les Engineers adverse ont leur Mitrailleuses dirigés vers la salle de la rampe, ça prendra un certain temps avant que celles-ci ne vous tire dessus. Accéder à cet zone peut être délicat pour un Scout, il doit alors faire un Force Jump. Cependant, les rocket/pipe bomb jump vous font perdre des points, vous désavantageant une fois après l'avoir fait. Si vous choisissez cette dernière méthode, utilisez l'aide d'un Medic pendant votre saut, ainsi vous aurez encore toute votre santé une fois en haut. Vous pouvez cependant louper votre saut, toucher le "plafond de la map", si qui vous coûterait des munitions, de la santé et du temps. Certains ingénieurs remarquerons peut-être l'astuce au bout d'une ou deux captures, et piégerons la niche avec une Mitrailleuse. À partir de ce moment, le seul moyen de passer par là sera de détruire la Mitrailleuse avec avec un Heavy, un Soldier ou un Demoman ÜberChargé.
Demoman - Sticky-Trapping the Grate
A Demoman on defense can essentially cut off enemy advances into his team’s fort by placing sticky bombs on the top of his team's grate. Sticky bombs placed atop the grate are able to splash damage enemies passing underneath the grate. It is difficult for enemies to destroy or move the bombs from this position, and if enemies attempt to do so, they will often leave themselves open to attack from your pipe bombs. Typically, 4-6 well placed stickies (you'll want an even spread, leaving you a somewhat predictable kill zone) can take out most enemies passing under the grate, but why not use all 8? Just be sure to keep your sticky launcher loaded. If you only use 4-6 stickies on the grate, that will leave you a couple stickies that you can place at the doorway at the top of the spiral stairs, essentially cutting off that path for Scouts, Demomen, or Soldiers trying to enter from the Sniper deck. You can monitor all of these stickies by standing in the corner just behind the grate (protecting your back from Spies). You can also lob grenades through the grate opening out the two front doors of your base from the grate.
If your opponents wise up to your strategy, then try standing on the front side (water side) of the grate. This makes it practically impossible for you to monitor the stickies around the doorway at the top of the spiral stairs, but it allows you to put stickies at the corner of the grate nearest the sewer stairs, cutting off that path. Camping the grate allows you to defend several enemy attacks. For example, if enemy Engineers try building on the bridge, you can go to the Sniper deck and spam the bridge with grenades (be careful to stay out of enemy Sniper scopes). Say some opponents entered your base and start attacking the Engineers who have setup Sentry Guns in the courtyard; you're only a few feet away, so you can easily help them (remember that stickies are very useful for defending ÜberCharges by 'bouncing' the Übered players around, possibly breaking the Über connection). If opponents are pouring out of the sewer, just drop through the grate and spam the sewer stairs with grenades for a few easy kills.
While camping the grate, it is important to take out the high priority targets like Medics (who may have a charged Über). If the Medics eventually learn that they can't get past you without using their Über, then they are forced to use it early, negating their ability to destroy Engineer defenses in the courtyard. Other high priority targets are Demomen and Soldiers, because they pose the most threat to you. Either one of these classes can fire bombs/rockets through the grate, making your life difficult. If you do need to retreat, you can still fire pipe bombs or stickies onto the grate to splash damage players passing under the grate (probably the same players who just chased you off).
Sniper Deck Harassment
As a Scout, if the upstairs room is defended by a Sentry Gun, you can still do something for your team on the Sniper deck at least. The trick is simple, jump up to their Sniper deck, kill a Sniper and retreat on the small ledge right in front of their deck's bunker (if the deathcam is activated, they will know where you are if you retreat there too soon, so wait a short time first). Most players will assume you simply jumped down and retreated. When the Sniper comes back, simply jump back to the deck and kill him again. Be mindful of enemy Spies who can block your way back as well as other classes who will help defend their teammate.
A new, advanced method to reach the Sniper battlements with a much higher chance of success is to equip the Force-A-Nature and double jump from the tires and boxes (or the slightly heightened wooden structure in front of the fort entrances) that are in front of the enemy's base and use the Force-A-Nature's recoil to execute an additional jump. The extra height boost allows you to jump on the bridge roof and from there you can then jump onto the enemy Sniper deck. The Force-A-Nature is also an effective weapon to kill Snipers as it fires faster than the Scattergun, allowing your enemies less time to fight back.
As a Soldier, you can harass enemy Snipers temporarily by rocket jumping from the ground level to the either the far left, or far right side of the Sniper deck. By staying to the sides of the deck, you will stay out of the field of view of Snipers who are scoped, and thus, they will be oblivious to your presence at first. As a Soldier, you can handle an encounter or two with most classes, which can free the bridge of enemies temporarily.
Demomen can do this too. They can jump using two sticky bombs from their Sniper deck to land on the enemy's, or simply one from the ground level, though the low health doesn't make it possible to last as long. It's possible for them to land on other ledges though, such as the lamp attached on the deck's bunker, the edge of the roof near the left wall and also on a small invisible ledge over their bunker's front roof (requires you to crouch).
It's definitely easier to do this when you have the support of a decent Sniper. He can take out dangerous threats (an incoming Pyro crossing the battlements to get you) you don't see coming while you focus on your primary targets.
Forward Base in the Water
As an Engineer, build a Teleporter exit in the small room that connects the sewers to the stairway leading up into the enemy base. This area can then be controlled by building a Dispenser (usually at the bottom of the stairs) and a Sentry Gun. This forward Teleporter allows newly-spawned players to quickly proceed deep into the enemy base without having to fight their way over the bridge or through the sewers.
The largest downside of this strategy is that all of your buildings may be taken down with ease by a skillful Soldier, Demoman, or a small group of enemies who are working together. One way to help prevent your base from being destroyed with ease is to have an Engineer place a Sentry Gun in the water under the bridge. As it is underwater, enemies will not notice it at first and will therefore be harder to attack. If you have some teammates in the sewers with you helping defend your buildings and hold the territory, then your base will be very hard to take down short of an enemy ÜberCharge.
Forward Base in the Enemy Front Door
Engineer builds a Dispenser and a Sentry Gun in the right-side entrance of the enemy base. For maximum effect, there should be two Engineers there to keep the Sentry Gun intact, and one or two Pyros to root out Spies who come to sabotage the operation. This surprisingly defensible position makes it difficult for enemies to enter and exit their base. The common configuration is to place the Dispenser in the corner of the room, sandwiching the Engineers between it and the Sentry Gun. However, this plan is rather quickly defeated by a single Demoman laying eight Sticky bombs into the area via the grate room. From there, he can lay the Sticky bombs with impunity, and detonate them, possible destroying the entire base and getting a few kills in a single blow.
Engineer Flanking
Place your Sentry Gun against the Intelligence, either on top of it, or in the corner against the glass. This way, when enemy Soldiers, Heavies, and Demomen come around the corner, they immediately get shot and back away. After the enemy has retreated and cannot see you, immediately go into the alternative corridor and flank the opponent. This also works well with a Medic and Medic buddy pair; flank the pair while they are concentrating on trying to take down your Sentry Gun, kill the Medic and retreat back to your Sentry Gun to repair it. The short corridors in the basement are perfect for trapping your opponents between your Sentry Gun and your weapons fire, and as such this can be a very deadly form of attack for an Engineer.
Demoman Basement Defense
This is a setup that allows a lone Demoman to efficiently defend his basement against enemies.
First, place three Sticky bombs on the first left wall of the left Intelligence room corridor, near the entrance, as shown. These three bombs should not be seen by enemies coming from the spiral, but should be able to kill anyone that enters the corridor.
Next, place another three Sticky bombs on the left wall of the right Intelligence room corridor, near the corner, as shown. As with the first bomb spot, they should be placed so they are not visible to enemy attackers until they turn the corner.
Finally, place the remaining 2 Sticky bombs near the Intelligence, in the middle of the basement, or around the corner of the L-shaft left exit. You are unlikely to actually use these, but their mere presence can make attackers hesitate before making their move, giving you more time to react. Since three Sticky bombs is enough to trap each corridor, these two remaining bombs are basically free-form, but remember that placing them too far forward may alarm enemies and make them wary of other traps.
When the Sticky bombs have been placed, position yourself with your back to the basement resupply room, so you can see enemies coming from either of the basement entrances, and keep your Grenade Launcher ready to use.
- If an enemy comes from the spiral to your right, he will see you far away in the back of the basement, and will probably try to run straight to the Intelligence room via the left corridor, without fighting you directly. This is exactly what you want: as soon as you see the enemy turn the corner, detonate the bombs and the enemy will die. If he wises up and doesn't charge the Intelligence room, just keep him at bay with your Grenade Launcher, but be sure to stay close to the resupply room and heal as needed. Stay defensive and you will wear him out.
- If an enemy comes from the L-shaft or straight staircase to your left, he will come face to face with you. Fight him off with your Grenade Launcher, and if you are wounded, simply take a few steps backwards to heal in the resupply room. If the enemy tries to run straight for the Intelligence room, detonate your Sticky bombs as soon as he turns the relevant corner.
- If the basement is clean, and you hear a battle near you, prepare yourself for attackers coming from the left straight staircase. You are very close to the straight staircase, so consider surprising any left-attackers by intercepting them in that staircase with your Grenade Launcher. Be careful, however, not to leave the right spiral entrance unattended for long.
- If two attackers rush the Intelligence room, you kill one of them with your Sticky bombs and the other gets in the Intelligence room, hurry up and immediately trap the two corridor exits with new sticky bombs. Intelligence carriers will likely be very brash and try to run through them directly - that's your chance to detonate the trap and kill the enemy carrier before he gets away.
Defeating the Demoman Basement Defense
There are three ways for attackers to defeat this setup:
- Brute-force: Multiple attackers. One attacker sacrifices himself and walks near the Sticky bombs so the Demoman detonates them, and the remaining attackers can then proceed to the Intelligence room. This is a risky move, since the Demoman can trap the exits if he's fast enough.
- Siege the Demoman: Kill the Demoman. Once the defending Demoman dies, all his Sticky bomb traps disappear harmlessly, giving you complete freedom to capture the Intelligence. Resist the temptation to run to the Intelligence room blindly if the enemy Demoman is still alive. The Demoman is most vulnerable from the "L-Shaft" straight staircase, since he will not see attackers as fast. A quick, decisive strike is needed to kill him before he retreats into the resupply room to heal.
- Sneaky Sneaky Spy: A cloaked Spy can walk right past the Sticky bombs without being seen. Simply walk into the base, uncloak to the side that the Demoman isn't facing, and either Backstab him or shoot him repeatedly. Two well placed headshots with the Ambassador will down the Demoman and his stickies, an easy task if you're at point blank range and out of sight. However it can be dangerous to get into melee range with the Demoman, because point blank grenades from his primary gun will do high damage to the Spy, as does his melee weapon. Choose your spot, strike fast, and strike hard. Any mistakes can be quickly fatal.
Alternate Demoman Basement Defense
Another method of defense is to go down into the Intelligence room as a Demoman, then plaster the floor with all eight of your pipe bombs. Then, proceed back up to your grate room and fire down grenades at passing enemies. You will be nearly unkillable, and the moment you hear "The enemy has taken our intelligence", simply detonate the stickies. Then head back to your Intelligence room and reset the trap.
Blindingly Obvious Hiding Spot
The sewer exit to the main lower hallway has a small alcove to your immediate left from the door. A small stack of crates creates a snug area to sit and watch the spawn gate open. As a Pyro, Demoman, Spy or creative Sniper hiding here is an excellent way to ambush the opposing team. Keep in mind that they will catch on eventually and you should use this strategy with more than a little caution. Useful for taking down early-stage Sentry Gun nests and getting the drop on enemy Spies. Snipers should avoid getting anything more than an easy kill this way, however. The opposite side of the doorway is also particularly effective, especially when enemies are expecting you to be hiding by the boxes.
One problem that can occur on this map is that an enemy force can be established outside the main spawn - in particular, a Demoman with a Medic. The Demoman will then sticky trap the main spawn exit, making it difficult to exit. The simplest solution to this is to select a different class; when this is done, the player respawns in a randomly chosen spawn room. There are two spawn rooms on 2Fort, on the left and right sides of the battlements. So if you are stuck in a spawn room by a sticky trap, simply change class until you respawn in the other spawn room.
Team Balance
The above advice should help you make an informed decision on what class to choose for this map, but be sure to consider:
- Engineers help to protect your Intelligence and choke-points into the base, and may establish forward bases deep in enemy territory.
- There's a Sniper deck for a reason: If you are not proficient as a Sniper, you can try the Soldier's rockets to keep opposing Snipers busy.
- Demomen are a potential alternative to defensive Engineers, while also capable of taking out Sentry Guns on offense.
- Medics. While there are plenty of supply rooms in your base, there are few health packs anywhere else, making a Medic a valuable "Credit to team!"
See previous sections for counters to specific set ups.
Class Strategy
2Fort has a large amount of open area that can be exploited or used to the benefit of either team. Almost every class can be used to its full potential in this widely expansive map. Below are some ways to break up your forces and utilize your classes to their potential.
- Scout - The Scout can easily double-jump onto the main bridge's roof to jump from one set of battlements to the other. However, heavy cover on the enemy's side can lead to problems if he has no Sniper support. The corridors within the bases of both teams wind enough that the Scout's speed can easily maneuver through the corridors without being overwhelmingly damaged. The Scout is one of the best classes to be tasked with retrieving the opposing team's intelligence. Scout's can also come in from the sewers, this gives the opposing team an element of surprise, as they expect Scouts to come from the second floor.
- Soldier - Depending on his use, the Soldier can be either an asset or a hindrance to either team. Many tend to stay on a defensive plan by firing rockets either from their team's battlements or the opposite shore. However, staying in large or open rooms or corridors that wind very quickly, the Soldier loses his defensive use. However, corridors such as the sewers under either team base are a good place for the Soldier to take an offensive stand and clear paths for others attempting to follow behind him.
- Pyro - With the Pyro's incredible mobility, it has become a very powerful and useful class. In 2Fort, the most appropriate use for the Pyro comes from his defensive capabilities. The Pyro's main Flamethrower is incredibly effective for pushing back enemies, both offensively and defensively. Open rooms often cause enemies to give the Pyro a wide berth and allow him to damage many enemies with little movement or retreat. The Pyro's upgraded Backburner is especially effective for camping. Two small holes, both directly outside/near the team spawns, can be camped over and used to obtain quick Critical hits on incoming enemies. The hole above the main lower entrance to the forts is especially effective for stopping incoming Heavies. The Pyro's Flare Gun can also be incredibly effective in taking out Snipers or camping enemies both at close and long range. Incredible accuracy is required, and only skilled Pyros are encouraged to utilize the Flare Gun.
- Engineer - Perhaps the most commonly used class on 2Fort, the Engineer's buildings are incredibly helpful both defensively and offensively. Dispensers are commonly placed in team battlements to quickly aid Snipers who are damaged (most commonly from Sniper duels). The Dispenser can also be placed in the lower area of the main entry of the forts to aid defense/offense teams who are openly engaged in combat. The Engineer's Sentry Guns are incredibly effective in three major areas. Defensive/offensive teams may commonly need a Sentry Gun or two to be placed along their progress route, to both aid their efforts and hold their ground in case of setbacks. Placing Dispenser/Sentry Gun mini-bases within Intelligence rooms also provides a safe defense from most slower enemies. The main water trench can hold turrets as well, which become very effective if enemies are moving along sewer routes. Teleporters are most commonly effective when used to direct allied forces from spawns to either enemy sewers or directly to enemy Intelligence rooms (though the latter requires incredible skill on the Engineer's part).
- Heavy - As with most maps, the Medic is the Heavy's best friend and vice-versa. Teams of Heavy-Meds are most useful when used for offensive pushes, where the Heavies often lead their teams into battle with their wide range of fire. The Heavy's greatest asset is his Minigun. Its incredible firepower and ammo load makes it a powerful weapon when used in the right hands. In many cases, the Heavy is most useful when given a regular ÜberCharge by an allied Medic, giving him a small window of opportunity to clean out any enemies within the immediate area. When on the beach, the Heavy can also use his dead-accurate first shot to consistently throw off the aim of an enemy Sniper; an effective deterrent if used well.
- Demoman - The Demoman, though not incredibly strong in open combat in 2Fort, is most useful in his ability to support and defend key areas for their team. If the user is playing a Defensive game, Sticky bombs are best used to cut off enemies before they arrive. A good example of this would be to place large quantities of Sticky bombs within the sewer tunnels or fort rooms to deter or completely stop the progression of enemy forces. The Demoman has to remain moving at almost all times, however, as his versatility and ability to launch multiple timed explosive projectiles can make him a lethal force in the hands of a pro. For an Offensive game, the Demoman can most commonly be used to fire explosives up at enemy battlements to stop Snipers and Scouts attempting to use the open areas of 2Fort to their advantage. Sticky bombs also become very useful when a quick retreat is needed, as well as to cut of ambush points where enemies could flank and cut off an attacking team.
- Medic - A Medic's survival relies almost entirely upon his ability to defend and heal nearby allies. Being alone behind enemy lines as a Medic is a recipe for complete disaster. Of all classes to stick next to, staying with an experienced Heavy is one of the smartest moves the Medic can ever make. When playing in open areas while supporting allies (such as the large bridge areas or the rooms of the forts), a normal ÜberCharge is his best bet, as the Heavy is often fired upon heavily due to his firepower. When in smaller areas where a Heavy's health isn't the primary concern, the use of the Kritzkrieg's Critical hit booster can be incredibly helpful when attempting to clear out a small amount of resistance.
- Sniper - There are multiple ways to play the Sniper to his full potential. One of the most commonly used ways to play the Sniper is to camp in the battlements of your fort and snipe at both enemy Snipers on the opposing battlements as well as opposition attempting to cross the bridge below you. A Sniper's major concern is the Scout, who can attempt to cross the bridge roof and jump into the battlements, becoming a real problem for Snipers, Pyros and Soldiers who are unprepared for a quick enemy. Snipers attempting to play an offensive game often run into problems due to their cumbersome movement and lack of powerful weapons. A smart offensive Sniper will sit in the small room of an enemy's sewer, picking off targets from a distance in order to support a campaign to breach a fort through the sewer instead of over the main bridge. Waiting for your scope to fully charge can be the major difference, in all situations, in a split-second chance to either live or die. If your team is on the offensive, or you are not actively defending the front entrance to your base, the lower entrances of your base are excellent sniping positions. Each side gives you a full view of the bridge, eliminating the cover that your enemies utilize to escape the Snipers on the deck. These doors also give your Snipers the advantage of attacking enemy Snipers on the decks from two places at once if some of your sniping team makes the decision to stay up top. From the vantage point of the Battlements, Jarate can be used very effectively to extinguish burning teammates and aid skirmishes.
- Spy - The Spy, in almost all situations, is most useful in the hands of an experienced player. The ability to blend in, notice changes around you, and stay moving are necessary. An offensive/supportive plan is the easiest and most effective to follow; playing defensively is something that requires a large amount of time to both learn and experience before you can attempt it. Your primary goal is to, after you spawn, change into a disguise of an enemy class, pull out your primary weapon, and Cloak before jumping from your team's battlements either down into the bridge or into the water. As you progress through the round, make notes of which classes your enemy team is using, and which it isn't. A class that has a large amount of people is the best one to impersonate. As you pass through areas where there are no enemies, your primary job is to change the class you are impersonating, thereby confusing anyone following you and to strengthen your chances of slipping through undetected. Though it isn't always a wise idea to go after the enemy Intelligence, it is possible if you are quick and have enough of an open passage with which to slip by unnoticed.
Other methods can be developed, but they usually come at the preference of the user after continued experience and knowledge gained from constantly playing through the classes.