Team Fortress Wiki talk:Wiki Cap

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TF2 Wiki edits

Do the guidelines here count edits from back when this was TF2 Wiki? I'm going to make a wild guess and say no, but I'd like some confirmation of this. --Powerlord 18:53, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

If you have an account on the old wiki it will be taken into consideration but ideally it's meant to reward recent edits. -- Pilk (talk) 18:54, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
I was about to ask the same thing heh MK 03:26, 8 November 2010 (UTC)

bad english

sorry, but my english is not great whats does this mean?:

   * Demonstrate a strong desire to help improve and update the Wiki through useful edits and contributions.
   * Participate in the community by contributing to discussion. We also have an IRC channel where you can get to know and become part of the regulars!
   * Adhere to the policies and practices of the Official Team Fortress 2 Wiki, including observing the style guide and the official policies.
  Properly implement licenses on images, sounds, and any other kinds of uploads, media or otherwise. 

i wish i could get it. but i just have 100 edits. working on translations. and i have no idea what this means.--The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jem (talk) • contribs)

The first part means that you show dedication in your work, and you try to talk to others about your edits, on talk pages, etc. to make sure your edits are good. The second is a bit of the same line, talk to other editors! Discuss your edits with others to make sure you're doing the right thing. A wiki is useless if we don't talk together. The third is pretty simple—follow the rules as they're put in place, as opposed to going around and implementing new styles constantly. We need consistency. The final you mention simply has to do with licensing and categorising images properly whenever you upload them, so you don't leave others to go around and pick up the pieces to make sure things are licensed and categorised properly. There's more information about that particular topic. ~ lhavelund (talkcontrib) 19:59, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

ok, then all is good for me. noy, need 300 more edits:( but, i am dutch so i go further with translating Jem 20:34, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

The Jig is up Smashman

[14:53] <Psychopath> Smashman, You know that people will do anything for a hat, so you give some criteria for contributions that are HELPFUL, the only way to get the hat is to be HELPFUL. The mindless spammers will become more intelligent in their conquest for said hat. Mission F*CKING ACCOMPLISHED!


It is rumble. – Smashman (talk) 20:00, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
For those that don't get the reference: --CruelCow 20:55, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

Grammatical Error

Normally, I'd fix something like this myself, but it seems I don't have the permission to edit this page. The following sentence is missing a word.

   *Our resident bot WindBOT periodically compiles a list potential candidates based on a number of rules.

Instead, it should be:

   *Our resident bot WindBOT periodically compiles a list of potential candidates based on a number of rules.

Obviously, the 'of' does not need to be bold. Magnum357 00:11, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Pictogram tick.png Done: Thanks. – Smashman (talk) 11:18, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Further Clarification

There were a few people in the IRC who thought that only 1 person is getting a hat per week, limiting to 52 people getting a wiki cap per year. Read the final line on the page:

  • At least one Wiki Cap will be distributed per week. This means the hat is accessible and regularly available.

That means that anyone who qualifies for a wiki cap and is "aok'd" by the staff should be receiving a wiki cap on that given week. I recommend the wiki cap guidelines page have that highlighted in bold or something so people stop brewing up misconceptions. Psychopath 01:14, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Pictogram tick.png Done :) -RJ 01:19, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Question No.2

I want to know if is it needed to have the same email adress as your steam login to get the wiki cap. I have a different one here, but the username/loginname is the same. Never thought about that before, and i don't think i will get a wiki cap in the next 3month; but i would like to ask about how do you get your cap first, not that i'm afraid that you leave me out :)

NoWhereMan/Godlike11219 11:39, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

If I understand the way things work correctly, you will be contacted by the Wiki staff for your steam id, it's not tied to sharing the same username, login name, nor your email address. Hope that helped clear up any misconceptions. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me. Psychopath 19:17, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Starting to edit stuff.

To beggin with, i'm not to good at english, soo... yeah...

So i just started to translate this wiki in to Swedish, i rly want the cap. :P. But after i got it hopefylly translating as long as i can, as thanks for a great, awesome game!

One thing i don't understand is this:

  1. Adhere to the policies and practices of the Official Team Fortress 2 Wiki, including observing the style guide and the official policies.

And about these ones:

  1. Properly implement licenses on images, sounds, and any other kinds of uploads, media or otherwise.
  2. Demonstrate a strong desire to help improve and update the Wiki through useful edits and contributions.
  3. Participate in the community by contributing to discussion. We also have an IRC channel where you can get to know and become part of the regulars!

How do you decide if im done this stuff?

I hope you understand what i want to know, and i'll reply if you answer me cuz there is probably more thing i want to know, Koopos Koopos 14:13, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

It basically means that you should follow the rules and make sure that everything that you create on this website is yours and not copyrighted material created by someone else. Also, stay active and try to help the community. These guidelines are fairly subjective, meaning that there is no specific hard "rules" regarding them. Hope this helps. Misterslin 09:23, 11 November 2010 (UTC)

How close Am I to get the Wiki cap?

Ive edited alot of stuff before we even know how to get the Cap, and now Im creating and translating stuff to Czech. Ive created more then 10 hat pages (And ill do more) and the main page for the Soldier and The Spy in Czech. Good or bad? {{subst:void|This template should always be substituted. Please change {{Unsigned}} to {{subst:Unsigned}}}}The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hilarious Pill (talk) • (contribs) 2025-03-16, 14:21 UTC

Please read the guidelines. Also remember to sign your post with 4 tildes, like this ~~~~ --Picard ( | talk) 16:30, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Does it matter how significant an edit/addition is?

Example: I just edited a page, I added a fullstop where one was not present. I presume thats quite insignificant, so will it be counted? --Flf4sgam3r 20:22, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

You improved the Wiki. Edits like that are counted. -- Pilk (talk) 20:19, 8 November 2010 (UTC)

Wiki Hat Revocation?

This has been of primary interest since the Wiki Hat first came out. Naturally, some will work at earning the hat just long enough to actually get the hat, then, once they've earned it, they'll disappear forever; given this situation, will Wiki hats ever be revoked or are they permanent? --The preceding unsigned comment was added by Fox McCloud (talk) • contribs) 21:26, 7 November 2010

Permanent. Daff 20:27, 7 November 2010 (UTC)
As far as I can see, if anyone were to have gotten to the position where they deserve a wiki cap, they will have earnt it and contributed well to the wiki. Mission, fucking, accomplished.--Focusknock s 20:28, 7 November 2010 (UTC)
Obviously they are permanent dude. Swordz 20:29, 7 November 2010 (UTC)
If someone were to do that, they still contributed for 2+ months for 400+ edits. If they turned around and started vandalizing the site, however, I could imagine a revoke possibly being in order. But what are the odds of someone being that spiteful? Psychopath 20:34, 7 November 2010 (UTC)
They are permanent; there is have no ability for Wiki staff to remove items from people's backpack, anyway. If users go bad, they get blocked. One can simply hope that having a shiny cap on their head will give them a reason enough to not be that stupid~ — Wind 03:47, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
I've just gotta toss my 2 cents in. Yes, I admit, when I first heard about the Wiki Cap my first instinct was to sign up here, meet all the guidelines, get the hat, and then ditch. But I find myself getting re-addicted to Wiki-editing. So you can bet your bottom dollar that if/when I get the Wiki Cap, I won't be disappearing. I love Team Fortress 2, and I love this Wiki. 404 User Not Found 14:50, 17 November 2010 (UTC)
So far (okay, it's still early) all Wiki Cap owners that were active before receiving it are still active after receiving it. Wiki editing is addicting by nature~ — Wind 14:54, 17 November 2010 (UTC)
Indeed it is, Wind. I first started out with Wikipedia back in...hmm...2001/2002/2003 (I forget which year). It was my first year in high school. Ended up quitting Wikipedia because it was just too big. Moved on to Wikis. I'm pretty good with stuff like Wikitables/Navboxes, though some of it has slipped my mind over time. Long story short, I originally came here for a shiny hat, but the lethal combination of TF2 + Wiki Editing sucked me back in. 404 User Not Found 15:02, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

A little much?

I don't mean to question the command here, but doesn't 400 solid edits seem like a little much? I mean, I understand dedication and what not, but I usually play TF2 more than I am here on the wiki. --Renaman 03:32, 8 November 2010 (UTC)

As someone who is seeking a Wiki Cap as well, I don't consider it too many edits. You also have to note minimum amount of days you have to be around to get the cap. If you just do 10 edits a day, minor, major, trivia undoes, you'll hit that mark eventually. It's meant to be something for someone who has contributed a quality and quantity amount of work to be considered someone of the community. Serg 03:34, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
The fact that they are given out weekly should be good justification for a solid number of contributions. There's no need for everyone who gets one to get one right away. Psychopath 03:35, 8 November 2010 (UTC) And darn you Serg, I got an edit conflict
Yes, I understand that with time the 400 edits would come quickly, it's just that I'm not sure if my edits will be considered quality. They are mostly just correcting spelling errors, such as missing an "a" in "and." --Renaman 03:39, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
To be fair, you also have to take in to consideration two things: 1)It IS a community item, and therefore is given as a reward for being a valuable contributor to the Wiki/community, so in that respect 400 seems like a more than reasonable requierment. And 2) If it was easy to get one and the requirements for obtaining the cap were a little more lax, we'd have trivia spammers left and right. (>Implying we don't have them already.) Also, quality edits don't have to be major edits like page creating or anything. They could be trivia removal and such. -- Krizzle 0 03:41, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
Would user page edits be considered? Just wondering. CANPoo 03:59, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
If you have to ask, you'll probably be not a good wiki cap candidate. Moussekateer 04:00, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
Sorry that came out wrong. No they won't count is what I meant. Moussekateer 04:03, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure that user page edits, user talk page edits, and general talk page edits (like this page) do not count. Dammit Mouseekateer, causing edit conflict >:C Psychopath 04:01, 8 November 2010 (UTC)

How does getting one work?

Say that I am chosen to get one (which I know will never happen) How do I get it, then? Does the bot E-mail me to get My steam username, or does it assume My steam and wiki Accounts use the same E-mail address? FYI I Am Some Guy 02:15 PM, November 8th (EST)

You'd get contacted by a staff member, probably on your talk page. --CruelCow (talk) 20:18, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
"which I know will never happen." No need to be so negative about it. Everyone who edits here has a shot at getting one, including you. Remember, this isn't a game of chance. As for how do you get it? The staff will figure that out. When we choose someone, we'll make sure they are aware of it. As CruelCow said, we'll let them know on their talk page. -- En Ex (talk) 20:22, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
The reason I am so negative is because I have severe doubts that the bot will pick me of how many people there are editing articles on this website. I have not been here for 2 months, I have only edited around seven articles, and most of those edits were erased later. I just feel like my chances of getting one are too slim.
So you keep trying. That said, being here simply for the hat destroys the purpose of the hat anyway, so make sure you know of your reasons. --General coolio 22:07, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
Well if anyone is just here for the hat, the only way they can get it is by being useful. It's all a part of Smashman's master plan as seen above on this talk page. Psychopath 22:09, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
I just have to say you should never give up. I'm semi-new here on the wiki, but I'm not here JUST for the Wiki Cap. I recently got the big ambition to help out the TF2 community just as much as some of the regulars here do. Sure, some of my edits might get undone, but I never stop trying to help out in some way. ~PeacekeeperRen 00:52, 10 November 2010 (UTC)

One of the guidelines states that you must properly implement media like photos and videos (something like that). Just to clarify, do we actually need to add some sort of media not just edits to be eligible for the cap? The preceding unsigned comment was added by TC370 (talk) • (contribs)

No, it just means that if you do add media like photos and videos, you should be able to do that correctly (proper file name, categories, description, and embedding/linking to them correctly on pages) — Wind 07:33, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

Sign translated articles?

I translated some hats into german, but i don't know some essential things on the wiki page. I translated from original english one. So do i need to sign that i'm responsible for this, or does the wiki owner's see i'm the guy with the bad translation and he pwn's me when i'm alone in the dark *afraid*. Or the other way did they see my great delicious and awesome work without signing the article xD ? How does this work i don't understand that yet.--The preceding unsigned comment was added by PeacekeeperRen (talk) • (contribs)

Every page has a "History" tab that keeps track of every edit, the person that made it and the time it was made. NEVER sign the articles themselves. -- Alex2539 - (talk | contribs) -- 01:37, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
Wait a minute, I didn't make this question! Why does it have my name on it? o.o ~PeacekeeperRen 01:47, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
Me lol so hard!! I added this comment! NoWhereMan 10:44, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
Sure, okay... XD ~PeacekeeperRen 21:11, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
There must be something wrong with the localisation of people and the Ip's ^^! NoWhereMan

Cap Time Limit?

The article doesn't mention anything about one, but will there be a time limit in order to receive the cap, and/or is there a limit to how many users will receive one? This is just so I don't feel rushed to meet the requirements so I can focus better on helping the community rather than being distracted by a prize like the Wiki Cap. ~PeacekeeperRen 01:31, 10 November 2010 (UTC)

From the article "The hat is accessible and always regularly available. Eligible editors without one will never miss the chance to earn one. ". -- Alex2539 - (talk | contribs) -- 01:33, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
Oh, great, now I feel stupid for not going back and reading the article again. XD Thanks for the help. ~PeacekeeperRen 01:35, 10 November 2010 (UTC)


Before I ask, yes I did read how to get it but Im kinda confused here.

Do I only have to have 400 edits and be here for about 2 months to get it, or do I have to do everything on the guidelines?

Hilarious Pill 13:48, 10 November 2010 (UTC) Hilarious Pill

Basically you have to be a helpful contributor on the wiki for at least two months. Doing that will net you over 400 edits and fulfill all the other requirements Natemckn 13:53, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
have a read on my profile page for my thoughts on the matter (they are personal thoughts and not the official line) If i was you or anyone else here for the hat i would think of it as a minimum two month on the job assessment, would you do the bare minimum and risk losing the job or contribute in every way possible ???--Markd 13:59, 10 November 2010 (UTC)

Right editing not right?

I got a question too like someone posted farther up, I also really try to help out here on the wiki, however so far some top users say my edits are "redundant" and remove them. So the question is How exactly do you really know what someone intentions are if they keep getting "redundant"? And sens my edits are being remove doesn't that me its like a step back from 400 edits?--Awesome Weegee 11:13, 11 November 2010 (UTC)

I would say u translate a lot of articles which aren't translated or existing yet. I'm translating a lot of hats into german. My article's are maybe not a 100% accurate but they are some real good work for other people to work on the existing one and polish the last rest.
NoWhereMan 17:48, 12 November 2010 (UTC)
Yes, undone edits do not help you towards the wiki cap. However an undo or two won't mean you can't get it, undos happen. Which of course doesn't mean you shouldn't avoid them. Have a look at Help:Contents (especially the trivia guideline) for a list of guidelines and tutorials. My personal hint: Try to improve articles that are in bad shape (like Stubs) or stuff from the Task list instead of trying to come up with trivia that you could squeeze into an article. --CruelCow (talk) 19:09, 12 November 2010 (UTC)

Concerns & Criticisms

Quoting a discussion, or rant I suppose; from #tfwikistaff minutes ago:

Note:  I've removed the names of some people mentioned, rather not name specific individuals in case they don't want me to.
[23:47] <RJackson> I see the wiki cap discussion has flared up again.
[23:48] <RJackson> I think we need to redo the guidelines, into something that's not ambiguous.
[23:49] <RJackson> quoting what [REDACTED] just said "[23:47] <[REDACTED]> "Demonstrate a strong desire to help improve and update the Wiki through useful edits and contributions."" [23:48] <[REDACTED]> Anyone could dispute that the 400 puncuation edits wern't 'useful' edits.
[23:49] <[REDACTED]> If it's too clear, we have absolutely no control over distribution.
[23:50] <RJackson> Yeah but look at the discussion that's gone on
[23:50] <RJackson> and the discussion from last night.
[23:50] <RJackson> those who have met the guidelines are still being judged in the same way we'd judge if there were no guidelines
[23:51] <RJackson> and there's 2 sides, those who agree said person should be awarded for their efforts, and those who disagree.
[23:51] <RJackson> - which is ambiguous
[23:51] <RJackson> - which is bad.
[23:51] <RJackson> The reason Robin wanted us to have guidelines is to prevent this whole "Why aren't I getting one?" response
[23:52] <RJackson> which is going on right now.
[23:52] <[REDACTED]> But concrete guidelines add fuel to the fire.
[23:52] <[REDACTED]> Spammers are discouraged by the current guidelines.
[23:52] <[REDACTED]> Add more clear and concrete criteria, and you'll see far too many [REDACTED].
[23:53] <RJackson> [REDACTED]'s adding content, and copying his added content across all languages.
[23:53] <RJackson> that seems pretty damn useful to me.
[23:54] <RJackson> ^ 2 different preceptions, ambiguity.
[23:54] <RJackson> perceptions*
[23:54] <RJackson> As for "spammers", it's our job to stop them as they do it.
[23:55] <RJackson> If they make lots of useless edits, their edits are undone = no additional score on the candidates list.
[23:55] <RJackson> If they make lots of minor edits on the same article, we slap them with a show preview.
[23:55] <RJackson> do it again, sp2, 3rd time and we temporarily block.
[23:56] <@Spacenet> [REDACTED]
[23:56] <[REDACTED]> Not block-worthy at all.
[23:56] <[REDACTED]> I'm probably using one example too much, but the nature of [REDACTED]'s contribs bothers me.
[23:57] <RJackson> It's a matter of perception and opinion, which isn't good for this wiki cap stuff.
[23:57] <[REDACTED]> Neither is "I hit x edits gimme cap"
[23:57] <RJackson> All of the guys in the candidates last night, in my opinion, deserved the hat; from me quikcly looking through their contribs
[23:58] <RJackson> yet only [REDACTED] got one.
[23:58] <RJackson> That doesn't seem very "accessible" to me
[23:58] <[REDACTED]> Which people? I don't think I was here. ;(
[23:58] <RJackson> [[User:WindBOT/WikiCapCandidates]]
[23:58] <@Spacenet> �10User:WindBOT/WikiCapCandidates�:
[23:58] <[REDACTED]> Ah, thank you.
[23:59] <RJackson> There was a debate as to whether the efforts of the translaters is worth a wiki cap.
[23:59] <RJackson> even though there were non-translators that were seemingly overlooked
[00:00] <RJackson> [REDACTED] for instance certainly meets all the guidelines
[00:00] <RJackson> and isn't a translator (thus rendering him exempt from the translator debate), so he should've got one.
[00:01] <RJackson> Sorry if I seem to be going on a rant.  I don't like how this wiki cap stuff is being handled. ;s
[00:02] <RJackson> - and why do we have staff members that don't have the wiki cap.  the cap is a reward for those who are useful and valuble to the wiki.  I'm pretty sure those with staff position are useful and valuble.
[00:02] <[REDACTED]> I agree that [REDACTED] should have gotten the cap.
[00:03] <[REDACTED]> [REDACTED]... not so much... YET.
[00:03] <[REDACTED]> [REDACTED] edits is still a bit too far from 400, even if 400 is just a general guideline.
[00:04] <RJackson> [REDACTED] has 350 edits thus far.
[00:05] <RJackson> -,- is.
[00:05] <RJackson> oh, the candidates list minimum is 200.
[00:05] <[REDACTED]> Oh right, WindBOT, dumps talk page and user space posts, doesn't it?
[00:05] <RJackson> WindPower:  Shouldn't windbot's wiki cap list minimum be 400?
[00:06] <[WindPower]> Hai
[00:06] <[WindPower]> No
[00:06] <[WindPower]> In case we miss some people
[00:07] <[REDACTED]> No.
[00:07] <[REDACTED]> We want to notice up-and-coming editors, too, don't we?
[00:07] <RJackson> meh, it doesn't seem to matter if we miss people if we continue handing out like we did last night. -,-
[00:07] <RJackson> 1 person out of 10 candidates. :/
[00:08] <[REDACTED]> [REDACTED] got one?
[00:08] <RJackson> yep
[00:08] <[REDACTED]> Hm.
[00:12] <[REDACTED]> I'm half tempted to say "What if player A makes a bunch of small edits, but then finishes with a bunch of quality edits. Does he deserve a cap?"
[00:13] <RJackson> [REDACTED]:  That's a flaw right there...  We don't have the time to look at all the edits a user has made.
[00:14] <[REDACTED]> Yes.
[00:14] <[REDACTED]> I agree with RJ on this one.
[00:14] <[REDACTED]> Hopefully we'll notice their small edits when they start and consider that, but that's not foolproof.

-RJ 00:29, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

We intentionally decided on pacing out the drops because it promotes ongoing contribution (The ultimate goal is to improve the Wiki, with the hat as motivation to do so, remember?) I don't think it's worth repeating all the arguments for the way we have it now considering we already discussed it for weeks on end. I suggest you also have the wrong idea in thinking that being staff means you get a Wiki Cap automatically. Staff members know how the place works and understand the rules -- that doesn't mean they don't have to earn it. If being staff is a burden to some they can request a demotion if they so choose. Contributing to the Wiki, making something great, is its own reward. Basically: We cleared the backlog of people that already earned it. We are settling into the weekly distribution like we decided on after many hours of discussion.
Sorry I tried to address what I gleaned from that chatlog, and apologies if what I said comes off as blunt. -- Pilk (talk) 10:30, 23 November 2010 (UTC)

Question, or two of them.

Who I need to contact all about that 'prioritize the articles you choose to translate' deal? And do I need to 'somehow' link my wiki account with Steam's one? Or this is simply a crazy talk and there is no such function? --The preceding unsigned comment was added by MentulMaet (talk) • (contribs)

The page lists the most popular articles for translation, the ones linked directly from the front page are the highest priority. You don't need to link your account with your Steam account. The Wiki Cap is handed out manually and if we don't know your steam profile we will ask for it. -- Pilk (talk) 10:08, 23 November 2010 (UTC)

The Wiki Cap

I fulfill these goals, but I haven't got the hat. What is the reason? --Ryo 17:40, 9 December 2010 (UTC) You have 188 edits, so i think you don't fulfill the goals. -- User Swordz Swordz.pngSwordzUser Swordz Swordz.png (talk | contribs) 17:42, 9 December 2010 (UTC)
It's not automatic, being on the list does not guarantee a cap. It's handled manually by Wind's crack team of highly-trained monkeys and a dartboard. -- Psychopath User Psychopath avatar.png 17:44, 9 December 2010 (UTC)
Ouch, wow, I counted manully this edits, and I thinked that this was the necessary. Ok thanks ^^ --Ryo 17:52, 9 December 2010 (UTC)
The preferences page will show your edit number. I have no doubt that you have 400 edits, but the list doesn't count a series of things, like multiple edits to a page, talk page edits, etc -- User Swordz Swordz.pngSwordzUser Swordz Swordz.png (talk | contribs) 17:54, 9 December 2010 (UTC)
It's written on the page: "It is NOT an official list of users who are GUARANTEED to get the Wiki Cap.", you guys should read sometime.
This table is only there to show who fulfill the criterias (numbers of days, edits, undid edits or inactivity), not to acknowlenge who'll have a Wiki Cap... Because one is handed out each week, if we'd only follow the table then we would only give it to the first name on the list (which we don't always do), but Ryo, you're in the middle of it (it's done to prevent a bit, guys getting the cap and fleeing just after they had 200 edits)...
And Psychopath is right, each sunday, owners of Wiki Cap + Staff meet up to decide who is awarded the Cap, depending on the list and what's been seen on the IRC (to prevent those farming edits from obtaining the cap). Tturbo 18:07, 9 December 2010 (UTC)
Oh, ok. Thanks a lot. --Ryo 18:20, 9 December 2010 (UTC)


(Joke) If someone works hard to contribute to the Wiki and is a valuable member to the community in all regards, but was truly only interested in the cap from the start, does that disqualify them? Cronie 10:03, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

No. The cap is there for the very reason of attracting editors; it would be nonsensical to "disqualify" editors because of it. (P.S. dirty story: It's how Smashman "recruited" me as a mod originally) — Wind 10:16, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

crafting page

you can warite craft combinations in here.

headles horseman axs: 3 refiend 1 haunted metal and one skutmansskullcoter --The preceding unsigned comment was added by Sortbrun (talk) • (contribs)

What? No don't write crafting combinations anywhere. User Moussekateer signature sprite.pngMoussekateer·talk 14:17, 6 January 2011 (UTC)
I don't understand what you're trying to ask (maybe the SMS english doesn't help) but every blueprint for Crafting are written Here (For the Headtaker or every other weapons too). Tturbo 14:42, 6 January 2011 (UTC)

About the amount of Edits

This has been bugging me for a while.

So, I have been around here for a week now, and I've been translating some articles to Finnish. The question is: Do translating whole articles count as a same kind of edit than fixing a couple of typos? I'm currently translating weapons, because all the hats are already translated. But translating an article of a weapon takes much longer time than translating a hat. Are patch notes the same thing, too? I'm also translating the "Team Strategy" article because it's #6 on the most wanted translations. It takes a loong time to translate it all, so I save the article to Notebook. Does the finished Team Strategy/fi count as one edit, too? Jwso 19:48, 31 January 2011 (UTC)

No it doesn't count the same way. Fixing a typo award ±1point. When you translate a complete page you get 1 point + new page Bonus + 1/1000 of bytes difference. This means the bigger the page the more points you get (I remember getting 40 pts on a single translation, it took me 1 full day to translate that page though). Killicon ambassadorhs unused.png Tturbo (T/C) 19:52, 31 January 2011 (UTC)
The exact formula is:

points = (rules['namespaces'][n]['points'] * rules['newPageBonus']) + (row['newsize'] * rules['newPageByteValue'])

Which means:

(whatever points you would get for an edit in this namespace * New page point multiplier) + (number of bytes (characters) of the page * byte score multiplier)

Assuming you're creating an article containing 5423 characters in the main namespace (points = 1), and using the current-values-at-the-time-of-posting-this as shown on the rules page (User:WindBOT/WikiCapRules), the formula would then be:

(1 * 3) + (5423 * 0.001) = 8.423

Hope that clears it up, we want to be as transparent as possible about this. This being said, you shouldn't worry to hard about this. Contribute, and points will flow naturally. — Wind 23:09, 31 January 2011 (UTC)
Thanks! I did try to read the rules, but I didn't understand any of it D: Jwso 13:21, 1 February 2011 (UTC)