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Steam trading.png





玩家可以通过好友列表、当前服务器玩家列表或直接选择键入一个 Steam 社区页 URL 来选择一个朋友和他交易。如果对方正在游戏中的话,交易请求会发送到对方屏幕上。如果对方接受了请求,游戏会显示交易界面,要是对方拒绝了请求或者在30秒内未响应,交易则会取消。

  • 每次一个玩家最多可以交易背包中的8件物品。物品可以从左侧玩家背包拖动到右上方的8格交易区,右下方8格交易区显示对方提供的物品。交易窗口也会以颜色来区分物品稀有程度
  • 双方可以在左下方的聊天区讨价还价。聊天区内同时也会显示加入交易区的物品的稀有程度以及默认名称,此外也会显示防诈骗提示。
  • 当准备好交易后,双方必须点击“准备交易”复选框。如果一方提供的物品有变化,他必须重新点击“准备交易”复选框。当双方都准备好交易后,必须都点击“马上交易”按钮来完成本次交易。
  • 免费玩家无法在交易中给出物品,只有已升级的玩家可以。



Steam 交易


Steam 交易于2011年8月9日进入公开测试阶段。选择参与测试的Steam用户同时能够给好友添加标签并把他们加入组中[1]。同年9月6日交易系统正式加入客户端。这个系统允许玩家交易不同游戏内的物品,或者是Steam游戏礼品。交易请求可以通过Steam聊天窗口或者好友列表发出。


  • 最初交易窗口只有8个物品栏位。当最后一排的第三个栏位被占时,窗口将自动提供更多的栏位。这一功能允许用户一次性交易256件物品,免去反复交易的烦恼。
  • 系统提供搜索功能以便寻找物品。与游戏内的交易界面类似,Steam交易同样有一个聊天窗口,物品也会根据稀有度着色。
  • 一旦交易完成,物品会立即放入用户的背包或Steam物品库中,可供使用。
  • 部分特定游戏的物品也可以参与交易。目前支持的游戏有Portal 2、Team Fortress 2、Spiral Knights和Steam礼品(已购买但尚未兑换的游戏)。


  • 注意对方给出物品的稀有程度。
  • 在完成交易前一定要检查所有物品。
  • 交易时请不要受到外界压力的影响。如果有玩家催促你交易而你并不愿意,请不要完成这次交易。
  • 如果你觉得自己出价可能过高,请向朋友或其他玩家咨询。一些交易服务器提供“价格指南”,给各类物品提供大致的价格。当然这些指南可能比较主观。
  • 请注意,在Steam交易系统中,物品的排列顺序并非它们在背包中的排列顺序。这是根据你获取的时间排列的。如果你拥有多个同种物品,请将鼠标悬停在图标上,确定自己选择的是正确的那一个。物品排列顺序(从左到右为最旧到最新)同样适用于搜索系统。
  • 尊重你的交易伙伴。礼貌与诚实是交易中重要的元素。
  • 避免在游戏中交易超过8个物品或者将一次交易拆分为几次进行。如果需要交易超过8个物品,请使用Steam交易系统。比如你想以19个精炼金属的价格出售一件物品,骗子可能在第一次交易中给你8个以交换你的物品,然后不再进行下一次交易。
  • 注意重命名过的物品。骗子会通过把一个普通的物品重命名来冒充成一个稀有的物品。对于这些物品聊天窗口中会给予提示,请时刻注意。
  • 检查对方给出的物品是否可以合成。在2011年10月13日补丁中,通过商店购买的物品可以交易,但不可参与合成。




  • 游戏中除了里程碑成就奖励物品和以上列出的物品外,游戏内的其他物品都可交易。如果成就奖励的武器用于合成金属,得到的金属也会无法交易。同理,使用无法交易的物品合成出的新物品也无法交易。不过绝大部分物品可以包装为礼物,以便进行赠送。


  • 此外纯正物品在Steam上预购游戏时最初为不可交易,但在游戏发布之后一般即可交易。


September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)
  • Added trading system.

October 6, 2010 Patch

  • The Trading dialog now starts with the chat window having focus.
  • Gifted items are now craftable and tradable.
  • Community, Self-Made, and Valve items are not tradable or usable in crafting.

October 20, 2010 Patch

  • Added some anti-scam advice to the chat window.
  • Increased trading slots to 8 slots per person.
  • Added item rarity colors.
  • Added the item’s original name to the item description.
  • Made most tools tradable.
  • Fixed Ellis' Cap and the Frying Pan not being tradable

October 27, 2010 Patch (Scream Fortress Update)

  • Gentle Manne's Service Medal is now tradable.

January 3, 2011 Patch

  • The Earbuds and Gentle Manne's Service Medal are now gift wrappable.

January 19, 2011 Patch

  • Added a note in the trading dialog to let you know when your trading partner is typing.

February 7, 2011 Patch

  • Updated the RIFT pre-order items to be not-tradable until the RIFT pre-order period is over

February 24, 2011 Patch (Community Map Pack Update)

  • [未记载] Fixed trades only displaying one of the items traded to the server.

March 1, 2011 Patch

  • Updated the Sharpened Volcano Fragment and the Sun-on-a-Stick so they can be traded.

March 15, 2011 Patch

  • Updated The Shogun Pack items to be tradeable.

March 21, 2011 Patch

  • Hero's Hachimaki now tradable.

May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)

  • [未记载] The Hetman's Headpiece, the Janissary Ketche,The Dead Cone, and The Brain Bucket were made craftable, tradable, and could be found in drops.

May 19, 2011 Patch

June 14, 2011 Patch

August 9, 2011 Patch

August 23, 2011 Patch

August 30, 2011 Patch

  • [未记载] Item server update made the tournament medals untradable.

September 15, 2011 Patch

  • [未记载] Made the El Jefe tradable.

September 20, 2011 Patch

October 20, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed "Not Usable in Crafting" text not appearing under certain conditions on item tooltips in the trading UI.


  • Fixed an exploit that allowed untradable items to be traded with Steam trading.

November 23, 2011 Patch


  • When trading was first introduced with the Mann-Conomy Update, the trading system had 4 slots for players to trade with. This was changed to 8 slots in the October 20, 2010 Patch.
  • If you have been scammed, you can file a Steam support ticket and explain the situation. It helps to provide evidence of the scam, such as conversation logs or screenshots/videos of the scammed transaction. Valve has clearly stated, however, that they will not do anything to recover your items if you are a victim of a phishing scam.
  • It's possible to continue playing and leave the trading screen in the background by pressing the 'Esc' key. Pressing 'Esc' again returns to the trading screen.
  • A player wishing to block all trade requests can do so using the game options.
  • There is a 30 second waiting period between unsuccessful trade requests.
  • After trades, the transaction details show up on the server messages.
  • If a player sends multiple trade requests to another player who declines them, there is a 2 minute waiting period between each trading request to prevent spamming.
  • If a player is kicked from a server while waiting for a trade request, the timer at the home screen will show over 10,000 seconds.




