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The Heavy is known to be a slow, behemoth. He has a large amount of health with heavy firepower, but is poor at speed and maneuvering, requiring the swift observation behind himself and ambushing.
- The Heavy's large size and weapon makes him a great shield for his allies, so getting past him will be a main objective for your team.
- The Heavy is a sign of morale since he is one of the dangerous threats in the battlefield, so taking him down could mean the end of the enemy's push.
- The Heavy can soak up a lot of damage, especially if overhealed. Teams should focus fire Heavies to take them down quickly.
- The Heavy's size and speed make him an easy target. Don't overcompensate your shots.
- The Heavy is quite formidable with his power. His Minigun can quickly take care of any class in mere seconds, so remain at a distance where most of the bullets will not hit you.
Weapon Specific
A list of useful tidbits about the Heavy's tools, and how to counter them.
Primary Weapons
- The Heavy's primary weapons all require a brief moment to spin up before he can start firing. This makes him vulnerable to ambushes.
  Minigun / Iron Curtain
- The Minigun can be spun up more quickly than the Heavy's other primary weapons. Be aware of this and retreat if the Heavy attempts to get into mid-to-close range with his Minigun out.
- Natascha has a longer spin-up than the other primary weapons. Hit and run tactics are more effective on Heavies using this weapon.
- At long distances this weapon's slow down has little effect.
 Brass Beast
- The Heavy's movement speed decreases dramatically when spun up or firing this weapon. This makes him an easy target. Don't overcompensate your shots.
- With the Brass Beast spun up, the Heavy becomes more vulnerable to projectile weapons fired from afar. Take advantage of this and attack the Heavy outside of his weapon's effective range.
Secondary Weapons
- Heavies will switch to their Shotgun when their primary weapon runs out of ammunition. Try to take them down before they find more.
- Dropped edibles can be picked up by anyone. Try to steal them before the Heavy or his Medic reach them.
- Edibles make a distinct noise when being eaten. Use this sound to track down the retreating Heavy.
- The Heavy is relatively defenseless when eating an edible.
- The Sandvich replenishes health quickly. Make sure you can out-damage him while he's eating.
 Dalokohs Bar
- This weapon only heals the Heavy for 60 health, making him more vulnerable while eating than with the Sandvich.
 Buffalo Steak Sandvich
- Attack from a distance while retreating, as the Heavy can only use his melee weapon when under this item's effect. He will receive Mini-Crit damage.
- The Buffalo Steak Sandvich provides the Heavy with no health when it is being eaten, making him completely defenseless.
Melee Weapons
- Because of the Heavy's slow speed, other classes can use their speed to put the Heavy at a disadvantage in a melee fight.
- If the Heavy is under the critical buff of the K.G.B, stay back until it wears off. Your death will just extend the effect.
- The Heavy can also apply his Crit bonus to his other weapons when switched. Take him down as fast as possible.
- Beware that enemy Heavies will try and chase you down with the increased movement speed from these gloves. Try to kill them before they switch to their primary weapon and spin it up.
 Warrior's Spirit
- The Warrior's Spirit inflicts more damage per hit than other melee weapons. Try to retreat from a melee battle with a Heavy wielding them unless you know that he has very little health left.
 Fists of Steel
- Heavies take double melee damage with the Fists of Steel equipped. However, they tend to use this weapon more for safely advancing than provoking a melee fight.
- Heavies will most likely switch to their primary weapon when you approach them with your melee weapon out. Try to ambush them from behind instead in order to take advantage of the effect.
Class Set
 The Hibernating Bear
- A Heavy wearing this set is especially vulnerable to ambushes, because of his lower health, slow wind-up speed, and slow movement with the Brass Beast spun up. Hit-and-run tactics may prove to be effective against a Heavy using this set.
See also