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Kill Icon
Basic Information
50 (1000 Skeleton King)
Damage Done:
26-34 Medium Skeletons
Affected By:
Found On:
Skeletons are AI-controlled enemies found in the Halloween map Helltower.
There are two types of Skeletons that can spawn: team-colored and green. While team-colored Skeletons can only inflict or receive damage from the opposite team, Green Skeletons can inflict or receive damage by either team. Team-colored Skeletons are only spawned by the players on the server using a Rare Summon Skeletons Magic Spell.
There are 3 different variants of Skeletons: Small Skeletons, Normal Skeletons, and Skeleton Kings. Normal Skeletons always spawn in numbers on every other witching hour (when the clock on the clock tower strikes midnight), alongside a single, larger Skeleton King with a greater pool of health. When killed, Normal Skeletons will cause Small Skeletons to sprout from their remains, which will continue to attack until destroyed. The Skeleton King will drop a Rare Magic Spell upon death.
Related achievements
- The Skeletons use the Sniper's animations, similar to Merasmus.
- The Skeleton King wears Prince Tavish's Crown (with RED gems).
- Sentry Guns and the Helltower-specific Monoculus eyeballs will attack green skeletons or skeletons of the opposite team color.
- Team-colored skeletons spawned by players will attack green skeletons or skeletons of the opposite team color.
- Sometimes the Skeleton King will hit a player standing behind the wall or above him (eg balconies on Helltower).
- On rare occasions, the skeletons summoned by either team will sometimes freeze and won't move or attack making them useless. They can still receive damage as normal.
- The crown worn by the Skeleton king is noticeably misaligned and slightly oversized causing it to clip into his skull.
See also