스카웃 매치업

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Class Strategy
다른 스카웃과의 전투는 매우 강렬하며 누가 먼저 쏘느냐에 따라 승패가 결정될 수 있습니다. 일단 누가 싸움을 걸어오면 누가 누가 조준과 회피를 더 잘하나 대결이 됩니다. 도망가는 것은 거의 불가능하므로 당신이 할 수 있는건 죽기 전에 먼저 죽이는 것입니다. 잘하는 스카웃이라면 보통 공격을 피하기 위해 빙빙 돌거나 지그재그로 다닐 것입니다. 당신의 무기가 무엇이든간에 조준을 안정적으로 하면서 요리조리 움직여야 합니다. 후퇴해야 한다면, 계속 싸우면서 메디킷을 먹거나 다른 팀원의 도움을 요청하세요.
스카웃과 솔져 모두 근접전에서 치명적입니다. 솔져를 상대할 때는, 더블 점프를 사용하여 솔져보다 위에 가 있으세요. 스카웃의 속도는 로켓을 피할 수 있을 정도로 빠릅니다; 근처의 엄폐물로 범위 대미지를 피하세요. 무기를 바꿔가며 상대를 농락하세요; 중거리에서 상대가 산탄총을 꺼내들 때까지 공격하면서, 그 때 가까이 가 솔져를 해치워 버리세요. 질 것 같으면 도망가세요. 솔져의 구더기 같은 속도는 당신을 쫓아오지 못 할 겁니다.
파이로를 없애기 위해선 거리만 잘 벌여 놓으면 됩니다. 화상 대미지를 전혀 받지 않으면서 없애는게 가장 좋습니다. 한번 화상을 입으면 체력의 반이 날아가므로 자신의 속도를 이용해 화염방사기의 사정 거리로부터 벗어나세요. 하지만 스캐터건이 효력을 발휘하지 못 할만큼의 거리 이상으로는 가지 않는게 좋습니다. 원거리 공격으로 상대의 체력을 깎아내면서 뒷걸음치세요. 뒷걸음 쳐도 못 따라옵니다. 무기를 바꿔가며 상대를 농락하세요; 중거리에서 상대가 산탄총이나 조명총을 꺼내들 때까지 공격하면서 그 때 가까이 가서 파이로를 해치워 버리세요. 폐쇄된 공간이나 좁은 복도에서 파이로와 대면하지 마세요; 압축 발사로 당신을 구석으로 몰아 날파리 죽이듯 죽일 겁니다.
당신은 데모맨의 폭탄을 피하기 위해 태어났습니다. 맞추지 못한다면 높은 대미지는 무의미해지지요. 당신은 빠른 속도로 데모맨의 유탄과 점착 폭탄을 피해 그에게 근접할 수 있습니다. 데모맨은 근접했을 때 가장 약하고 자폭 대미지를 받을 수 있습니다. 필요하다면 점착 폭탄을 피해 다른 경로로 가거나 매복하세요. 돌격 타지를 착용한 데모맨은 무기 바꾸기로 농락하기 더 쉽습니다; 근접 공격을 피하기 위해 중거리에서 쏘세요. 유탄 발사기를 들었다면 가까이서 없애 주세요.
Be cautious when approaching a Heavy from any range; with his Minigun, he can kill you faster than you can kill him. The element of surprise is your strongest weapon; you can kill the beefy Heavy with just a few point blank shots, so it's best to attack while he doesn't have his Minigun spun up. If he is already aware of your presence, try popping in and out from behind cover to reduce the damage you take in-between your shots. If you must directly face a Heavy, stay in his face while circle strafing to avoid his fire. You can double jump over or onto his head to confuse him while continually dealing damage. However, if he is paired with a Medic, it is generally a good idea to retreat and come back with teammates.

Particular items that are useful against a Heavy are the Sandman, Crit-a-Cola, and Mad Milk. The big, slow Heavy is a prime target for the Sandman’s stun, which can allow you to either get in a few free shots or easily retreat. Crit-a-Cola will allow you to match his obscene firepower while Mad Milk can help you tank his massive damage.

A lone Engineer is a simple target; he’s like you, but with less mobility. If you don’t have to deal with his Sentry Gun, simply dodge his shots while returning fire.

The Sentry Gun, however, deals heavy damage and can track your movements, rendering your speed useless. If caught, the Sentry Gun’s knock back is likely to pin down and kill you. If possible, avoid routes covered by Sentry Guns and check around corners before rushing into new areas. If the Sentry Gun is unattended, you can slowly destroy it from far away with your Pistol or Shortstop. You run faster than a Sentry Gun can rotate; although difficult, it is possible to circle strafe a Sentry Gun that has been placed around a corner and not yet locked on to you. A common tactic against a problematic Sentry Gun would be to use the invulnerability granted by Bonk! Atomic Punch to run past it or distract it while your teammates destroy it. If an Engineer is near his Sentry Gun, the best you’ll be able to do is harass him from range.

A lone Medic is an easy target. You can easily dodge his Syringe Gun shots and Bonesaw while freely retaliating.

However, it is rare to find a lone Medic. Still, even if he has a Medic buddy nearby, target the Medic first; it is very hard to take down someone who is constantly being healed. Maneuver past his patient or approach the pair from behind, pick the Medic off with a few point blank shots, then retreat before his former healing target can react. Don't get greedy; unless you are sure his former patient was already injured, don't fight, as the overheal will give him a significant advantage against you.

Although you are the fastest class in the game, running in a straight line still makes you an easy target for any competent Sniper; one headshot or charged bodyshot will instantly kill you. Zigzag, jump, and strafe constantly to make yourself a difficult target. Once you close the distance, the fight should be cake; all of your ranged weapons outdamage his Submachine Gun and Kukri. Even if he throws Jarate at you, you should easily be able to maneuver out of his melee range.
Your speed makes you hard to backstab and allows you to chase fleeing foes, making you one of the Spy’s deadlier opponents. He has some of the game’s weakest weapons, making a normal fight with him very simple; as usual, circle strafe while dodging his Revolver and Knife. If he Cloaks, use your Scattergun’s spread, Mad Milk, or the Boston Basher’s bleed effect to reveal him and give chase. You can easily Spy-check by simply running into your teammates; if you can’t move past them, they’re a Spy.

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