Template:Did you know

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Revision as of 17:38, 24 September 2019 by .starM (talk | contribs) (Add new fact suggestions at the very bottom of the section below this title)
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Currently displayed facts

  • ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
  • ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
  • ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?

Facts suggestions

Add new fact suggestions at the very bottom of the section below this title

  • ...that all of the Demoman's alternate grenade launchers (Loose Cannon, Loch-n-Load, and Iron Bomber) were released in Christmas updates?
  • ...that you can actually see through the Soldier's Rocket Launcher from the ends?
  • ...that Melee Weapons have a higher chance to have Random Crits than any other weapons?
  • ...that Heavy has a PhD in Russian Literature?
  • ...that a fully overhealed Heavy can survive all of Pyro's taunt kills?

  • ...that the Beggar's Bazooka kill icon name is "dumpster_device"?
  • ...that on the map Banana Bay there is a hidden ritual to Poopy Joe near BLU spawn?
  • ...that there are two RED Spy indicators on the BLU's dashboard in Meet the Spy?
  • ...that the Fan O'War was originally going to be for Soldier instead of Scout?
  • ...that the Teleporter is the only building that does not change in appearance when upgraded?
  • ...that the Degreaser's airblast was originally intended to be chargeable, similar to the Stickybomb Launcher?
  • ...that the scrapped Nail Gun's ammo belt appears in the bottom space of a Dispenser, regardless of level?

  • ...that both Miss Pauling's contract voiceline and final page of the Blood Money comic allude to Spy beating a DNA test?
  • ...that in Meet The Spy the RED Spy while disguised as BLU Scout pretended to cut himself on the blunt side of his Knife?
  • ...that the Stickybombs placed during Setup time or Mann vs. Machine while under effect of the Kritzkrieg disappear if the Medic changes class?
  • ...that players on the winning team during Humiliation can respawn via switching classes?
  • ...that the Dragon's Fury projectile can be reflected?
  • ...that 14 Golden Wrenches were destroyed for charity?
  • ...that the Rescue Ranger's sine wave changes depending on the amount of metal the player has?

  • ...that the Tartan Spartan has a description that references a famous line from the 2006 movie 300?
  • ...that Abraham Lincoln invented stairs?
  • ...that there are Cool Beans hidden on the map Banana Bay?
  • ...that Valve for a while accidentally changed unusual drop rate to 100% on some old crates on 26th July 2019?
  • ...that the Whoopee Cap's description references Jughead Jones, of Archie Comics fame, who is well-known for wearing a similar cap.
  • ...that the music in the taunt Kazotsky Kick is also played in the CS:GO map train on a radio inside the kitchen room?

See also

Previously featured facts