List of references

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Due to the comedic style of Team Fortress 2 and Valve's humor, the game includes references, usually in a humorous fashion. There are many different types, from games to movies. Even jokes that have developed within the game and its community have been included. Below are a few general references, see the links for more class-specific references.

References by Class

The Heavy's K.G.B. taunt, a reference to Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

Each of the classes have pages dedicated to their references, which can be found here.

General References

  • The Australium Gold paint can is most likely a reference to the spray-on tan "Australian Gold".
  • The Icarus Airline refers to a Greek myth about a boy called Template:W trying to fly with a pair of wings made with feathers and wax, who fell to his death when he flew too close to the sun.
  • The Ferguson system is a Template:W of tractors established in 1934.
  • The Badwater Basin is a Template:W located in Death Valley National Park, California.


The Half-Life series

  • Some in-game bots have names referencing the Half-Life series established Valve game:
    • Black Mesa - The Black Mesa Research Facility is the main setting of Half-Life.
    • Crowbar - The protagonist's weapon of choice.
    • Dog - The name of a robot appearing in Half-Life 2
    • The Combine - The Combine are the primary antagonist of Half-Life 2 and its episodic sequels.
    • The Freeman - What the Vortigaunts, an alien species within the Half-life universe, call the protagonist of Half-Life and its sequels: Gordon Freeman.
    • The G-Man - The G-Man is a nickname for a mysterious recurring character in the Half-Life series.


  • Some in-game bots have names referencing Portal, another Valve game:
    • Aperture Science Prototype XR7 - The Aperture Science Laboratories are the main setting for Portal.
    • Chell - The name of the protagonist of Portal.
    • Companion Cube - Refers to an in-game object from Portal used to solve puzzles.
    • Delicious Cake - Refers to the "reward" of subsequent testing and a meme.
    • GlaDOS - The main antagonist of the game.
    • Still Alive - "Still Alive" is the name of the ending credits song in Portal.

The Left 4 Dead series

  • Bill's Hat is the beret worn by Vietnam war veteran Bill in Valve title Left 4 Dead. It was granted to those who preordered Template:W on Steam.
  • Everyone who owned Left 4 Dead 2 before Thursday October 7th received Ellis' Cap and the Frying Pan as in-game items.
  • Some in-game bots have names referencing Left 4 Dead:
    • BoomerBile - Refers to a substance produced by a special Infected known as Boomer.
    • CEDA - The Civil Emergency and Defense Agency is the government agency responsible for the control of the Infection.
    • One-Man Cheeseburger Apocalypse - In the campaign Dark Carnival, Coach said that he'd be this if he saw a Burger Tank, which is a fast-food restaurant in the Left 4 Dead universe.
    • TAAAAANK! - A phrase shouted by survivors in-game when they encounter a Tank.
    • WITCH - The name of a special Infected.
    • ZAWMBEEZ - Self explanatory.

Counter Strike

An in-game bot is named "Hostage", a reference to hostages in Counter Strike, another game produced by Valve.

Mortal Kombat

Flawless Victory, now do it again!
The Administrator
  • A reference to the Mortal Kombat announcer's famous "Flawless Victory!" line.

TV and Film

Get Smart/James Bond/The Avengers

  • Team Fortress 2 carries a heavy retro 60's style, drawing heavy thematic and musical inspiration from famous Spy films and series such as Template:W, Template:W and Template:W.

The 'Wilhelm Scream'

  • One of the stock sound effects used in Trailer 2 is the infamous Template:W, a well known movie scream sound effect. The Scout can also scream this way sometimes, usually when he is falling to his death or killed with a Critical hit. It was also the death scream used for the Civilian class, when it was originally accessible via console commands.

References in other games

  • Due to its high popularity, references of Team Fortress 2 can be found in other games as well.
    • Matt Hazard: Blood Bath And Beyond contains a level which references TF2. You start in a supply room, and have to fight through a western area full of enemies based on various TF2 classes, and even includes the Meet the Spy announcement room.
    • A BLU Level 1 Dispenser makes a cameo appearance as a "curious dispenser" in the Telltale game Sam & Max 304: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls. Standing near it makes the usual Dispenser healing sound, and clicking it prompts Sam to say "Look Max, free health, ammo, clues, cupcakes, and enlightenment! Oh wait, it's empty." Sam can then hit the Dispenser 8 times to hit it with a Wrench each time (complete with genuine sound effect), to open the bottom drawer revealing a "Banang" shake. Sam can also try to take the Banang, but the drawer closes again before he can grab it. (Max actually unplugs it out of irritation.) Demonstrated here:
    • Template:W contains an achievement called Meet the Spy, an obvious reference to the official Meet the Spy video.
    • Template:W contains the Heavy as an opponent, along with many references to Team Fortress 2 made in conversations with other characters.