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Revision as of 20:19, 12 March 2015 by Keybored6522 (talk | contribs) (wrote out the description of the custom game mode a bit more)
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Pd watergate 1.jpg
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Maritime city
Setting: Dusk
Map Overview
Watergate overview.png

Watergate is a community-made map set in a seaside town, featuring a custom game mode called Player Destruction.

The goal of each team is to collect $175 of cash pickups. Every player killed drops cash, which is added to your team's score when picked up (like Robot Destruction cores, you can only pick up cash marked with the opposing team's color). However, every kill you get increases your bounty, shown on your HUD, by $1, causing you to drop more cash on death and making you a more valuable target for the enemy team. There is also a neutral control point at the highest point of the map, which slowly generates additional cash pickups for the team that owns it. Finally, every 90 seconds, a UFO will fly over the center of the map, dropping a care package of cash for both teams (slightly more for the team that doesn't own the point) and also creating a tractor beam that pulls players in towards the control point.

Watergate won 2nd place in the 2014 TF2Maps.net Major Mapping Contest #11, "Mercs vs. Aliens".

Update history

b5 (november 17th, 2014):
  • added more detail
  • optimised map more
  • fixed some broken things with the cores from the ufo
  • fixed the ufo going through the building at mid
  • fixed some clips around the map
  • added just a lot more clipping around the map
  • added some more signs
  • added some more background noise
  • added scorch marks from lasers / some particles / broken stuff
  • added paint cans near the graffiti

b4 (november 12th, 2014) (Internal):

  • optimising stuff

b3 (november 10th, 2014):

  • actually fixed the broken things
  • publicly released map for testing

b2 (november 10th, 2014) (Internal):

  • fixing broken things

b1 (november 10th, 2014) (Internal):

  • full artpass

a5b (october 16th, 2014) (Internal):

  • made a new route from the sewers' start, up onto the bridge with the box climb up to medium healthpack walkway
  • made it so if you hold the tower then when the ufo comes it will drop 3 less cores for your team
  • made it so players can escape along the sides of the ufo beam
  • made it so you can get up the pipe jump without a crouch jump
  • made it so you can't capture the point while standing on the Sniper ledge
  • made the healthpack in apartment a medium, and added a small health to the top of tower
  • added a small health and ammo to the room in between spawn and tower
  • added more signage showing where the point is
  • fixed some clipping issues at mid that would slow players down if they walked backwards up the ramps
  • fixed up the box / barrel climb so its easier to climb up without hitting your head

a5a (october 10th, 2014):

  • brang spawns even closer to mid, and made the second exit instead route down to the sewer section
  • added a point icon showing it has something to do with cores
  • added some point arrow signs around the map / resupply signs too
  • made it so Snipers aren't affected by the ufo beam
  • refined some ufo stuff still

a4b (october 9th, 2014):

  • moved spawns 256 units even closer to mid
  • redesigned the junction area and just linked the bottom sewer up to the window buildings
  • added a second way out of spawn and gave a one way window too
  • some ufo changes with lift speeds and arrival times

a3 (october 7th, 2014) (Internal):

  • moved spawns in 256 units closer to mid
  • blocked off the apartment line of sight so it was safer to move into the building
  • experimented with point / gamemode ideas

a2 (october 5th, 2014):

  • cut out the bottom section of the tower wall, opens up the point area for combat + Sniper sightlines from bridge
  • increased occurrence of UFO
  • increased UFO speed / lift speed
  • tried adding neutral outline to point but that seems to have not worked
  • added an overhang from the windows, adds route from tower > windows / windows > lower tower
  • added blockbullet all around the boat so cores don't go through it
  • made the point's core drops in groups of 3 / 15 seconds, instead of 1 / 5 seconds


External links