File:Tf koreana.txt

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Revision as of 00:22, 19 February 2015 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_koreana.txt for February 18, 2015 Patch.)
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Tf_koreana.txt(file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

February 18, 2015 Patch (previous patches)

1528915289"KillEater_RobotKillsRank20" "헤일 그 자체의"
1529015290"[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank20" "Hale's Own"
1529115291"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Strange_Weapons" "본 보급 상자는 아래 목록의 아이템 중 하나가 들어있습니다.\n무기는 이상한 품질입니다."
15292N/A"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Strange_Weapons" "This crate contains one of the following\nitems. Weapons will be Strange quality."
N/A15292"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Strange_Weapons" "This crate contains one of the following items.\nWeapons will be Strange quality."
1529315293"TF_UseItem_CannotBeUsedByAccount" "본 아이템은 현재 계정에서 사용할 수 없습니다."
1529415294"[english]TF_UseItem_CannotBeUsedByAccount" "This item cannot be used by this account."
1529515295"TF_MM_Abandon_Title" "경고!"
1850018500"TF_SupplyCrateRare2_Desc" "Mann Co. 보급 상자 열쇠가 필요합니다!\nMann Co. 상점에서 구매하세요!"
1850118501"[english]TF_SupplyCrateRare2_Desc" "You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this.\nYou can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
1850218502"Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_NonStrange_Weapons" "본 보급 상자는 아래 목록의 아이템 중 하나가 들어있습니다.\n무기는 이상한 등급이 아닙니다."
18503N/A"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_NonStrange_Weapons" "This crate contains one of the following\nitems. Weapons will not be Strange quality."
N/A18503"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_NonStrange_Weapons" "This crate contains one of the following items.\nWeapons will not be Strange quality."
1850418504"Item_RecipeOutput" "�%s1� 님이 조합법대로 %s2 %s3 아이템을 만들었습니다!"
1850518505"[english]Item_RecipeOutput" "�%s1� has completed a recipe and received:: %s2 %s3"
1850618506"ItemDescStrangify" "이 이상한 첨가물은 %s1 아이템에 사용할 수 있습니다. %s1 아이템이 일반 품질이었다면 이상한 품질로 변합니다."
1927519275"[english]TF_hw2013_the_parasight" "The Parasight"
1927619276"TF_hw2013_the_parasight_Desc" ""
1927719277"[english]TF_hw2013_the_parasight_Desc" ""
19278N/A"TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun" "튜턴카문"
N/A19278"TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun" "튜턴카멘"
1927919279"[english]TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun" "Teutonkahmun"
1928019280"TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun_Desc" ""
1928119281"[english]TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun_Desc" ""
1996819968"[english]TF_xms2013_soldier_parka" "Antarctic Parka"
1996919969"TF_xms2013_scout_skicap" "주자의 예열 운동"
1997019970"[english]TF_xms2013_scout_skicap" "Runner's Warm-Up"
19971N/A"TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_boots" "고지대의 높은 굽"
N/A19971"TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_boots" "하일랜드 하이힐"
1997219972"[english]TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_boots" "Highland High Heels"
1997319973"TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_hat" "타탄 티롤리언"
1997419974"[english]TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_hat" "Tartan Tyrolean"
2141721417"[english]TF_sf14_purity_wings" "The Wings of Purity"
2141821418"TF_sf14_deadking_head" "잊혀진 왕의 잠들지 못하는 머리"
2141921419"[english]TF_sf14_deadking_head" "The Forgotten King's Restless Head"
21420N/A"TF_sf14_deadking_pauldrons" "잊혀진 왕의 어깨 갑옷"
N/A21420"TF_sf14_deadking_pauldrons" "잊혀진 왕의 견갑"
2142121421"[english]TF_sf14_deadking_pauldrons" "The Forgotten King's Pauldrons"
2142221422"TF_sf14_demo_cyborg" "안구보강체"
2142321423"[english]TF_sf14_demo_cyborg" "The Eyeborg"
2145521455"[english]TF_sf14_heavy_robo_chest" "The Immobile Suit"
2145621456"TF_kritz_or_treat_canteen" "과자를 안 주면 치명타를 줄테야 수통"
2145721457"[english]TF_kritz_or_treat_canteen" "The Kritz or Treat Canteen"
21458N/A"TF_sf14_cursed_cruise" "꼬마 네덜란드인"
N/A21458"TF_sf14_cursed_cruise" "작은 네덜란드 배"
2145921459"[english]TF_sf14_cursed_cruise" "The Li'l Dutchman"
2146021460"TF_sf14_turtle_head" "껍데기 안의 델"
2146121461"[english]TF_sf14_turtle_head" "Dell in the Shell"
2195421954"[english]TF_dec2014_heavy_parka" "Siberian Facehugger"
2195521955"TF_dec2014_the_big_papa" "프로스트 영감님"
2195621956"[english]TF_dec2014_the_big_papa" "The Old Man Frost"
N/A21957"TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveholster" "권총집 달린 가열기"
N/A21958"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveholster" "Holstered Heaters"
2195721959"TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveradio" "경찰 교신기"
2195821960"[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveradio" "Cop Caller"
2195921961"TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveglasses" "코내거의 빗어 넘긴 머리"
2196821970"[english]TF_dec2014_hunter_ushanka" "Professional's Ushanka"
2196921971"TF_dec2014_hunter_vest" "명사수의 앙고라 염소털 조끼"
2197021972"[english]TF_dec2014_hunter_vest" "Marksman's Mohair"
N/A21973"TF_dec2014_wally_pocket" "왈라비 주머니"
N/A21974"[english]TF_dec2014_wally_pocket" "Wally Pocket"
2197121975"TF_dec2014_the_puffy_provocateur" "공작원의 깔깔이"
2197221976"[english]TF_dec2014_the_puffy_provocateur" "The Puffy Provocateur"
2197321977"TF_dec2014_stealthy_scarf" "잠행용 스카프"
2203322037Other Notes:
2203422038Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds."
N/A22039"ctf_foundry_beta" "목표:
N/A22040점수를 얻으려면 적의 기밀 서류 가방을 훔쳐 아군 기지로 가져오십시오. 떨어트린 서류 가방은 해당 소속팀원이 건드리면 즉시 기지로 기지로 돌아갑니다.
N/A22042기타 참고 사항:
N/A22043능력을 얻으면 다양한 부가 효과가 생깁니다. 능력은 한 번에 하나만 가질 수 있으며, 죽으면 능력을 떨어트립니다. 맵 곳곳을 누빌 수 있는 기동 갈고리를 쓸 수 있습니다."
N/A22044"[english]ctf_foundry_beta" "Objective:
N/A22045To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Dropped intelligence will instantly return to its Base when touched by its team.
N/A22047Other Notes:
N/A22048Powerups can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your powerup when you die. You have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map."
N/A22049"ctf_gorge_beta" "목표:
N/A22050점수를 얻으려면 적의 기밀 서류 가방을 훔쳐 아군 기지로 가져오십시오. 떨어트린 서류 가방은 해당 소속팀원이 건드리면 즉시 기지로 돌아갑니다.
N/A22052기타 참고 사항:
N/A22053능력을 얻으면 다양한 부가 효과가 생깁니다. 능력은 한 번에 하나만 가질 수 있으며, 죽으면 능력을 떨어트립니다. 맵 곳곳을 누빌 수 있는 기동 갈고리를 쓸 수 있습니다."
N/A22054"[english]ctf_gorge_beta" "Objective:
N/A22055To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Dropped intelligence will instantly return to its Base when touched by its team.
N/A22057Other Notes:
N/A22058Powerups can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your powerup when you die. You have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map."
2203522059"TF_Powerup_Pickup_Strength" "힘 능력을 얻었습니다!"
2203622060"[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Strength" "You got the STRENGTH powerup!"
2203722061"TF_Powerup_Pickup_Resist" "저항력 능력을 얻었습니다!"
2205422078"[english]TF_LordCockswainChops_style0" "Helmet"
2205522079"TF_LordCockswainChops_style1" "철모 없음"
2205622080"[english]TF_LordCockswainChops_style1" "No Helmet"
N/A22081"TF_Medal_6v9_Event_Desc" "공방 장인과 전문가의 대결! 6 대 9 행사의 참가자들에게 드립니다."
N/A22082"[english]TF_Medal_6v9_Event_Desc" "Awarded to the participants of the Pubstars vs. Pros 6vs9 events"
2205722083"TF_Wearable_Holster" "권총집"
2205822084"[english]TF_Wearable_Holster" "Holster"
N/A22085"TF_tr_bootenkhamuns" "부탕카멘"
N/A22086"[english]TF_tr_bootenkhamuns" "The Bootenkhamuns"
2205922087"TF_tr_orions_belt" "오리온의 허리띠"
2206022088"[english]TF_tr_orions_belt" "Orion's Belt"
N/A22089"TF_pocket_raiders" "호주머니 도굴꾼들"
N/A22090"[english]TF_pocket_raiders" "The Pocket Raiders"
N/A22091"TF_pocket_raiders_Style0" "Lara"
N/A22092"[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style0" "Lara"
N/A22093"TF_pocket_raiders_Style1" "Carter"
N/A22094"[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style1" "Carter"
N/A22095"TF_pocket_raiders_Style2" "Horus"
N/A22096"[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style2" "Horus"
N/A22097"TF_pocket_raiders_Style3" "Isis"
N/A22098"[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style3" "Isis"
N/A22099"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Gold" "TF2Connexion 제1차 디비전 금메달"
N/A22100"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Gold" "TF2Connexion Division 1 Gold Medal"
N/A22101"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Gold" "TF2Connexion 제2차 디비전 금메달"
N/A22102"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Gold" "TF2Connexion Division 2 Gold Medal"
N/A22103"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Gold" "TF2Connexion 제3차 디비전 금메달"
N/A22104"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Gold" "TF2Connexion Division 3 Gold Medal"
N/A22105"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Gold" "TF2Connexion 제4차 디비전 금메달"
N/A22106"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Gold" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Gold Medal"
N/A22107"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Silver" "TF2Connexion 제1차 디비전 은메달"
N/A22108"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Silver" "TF2Connexion Division 1 Silver Medal"
N/A22109"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Silver" "TF2Connexion 제2차 디비전 은메달"
N/A22110"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Silver" "TF2Connexion Division 2 Silver Medal"
N/A22111"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Silver" "TF2Connexion 제3차 디비전 은메달"
N/A22112"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Silver" "TF2Connexion Division 3 Silver Medal"
N/A22113"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Silver" "TF2Connexion 제4차 디비전 은메달"
N/A22114"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Silver" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Silver Medal"
N/A22115"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Bronze" "TF2Connexion 제1차 디비전 동메달"
N/A22116"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Bronze" "TF2Connexion Division 1 Bronze Medal"
N/A22117"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Bronze" "TF2Connexion 제2차 디비전 동메달"
N/A22118"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Bronze" "TF2Connexion Division 2 Bronze Medal"
N/A22119"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Bronze" "TF2Connexion 제3차 디비전 동메달"
N/A22120"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Bronze" "TF2Connexion Division 3 Bronze Medal"
N/A22121"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Bronze" "TF2Connexion 제4차 디비전 동메달"
N/A22122"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Bronze" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Bronze Medal"
N/A22123"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Participant" "TF2Connexion 제1차 디비전 참가상"
N/A22124"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 1 Participant"
N/A22125"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Participant" "TF2Connexion 제2차 디비전 참가상"
N/A22126"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 2 Participant"
N/A22127"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Participant" "TF2Connexion 제3차 디비전 참가상"
N/A22128"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 3 Participant"
N/A22129"TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Participant" "TF2Connexion 제4차 디비전 참가상"
N/A22130"[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Participant"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
01:27, 15 December 2022 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch.
02:57, 8 December 2022 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 7, 2022 Patch.
00:45, 2 December 2022 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 1, 2022 Patch.
21:02, 13 October 2022 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 13, 2022 Patch.
16:48, 11 October 2022 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for October 11, 2022 Patch.
19:46, 26 September 2022 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for September 26, 2022 Patch.
00:22, 12 August 2022 (1.07 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 11, 2022 Patch.
23:04, 7 July 2022 (1.07 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 7, 2022 Patch.
01:50, 22 June 2022 (1.07 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for June 21, 2022 Patch.
17:21, 29 March 2022 (1.07 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 29, 2022 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
  • You cannot overwrite this file.

The following file is a duplicate of this file (more details):