Template:Did you know
Currently displayed facts
- ...that Abraham Lincoln invented stairs?
- ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
- ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
- ...that at point-blank range the Force-A-Nature deals more damage than Soldier's Rocket Launchers (except the Direct Hit)?
- ...that the BLU Team Fortress Classic Pyro is a woman named Beatrice?
- ...that the Candy Cane, Boston Basher, Pain Train, Holiday Punch, Killing Gloves of Boxing and the Machina are the only weapons whose stats have remained unchanged since release?
- ...that the Strange Bacon Grease, despite its name, is actually in Unique Quality?
- ...that the Minigun is named Sasha, the Brass Beast is named Oksana, the Huo-Long Heater is named Sheila, and the Tomislav is named Svetlana?
- ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
![]() | Notice: Before you make an addition, check out the rules for adding new facts. REMEMBER: NEW FACTS GO AT THE END OF THIS SECTION. |
Facts suggestions
- ...that it is possible to prevent a Payload bomb's detonation by knocking it away from the pit with an explosion?
- ...that the Balloonicorn made its first appearance on the first page of a comic as a festive tree ornament?
- ...that the Sniper is the only other class besides the Medic that can regenerate health automatically with the Cozy Camper equipped?
- ...that in Doomsday, there's a hidden room where there's an NPC Spy looking at a map, which cannot be seen in normal gameplay?
- ...that the Beggar's Bazooka and the Helmet Without a Home were featured in the Team Fortress 2 is Free to Play announcement?
- ...that the Huntsman's taunt can stun ÜberCharged enemies?
- ...that if you turn on subtitles in the Meet the Pyro video, the Scout is saying "He's not here, is she?", referring to the Pyro?
- ...that if you equip the Sydney Sleeper, the bullets in the Sniper's breast pocket are replaced with darts?
Link title=== Add facts below this title ===
- ...that there's a burned spies hand in a coal train in the mannworks map, and you can see it in spectator or noclip mode?
- ...that if your disguise weapon is one that reloads a magazine or shells, reloading your Revolver will cause your disguise to reload their weapon?
- ...that, in Meet the Sniper, the bobble-head civilian is standing on the Team Fortress Classic logo?
- ...that the Sydney Sleeper once had its own reloading motion?
- ...that in A Smissmas Story, before the Meet the Pyro video was announced, one child states they want a Poopy Joe rescue rocket?
- ...that in the official Left 4 Dead Blog's featured community campaign, Blood Tracks, the Pain Train and Homewrecker are used as custom melee weapons?
- ...that in 1984, a 15-day old girl recieved a transplanted baboon heart as the Heavy did in the Meet the Medic video?
- ...that in the Meet the Medic video the Loch Ness Hamster's heart can be seen in the Medic's refridgerator?
- ...that the Baby Face's Blaster's advertised maximum speed increase of +100% is actually +99%?
- ...that you can kill yourself by airblasting a Rocket Jumper projectile near you?
- ...that in Meet the Pyro, when the Pyro is first seen in Pyrovision, there is a cloud in the top-right corner that resembles the female gender symbol?
- ...that in Meet the Medic, in the scenes with the Medi Gun, the Medic is actually using the Quick-fix?
- ...that in Meet The Medic, the "first ÜberCharge" scene was mocked in Source Filmmaker on Badwater Basin?
- ...that the Soldier and the Pyro are the only classes that do not have any items that change their maximum health?
- ...that the layout used in the Artpass Contest and, subsequently, Mann Manor and Mountain Lab was originally from an unfinished Valve map?
- ...if it wasn't for TF2's in game speed cap of 520 HU/s, a Scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola, the Disciplinary Action, and the Baby Face's Blaster at full boost would run at 654.48 HU/s, or 218% of normal.
- ...that the Engineer's father is the Engineer from Team Fortress Classic?
- ...that the Sandman's Baseball cannot damage a sentry gun? (same with the Wrap Assassin)
- ...that the Splendid Screen cannot damage a building through its charge damage?
- ...that the Machina cannot deal collateral damage through two buildings but, can deal collateral damage through a player then a building?
- ...that in Mann vs Machine it shows a RED Scout, RED Heavy, BLU Soldier, and a BLU Demoman, but in A fate Worse Then Chess it shows a BLU Scout, RED Heavy, RED Soldier, and a RED Demoman?
- ...that it took just 12 hours to decode the second ARG?
- ...That In Meet The Medic The Medic Übers the Heavy with The Quick-fix But In-Game you can't Über with The Quick-Fix?
- ...that the beta version of 2Fort can be found in the Source Filmmaker listed as "devtest.bsp"?
- ...that the Scout, Demoman and Heavy Robots were all hinted in The Engineer Update?
- ...that the quicklime Miss Pauling holds in Meet the Director is the quicklime made at Mannworks?
See also
Previously featured facts ...Did you know that if you taunt whilst holding the dead ringer, you can survive a taunt kill or backstab?