Weapon attributes
Grabbing these from the game files. Not 100% accurate it seems, the game probably relies on the client. 129 and 135, for example, appears to be disabled.
# | Attribute Class (items_game.txt) |
Description (items_game.txt) |
Attribute Name (tf_english.txt) |
Text (tf_english.txt) |
Weapons utilizing |
1 | mult_dmg | damage penalty | Attrib_DamageDone_Negative | %s1% damage done | Natascha (1 = 0.75) Force-A-Nature (1 = 0.9) Ambassador (1 = 0.85) Tribalman's shiv (1 = 0.65) |
2 | mult_dmg | damage bonus | Attrib_DamageDone_Positive | +%s1% damage done | Backburner (2 = 1.15) Direct hit (2 = 1.25) Scotsman's skullcutter (2 = 1.2) |
3 | mult_clipsize | clip size penalty | Attrib_ClipSize_Negative | %s1% clip size | Force-A-Nature (3 = 0.4) |
4 | ? Attrib_ClipSize_Positive | +%s1% clip size | none | ||
5 | mult_postfiredelay | fire rate penalty | Attrib_FireRate_Negative | %s1% slower firing speed | Übersaw (5 = 1.2) K.G.B. (5 = 1.2) Ambassador (5 = 1.2) |
6 | mult_postfiredelay | fire rate bonus | Attrib_FireRate_Positive | +%s1% faster firing speed | Force-A-Nature (6 = 0.5) |
7 | ? Attrib_HealRate_Negative | %s1% heal rate | none | ||
8 | ? Attrib_HealRate_Positive | +%s1% heal rate | none | ||
9 | ? Attrib_UberchargeRate_Negative | %s1% ÜberCharge rate | none | ||
10 | mult_medigun_uberchargerate | ubercharge rate bonus | Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive | +%s1% ÜberCharge rate | Kritzkrieg (10 = 1.25) |
11 | ? | ? | none | ||
12 | ? | ? | none | ||
13 | ? | ? | none | ||
14 | ? | ? | none | ||
15 | mult_crit_chance | crit mod disabled | Attrib_CritChance_Disabled | No random critical hits | Eyelander (15 = 0) |
16 | add_onhit_addhealth | heal on hit for rapidfire | Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive | On Hit: +%s1 health | Blutsauger (16 = 3) |
17 | add_onhit_ubercharge | add uber charge on hit | Attrib_AddUber_OnHit_Positive | On Hit: %s1% ÜberCharge added | Übersaw (17 = .25) |
18 | set_charge_type | medigun charge is crit boost | Attrib_Medigun_CritBoost | ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance | Kritzkrieg (18 = 1) |
19 | ? | ? | none | ||
20 | or_crit_vs_playercond | crit vs burning players | Attrib_CritVsBurning | 100% critical hit vs burning players | Axtinguisher (20 = 1) |
21 | mult_dmg_vs_nonburning | dmg penalty vs nonburning | Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonBurning | %s1% damage vs non-burning players | Axtinguisher (21 = 0.5) |
22 | set_nocrit_vs_nonburning | no crit vs nonburning | Attrib_NoCritVsNonBurning | No critical hits vs non-burning players | Axtinguisher (22 = 1) |
23 | set_flamethrower_push_disabled | mod flamethrower push | Attrib_ModFlamethrowerPush | No compression blast | Backburner (23 = 1) |
24 | set_flamethrower_back_crit | mod flamethrower back crit | Attrib_ModFlamethrower_BackCrits | 100% critical hits from behind | Backburner (24 = 1) |
25 | mult_maxammo_secondary | hidden secondary max ammo penalty | hidden | hidden | Flare gun (25 = 0.5) |
26 | (max health bonus) | none | |||
27 | (alt fire disabled) | none | |||
28 | mult_crit_chance | crit mod disabled hidden | hidden | hidden | Backburner (28 = 0) |
29 | |||||
30 | |||||
31 | add_onkill_critboost_time | critboost on kill | Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill | On Kill: %s1 seconds of 100% critical chance | K.G.B. (31 = 5) |
32 | mult_onhit_enemyspeed | slow enemy on hit | Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit | On Hit: %s1% chance to slow target | Natascha (32 = 1.0) |
33 | set_weapon_mode | set cloak is feign death | Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath | Cloak Type: Feign Death | Dead Ringer (33 = 1) |
34 | mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate | mult cloak meter consume rate | Attrib_CloakMeterConsumeRate | +%s1% cloak drain rate | Dead Ringer (34 = 1.6) |
35 | mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate | mult cloak meter regen rate | Attrib_CloakMeterRegenRate | +%s1% cloak regen rate | Dead Ringer (35 = 1.8) Cloak and Dagger (35 = 2.0) |
36 | |||||
37 | mult_maxammo_primary | hidden primary max ammo bonus | hidden | hidden | Huntsman (37 = 0.5) |
38 | set_weapon_mode | mod bat launches balls | Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls | This bat knocks out a mean stun ball | Sandman (38 = 1) |
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43 | set_scattergun_no_reload_single | scattergun no reload single | hidden | hidden | Force-A-Nature (43 = 1) |
44 | set_scattergun_has_knockback | scattergun has knockback | Attrib_Scattergun_HasKnockback | Knockback on the target and shooter | Force-A-Nature (44 = 1) |
45 | mult_bullets_per_shot | bullets per shot bonus | Attrib_BulletsPerShot_Bonus | +%s1% bullets per shot | Force-A-Nature (45 = 1.2) |
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48 | set_weapon_mode | set cloak is movement based | Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased | Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive | Cloak and Dagger (48 = 2) |
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51 | set_weapon_mode | revolver use hit locations | Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations | Crits on an accurate headshot | Ambassador (51 = 1) |
52 | set_blockbackstab_once | backstab shield | Attrib_BackstabShield | Blocks a single backstab attempt | Razorback (52 = 1) |
53 | |||||
54 | mult_player_movespeed | move speed penalty | Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty | %s1% slower move speed on wearer | Scotsman's skullcutter (54 = 0.85) |
55 | |||||
56 | desc_jarate_description | jarate description | Attrib_Jarate_Description | Coated enemies take mini-crits\nAlso handy for putting out a fire | Jarate (56 = 1) |
60 | mult_dmgtaken_from_fire | dmg taken from fire reduced | Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced | +%s1% fire damage resistance on wearer | Chargin' targe (60 = 0.5) |
64 | mult_dmgtaken_from_explosions | dmg taken from blast reduced | Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Reduced | +%s1% explosive damage resistance on wearer | Chargin' targe (64 = 0.6) |
67 | mult_dmgtaken_from_bullets | dmg taken from bullets increased | Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Increased | %s1% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer | Pain train (67 = 1.1) |
68 | add_player_capturevalue | increase player capture value | Attrib_CaptureValue_Increased | +%s1 capture rate on wearer | Pain train (68 = 1) |
78 | mult_maxammo_secondary | maxammo secondary increased | Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased | +%s1% max secondary ammo on wearer | Scottish Resistance (78 = 1.5) |
88 | add_max_pipebombs | max pipebombs increased | Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Increased | +%s1 max pipebombs out | Scottish Resistance (88 = 6) |
100 | mult_explosion_radius | Blast radius decreased | Attrib_BlastRadius_Decreased | %s1% explosion radius | Direct hit (100 = 0.3) |
103 | mult_projectile_speed | Projectile speed increased | Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Increased | +%s1% projectile speed | Direct hit (103 = 1.8) |
114 | mini_crit_airborne | mod mini-crit airborne | Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies | Mini-crits airborne targets | Direct hit (114 = 1) |
115 | set_weapon_mode | mod shovel damage boost | Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost | Damage and move speed increase as the user becomes injured | Equalizer (115 = 1) |
119 | set_detonate_mode | sticky detonate mode | Attrib_StickyDetonateMode | Detonates stickybombs near the crosshair | Scottish Resistance (119 = 1) |
120 | sticky_arm_time | sticky arm time penalty | Attrib_StickyArmTimePenalty | %s1 sec slower bomb arm time | Scottish Resistance (120 = 0.4) |
121 | stickies_detonate_stickies | stickies detonate stickies | Attrib_StickiesDetonateStickies | Able to destroy enemy stickybombs | Scottish Resistance (121 = 1) |
125 | add_maxhealth | max health additive penalty | Attrib_MaxHealth_Negative | %s1 max health on wearer | Sandman (125 = -15) Eyelander (125 = -25) |
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129 | add_health_regen | health drain | Attrib_HealthDrain | %s1 health drained per second on wearer | Blutsauger (129 = -2) |
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134 | set_attached_particle | attach particle effect | hidden | hidden | Cheater's lament (134 = 5) |
135 | rocket_jump_dmg_reduction | rocket jump damage reduction | Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction | %s1% blast damage from rocket jumps | Gunboats (135 = 0.25) |
136 | |||||
137 | mult_dmg_vs_buildings | dmg bonus vs buildings | Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased | %s1% damage vs buildings | Homewrecker (137 = 2) |
138 | mult_dmg_vs_players | dmg penalty vs players | Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Decreased | %s1% damage vs players | Homewrecker (138 = 0.75) |
139 | set_weapon_mode | lunchbox adds maxhealth bonus | Attrib_LunchboxAddsMaxHealth | Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds | Dalokoh's bar (139 = 1) |
143 | set_employee_number | custom employee number | Attrib_EmployeeNumber | Hire Date: %s1 | Grizzled Veteran (143 = *) Soldier of Fortune (143 = *) Mercenary (143 = *) Primeval Warrior (143 = *) |
144 | set_weapon_mode | lunchbox adds minicrits | hidden | hidden | Crit-a-Cola (144 = 1) |
146 | set_dmg_apply_to_sapper | damage applies to sappers | Attrib_DmgAppliesToSappers | Damage removes Sappers | Homewrecker (146 = 1) |
149 | bleeding_duration | bleeding duration | Attrib_BleedingDuration | On Hit: Bleed for %s1 seconds | Tribalman's shiv (149 = 8) |